OP150 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Benefit Package: A Financial Review

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (S1) ◽  
pp. 54-55
John Wong ◽  
Stephanie Anne Co ◽  
Christine Ingrid Espinosa ◽  
Wilibald Zeck ◽  
Raoul Bermejo ◽  

Introduction:The Philippines has an increasing number of newly diagnosed cases of human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Most Filipinos rely on out-of-pocket (OOP) expenditure to finance their healthcare needs. In 2010, the Philippine National Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) introduced an Outpatient HIV/AIDS Treatment (OHAT) package to cover the necessary basic healthcare expenses of patients. The objective of this study was to review the OHAT package in terms of patients’ financial risk protection, specifically the amount of OOP expenses incurred and the package's support value.Methods:The study was divided into two phases: (i) patient surveys (PS); and (ii) facility costing surveys (FCS). PS focused on information from enrolled and non-enrolled patients, specifically their current financial needs and expenses. The FCS reviewed actual cost breakdown for each treatment hub of package inclusions.Results:The calculated maximum support value of the package in 2015 was 267 percent. The median annual patient OOP expenditure was PHP 4,700 (USD 91). Maximum expenditure reached as high as PHP 392,000 (USD 7,551) per year mostly due to treatment for opportunistic infections (OIs), which are currently not included in the package. High OOP expenditure was also due to non-uniform coverage of services across different hubs; there was no consensus among providers on what specifically should be included in the package. This reflected a variety of package support values, with some hubs falling below patient expenditure.Conclusions:The current OHAT package, if properly implemented, is sufficient to cover the basic yearly healthcare needs of patients. However, non-uniform implementation and variation in prices of services per treatment hub means that coverage is not always sufficient in all areas, which can cause continued high OOP expenses for patients even with insurance coverage. Furthermore, coverage of OI's as the main driver of increased OOP expenses should be explored.

e-GIGI ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Fitrisya C. Kinontoa ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan ◽  
Elita Tambunan

Abstract: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/ AIDS) is an infectious disease that attacks the immune system, therefore, the individual becomes more susceptible to opportunistic infections. The lower the dental and oral hygiene status are, the more susceptible an individual to opportunistic infections in the oral cavity due to the presence of HIV/AIDS. This study was aimed to obtain the status of oral and dental hygiene in individuals with HIV/AIDS at the Batamang Plus Foundation in Bitung. This was a descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Data were obtained by examination of oral and dental hygiene status using OHI-S index. There were 30 respondents obtained by using total sampling method. The results showed that the highest percentage of the oral and dental hygiene status of the respondents (68% of male respondent and 57% of female respondents) was at moderate category. The average OHI-S was 2,2, categorized as moderate. Conclusion: Most respondents in this study had moderate category of oral and dental hygiene status.Keywords: human immunodeficiency virus, dental and oral hygiene status Abstrak: Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) merupakan penyakit menular yang menyerang sistem kekebalan tubuh seseorang sehingga lebih mudah terserang infeksi oportunistik. Semakin rendah status kebersihan gigi dan mulut seorang pengidap HIV/AIDS akan lebih memudahkannya terserang infeksi oportunistik pada rongga mulut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status kebersihan gigi dan mulut pada pengidap HIV/AIDS di Yayasan Batamang Plus Bitung. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang. Data diperoleh dari hasil pemeriksaan status kebersihan gigi dan mulut menggunakan indeks OHI-S. Terdapat 30 responden yang diperoleh mengunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa persentase tertinggi dari status kebersihan gigi dan mulut responden berada pada kategori sedang yaitu 68% responden laki-laki dan 57% responden perempuan. Rerata OHI-S yang diperoleh ialah 2,2 yang tergolong kategori sedang. Simpulan: Sebagian besar responden memiliki status kebersihan gigi dan mulut kategori sedang.Kata kunci: pengidap HIV/AIDS, kebersihan gigi dan mulut

Blood ◽  
1984 ◽  
Vol 64 (5) ◽  
pp. 1016-1021
JL Murray ◽  
JM Reuben ◽  
CG Munn ◽  
PW Mansell ◽  
GR Newell ◽  

5′ Nucleotidase (5′NT) is an ectoenzyme associated with the plasma membrane of most mammalian cells. Low 5′NT activity has been observed in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with immunodeficiency states. 5′NT activity was measured in null and T-enriched lymphocytes from asymptomatic homosexual men and from 20 men with various degrees of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Asymptomatic homosexuals were self-referred because of their concern about AIDS and were not necessarily representative of homosexuals in the general population. Enzyme activity was significantly decreased in both null (7.0 +/- 2.4 nmol/10(6) cells/h) and T-enriched (12.0 +/- 6.0 nmol/10(6) cells/h) lymphocytes in homosexuals as compared to lymphocytes from aged-matched heterosexual male and female controls (null = 10.8 +/- 6.5 and T = 22.3 +/- 10.6, P less than .0001 and .008, respectively). Decreased activity was present regardless of whether the patients were asymptomatic, had prodromal symptoms such as fever, lymph node enlargement, weight loss and diarrhea, or had opportunistic infections or Kaposi's sarcoma. Homosexuals had a significantly higher fraction of lymphocytes expressing the activation antigens T10 (20% +/- 3.3%) and Ia (13% +/- 2.9%) than controls (11% +/- 1.8% and 5% +/- 0.8%, respectively, P less than .05). They also had a significantly lower fraction of OKT4-positive helper lymphocytes than controls (22% +/- 3.4% v 35% +/- 2.2%, P less than .05). 5′NT activity in lymphocytes enriched for null cells from homosexuals correlated inversely with the percentage of Ia-positive lymphocytes (r = -.655; P less than .02). There was no correlation between 5′NT activity and the percentage of T4- or T8-positive lymphocytes or the T4/T8 ratio. Moreover, 5′NT activity was significantly decreased in both OKT4 (P less than .025) and OKT8 (P less than .05) enriched lymphocytes in homosexuals compared to controls. The data suggest that decreases in 5′NT may be a generalized defect of the peripheral blood T lymphocytes from active homosexuals that is independent of increases or decreases in specific T subpopulations or clinical status. It may contribute to the pathogenesis of AIDS.

2020 ◽  

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) dan Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) merupakan salah satu sorotan dalam pencapaian target Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). Ibu hamil dengan HIV akan berisiko menularkan kepada bayinya. Tes HIV merupakan gerbang pembuka status HIV yang sangat penting dilakukan pada ibu hamil. Ada banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kenapa ibu hamil banyak yang tidak melakukan test HIV/AIDS pada masa kehamilannya , ini tentunya merupakan tantangan terberat bagi pemerintah khususnya petugas kesehatan, untuk itu perlu adanya kerjasama yang baik anatara pemerintah, petugas kesehatan dan lintas sektor terkait dalam pencapaian target Millenium Development Goals (MDGs).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Fahruddin Kurdi

Pekerja Seks Komersial (PSK) merupakan kelompok yang sangat beresiko tertular dan menularkan HIV/AIDS. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengeksplorasi hambatan pencegahan penularan HIV/AIDS oleh PSK di Lokalisasi Klubuk Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Pekerja Seks Komersial di Lokalisasi Klubuk Kabupaten Jombang pada tahun 2016, dengan kriteria telah bekerja sebagai Pekerja Seks Komersial selama minimal 1 (satu) tahun di Lokalisasi. Jumlah partisipan yang diambil adalah 5 (lima) PSK yang berumur 19-38 tahun pada saat pengambilan data dari 130 (seratus tiga puluh) orang Pekerja Seks di lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pekerja Seks Komersial mengakui bahwa mereka paham bahwa pemakaian kondom dapat mencegah penularan, tetapi ketika beraktivitas seksual kondom tidak selalu mereka gunakan. Kekerasan fisik dan psikologis kadang mereka dapatkan. Bargaining power mereka masih lemah dalam negosiasi pemakaian kondom dengan pelanggannya. Dukungan dalam upaya pencegahan HIV/AIDS mereka dapat dari kelompok sebaya dan petugas. Perlu kerjasama lintas sektoral dan dinas terkait untuk memberikan intervensi pada komunitas Pekerja Seks Komersial ini sehingga peningkatan kasus HIV/AIDS di Jombang dapat ditekan.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Rahmah Fitrianingsih ◽  
Yulia Irvani Dewi ◽  
Rismadefi Woferst

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) merupakan sekumpulan gejala penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus yang mudah menular dan mematikan juga merusak sistem kekebalan tubuh.Kelompok yang rentan adalah IRT. Hal ini disebabkan perilaku pencegahan yang masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pencegahan HIV/AIDS dengan desain penelitian deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 orang responden yang diambil berdasarkan kriteria inklusi menggunakan teknik cluster sampling.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reabilitas. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat untuk mengetahui distribusi frekuensi dan analisa bivariat menggunakan uji Chi Square untuk variabel faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pencegahan HIV/AIDS. Hasil penelitian analisis univariat menunjukkan mayoritas IRT berada dalam rentang usia 26-35 tahun (37%), beragama Islam (94%), pekerjaan wiraswasta (46%), istri yang tidak melakukan pemeriksaan HIV/AIDS (88%), dan suami yang tidak melakukan pemeriksaan HIV/AIDS (95%). Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan pengetahuan (p value 0.023) dan pendidikan ( p value 0.004) terhadap perilaku pencegahan. Variabel yang tidak berhubungan adalah sikap (p value 0.199), ekonomi (p value 0.641) dan lama menikah (p value 0.275) terhadap perilaku pencegahan HIV/AIDS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, disarankan IRT lebih peduli terhadap kesehatannya dengan melakukan upaya pencegahan HIV/AIDS.

1983 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 430-432

An acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has recently been described in young homosexual males.1,2 As defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), AIDS is a disorder characterized by T-cell immunodeficiency, recurrent and chronic infection with a variety of opportunistic infections and/or Kaposi's sarcoma. Following initial reports in 1981, an intensive surveillance program was instituted. In 1983, more than 1,000 cases were recorded. However, in addition to AIDS as defined by the CDC, it is clear that there are several related syndromes which include individuals with chronic lymphadenopathy, fever, and weight loss (lymphadenopathy syndrome); other malignancies; and healthy homosexuals with laboratory evidence of immunologic dysregulation.3,4

Christian W. McMillen

HIV/AIDS had been percolating in central Africa since the early twentieth century, but it appeared in its now recognizable form in the spring of 1981. Doctors in America spotted a strange increase in rare infections and Kaposi’s sarcoma, especially in sexually active gay men. In 1982, it was named acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). ‘HIV/AIDS’ explains that soon afterward the virus was identified as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), a complex retrovirus with several different identities. HIV makes its way into the body via infected fluids and can affect all members of society. There is no vaccine, but HIV/AIDS is now treatable, although access to drugs is uneven.

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