Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah
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Published By Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya

2597-7539, 2541-2396

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Pasionista Vianitati ◽  
Maria Yulita Meo

Objective:  The aim of this study to find out the relationship between public knowledge about health protocols and prevention measures for Covid-19 transmission in the Sikka Regency area.Methods:  This type of research is analytic observational with cross sectional design. A questionnaire was given to measure public knowledge about health protocols and an observation sheet to see the behavior of the community to prevent Covid-19 transmission. The sample in the study was 147 people using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis used Chi-Square with a significance level of α = 0.05.Results:  of this study were obtained public knowledge about the health protocol for the prevention of Covid-19 transmission was in a good category of 53.7% and most people made efforts to prevent Covid-19 transmission by 5M as much as 62.6%. And the results of statistical tests using the Chi Square test obtained pvalue = 0.029 <α = 0.05.Conclusion:  there is a significant relationship between public knowledge about health protocols and measures to prevent Covid-19 transmission in the Sikka Regency area. Therefore, all forms of health education to the public related to Covid-19 must continue to be carried out and carry out tiered evaluations related to the implementation of health protocols and it is hoped that the community will be more obedient to implementing health protocols to prevent Covid-19 transmission through 5M measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Muzayyana Muzayyana ◽  
Sitti Nurul Hikma Saleh

Objective: Persalinan dan kelahiran merupakan kejadian fisiologis dalam kehidupan dan perjuangan penuh risiko bagi seorang perempuan, Perasaan cemas seringkali menyertai pada masa kehamilan dan akan mencapai puncaknya pada saat persalinan. Kecemasan dialami oleh ibu hamil karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan dukungan dari keluarga, masyarakat, maupun lingkungan serta adanya penyakit yang dialami ibu menyebabkan kecemasan terhadap dirinya maupun bayinyaMethods: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional menggunakan pendekatan observasional dengan alat bantu kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu ibu hamil trimester ketiga sebanyak 105 orang. Sampel sebanyak 65 orang. Dilaksanakan di seluruh Puskesmas di Kota Kotamobagu sebanyak 5 Puskesmas pada bulan Januari- Mei Tahun 2021, Untuk mengetahui faktor yang menyebabkan tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil trimester 3 di masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kota KotamobaguResults: Dapat di ketahui bahwa pendidikan ibu memiliki hubungan yang sangat kuat dengan kecemasan ibu hamil trimester 3 dalam masa pandemi covid-19 dengan nilai signifikan (P-V=0.028 < α=0.05). Tingkat stres pada ibu memiliki hubungan yang sangat kuat dengan kecemasan ibu hamil trimester 3 dalam masa pandemi covid-19 dengan nilai signifikan (P-V=0.013 < α=0.05).Conclusion:  Faktor pendidikan dan tingkat stres pada ibu hamil di wilayah Kota Kotamobagu memiliki pengaruh dan hubungan yang kuat terhadap tingkat kecemasan ibu hamil sehingga menimbulkan kecemasan yang berisiko.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Ni Luh Sinta Melani ◽  
Nova Natalia Beba ◽  
Wibawani Yunestri Mukti ◽  
Sabarulin Tarigan

AbstrakLansia yang mengalami gangguan kualitas tidur perlu mendapatkan perhatian dengan strategi dan teknik-teknik khusus dalam menyelesaikan masalah. Implementasi hydrotherapy air hangat menjadi salah satu pilihan yang tepat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang asuhan keperawatan pada lansia Ny. R dengan hipertensi dalam penerapan implementasi hydrotherapy air hangat dalam meningkatkan kualitas tidur di Desa Balinggi Kecamatan Balinggi Kabupaten Parigi Moutong. Desain penelitian studi kasus deskriptif, responden sebangak 1 orang, pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan pemeriksaan fisik, instrumen yang digunakan yaitu format pengkajian PSQI dan benda berupa termometer laboratorium. Analisa data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian dan kesimpulan. Adapun intervensi yang dilakukan yaitu implementasi hydrotherapy rendam kaki air hangat. Kesimpulan evaluasi keperawatan setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama 3 kali pertemuan dalam 1 minggu didapatkan hasil kualitas tidur klien meningkat. Diharapkan kiranya dari hasil studi kasus asuhan keperawatan penerapan implementasi hydrotherapy air hangat ini dapat diterapkan dalam kegiatan praktek Home Care pada lansia binaan Akper BK Palu.Kata kunci : Hipertensi, Hydrotherapy Air Hangat, Kualitas Tidur, Lansia.ABSTRACKElderly with sleep quality disturbance needs to get attention with specific strategies and techniques in solving the problems. The implementation of warm water hydrotherapy is one of the right choices. The research objective was to get an overview about nursing care of an elderly namely Mrs. R who has hypertension in the implementation of warm water hydrotherapy to improve sleep quality in Gitgit Sari Hamlet, RT 000 / RW 001, Balinggi Village, Balinggi Sub- District, ParigiMoutong District.  Descriptive case study research design, respondent was 1 person, data was collected by interview, observation and physical examination, the instrument used is the PSQI assessment format and laboratory thermometer. Data analysis used is data reduction, presentation and conclusion. The intervention carried out was the implementation of warm watersoaking feet hydrotherapy. The conclusion of the nursing evaluation after conducting nursing action for 3 meetings a week showed that the client's sleep quality improved. It is hoped that from the results of case study in nursing care of the implementation of warm water hydrotherapy can be applied in home care practice for the assistedelderly ofNursing Academy of the Salvation Army Palu (Akper BK Palu).Keywords: Nursing Care, Hypertension, Warm Water Hydrotherapy, Sleep Quality, Elderly

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Astuti Astuti ◽  
Kartika Asli ◽  
Asrida Asrida ◽  
Nunung Erviany ◽  
Ummul Khair

Honey contains complex nutrients including vitamins A, C, E, B and flavonoids which play a role in suppressing oxidative stress. This study aimed to determine the effect of honey and Fe on body weight and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels of anemia pregnant women. The type of this study was quasi-experimental with the pretest-posttest design. Data analysis using paired t-test and independent samples test. After implementation the average value of the intervention group was 2.30 ± 0.50 while the average value of the control group was 2.00 ± 0.20 which showed that there was an effect of giving honey + Fe and Fe to the weight of anemic pregnant women. Whereas the statistical test results of the independent samples test showed p> 0.05 (p = 0.307) which means that there was no significant difference between the administration of honey + Fe (intervention) and Fe (control). In the melondialdehyde (MDA) variable there was a decrease in the intervention group by 8.86 ± 2.78 with the paired t-test obtained p value 0.002, this indicates there is an effect of giving honey + Fe to malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The average value in the control group was 0.92 ± 0.07 with the paired t-test p value of 0.653 indicating no effect of Fe on Melondialdehyde (MDA) levels. Based on the test of the independent samples test obtained p value 0.004 (α <0.05). Conclusion: administration of honey + Fe effectively reduces malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and increases the weight of anemic pregnant women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Dewi Ayu Puspitasari ◽  
Hadi Pratomo ◽  
Trini Sudiarti ◽  
Sri Indriyani

Objective:  The COVID-19 pandemic response is affecting maternal and Child health services in Indonesia including Kabupaten tangerang. This study aimed to identify the impact of COVID-19 on MCH services in Kabupaten Tangerang.Methods: This article used a mixed-method study with deductive sequential design. The quantitative data was obtained from routine data on the PulihCovid dashboard, while the qualitative data was obtained from in-depth interviews with responsible officers in Dinas kesehatan Kabupaten Tangerang.Results:  In general, there was a decrease in the number of visits by pregnant women in 2020 compared to the previous year starting in April, one month after the first positive cases of COVID-19 appeared in Kabupaten Tangerang. In line with this, there has been an increase in the number of maternal deaths due to COVID-19. To overcome this, the Tangerang District Health Office uses WhatsApp and selular in conducting education and morning assistance for pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.Conclusion:  The recommendation proposed in this study are to improve the referral system for pregnant women and improve delivery facilities for pregnant women with COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Nourmayansa Vidya Anggraini ◽  
Serri Hutahaean

Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic at the end of 2019 resulted in changes in learning conditions with the implementation of school from home (SFH) for children. On the other hand, children are the hope of the nation in the future. School children are the nation's investment, the nation's next generation. It is necessary to prepare the children to become qualified, healthy, moral, and valuable human beings for society. One of the habits that must be a concern is having breakfast at home when SFH conditions. Breakfast habits on a person have a positive impact in carrying out daily activities. Breakfast has benefits in supporting the nutritional status and learning achievement of children. It happened because there is a supply of optimal blood glucose levels for the needs of the learning process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between breakfast and student achievement.Methods: This research method is to uses a cross-sectional study design. The sample of this study was students in grades 1-5 of private elementary schools in Depok with a sample of 242 students. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. As many as 73.9% of students always have breakfast in the morning.Results: There is a relationship between breakfast habits and student achievement with a p-value of 0.000Conclusion: A child must take the time to eat breakfast with quality nutrition to concentrate more on learning and improve their learning achievement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Marsela Sahertian ◽  
Theresia Pratiwi Elingsetyo Sanubari ◽  
Kristiani Desimina Tauho

A person in the elderly phase will experience a continuous aging process which is characterized by decreased physical endurance so that he is susceptible to disease and can cause death. One of the programs carried out to overcome these problems is health services in Panti Wredha. This health service is very important because it is able to realize a healthy, happy and productive old age for the elderly. However, there are still elderly people in Panti Wredha who do not receive assistance in health services due to the lack of health workers in the home for the elderly where they live. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the provision of health services to the elderly at Panti Wredha Salatiga. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Respondents in this study amounted to 13 participants consisting of doctors, nurses, cooks, the person in charge of data collection for the elderly in the elderly at home for the elderly and health workers who handle the elderly program in Salatiga City. Data analysis techniques were carried out by making interview transcripts, coding, determining themes and writing conclusions. This research was conducted during January-March 2020. The results of this study found that elderly health services in Salatiga City were not optimal. The provision of health services for the elderly at the Panti Wredha Salatiga is still dominated by the work of the nursing home independently. The health of ice, which functions as a health service provider, has not yet participated in this role. The health office focuses on implementing health service programs at the puskesmas because there is no cross-sectoral collaboration between the Panti Wredha in Salatiga City and the Salatiga City Health Office. So it is necessary to hope for cross-sectoral collaboration between the government and the private sector so that elderly health services in Salatiga City are mutually fulfilled.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Inggrit Mareta Walanda ◽  
Desi Desi ◽  
Kristiani Desimina Tauho

Background:Pregnancy is one of the most awaited phases of life for most women and couples, but for some, pregnancy can cause anxiety over the changes that occur physically and psychologically. Myths surrounding pregnancy and childbirth are one of the greatest environmental influences on the health of pregnant women from a cultural point of view. Myths related to pregnancy generally regulate prohibitions, recommendations or obligations or obligations that must be carried out by a woman during pregnancy. The purpose of this study was to find out about the myths related to pregnancy from the perspective of Javanese culture, how these myths affect the stress level of pregnant women and how to support family during pregnancy. Method This study involved 5 participants using interviews. The results of the study found that there are myths that are still carried out from generation to generation in the family, especially those related to pregnancy. The existing myths are basically understood and implemented by avoiding taboos. Avoiding taboos such as, pregnant women are prohibited from going out at night, pregnant women are prohibited from bathing at night, pregnant women are prohibited from killing animals, are required to bring sharp objects such as scissors or safety pins, have the belief to bring goodness/safety to pregnant women and the baby in the womb Families of pregnant women also play a role in providing support to pregnant women so that taboos can be carried out properly because this has become a belief from their ancestors. Conclusion: Primigravida mothers do not object to the myths that develop in the family because they have become ancestral traditions and beliefs. The family is also considered to provide full support during pregnancy by adhering to taboos.Keywords: Myth, Stress, Family Support, Pregnant Women

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Siti Fadlilah ◽  
Adi Sucipto ◽  
Sumarni Sumarni ◽  
Yusup Dwiyanto

Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between family social support and mobilization in post-laparotomy patients at Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten. Methods: This study used an analytical survey method with a cross sectional approach. A sample of 30 respondents was taken by accidental sampling. The instrument used is a questionnaire. Bivariate analysis using Spearman Rank. Results: Most of the family social support is in good category, namely 19 respondents (63.3%). The majority of post-laparotomy mobilization was sufficient, as many as 25 respondents (83.3%). The results of the bivariate analysis between family social support and postoperative patient mobilization obtained a p-value of 0.002 with a correlation coefficient of 0.544. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship with a fairly strong level of closeness between family social support and mobilization in post-laparotomy patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Ghilda Pricillia Hukom ◽  
Desi Desi ◽  
Venti Agustina

Abstract Chronic diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus (DM) type II can cause profound psychological changes for patients, families and social groups. The positive view of DM sufferers about themselves is an indication of subjective well-being, on the other hand, DM sufferers themselves are an indication of low subjective well-being. Semarang Regency. This research was conducted at Srikandi Wound Care, Semarang Regency from March to April 2021. The method used in this study was qualitative, with data collection techniques using the Subjective Well Being interview guide instrument developed by Diener (2006). There were 5 participants who were determined using purposive sampling technique. The results of the study obtained 6 (six) themes that describe Subjective Well Being in type II DM patients, namely, respondents' experiences related to life satisfaction, happiness, respondents' feelings of sadness, family support, community views and respondents' knowledge regarding type II diabetes mellitus. In conclusion, subjective well-being in participants with Type II Diabetes Mellitus at Srikandi Wound Care refers to aspects of experience related to life satisfaction, participants' happiness, participants' sadness, family support, community views and knowledge related to type II diabetes mellitus.

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