scholarly journals Dynamical Problems in Extrasolar Planetary Science

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (A29A) ◽  
pp. 3-5
Alessandro Morbidelli ◽  
Nader Haghighipour

The past few years have witnessed a large increase in the number of extrasolar planets. Thanks to successful surveys from the ground and from space, there are now over 1000 confirmed exoplanets and more then 3000 planetary candidates. More than 130 of these systems host multiple planets. Many of these systems demonstrate physical and orbital characteristics fundamentally different from those of our solar system. The challenges associated with the diversity of planetary systems have raised many interesting questions on planet formation and orbital dynamics.

John Chambers ◽  
Jacqueline Mitton

The birth and evolution of our solar system is a tantalizing mystery that may one day provide answers to the question of human origins. This book tells the remarkable story of how the celestial objects that make up the solar system arose from common beginnings billions of years ago, and how scientists and philosophers have sought to unravel this mystery down through the centuries, piecing together the clues that enabled them to deduce the solar system's layout, its age, and the most likely way it formed. Drawing on the history of astronomy and the latest findings in astrophysics and the planetary sciences, the book offers the most up-to-date and authoritative treatment of the subject available. It examines how the evolving universe set the stage for the appearance of our Sun, and how the nebulous cloud of gas and dust that accompanied the young Sun eventually became the planets, comets, moons, and asteroids that exist today. It explores how each of the planets acquired its unique characteristics, why some are rocky and others gaseous, and why one planet in particular—our Earth—provided an almost perfect haven for the emergence of life. The book takes readers to the very frontiers of modern research, engaging with the latest controversies and debates. It reveals how ongoing discoveries of far-distant extrasolar planets and planetary systems are transforming our understanding of our own solar system's astonishing history and its possible fate.

Karel Schrijver

How many planetary systems formed before our’s did, and how many will form after? How old is the average exoplanet in the Galaxy? When did the earliest planets start forming? How different are the ages of terrestrial and giant planets? And, ultimately, what will the fate be of our Solar System, of the Milky Way Galaxy, and of the Universe around us? We cannot know the fate of individual exoplanets with great certainty, but based on population statistics this chapter sketches the past, present, and future of exoworlds and of our Earth in general terms.

John Chambers ◽  
Jacqueline Mitton

This concluding chapter talks about how astronomers and space agencies in dozens of countries are helping to see the solar system as never before, transforming points of light into real worlds, and even bringing samples of those worlds back to Earth. At the same time, the stunning discovery of hundreds of other planetary systems in the galaxy has provided a powerful stimulus to understand how planetary systems form and evolve, and to find out what makes one system different from another. Moreover, in 2010, NASA announced its latest science plan. One of the key goals for NASA's future planetary science program is to learn how the Sun's family began and how it has changed over time. The chapter argues that the rapid pace of recent developments makes now a good time to take stock of what scholars know, even though the story is still incomplete.

Alessandro Morbidelli

In planetary science, accretion is the process in which solids agglomerate to form larger and larger objects, and eventually planets are produced. The initial conditions are a disc of gas and microscopic solid particles, with a total mass of about 1% of the gas mass. These discs are routinely detected around young stars and are now imaged with the new generation of instruments. Accretion has to be effective and fast. Effective, because the original total mass in solids in the solar protoplanetary disk was probably of the order of ~300 Earth masses, and the mass incorporated into the planets is ~100 Earth masses. Fast, because the cores of the giant planets had to grow to tens of Earth masses to capture massive doses of hydrogen and helium from the disc before the dispersal of the latter, in a few millions of years. The surveys for extrasolar planets have shown that most stars have planets around them. Accretion is therefore not an oddity of the solar system. However, the final planetary systems are very different from each other, and typically very different from the solar system. Observations have shown that more than 50% of the stars have planets that don’t have analogues in the solar system. Therefore the solar system is not the typical specimen. Models of planet accretion have to explain not only how planets form, but also why the outcomes of the accretion history can be so diverse. There is probably not one accretion process but several, depending on the scale at which accretion operates. A first process is the sticking of microscopic dust into larger grains and pebbles. A second process is the formation of an intermediate class of objects called planetesimals. There are still planetesimals left in the solar system. They are the asteroids orbiting between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, the trans-Neptunian objects in the distant system, and other objects trapped along the orbits of the planets (Trojans) or around the giant planets themselves (irregular satellites). The Oort cloud, source of the long period comets, is also made of planetesimals ejected from the region of formation of the giant planets. A third accretion process has to lead from planetesimals to planets. Actually, several processes can be involved in this step, from collisional coagulation among planetesimals to the accretion of small particles under the effect of gas drag, to giant impacts between protoplanets. Adopting a historical perspective of all these processes provides details of the classic processes investigated in the past decades to those unveiled in the last years. The quest for planet formation is ongoing. Open issues remain, and exciting future developments are expected.

2004 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 159-166
Shigeru Ida ◽  
Eiichiro Kokubo

Accretion of terrestrial planets and solid cores of jovian planets is discussed, based on the results of our N-body simulations. Protoplanets accrete from planetesimals through runaway and oligarchic growth until they become isolated. The isolation mass of protoplanets in terrestrial planet region is about 0.2 Earth mass, which suggests that in the final stage of terrestrial planet formation giant impacts between the protoplanets occur. On the other hand, the isolation mass in jovian planet region is about a few to 10 Earth masses, which may be massive enough to form a gas giant. Extending the above arguments to disks with various initial masses, we discuss diversity of planetary systems. We predict that the extrasolar planets so far discovered may correspond to the systems formed from disks with large initial masses and that the other disks with smaller masses, which are the majority of the disks, may form Earth-like planets.

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (S248) ◽  
pp. 256-259 ◽  
A. Sozzetti ◽  
S. Casertano ◽  
M. G. Lattanzi ◽  
A. Spagna ◽  
R. Morbidelli ◽  

AbstractIn this paper, we first summarize the results of a large-scale double-blind tests campaign carried out for the realistic estimation of the Gaia potential in detecting and measuring planetary systems. Then, we put the identified capabilities in context by highlighting the unique contribution that the Gaia exoplanet discoveries will be able to bring to the science of extrasolar planets during the next decade.

1997 ◽  
Vol 161 ◽  
pp. 343-350 ◽  
Tristan Guillot ◽  
Didier Saumon ◽  
Adam Burrows ◽  
William B. Hubbard ◽  
Jonathan I. Lunine ◽  

AbstractThe discovery of planets around nearby stars gives us hope that life may be able to develop close to our solar system. It should also shed light on the problem of the formation of planets in general. In the past few years, we have developed theoretical evolutionary models of solar and extrasolar giant planets. With the help of these models, we discuss the nature and characteristics of these «new planets», in aid of both NASA’s and ESA’s recent plans to directly detect them.

2008 ◽  
Vol 4 (T27A) ◽  
pp. 149-153
Edward L. G. Bowell ◽  
Karen J. Meech ◽  
Iwan P. Williams ◽  
Alan P. Boss ◽  
Guy J. Consolmagno ◽  

Division III's activities focus on a broad range of astronomical research on bodies in the solar system (excluding the Sun), on extrasolar planets, and on the search for life in the Universe.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-231 ◽  
Yusuke Imaeda ◽  
Toshikazu Ebisuzaki

N. Thomas

AbstractIo is the most volcanically-active object in the solar system. The moon ejects a tonne per second of sulphur-rich gases that fill the vast magnetosphere of Jupiter and drives million-amp electrical currents that excite strong auroral emissions. We present the case for including a detailed study of Io within Voyage 2050 either as a standalone mission or as a contribution to a NASA New Frontiers mission, possibly within a Solar System theme centred around current evolutionary or dynamical processes. A comprehensive investigation will provide answers to many outstanding questions and will simultaneously provide information on processes that have formed the landscapes of several other objects in the past. A mission investigating Io will also study processes that have shaped the Earth, Moon, terrestrial planets, outer planet moons, and potentially extrasolar planets. The aim would be simple – tracing the mass and energy flows in the Io-Jupiter system.

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