Putting workplace bullying in context: The role of high-involvement work practices in the relationship between job demands, job resources, and bullying exposure.

Ivana Vranjes ◽  
Guy Notelaers ◽  
Denise Salin
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 65
Jessica Van Wingerden ◽  
Rob Poell

The present study was designed to gain knowledge about the relationship between job characteristics in the workplace (job demands and job resources), employees’ perceived opportunities to craft, and subsequently their actual job crafting behavior. Specifically, the potential mediating role of perceived opportunities to craft could shed better light on the mechanisms that lead employees to job craft in the context of particular work characteristics. We collected data among a group of Dutch health care professionals working in an organization that offers care for patient with mental disabilities (N=522). Participants of the study reported their job demands; workload, emotional demands and work-home interference, their job resources; role clarity, communication and team cohesion, their perceived opportunities to craft, and their job crafting behavior. We tested the hypothesized antecedents of job crafting perceptions and behavior model with structural equation modelling (SEM) analyses. Results indicated that perceived opportunities to craft mediates the relationship between job resources and employees actual job crafting behavior. The insights provided in this study do not only build on job crafting literature but are also helpful to understand which aspects of the workplace influence employees’ job crafting behavior. Therefore, these insights may be useful for the deliberate cultivation of job crafting behavior within organizations.

2012 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
Elfi Baillien ◽  
Nele Sijmens ◽  
Hans De Witte

Can workplace bullying be explained by the Job Demands-Resources model? Can workplace bullying be explained by the Job Demands-Resources model? Workplace bullying leads to negative consequences and should be prevented. Studies investigating antecedents of bullying showed however two shortcomings. First, they mainly focused on targets, so little is known about perpetrators. Second, they rarely used theoretical frameworks to structure the antecedents. Therefore, this study aims to apply the Job Demands-Resources (JDR) model to being a perpetrator of bullying. We hypothesized that job demands related positively and job resources related negatively to being a perpetrator of bullying. We assumed an interaction effect between demands and resources and expected exhaustion to mediate the relationship between demands, resources and being a perpetrator. The results (N = 706) showed a significant interaction: job resources buffered the positive relation between job demands and being a perpetrator. No evidence was found for the direct effects and for exhaustion as a mediator. In summary, the JDR model is a valuable framework to explain being a perpetrator of bullying: job demands and resources interact in the prediction of being a perpetrator. Future studies may focus on other mediators that could explain this relationship.

2016 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-258 ◽  
Yansong Wang ◽  
Jie Huang ◽  
Xuqun You

Our purpose in this 1-year, 3-wave longitudinal study was to investigate the relationships among job demands, job resources, personal resources, and job burnout in a group of 263 Chinese employees. Specifically, we examined the mediating role of personal resources in the relationships between job resources and job burnout, and between job demands and job burnout, as well as the reversed effect of job burnout on job demands and job resources. The results showed that job demands positively affected job burnout, whereas job and personal resources negatively affected job burnout over a 6-month period. Further, personal resources mediated the relationship between job resources and job burnout, but not that between job demands and job burnout. In addition, job burnout had a reversed effect on job demands and job resources. Implications are discussed in relation to balancing job demands and resources, and avoiding job burnout by utilizing personal resources.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Hannes Mayerl ◽  
Erwin Stolz ◽  
Anja Waxenegger ◽  
Éva Rásky ◽  
Wolfgang Freidl

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 408-424 ◽  
Steven Kilroy ◽  
Patrick C. Flood ◽  
Janine Bosak ◽  
Denis Chênevert

Martina Kotzé ◽  
Petrus Nel

Orientation: Mining companies are major sources of employment in South Africa. Withstanding the challenges that the mining industry faces, maintaining work engagement of employees is essential to success in this context.Research purpose: To investigate the mediating effect of job and personal resources (in parallel and serial) in the relationship between the job demands and work engagement of employees at two iron-ore mines in a remote South African locale.Motivation for the study: Most South African research on work engagement in the mining industry focuses on the role of job resources. There is a lack of research investigating the influence of both job and personal resources in the relationship between job demands and mineworkers’ work engagement.Research approach/design and method: Data were collected using questionnaires from 238 employees working for two open-pit iron-ore mines. Three mediating relationships were investigated using variance-based structural equation modelling.Main findings: The results indicate that job and personal resources (in parallel) partially mediated the relationship between job demands and work engagement, with personal resources having a stronger effect than job resources. In addition, job and personal resources (in serial) partially mediated the relationship between job demands and work engagement but not as strongly as personal resources (in parallel).Practical/managerial implications: Despite job demands, mineworkers’ work engagement can be increased by investing in interventions and a work environment that enhances job and personal resources (such as mindfulness and psychological capital).Contribution/value add: The study bridges a specific gap in the literature by exploring the role of both job and personal resources (i.e., mindfulness and psychological capital) in the relationship between mineworkers’ job demands and work engagement. No previous studies explored these variables in combination in the South African mining industry.

Maren Kersten ◽  
Sylvie Vincent-Höper ◽  
Albert Nienhaus

Dialysis nurses face complex and demanding working conditions. Due to demographic changes, the number of dialysis patients has increased, while the number of skilled personnel is expected to decrease, leading to tremendous increases in quantitative demands in the near future. Against the background of increasing workload, focusing on the provision of job resources is considered a promising approach because resources can buffer the negative effects of job demands. The aim of this study is to investigate whether different job resources—in particular influence at work and feedback—play a buffering role in the relationship between job demands and employee well-being. The study used a cross-sectional paper–pencil survey design. Data were collected from 951 dialysis nurses working in dialysis facilities in Germany between October 2010 and March 2012 using validated measures of quantitative job demands, job-related resources (influence at work and feedback), and cognitive stress symptoms. To test the moderating role of resources, we applied hierarchical regression analyses. The findings indicate that feedback buffers the relationship between quantitative demands and well-being; that is, the positive relationship between quantitative demands and cognitive stress symptoms was weaker when feedback was high. However, we found no buffering role of influence at work. The results suggest that feedback is a promising resource that may buffer the negative impact of quantitative demands on well-being of dialysis nurses. The findings offer new approaches for training nurses and implementing a feedback culture.

2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 483-499 ◽  
U. Baran Metin ◽  
Toon W. Taris ◽  
Maria C. W. Peeters ◽  
Ilona van Beek ◽  
Ralph Van den Bosch

Purpose – Previous research has demonstrated strong relations between work characteristics (e.g. job demands and job resources) and work outcomes such as work performance and work engagement. So far, little attention has been given to the role of authenticity (i.e. employees’ ability to experience their true selves) in these relations. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship of state authenticity at work with job demands and resources on the one hand and work engagement, job satisfaction, and subjective performance on the other hand. Design/methodology/approach – In total, 680 Dutch bank employees participated to the study. Structural equation modelling was used to test the goodness-of-fit of the hypothesized model. Bootstrapping (Preacher and Hayes, 2008) was used to examine the meditative effect of state authenticity. Findings – Results showed that job resources were positively associated with authenticity and, in turn, that authenticity was positively related to work engagement, job satisfaction, and performance. Moreover, state authenticity partially mediated the relationship between job resources and three occupational outcomes. Research limitations/implications – Main limitations to this study were the application of self-report questionnaires, utilization of cross-sectional design, and participation of a homogeneous sample. However, significant relationship between workplace characteristics, occupational outcomes, and state authenticity enhances our current understanding of the JD-R Model. Practical implications – Managers might consider enhancing state authenticity of employees by investing in job resources, since high levels of authenticity was found to be strongly linked to positive occupational outcomes. Originality/value – This study is among the first to examine the role of authenticity at workplace and highlights the importance of state authenticity for work-related outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48 ◽  
Alessandra Falco ◽  
Laura Dal Corso ◽  
Damiano Girardi ◽  
Alessandro De Carlo ◽  
Manola Comar

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