The Role of Government and the Private Sector in Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change

Vinay Sharma
2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 144
Modinat Olaitan Olusoji ◽  
Olusegun O. Oloba

The paper examines the impact of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) on the private sector by looking at the contribution the power sector had made in realizing the goal of making private enterprise the engine of growth in Nigeria. NEEDS reform is to  transform the power sector into one led by the private sector, with the role of government  restricted primarily in policy formulation and establishment of an appropriate legal and regulatory framework.  The paper discusses among many things: an overview of power supply in Nigeria; the effect of power sector on private sectors; challenges of the sector; as well as the ways forward. The paper concludes that there is   need to put concerted effort to generate adequate power supply to enable the private sector thrives and serves as engine of growth in Nigeria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-300
Abhinav Alakshendra ◽  
Arjun Kumar ◽  
Simi Mehta

India is urbanizing at an alarming rate and the impact of climate change is becoming more visible each passing day. The rapid urbanization and climate change have severe direct and indirect consequences, such as increasing poverty, inequality, massive displacement, public health concerns, and challenges of urban governance, among others. This paper identifies some of the most pressing issues faced by urban India in the context of climate change. It also details the interventions undertaken at the local, national, and international levels to counter the effect of the climate change. In addition, it critically evaluates the role of government organizations, especially in terms of undertaking regulatory and planning functions. The paper argues that the implementation of institutional reforms would enable the government to reach out to the private sector to improve urban service delivery. It also provides examples of best practices from India and the world in combating climate change through adaptation and mitigation approaches.Abstrak. India mengalami urbanisasi pada tingkat yang mengkhawatirkan dan dampak perubahan iklim menjadi terlihat setiap hari. Urbanisasi yang cepat dan perubahan iklim memiliki konsekuensi langsung dan tidak langsung yang parah, seperti antara lain meningkatnya kemiskinan, ketimpangan, pengungsian besar-besaran, masalah kesehatan masyarakat, dan tantangan tata kelola kota. Makalah ini mengidentifikasi beberapa masalah paling mendesak yang dihadapi oleh perkotaan India dalam konteks perubahan iklim. Makalah ini juga merinci intervensi yang dilakukan di tingkat lokal, nasional, dan internasional untuk melawan dampak perubahan iklim. Selain itu, secara kritis makalah ini mengevaluasi peran organisasi pemerintah, terutama dalam menjalankan fungsi pengaturan dan perencanaan. Makalah ini berpendapat bahwa pelaksanaan reformasi kelembagaan akan memungkinkan pemerintah menjangkau sektor swasta untuk membantu meningkatkan pelayanan perkotaan. Makalah ini juga memberikan contoh praktik terbaik dari India dan dunia dalam memerangi perubahan iklim melalui pendekatan adaptasi dan mitigasi.Kata kunci. Urbanisasi, perubahan iklim, keterkaitan, tata kelola kota, mitigasi.

Ella Gorian

The object of this research is the relations in the area of implementation of artificial intelligence technologies. The subject of this research is the normative documents of Singapore that establish requirements towards development and application of artificial intelligence technologies. The article determines the peculiarities of Singaporean approach towards regulation of relations in the indicated sphere. Characteristic is given to the national initiative and circle of actors involved in the development and realization of normative provisions with regards to implementation of digital technologies. The author explores the aspects of private public partnership, defines the role of government in regulation of relation, as well as gives special attention to the question of ensuring personal data protection used by the artificial intelligence technologies. Positive practices that can be utilized in Russian strategy for the development of artificial intelligence are described. Singapore applies the self-regulation approach towards the processes of implementation of artificial intelligence technologies, defining the backbone role of the government, establishing common goals, and involving representative of private sector and general public. Moreover, the government acts as the guarantor of meeting the interests of private sector by creating an attractive investment regime and citizens, setting strict requirements with regards to data usage and control over the artificial intelligence technologies. A distinguishing feature of Singaporean approach consists in determination of the priority sectors of economy and instruments of ensuring systematicity in implementation of artificial intelligence. Singapore efficiently uses its demographic and economic peculiarities for proliferation of the technologies of artificial intelligence in Asian Region; the developed and successfully tested on the national level model of artificial intelligence management received worldwide recognition and application. Turning Singapore into the international center of artificial intelligence is also instigated by the improvement of legal regime with simultaneous facilitation in the sphere of intellectual property. These specificities should be taken into account by the Russian authors of national strategy for the development of artificial intelligence.

1996 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 75 ◽  
Christopher Walker

This article is illustrated with reference to health services in the Tokyo Prefecture.It seeks to describe the role of government in the organisation and provision of healthservices in Japan. It is based on experiences gained from a three-month placementat the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of Public Health in late 1994.Wherever possible the article identifies similarities and differences between theJapanese and Australian health care systems. Part of the analysis has been to identifyareas where opportunities exist for Australian health service providers to developfurther cooperation with particular sectors of the Japanese health system and alsowhere the potential for the export of health services may exist.The health systems of Australia and Japan have points of similarity anddifference. Essentially both systems operate within the context of a compulsoryuniversal health insurance system. However, unlike Australia, the bulk of serviceprovision in Japan is left to the private sector, while government retains the primaryrole of regulator. It is interesting to observe that while the Australian health caresystem is currently exploring options to expand the service range and level ofparticipation of private sector services in health care delivery (within the context ofuniversal health insurance), the Japanese health care system appears to be examiningoptions through which further government intervention can improve service accessand service efficiency. Japan presents opportunities to observe the benefits anddisadvantages of predominantly private sector provision within the context ofuniversal health insurance coverage.

2005 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-134
loannis Valachis

In the present paper the provision of hospitality and tourism management education and training in Greece is assessed. There is an extended record o f the educational establishments that provides hospitality management courses and their evaluation as well. The aspect o f the supervised work experience, the provision of foreign languages courses and the distance learning programs are also examined and mentioned. The Greek educational system and the role of the public and private sector are evaluated additionally. Furthermore, there is made an appraisal of the future trends that potentially will influence the hospitality and tourism management education and training in Greece.

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