Palestinian factions could lose hope in peace

Significance The new law faces challenge in the Supreme Court, as it imposes Israeli law in the occupied territories, where Palestinian residents have no right to vote. Israel’s right-wing cabinet has also announced plans to authorise new West Bank settlements, reducing the contiguous land available for a potential future Palestinian state -- still the declared aim of the two parties and the international community. Impacts The new US administration could withdraw funds from UN agencies that recognise Palestine. The Palestinian Authority may face a funding crisis in 2017 as aid dries up. Another round of Gaza-Israeli conflict is possible if internal instability leads to more rocket firings.

Subject Rightward shift of the Supreme Court. Significance The Supreme Court has historically checked political power through judicial review. However, under the present government its independence has been challenged by a battle with Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party. The right-wing-dominated Knesset (parliament) has in recent months passed several controversial laws affecting the rights of Arab Israelis and Palestinians, which are likely to come before the court. Impacts Expanded Israeli control over the West Bank would reduce the likelihood of a political agreement with the Palestinians. Unchecked pro-settler legislation could create diplomatic crises with partners in Europe and potentially with the Trump administration. Conservative legislation could also constrain minority and individual rights, over such issues as gender, sexuality and freedom of religion. Ultra-nationalist legislation will further alienate US Jewish supporters who believe it undermines democracy in Israel.

Significance Encouraged by a supportive US administration, Israel is pressing ahead with plans to expand existing Jewish settlements in the West Bank and even to regularise outposts established without the government’s sanction. Palestinians complain that this policy is steadily eroding the prospects for a two-state solution. Impacts Rising despair and internal divisions could stoke a new round of violent Palestinian protest. The dispute over the legitimacy of settlements could assist right-wing efforts to limit the power of Israel's Supreme Court. Controversy over settlements may undermine US attempts to forge an alliance between Israel and Saudi Arabia against Iran.

Significance This partly reflected fears that the Trump administration’s promised “ultimate deal” to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict may include neither element. US envoy and principal author Jason Greenblatt said on September 13 that work on the secret plan had entered the “pre-launch phase”, despite Palestinian opposition. Impacts Unilateral Israeli annexation of large parts of the West Bank is becoming increasingly plausible as right-wing discourse changes. Tel Aviv will resist a return to Palestinian Authority control in Gaza, with many politicians preferring the existing split with Hamas. Despite half-promises to Trump, Saudi Arabia cannot afford to abandon the Palestinian cause. Russia may partly move into the abandoned US mediation role but lacks the commitment and leverage to force a solution.

Significance Netanyahu is beginning negotiations with the aim of forming a new coalition government after the April 9 general election, which saw right-wing and religious parties that are traditional partners for Netanyahu’s Likud win a parliamentary majority. The talks will determine who is appointed to key portfolios -- in this case, defence, finance and justice -- establishing the balance of power in the next government. They also will set out the policy goals of the new administration through a formal coalition agreement. Impacts Netanyahu’s desire for immunity while in office will give parties considerable leverage over Likud. The next justice minister will continue efforts to weaken the power of the Supreme Court. Kahlon is likely to keep his post as finance minister, where he faces the challenge of a growing fiscal deficit. If talks with right-wing parties collapse, Netanyahu may prefer to try a ‘grand coalition’ with Blue and White rather than fresh elections.

Subject The politics surrounding impeachment of Supreme Court judges. Significance A cross-party grouping in the Senate has refused to support the impeachment of three Supreme Court judges. This represents a major political setback for President Horacio Cartes and the first opposition victory in Congress since he took office in August 2013. The decision will put pressure on Cartes to accept their demand for a wholesale reform of the Supreme Court. Impacts Cartes faces internal Colorado Party opposition to his re-election ambitions. Congressional opposition to the Supreme Court's impeachment plans will weaken Cartes within the party. The process will do nothing to strengthen the credibility of supposed anti-corruption measures.

Significance In April, similar action was taken against nearly 9,000 other non-profits. These moves are part of intensifying clashes between the government and civil society. Many NGOs are vocal opponents of Modi's key policies, and the government is frustrated at their perceived ability to harness popular opposition and use the judiciary to stall key projects. Impacts Government efforts on coal (and to a lesser extent nuclear energy) will still encounter NGO resistance. The Supreme Court may become embroiled in the NGO-government clash, portending costly and lengthy battles for investors. Western governments are likely to be more sensitive to Modi's regulatory crackdown, risking hurdles in improving diplomatic ties.

Significance The allegations against Netanyahu involve the acceptance of expensive gifts from wealthy businessmen and an attempt to close a confidential deal on coverage with the publisher of a major newspaper, who until now has been considered his arch-rival. Police are also investigating accusations relating to the role of Netanyahu’s personal lawyer in major procurement contracts between the Israeli navy and a German manufacturer. Impacts Public support for Netanyahu by ministers from his Likud party could be undercut in private. Netanyahu is likely to resist increased right-wing pressure to annex parts of the West Bank, fearing a US response. The accusations have put the premier under extreme political pressure, which might affect his responses to rising tensions with Gaza.

Significance Disputes over constitutionality are tense, and similarly between the executive and legislature, with Maduro preparing to cut funding to the opposition-dominated National Assembly. At the same time, regional pressure is mounting with members of the Mercosur group blocking Venezuela from assuming the body's rotating presidency. Impacts Pressure on the CNE will intensify as the opposition and government respectively seek to advance and block next steps in the recall process. For symbolic reasons, the opposition will keep the Assembly open even if funds are cut and the Supreme Court annuls its initiatives. The dispute with Mercosur will put an already pressured Venezuelan Foreign Ministry on a back foot.

Subject Amnesty law implications. Significance On July 13, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a civil-war amnesty law, which has been in force since 1993. This has led to fears of investigations against current politicians, and warnings that political stability could be undermined. Impacts The fall-out from the Supreme Court ruling will place a renewed focus on the independence of El Salvador's judiciary. The fact that both main parties are involved may discourage politicians from engaging in tit-for-tat allegations. There will be considerable military pressure on ARENA to oppose reopening civil-war cases.

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