scholarly journals VIII. An account of an essay on the origin of a natural paper, found near the city of Cortona in Tuscany. In a letter from John Strange, Esq; F. R. S. to Mathew Maty, M.D. Sec. R. S

1769 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 50-56

Dear Sir, My letter to Mr. Coltellini, secretary to the Botanical Academy of Cortona, concerning the origin of a natural paper found in the neighbourhood of that city (which, with some specimens of paper, you obligingly presented to the Royal Society in my name), being written in a foreign language, and but little known; I have thought proper to give you the following short account of it, together with some additional remarks, which I have made since its publication.

1738 ◽  
Vol 40 (450) ◽  
pp. 401-406

Every body knows to what useful Purposes the Bills of Births and Burials at the City of Breslau , the Capital of Silesia , have been applied, by a very learned and sagacious Member of the Royal Society; as also what curious Observations have been made, both Moral, Physical and Political, by Sir William Petty , upon the same Argument, several Years before, and Dr. Arbuthnot and others since.

THE long career of James Keir (born in Edinburgh on 20 September 1735, elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on 8 December 1785, died at West Bromwich on 11 October 1820) effectively covered the period of the scientific revolution out of which modern chemistry evolved. Keir himself played a significant part in that revolution, as writer, experimenter, and industrialist—and, by no means least, as a frequent ‘chairman’ at meetings of the Lunar Society of Birmingham, which he helped to hold together by his tact and force of character. Although there are frequent references to Keir in books and articles dealing with the period (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), he remains relatively unknown, partly because he was overshadowed by men like Priestley and Watt, partly because he adhered too long to the phlogiston theory, and perhaps also because of his own modesty. A short account of his life, and an appreciation of his contributions to science and technology, may therefore not be out of place, particularly in view of the marked revival of interest in the Lunar Society in recent years.

1877 ◽  
Vol 167 ◽  
pp. 117-135 ◽  

In a paper treating mainly on the structure of the Heliopora cœrulea , which was communicated to the Royal Society in the autumn of last year (1875), I gave a short account of the results at which I had arrived from the examination of two species of Millepora obtained at Bermuda and at the Philippines, and expressed my intention of further prosecuting the subject at the Sandwich Islands and Tahiti, should material be forthcoming. At Honolulu no Millepora was met with; and this form apparently does not occur at the Sandwich Islands, the water being too cold for it. At Tahiti a Millepora is very abundant on the reefs in from one to two feet of water, and is very conspicuous because of its bright yellow colour.

1967 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-144 ◽  
George C. A. Boehrer

In 1872, it was estimated that there were 378 foreign language journals published in the United States. Of these, only one was in the Portuguese language. O Novo Mundo, published in New York from 1870 to 1879, was singular among the foreign language press publications in that it was designed not for an immigrant audience but rather for readers in another country. Its purpose was to interpret the United States primarily to Brazilians and secondarily to other Latin Americans. Faithful until its last issue to this end, it also commented on the Brazilian political and social scene.José Carlos Rodrigues, O Novo Mundo's original owner and only editor, was a remarkable Brazilian in an era when the Empire and the First Republic produced a galaxy of extraordinary public figures. Born in the city of Cantagallo, province of Rio de Janeiro, on July 19, 1844, be was the son of fazendeiros, and attended the Colégio Dom Pedro II in Rio de Janeiro.

1861 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-356 ◽  
James D. Forbes

1. The late Mr Alexander Adie, optician, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, was so generally known to be a zealous and careful observer of meteorological instruments, that an attempt to combine the results deducible from his labours carried on (though with one long break) over more than forty years, cannot be otherwise than interesting.2. The plan of superintending the careful reduction of the thermometrical part of Mr Adie's registers occurred to me a long time ago, but circumstances prevented the execution of it until two or three years since, when, through the kindness of Mr Adie and his family, the whole of the manuscript observations, commencing with 1795, were put into my hands, and the Council of the Royal Society of Edinburgh provided sufficient funds for the employment of computers for reducing them.3. The work has proceeded with frequent interruptions, but is at length complete. Before I proceed to detail the particulars of the reductions and their results, I will give a short account of the earlier observations on the climate of Edinburgh which I have been able to trace, some of which perhaps have hitherto escaped notice.

2013 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
pp. 29-61 ◽  
Matthew Walker

Francis Vernon (c. 1637-77) is not a particularly well-known figure in the history of British architecture, but perhaps he should be. In 1675 he became one of the first English people to have set foot in Athens and, the following year, published what was undisputedly the first account in the English language of the city and its architecture. Vernon was a member of the recently founded Royal Society and one of a group of English and French travellers who journeyed through central Greece and Turkey in the 1670s. He was murdered in Isfahan in early 1677. Vernon's account of the time he spent in Athens was published in the Society's journal, thePhilosophical Transactions, in 1676, and it included brief but illuminating descriptions of the Erechtheion, the Temple of Hephaestus and the Parthenon, the latter written over ten years before the bombing of the temple by a Venetian army in 1687. TheTransactionsoften contained both travel writing and antiquarian material and, in this respect, Vernon's account was typical of the journal's somewhat eclectic content in its early years. Significantly, Vernon's publication predated more famous accounts of Greece from the period, such as those written by his travelling companions Jacob Spon (who released hisVoyage d'ltalie, de Dalamatie, de Grèce et du Levantin France in 1678) and George Wheler, whoseA journey into Greecewas published in 1682. Unlike Vernon, both Spon and Wheler survived their journeys. The only European publication on Athens that preceded Vernon's was a French text of 1675 that would prove to be a fabrication. As this article will demonstrate, Vernon's initial exposure of this fabrication was one of the reasons why his account of the city became so important in English intellectual culture at the time.

1962 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 159-165 ◽  

Arthur Mannering Tyndall was a man who played a leading part in the establishment of research and teaching in physics in one of the newer universities of this country. His whole career was spent in the University of Bristol, where he was Lecturer, Professor and for a while Acting ViceChancellor, and his part in guiding the development of Bristol from a small university college to a great university was clear to all who knew him. He presided over the building and development of the H. H. Wills Physical Laboratory, and his leadership brought it from its small beginnings to its subsequent achievements. His own work, for which he was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society, was on the mobility of gaseous ions. Arthur Tyndall was born in Bristol on 18 September 1881. He was educated at a private school in Bristol where no science was taught, except a smattering of chemistry in the last two terms. Nonetheless he entered University College, obtaining the only scholarship offered annually by the City of Bristol for study in that college and intending to make his career in chemistry. However, when brought into contact with Professor Arthur Chattock, an outstanding teacher on the subject, he decided to switch to physics; he always expressed the warmest gratitude for the inspiration that he had received from him. He graduated with second class honours in the external London examination in 1903. In that year he was appointed Assistant Lecturer, was promoted to Lecturer in 1907, and became Lecturer in the University when the University College became a university in 1909. During this time he served under Professor A. P. Chattock, but Chattock retired in 1910 at the age of 50 and Tyndall became acting head of the department. Then, with the outbreak of war, he left the University to run an army radiological department in Hampshire.

2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-271

AbstractThis article attempts to think through the logic and distinctiveness of the early Royal Society's position as a metropolitan knowledge community and chartered corporation, and the links between these aspects of its being. Among the knowledge communities of Restoration London it is one of the best known and most studied, but also one of the least typical and in many respects one of the least coherent. It was also quite unlike the chartered corporations of the City of London, exercising almost none of their ordinary functions and being granted very limited power and few responsibilities. I explore the society's imaginative and material engagements with longer-established corporate bodies, institutions and knowledge communities, and show how those encounters repeatedly reshaped the early society's internal organization, outward conduct and self-understanding. Building on fundamental work by Michael Hunter, Adrian Johns, Lisa Jardine and Jim Bennett, and new archival evidence, I examine the importance of the city to the society's foundational rhetoric and the shifting orientation of its search for patronage, the development of its charter, and how it learned to interpret the limits and possibilities of its privileges through its encounters with other chartered bodies, emphasizing the contingent nature of its early development.

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