Asia-Pacific trade deals are quick wins for London

Headline UNITED KINGDOM: Asia-Pacific trade deals are easy wins

Significance Even if it succeeds, this will have a greater disruptive impact on the trade in services than goods, because the EU’s single market enables greater cross-border services trade than is typical of other free trade agreements (FTAs). This is likely to cut the volume of EU-UK services trade, in which the United Kingdom currently enjoys a substantial surplus. Impacts The United Kingdom’s departure from the EU will diminish its appeal for multinationals over the next few years, at least. The new UK immigration system could result in staff shortages in low-skilled services sectors. The imperative of tackling COVID-19 will likely delay the conclusion of new trade deals with non-EU countries.

Significance This follows the June 23 'Brexit' referendum, in which 52% of those voting called for the government to organise the United Kingdom's exit from the EU. The vote and subsequent leadership transition pose a foreign policy watershed. Impacts South-east Asian states will seek trade deals with the post-Brexit United Kingdom. The diplomatic importance of UK defence and intelligence aid to South-east Asia will grow. France may become more important for the EU to project its influence in South-east Asia.

Significance The consensus among most economists is that whatever the eventual deal, the United Kingdom will be worse off in the long run as a result of leaving the EU. However, the economic impacts will be far from uniform across the country. Impacts The Labour Party is in a better position than the Conservatives to benefit from the increased salience of distributional issues. The automotive, chemicals and pharmaceuticals sectors and the local economies they support are disproportionately exposed. Opposition to trade deals could rise as workers may fear that a flood of cheap imports could threaten their jobs. There is a close association between health and wealth, so poorer areas falling further behind could mean worse health outcomes.

Subject The impact of Brexit on the civil service. Significance With the formal second reading of the EU Withdrawal Bill in parliament today, UK MPs will start to debate the legislation rescinding the United Kingdom's membership of the EU. London's reluctance to clarify its negotiating position during the Brexit talks with Brussels has led to accusations that the United Kingdom is unprepared for such a complex process, not only politically but administratively, too. Impacts A lack of experienced trade negotiators will hamper the United Kingdom’s ability to conclude trade deals after it has left the EU. Stricter immigration rules for EU nationals would increase the workload of the civil service further. The United Kingdom’s perceived unpreparedness could lower EU trust and confidence.

Significance For New Zealand, the agreement is a critical addition to its FTAs, which include the yet-to-be-ratified Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTTP). For the EU, the agreement, along with one being negotiated simultaneously with Australia (and in addition to FTAs with Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam) will enhance its Asia-Pacific presence. Impacts New Zealand will also seek an FTA with the post-Brexit United Kingdom; prospects are positive given economic complementarities. Australia and New Zealand have deep economic links: talks for their individual FTAs with the EU will influence each other. EU “geographical indicators” requirements mean New Zealand producers face renaming products, notably cheese and wine.

Significance As Canada enters the second half of Trudeau’s government, with a federal election due in October 2019, the Liberal Party’s prospects of a second term in office are fair to good. Even so, there is popular fatigue with Trudeau’s celebrity style, a national debate is simmering over oil pipelines and Canada’s trade outlook is uncertain. Impacts Right-wing provincial successes will bring austerity measures and possible labour protests. Escalating intra-federal sanctions, including oil blockades, are likely. New Canadian trade deals with China, India or a post-Brexit United Kingdom will be hampered by incompetent Liberal diplomacy.

Subject Level playing field after Brexit. Significance Unless the United Kingdom remains a member of the single market, it will no longer automatically be subject to EU rules after Brexit. This has raised concerns in the EU that the United Kingdom could gain a competitive advantage by moving towards a ‘low tax, low regulation’ economic model, which could undermine the competitiveness of the EU and trigger a regulatory race to the bottom. Impacts Lower UK environmental standards could impose direct costs on EU consumers, for example through cross-border air pollution. London may be tempted to accept lower food standards in securing more favourable trade deals with non-EU countries. A no-deal Brexit would put the UK government under greater pressure to adopt a tougher stand vis-a-vis the EU and deregulate.

Subject Outlook for UK-EU trade deals. Significance Following the 'Brexit' referendum, a statement from EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom that the United Kingdom must negotiate its EU exit before concluding a trade deal alters assessments of future trading conditions across the English Channel. Even if the United Kingdom were to retain access to the single market or negotiate a free trade area with the EU, UK-EU trade is likely to be governed solely by WTO rules for many years. Impacts Given the UK government's lack of trade negotiators, the private sector could shape the country's negotiating positions. For UK exporters with domestic suppliers, the impact of tariffs on EU shipments will be mitigated by the pound's depreciation. However, the beneficial impact of the latter is reduced for UK exporters that source from abroad.

Significance The next challenge for UK Prime Minister Theresa May is to reconcile the requirements laid down by the EU and domestic political pressures in progressing the Brexit talks still further. Impacts The EU’s proposals would not allow the United Kingdom to sign trade deals before the end of transition. A Canada-style trade agreement would damage the United Kingdom’s services sector. Failure to negotiate a transition period within the next few months could lead to some companies beginning to relocate.

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