tourism sector
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2022 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 100675
Qiangsheng Hu ◽  
Susanne Becken ◽  
Xiaorong He

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 086-091
Nofita Fachryandini ◽  
Shabrina Nur Imanina ◽  
Ayurveda Zaynabila Heriqbaldi ◽  
Widati Fatmaningrum

Introduction: Taro village has a higher risk of gathering the people since it is one of the most popular tourism sectors in Bali hence increasing the potential to spread coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The level of knowledge plays an important role in determining whether the society is ready to implement the health protocols or not. This community service aims to evaluate the level of knowledge regarding COVID-19 health protocols in the tourism sector in the Taro village. Method: This research was conducted using a quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest design in Taro village, Bali. Respondents filled out the questionnaire before and after counseling. The questionnaire consisted of 10 items of knowledge. The participants were Taro’s residents who met inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 31 respondents were taken. The data were tested for normality with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and analyzed with paired T-test using the IBM SPSS statistics version 25. Significance was determined at a 5% level (P-value ≤0.05). Results: A total of 31 valid filled-questionnaires were collected. In general, Taro’s residents’ knowledge regarding COVID-19 health protocol in the tourism sector was sufficient, but some topics are still insufficient. The mean score before counseling was 79,03 ± 1,340 while the mean score after counseling was 86,13 ± 1,366. There was a significant difference (p<0,05) on level of knowledge (p=0,000) before and after counseling. Conclusion: There was a significant difference in the level of knowledge of Taro village’s residents toward COVID-19 health protocols in the tourism sector before and after counseling.

مرتضي البشير عثمان الأمين

This descriptive study aimed at identifying the concerns of the Sudanese media for promotion of tourism in the country. To attain that, the study seeks to answer a set of questions such as: How far is the awareness and the concern given to the touristic activity as economic and social value? How efficient are the media and communications efforts to promote what existed? How the media performance corresponds with the importance of tourism in Sudan? The study adopted the survey method. Its population represents the three groups in tourism sector in Khartoum State. The sample includes: class sample and selected sample from the institutions. Data is collected by a questionnaire. The study demonstrates that the efficiency of media in promotion of tourism is impeded and weakened by the technical and professional shortcomings of the employees in the field. The study recommends the following: Capitalizing the concept of touristic promotion among the employees of the Sudanese media and raising their skills and capabilities. Activation of federal and state touristic awareness.

2022 ◽  
Nesrin Menemenci Bahcelerli ◽  

The most important feature that distinguishes the tourism sector from many sectors is that it has a labor-intensive structure. Therefore, the knowledge and skills of those working in this sector are important for the competitiveness of businesses. In this direction, tourism education curricula are developed on a practical basis. During the pandemic, the functioning of the tourism industry has come to a complete halt, so education has been moved to digital platforms. In this process, many application-based courses were suspended and these courses were started to be carried out on digital platforms. The aim of this study is to evaluate the views of students who receive tourism education in the pandemic process towards distance learning. The action research technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. Action research is a method actively used by educators who take the role of researchers to systematically and scientifically obtain information and develop applications in various fields of education. The sample of the study consists of 24 students studying tourism in the 2020-2021 academic years. The research data were collected using a semi-structured interview technique. As a result of the research, while the students expressed positive opinions about distance learning, they stated that they lacked the application aspect, which is a necessity of tourism education. In addition, with the statements put forward, it is concluded that students improve themselves by participating in seminars and trainings with distance learning methods in many different countries in the pandemic process. Among the problems experienced, students stated that there is a lack of infrastructure.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 757
Piotr Majdak ◽  
Antonio Manuel Martins de Almeida

Overtourism refers not only to situations in which carrying capacity levels have been exceeded, but also to those in which tourists and residents share negative feelings of discomfort and other emotions, loss of quality of life and unpleasant experiences in their activities of daily life. The growing number of places struggling with the problem of overtourism suggests that brand new approaches are required to minimize the effects of excessive tourism. However, the impacts of overtourism are place-specific and a one-size-fits-all approach is inappropriate. Many destinations still have a considerable margin to manoeuvre but are nonetheless heading towards increasingly unsustainable levels of tourists per square kilometer. Such regions have time to take some pre-emptive measures based on principles of sustainable development using greener and energy-saving technologies. Over the past few decades, degrowth has arisen as an unorthodox approach based on principles of fairness and social and environmental justice. In certain areas, such as island economies, the economic dynamics remain largely dependent on the tourism sector, which forces the local actors to think and act differently. In this study, we analyze the strategies employed by Madeira to counter the negative effects of oversaturation in a pre-emptive way. The findings of this case study, based on the data at the county level, are enhanced by a panel data analysis of a number of relevant explanatory variables explaining the dispersion of tourists to the rural hinterland. The results suggest that the development of the rural hinterland has proven capable of exerting a progressively positive influence well beyond the borders of the rural hinterland by accommodating a growing share of the increasing numbers of tourists welcomed in the region in the 2002–2019 period, at the expense of the main capital city. This study confirms the importance and potential of the development of the rural hinterland to tackle overtourism in the main tourism areas. In terms of recommendations, it is suggested that local operators and policy-makers must develop efforts to research new ways to adopt energy-saving projects and develop tourisms products that incorporate eco-friendly behaviors.

2022 ◽  
pp. 251484862110698
Scott Burnett

This article examines the potential for online activism to contest hegemonic neoliberal conservation models in South Africa, using the Covid-19 crisis as a window onto discursive struggle. National lockdown measures during the pandemic sent the vital tourism sector of an already fragile economy into deep crisis. Neoliberal and militarized conservation models, with their reliance on international travel, are examined as affected by a conjunctural crisis, the meaning of which was contested by a broad range of social actors in traditional and on social media. In 30 online news videos, racial hierarchies of land ownership and conservation labour geographies are reproduced and legitimated, as is a visual vocabulary of conservation as equivalent with guns, boots, and anti-poaching patrols. Here, hope is represented as residing in the increased privatization of public goods, and the extraction of value from these goods in the form of elite, luxury consumption. In a corpus of posts on Twitter corpus, on the other hand, significant counter-hegemonic resistance to established neoliberal conservation models is in evidence. In their replies to white celebrity conservationist Kevin Pietersen, critical South African Twitter users offer a contrasting vision of hope grounded in anti-racist equality, a rejection of any special human-animal relations enjoyed by Europeans, and an articulation of a future with land justice at its centre. The analysis supports the idea that in the “interregnum” between hegemonic social orders, pathways towards transformed futures may be glimpsed as “kernels of truth” in discursive struggles on social media.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-174
Zata Hasyyati

This study is aimed to investigate the relationship of tourism budget, inflation, interest rate on economic growth in Indonesia in 2011 – 2020. Data was gathered from Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS) and Ministry of Finance (Kementerian Keuangan/Kemenkeu). The data were analyzed using the multiple regression analysis after fulfilling all of the classical assumption tests. It showed that the inflation and interest rate have significant positive impact while tourism budget has insignificant negative impact on economic growth. In this case, monetary policy tends to be efficiently implemented at the level of promoting growth. However, Indonesia is still early on hoping significant contribution of tourism sector. Keywords: Tourism Budget, Inflation, Interest Rate, Economic Growth, GDP, Multiple Regression Analysis.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 219
I Gede Indra Mahendra ◽  
I Dewa Gede Agung Diasana Putra

<p>The market is a place where basic needs such as food can be purchased. The high demand for food in Denpasar is dominated by the needs of the tourism sector and the community. The fulfillment of the need for food is highly dependent on the agricultural sector. The increasing need for food is inversely proportional to the aspect of supporting the fulfillment of needs because the condition of agricultural land in Denpasar City is decreasing every year, so it must depend on outside areas such as Tabanan Regency, Bangli and the largest imported from Java. The ability of a region to produce food that can guarantee sufficient food needs by utilizing the existing potential can achieve food independence. The application of agricultural systems to produce food in urban areas really needs to be developed to provide access to adequate food to meet food needs. This article aims to explore the potential of urban urban areas that are integrated with traditional markets in urban areas at Sindu Market. Located in the Sanur tourism sector area, Sindu Market has potential that can be directed to become a tourism-based market. Furthermore, this article aims to determine the condition of food self-sufficiency in Denpasar City and the areas that supply food needs for Denpasar City by implementing the Urban Farming system. The implementation of the Urban Farming system will shorten the carbon chain in terms of distributing food ingredients from outside Denpasar City. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data was collected by observation and interviews. The results showed that the food needs of the city of Denpasar were still not independent of their own food needs so that an innovative idea was born in the form of implementing the Urban Farming system at the Sindu Market, which was expected to be a solution to the problem of food needs in Denpasar City.</p>

Agriculture ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 90
Mostafa Ghadami ◽  
Andreas Dittmann ◽  
Mousa Pazhuhan ◽  
Naser Aligholizadeh Firouzjaie

This research investigates the reasons of changing the agricultural land use to tourism in a developing country with different political, economic and social context (Iran). The method used in this research is qualitative, and unstructured interviews have been used to collect data. The target population of the research includes farmers who have sold their farmlands to investors in the tourism sector and experts from the agricultural department of the relevant county. The interviewees have been selected through using snowball method and after reaching theoretical saturation, the data collection process was stopped. The results showed that various macro and micro factors affected the process of changing the agricultural land uses to tourism, including the weakness of the agricultural sector in creating income and job opportunities compared to the tourism sector, the weakness of the land use laws and the lack of inter-organizational coordination in law enforcement, the weakness of the property registration system and the lack of a national cadaster, the lack of effective government support of the agricultural sector, the rapid rise in land prices and, ultimately, the change in the attitude of farmers both old and young once towards the agricultural activity and the level of welfare.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 174
Ni Putu Yunita Laura Vianthi ◽  
I Dewa Gede Agung Diasana Putra

<p>Special interest tourism is one of the efforts to provide alternative tourist attractions and sustainable tourism development in Bali. Visits of both domestic and foreign tourists to Bali in the last 4 years (2015-2019) have increased by an average of 8%. Now the tourism sector in Bali, especially in Bangli Regency, is starting to investigate or explore the possible development of tourist attractions through the development of tourist villages. In this case, the development of special tourism, including the tourist village of Bayung Gede, Bangli is very dependent on the architectural components of traditional settlements and the traditions of the residents in it as a source of attraction and main attraction for tourists. However, the influence of tourism has led to the transformation of traditional settlements. In this case, the transformation has given rise to a paradoxical phenomenon where on the one hand traditional housing attracts tourists, on the other hand the presence of tourists has led to a transformation of the traditional settlements of an area. The purpose of this study is to examine the architectural components of the Bayung Gede Village settlement as a tourism potential based on special interest tourism and then to find out how far the tourism architectural potential is found and how strong the Bayung Gede Village settlement icon is as a special interest DTW. The method used is a qualitative-exploratory and descriptive method. The results show that the traditional settlement of Bayung Gede Village contains elements of special interest tourism such as elements of novelty seeking, quality seeking, enriching, rewarding, adventuring and learning, so that it has the potential as religious tourism (the existence of four types of graves), culture (settlement and residential layout) and citrus plantation sector agro-tourism in improving the economic sector of the community. Investigation and inventory of Bayung Gede traditional housing is an effort to find a village icon that has prestige that can attract tourists to visit and be able to compete with other tourist villages.</p>

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