Balanced Regional Development of India through Special Economic Zones: An Empirical Study

2009 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Ch. Panduranga Reddy ◽  
A. Prasad ◽  
M. Sampath Kumar
Gatot Yoda Kusumah ◽  
Liong Ju Tjung ◽  
Priyendiswara A.B. Priyendiswara

Indonesian tourism is an important sector in increasing state revenues. The tourism sector ranks third in terms of foreign exchange earnings. in 2014 The government established tourism as the leading sector in improving the economy to encourage regional development and employment. With the law of the Republic of Indonesia number 39 of 2009 concerning Special Economic Zones, hereinafter referred to as K.E.K is a region with a certain boundary with the jurisdiction of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia which is determined to carry out economic functions and obtain certain facilities. Kab. Central Lombok is one of the places where there is a K.E, namely K.E.K Mandalika. In order to increase the income of the Lombok region where the development of K.E.K Mandalika is 1,175 ha and the author takes 21 ha of land at K.E.K Mandalika to develop a Resort with a waterfront concept in order to increase Lombok tourism. Based on background problems, the main underlyinh problem is the lack of supporting facilities to support activities in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone, therefore the need for accommodation in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone.Abstrak Pariwisata Indonesia menjadi sektor yang penting dalam peningkatan pendapatan Negara. Sektor pariwisata menempati urutan ketiga dalam hal penerimaan devisa. Pemerintah pada tahun 2014 menetapkan pariwisata sebagai leading sektor dalam peningkatan perekonomian untuk mendorong pembangunan daerah dan lapangan pekerjaan. Dengan adanya undang-undang Republik Indonesia nomor 39 tahun 2009 tentang Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus, yang selanjutnya disebut K.E.K (kawasan ekonomi khusus), adalah Kawasan dengan batas tertentu dengan wilayah hukum Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang ditetapkan untuk menyelenggarakan fungsi perekonomian dan memperoleh fasilitas tertentu. Kab. Lombok Tengah merupakan salah satu tempat dimana terdapat K.E.K yakni adalah K.E.K Mandalika. Guna dapat meningkatkan pendapatan daerah lombok dimana Pengembangan K.E.K Mandalika seluas 1.175 ha dan Penulis mengambil 21 ha lahan di K.E.K Mandalika untuk dikembangkan Resort dengan konsep waterfront guna dapat meningkatkan pariwisata lombok. Berdasarkan permasalahan latar belakang, permasalahan utama yang mendasar adalah belum adanya fasilitas pendukung untuk menunjang aktivitas di Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus Mandalika.

2020 ◽  
pp. 96-102
O. D. Gaisha

Industrial clusters and special economic zones, which are forms of regional development tools, have been considered. Within the framework of research clusters and special economic zones according to a number of criteria have been compared, measures of state support for such territories have been described, a comparison of special economic zones of industrial-production and technical-implementation types, industrial and innovative territorial clusters operating within the same region has been made. According to the results of the study, the advantages of industrial clusters located on the territories of special economic zones schematically have been reflected, consisting in large amounts of support provided by the Federal and regional levels of Executive power, developed infrastructure, tax and customs preferences. As part of the study methods of bibliographic and logical analysis, and also a systematic approach were used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (19) ◽  
pp. 202001
Luiz Ricardo Cavalcante

MANAUS FREE TRADE ZONE: a systematic review of impactsZONA FRANCA DE MANAOS: una revisión sistemática de impactosRESUMOEmbora criada há mais de meio século, a Zona Franca de Manaus (ZFM) tem sido objeto de um número relativamente escasso de análises de seus impactos econômicos e sociais. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma revisão sistemática das principais estatísticas e dos principais resultados de trabalhos selecionados sobre o tema. Buscou-se identificar trabalhos que ultrapassam a descrição da evolução das variáveis por meio, por exemplo, do uso de contrafactuais, regressões econométricas ou modelos de equilíbrio geral. A análise é precedida por uma breve revisão da literatura sobre zonas econômicas especiais (ZEE). Os resultados indicam que i) a ZFM tem impactos positivos nos níveis de renda e de bem-estar em Manaus, ainda que essa conclusão não seja unânime; ii) não há evidências conclusivas de que a ZFM contribui para a preservação ambiental da Amazônia; iii) os gastos tributários da União dirigidos à ZFM são estimados em R$ 28,7 bilhões (mais de R$ 380 mil por emprego direto gerado); e iv) embora o foco das ZEE recaia, de modo geral, sobre as exportações, o caso da ZFM é, em grande medida, singular em razão de seu foco no mercado interno. A ZFM é, portanto, do ponto de vista legal e do ponto de vista prático, essencialmente uma política de desenvolvimento regional (e não uma política de incentivo às exportações) e as análises sobre o tema devem amparar-se nessa premissa.Palavras-chave: Zona Franca de Manaus; Zonas Econômicas Especiais; Impactos; Gastos Tributários; Políticas de Desenvolvimento Regional.ABSTRACTAlthough created more than half a century ago, the Manaus Free Trade Zone (MFTZ) has been subject of a relatively reduced number of analysis of its economic and social impacts. The aim of this work is to present a systematic review of the man statistics and of the main results of a number of selected works about this subject. We sought to identify studies that go beyond the description of the evolution of variables through, for example, the use of counterfactuals, econometric regressions or general equilibrium models. The analysis is preceded by a brief review of the literature on special economic zones (SEZ). The results indicate that i) the MFTZ has positive impacts on the levels of income and well-being in Manaus, although this conclusion is not unanimous; ii) there is no conclusive evidence that the ZFM contributes to the environmental preservation of the Amazon; iii) federal tax expenditures directed to the ZFM are estimated in R$ 28.7 billion (more than R$ 380 thousand for direct employment generated); and iv) although the focus of SEZ falls, in general, on exports, the case of MFTZ is largely unique due to its focus on the domestic market. The MFTZ is, therefore, both legally and in practice, essentially a regional development policy (and not an export incentive policy) and the analyzes on the subject must be based on this assumption.Keywords: Manaus Free Trade Zone; Special Economic Zones; Impacts; Tax Expenditures; Regional Development Policies.RESUMENAunque creada hace más de medio siglo, la Zona Franca de Manaos (ZFM) ha sido objeto de relativamente pocos análisis de sus impactos económicos y sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una revisión sistemática de las principales estadísticas y de los principales resultados de trabajos seleccionados sobre el tema. Buscamos identificar trabajos que van más allá de la descripción de la evolución de las variables mediante, por ejemplo, el uso de contrafácticos, regresiones econométricas o modelos de equilibrio general. Además, presentamos una breve revisión de la literatura sobre las zonas económicas especiales (ZEE). Los resultados indican que i) la ZFM tiene impactos positivos en los niveles de ingresos y bienestar en Manaos, aunque esta conclusión no es unánime; ii) no hay evidencia concluyente de que la ZFM contribuya a la preservación ambiental de la Amazonía; iii) los gastos federales de impuestos dirigidos a la ZFM se estiman en BRL 28,7 mil millones (más de BRL 380 mil por empleo directo generado); y iv) aunque el enfoque de las ZEE recae, en general, en las exportaciones, el caso de la ZFM es en gran medida único debido a su enfoque en el mercado interno. La ZFM es, por lo tanto, desde un punto de vista legal y desde un punto de vista práctico, esencialmente una política de desarrollo regional (y no una política de incentivos a la exportación) y los análisis sobre el tema deben basarse en esta premisa.Palabras clave: Zona Franca de Manaos; Zonas Económicas Especiales; Impactos; Gastos de Impuestos; Políticas de Desarrollo Regional.

Dace ZIEDINA ◽  
Modrite PELSE

The development gap between regions and even countries has always been actual problem in field of regional policy. Regional development disparities especially are important problem in territories with unfavourable socio-economic situation. To minimize this problem, many Eastern Europe countries, including Latvia, implemented special economic zones and free ports as regional development instrument with aim to mitigate regional development differences between regions by attracting investments and creating new jobs. Experience with special economic zones in Latvia are likely close with Poland’s case, thus experts from Poland affirms that, every 100 jobs given in special economic zone create on average about 72 jobs outside the special economic zone hosting territory and 137 jobs in neighboring counties. Latvia, since the restoration of sovereignty, established five economic zones in total – two of them are situated in Latgale, which is the least developed region of Latvia. Researchers have not been widely contributed to analysis of special economic zones impact to regional development. Authors evaluated impact of created job places of special economic zones in Latgale region to unemployment level. Results of research show that special economic zones as regional development instrument creates significant impact to regional development in territories with unfavourable socio-economic situation.

Europa XXI ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 33-47 ◽  
Tomasz Józefowski ◽  
Andrzej Młodak

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