Deep-Tow Boomer Survey on the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin: An Investigation of the Morphology and Acoustic Characteristics of the Late Quaternary Sedimentary Deposits on the Outer Continental Shelf and Upper Slope

Lieve E. Vanneste ◽  
Robert D. Larter
2011 ◽  
Vol 116 (B6) ◽  
Alessandra Venuti ◽  
Fabio Florindo ◽  
Andrea Caburlotto ◽  
Mark W. Hounslow ◽  
Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand ◽  

1996 ◽  
Vol 74 (8) ◽  
pp. 1485-1496 ◽  
B. J. McConnell ◽  
M. A. Fedak

Twelve southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) were tracked for an average of 119 days as they left their breeding or moulting beaches on the island of South Georgia between 1990 and 1994. Females travelled either eastward up to 3000 km away to the open Southern Ocean or to the continental shelf on or near the Antarctic Peninsula. Males either stayed close to South Georgia or used South Georgia as a base for shorter trips. The females all left South Georgia in a directed manner at an average rate of 79.4 km/day over at least the first 15 days. Thereafter travel was interrupted by bouts of slower travel or stationary phases. The latter were localized at sites on the continental shelf or along its edge. Three seals that were tracked over more than one season repeated their outward direction of travel and used some of the same sites in subsequent years. The magnitude of the movements makes most of the Southern Ocean potentially available to elephant seals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-52 ◽  
Maria Virgínia Alves Martins ◽  
Johann Hohenegger ◽  
Fabrizio Frontalini ◽  
Cristina Sequeira ◽  
Paulo Miranda ◽  

This work is based on a compilation of benthic foraminiferal data collected in the Aveiro Lagoon and in the adjacent continental shelf and upper slope (center of Portugal). It intends to provide an overall analysis from transitional to the outer continental shelf of the occurrence and distribution of species in living and to present updated taxonomic data and illustrations of most of the species found in the in the Aveiro Lagoon and in the adjacent continental shelf including in total assemblages. Cluster analysis (CA) and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) interpreted as depth functions allow us to identify the main species in different ecoenvironments and sectors of the study area. The most unusual living assemblage was documented in the lagoon inlet under very strong tidal currents activity, composed mostly by the following species (both in living and total assemblages): Rotaliammina concava, Lepidodeuterammina ochracea, Quinqueloculina seminula, Gavelinopsis praegeri, Paratrochammina haynesi, Remaneica helgolandica and Remaneicella gonzalezi. The distribution patterns of some Trochamminidae and Remaneicidae species whose ecology and distribution pattern are poorly known, have proved to be a marker of more or less hydrodynamic and stable/unstable environments in coastal and transitional marine environments. OCORRÊNCIA DE FORAMINÍFEROS E DISTRIBUIÇÃO DAS PRINCIPAIS ESPÉCIES NA LAGOA DE AVEIRO E NA PLATAFORMA CONTINENTAL ADJACENTE (PORTUGAL)ResumoEste trabalho baseia-se numa compilação de dados foraminíferos bentónicos recolhidos na Laguna de Aveiro e na plataforma continental adjacente (centro de Portugal). Pretende efetuar uma análise geral da distribuição de espécies nas associações vivas e totais (vivas e mortas) na área de estudo, em função da profundidade. Pretende ainda apresentar dados taxonómicos e ilustrações da maioria das espécies encontradas na Laguna de Aveiro e na plataforma continental adjacente. A análise de agrupamento (CA) e a análise de componentes principais (PCA), em função da profundidade, permitem identificar as principais espécies em diferentes ecossistemas e setores da área de estudo. A associação viva mais invulgar foi encontrada na embocadura da Laguna de Aveiro, um ambiente sujeito a forte corrente de maré. Essa associação era composta principalmente pelas seguintes espécies (na associação viva e total): Rotaliammina concava, Lepidodeuterammina ochracea, Quinqueloculina seminula, Gavelinopsis praegeri, Paratrochammina haynesi, Remaneica helgolandica and Remaneicella gonzalezi. Os padrões de distribuição de algumas espécies de Trochamminidae e Remaneicidae, cuja ecologia e padrão de distribuição são pouco conhecidos, mostraram ser um marcador de ambientes mais ou menos hidrodinâmicos e de estabilidade/instabilidade do substrato em ambientes marinhos costeiros e de transição. Palavras-chave: Ecologia. Taxonomia. Imagens digitais. Análise Estatística. Ambientes Transicionais e Costeiros Marinhos.

1988 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-269 ◽  
K.O. Emery ◽  
A.S. Merrill ◽  
E.R.M. Druffel

About 2000 large sediment samples were collected during the early 1960s throughout the continental shelf off the Atlantic coast of the United States to establish and map sediment types including sediments relict from times of glacially low (and subsequently higher) sea levels. In about 510 of these samples we found fossil shells of mollusks remaining from environmental conditions different from those at present. Publications and collections by others contain about 70 additional samples having relict mollusks. Some of these shells indicate lower sea levels, others colder water, and still others warmer water than is now present. Radiocarbon measurements from earlier studies by us and others established the dates of colder water (late Pleistocene), and we made additional measurements to learn the dates of warmer water (about 1000 to 2000 yr B.P.). The results show reasonably enough that continental shelves are the sites of relict faunas as well as of sediments that indicate changed and complex environmental histories.

2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-60 ◽  
T.R. Riley ◽  
M.J. Flowerdew ◽  
R.J. Pankhurst ◽  
P.T. Leat ◽  
I.L. Millar ◽  

AbstractThe continental margin of Gondwana preserves a record of long-lived magmatism from the Andean Cordillera to Australia. The crustal blocks of West Antarctica form part of this margin, with Palaeozoic–Mesozoic magmatism particularly well preserved in the Antarctic Peninsula and Marie Byrd Land. Magmatic events on the intervening Thurston Island crustal block are poorly defined, which has hindered accurate correlations along the margin. Six samples are dated here using U-Pb geochronology and cover the geological history on Thurston Island. The basement gneisses from Morgan Inlet have a protolith age of 349±2 Ma and correlate closely with the Devonian–Carboniferous magmatism of Marie Byrd Land and New Zealand. Triassic (240–220 Ma) magmatism is identified at two sites on Thurston Island, with Hf isotopes indicating magma extraction from Mesoproterozoic-age lower crust. Several sites on Thurston Island preserve rhyolitic tuffs that have been dated at 182 Ma and are likely to correlate with the successions in the Antarctic Peninsula, particularly given the pre-break-up position of the Thurston Island crustal block. Silicic volcanism was widespread in Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula at ~ 183 Ma forming the extensive Chon Aike Province. The most extensive episode of magmatism along the active margin took place during the mid-Cretaceous. This Cordillera ‘flare-up’ event of the Gondwana margin is also developed on Thurston Island with granitoid magmatism dated in the interval 110–100 Ma.

Jeroen de Jong ◽  
Véronique Schoemann ◽  
Delphine Lannuzel ◽  
Peter Croot ◽  
Hein de Baar ◽  

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