scholarly journals Christoffel–Darboux Type Identities for the Independence Polynomial

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 716-724

In this paper we introduce some Christoffel–Darboux type identities for independence polynomials. As an application, we give a new proof of a theorem of Chudnovsky and Seymour, which states that the independence polynomial of a claw-free graph has only real roots. Another application is related to a conjecture of Merrifield and Simmons.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 279-288

A graph with at most two vertices of the same degree is known as antiregular [ Merris, R., Antiregular graphs are universal for trees, Publ. Electrotehn. Fak. Univ. Beograd, Ser. Mat. 14 (2003) 1-3], maximally nonregular [Zykov, A. A., Fundamentals of graph theory, BCS Associates, Moscow, 1990] or quasiperfect [ Behzad, M. and Chartrand, D. M., No graph is perfect, Amer. Math. Monthly 74 (1967), 962-963]. If sk is the number of independent sets of cardinality k in a graph G, then I(G; x) = s0 +s1x+...+sαx α is the independence polynomial of G [ Gutman, I. and Harary, F., Generalizations of the matching polynomial, Utilitas Mathematica 24 (1983), 97-106] , where α = α(G) is the size of a maximum independent set. In this paper we derive closed formulas for the independence polynomials of antiregular graphs. It results in proving that every antiregular graph is uniquely defined by its independence polynomial within the family of threshold graphs. Moreover, the independence polynomial of each antiregular graph is log-concave, it has two real roots at most, and its value at −1 belongs to {−1, 0}.

Montauban Moreira de Oliveira Jr ◽  
Jean-Guillaume Eon

According to Löwenstein's rule, Al–O–Al bridges are forbidden in the aluminosilicate framework of zeolites. A graph-theoretical interpretation of the rule, based on the concept of independent sets, was proposed earlier. It was shown that one can apply the vector method to the associated periodic net and define a maximal Al/(Al+Si) ratio for any aluminosilicate framework following the rule; this ratio was called the independence ratio of the net. According to this method, the determination of the independence ratio of a periodic net requires finding a subgroup of the translation group of the net for which the quotient graph and a fundamental transversal have the same independence ratio. This article and a companion paper deal with practical issues regarding the calculation of the independence ratio of mainly 2-periodic nets and the determination of site distributions realizing this ratio. The first paper describes a calculation technique based on propositional calculus and introduces a multivariate polynomial, called the independence polynomial. This polynomial can be calculated in an automatic way and provides the list of all maximal independent sets of the graph, hence also the value of its independence ratio. Some properties of this polynomial are discussed; the independence polynomials of some simple graphs, such as short paths or cycles, are determined as examples of calculation techniques. The method is also applied to the determination of the independence ratio of the 2-periodic net dhc.

2019 ◽  
Vol 150 (5) ◽  
pp. 2573-2585
Bao-Xuan Zhu ◽  
Qingxiu Wang

AbstractIn 1987, Alavi, Malde, Schwenk and Erdős conjectured that the independence polynomial of any tree is unimodal. Although it attracts many researchers' attention, it is still open. Motivated by this conjecture, in this paper, we prove that rooted products of some graphs preserve real rootedness of independence polynomials. As application, we not only give a unified proof for some known results, but also we can apply them to generate infinite kinds of trees whose independence polynomials have only real zeros. Thus their independence polynomials are unimodal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-120
Aliyu Suleiman ◽  
Aliyu Ibrahim Kiri

Set of vertices not joined by an edge in a graph is called the independent set of the graph. The independence polynomial of a graph is a polynomial whose coefficient is the number of independent sets in the graph. In this research, we introduce and investigate the inverse commuting graph of dihedral groups (D2N) denoted by GIC. It is a graph whose vertex set consists of the non-central elements of the group and for distinct  x,y, E D2N, x and y are adjacent if and only if xy = yx = 1  where 1 is the identity element. The independence polynomials of the inverse commuting graph for dihedral groups are also computed. A formula for obtaining such polynomials without getting the independent sets is also found, which was used to compute for dihedral groups of order 18 up to 32.

Filomat ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 629-637 ◽  
Bao-Xuan Zhu ◽  
Qinglin Lu

Let I(G;x) denote the independence polynomial of a graph G. In this paper we study the unimodality properties of I(G; x) for some composite graphs G. Given two graphs G1 and G2, let G1[G2] denote the lexicographic product of G1 and G2. Assume I(G1; x) = P i_0 aixi and I(G2; x) = P i_0 bixi, where I(G2; x) is log-concave. Then we prove (i) if I(G1; x) is logconcave and (a2i ??ai??1ai+1)b21 _ aiai??1b2 for all 1 _ i _ _(G1), then I(G1[G2]; x) is log-concave; (ii) if ai??1 _ b1ai for 1 _ i _ _(G1), then I(G1[G2]; x) is unimodal. In particular, if ai is increasing in i, then I(G1[G2]; x) is unimodal. We also give two su_cient conditions when the independence polynomial of a complete multipartite graph is unimodal or log-concave. Finally, for every odd positive integer _ > 3, we find a connected graph G not a tree, such that _(G) = _, and I(G; x) is symmetric and has only real zeros. This answers a problem of Mandrescu and Miric?a.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 434-438
Nabilah Najmuddin ◽  
Nor Haniza Sarmin ◽  
Ahmad Erfanian ◽  
Hamisan Rahmat

The independence and clique polynomial are two types of graph polynomial that store combinatorial information of a graph. The independence polynomial of a graph is the polynomial in which its coefficients are the number of independent sets in the graph. The independent set of a graph is a set of vertices that are not adjacent. The clique polynomial of a graph is the polynomial in which its coefficients are the number of cliques in the graph. The clique of a graph is a set of vertices that are adjacent. Meanwhile, a graph of group G is called conjugacy class graph if the vertices are non-central conjugacy classes of G and two distinct vertices are connected if and only if their class cardinalities are not coprime. The independence and clique polynomial of the conjugacy class graph of a group G can be obtained by considering the polynomials of complete graph or polynomials of union of some graphs. In this research, the independence and clique polynomials of the conjugacy class graph of dihedral groups of order 2n are determined based on three cases namely when n is odd, when n and n/2 are even, and when n is even and n/2 is odd. For each case, the results of the independence polynomials are of degree two, one and two, and the results of the clique polynomials are of degree (n-1)/2, (n+2)/2 and (n-2)/2, respectively.

10.37236/7280 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Jason I. Brown ◽  
Ben Cameron

The independence polynomial of a graph is the generating polynomial for the number of independent sets of each size and its roots are called independence roots. We investigate the stability of such polynomials, that is, conditions under which the independence roots lie in the left half-plane. We use results from complex analysis to determine graph operations that result in a stable or nonstable independence polynomial. In particular, we prove that every graph is an induced subgraph of a graph with stable independence polynomial. We also show that the independence polynomials of graphs with independence number at most three are necessarily stable, but for larger independence number, we show that the independence polynomials can have roots arbitrarily far to the right.

Amir Loghman ◽  
Mahtab Khanlar Motlagh

If $s_k$ is the number of independent sets of cardinality $k$ in a graph $G$, then $I(G; x)= s_0+s_1x+…+s_{\alpha} x^{\alpha}$ is the independence polynomial of $G$ [ Gutman, I. and Harary, F., Generalizations of the matching polynomial, Utilitas Mathematica 24 (1983) 97-106] , where $\alpha=\alpha(G)$ is the size of a maximum independent set. Also the PI polynomial of a molecular graph $G$ is defined as $A+\sum x^{|E(G)|-N(e)}$, where $N(e)$ is the number of edges parallel to $e$, $A=|V(G)|(|V(G)|+1)/2-|E(G)|$ and summation goes over all edges of $G$. In [T. Do$\check{s}$li$\acute{c}$, A. Loghman and L. Badakhshian, Computing Topological Indices by Pulling a Few Strings, MATCH Commun. Math. Comput. Chem. 67 (2012) 173-190], several topological indices for all graphs consisting of at most three strings are computed. In this paper we compute the PI and independence polynomials for graphs containing one, two and three strings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 839-866
Wei Zheng ◽  
Hajo Broersma ◽  
Ligong Wang

AbstractMotivated by several conjectures due to Nikoghosyan, in a recent article due to Li et al., the aim was to characterize all possible graphs H such that every 1-tough H-free graph is hamiltonian. The almost complete answer was given there by the conclusion that every proper induced subgraph H of $$K_1\cup P_4$$ K 1 ∪ P 4 can act as a forbidden subgraph to ensure that every 1-tough H-free graph is hamiltonian, and that there is no other forbidden subgraph with this property, except possibly for the graph $$K_1\cup P_4$$ K 1 ∪ P 4 itself. The hamiltonicity of 1-tough $$K_1\cup P_4$$ K 1 ∪ P 4 -free graphs, as conjectured by Nikoghosyan, was left there as an open case. In this paper, we consider the stronger property of pancyclicity under the same condition. We find that the results are completely analogous to the hamiltonian case: every graph H such that any 1-tough H-free graph is hamiltonian also ensures that every 1-tough H-free graph is pancyclic, except for a few specific classes of graphs. Moreover, there is no other forbidden subgraph having this property. With respect to the open case for hamiltonicity of 1-tough $$K_1\cup P_4$$ K 1 ∪ P 4 -free graphs we give infinite families of graphs that are not pancyclic.

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