Improving The Accuracy of Naïve Bayes Algorithm for Hoax Classification Using Particle Swarm Optimization

Akhmad Pandhu Wijaya ◽  
Heru Agus Santoso
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-112
Candra Agustina

Time deposits are a product of a financial institution, which is currently increasing. The main target of this time deposit marketing is the old customers of the Bank. To increase the effectiveness of marketing customers are grouped into potential and non-potential customers. This means that potential customers have a greater chance to open a time deposit account. Customer data is taken from the UCI repository, originating from Banks in Portugal. Data is processed with rapidminer software using the Decision Tree method with Particle Swarm Optimization, Naïve Bayes with Particle Swarm Optimization and finally processed using Neural Network with Particle Swarm Optimization. Data processing results were compared and showed that the Naïve Bayes Algorithm with Particle Swarm Optimization had the highest accuracy of 97.04%. Therefore an application designed based on Naive Bayes with Particle Swarm Optimization. From the original attribute consisting of 20, only 9 attributes can be used so that the level of accuracy is high. Attributes used have values ​​more than 0.500, while those that have these values ​​are omitted. The design was created using the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Visual Basic 6.0 to create an User Interface.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Firman Tempola

<p class="JGI-AbstractIsi">This research is a continuation of previous research that applied the Naive Bayes classifier algorithm to predict the status of volcanoes in Indonesia based on seismic factors. There are five attributes used in predicting the status of volcanoes, namely the status of the normal, standby and alerts. The results Showed the accuracy of the resulted prediction was only 79.31%, or fell into fair classification. To overcome these weaknesses and in order to increase accuracy, optimization is done by giving criteria or attribute weights using particle swarm optimization. This research compared the optimization of Naive Bayes algorithm to vector machine support using particle swarm optimization. The research found improvement on system after application of PSO-NBC to that of 91.3 % and 92.86% after applying PSO-SVM.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-240
Endang Sri Palupi

Turnover occurs because many employees leave and new employees enter, so the turnover in and out of employees is quite high, therefore turnover can be controlled with a strategy to increase employee engagement. PT. Mastersystem Infotama is a System Integrator company or better known as a fairly large IT company with a total of approximately 600 employees. Turnover is high enough to make some divisions lack human resources, and the human capital management division is quite difficult to recruit employees to find candidates with various criteria that must be available in a short time. Competition in the IT world is quite tight both within companies and employees with good experience and abilities. Especially the sales department that holds a database of potential customers, and the engineer section that already has a certificate of expertise that is widely used in the IT business world. Therefore, it is necessary to classify what factors make employee turnover high by using the Naïve Bayes and Naïve Bayes algorithms based on Particle Swarm Optimization, so that they can be used as material for internal evaluation to increase employee engagement. The results of this study, classification using the Naïve Bayes algorithm, has an accuracy of 79.17%, while the classification using the Naïve Bayes algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization is 94.17%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Rinawati Rinawati

Bad credit is one of the credit risk faced by the financial and banking industry. Bad credit can be avoided by means of an accurate credit analysis of the debtor. The accuracy of credit ratings is crucial to the profitability of financial institutions. Improved accuracy of credit ratings can be done by doing the selection of attributes, because the selection of attributes reduce the dimensionality of the data so that operation of the data mining algorithms can be run more effectively and more cepat.Banyak research has been conducted to determine credit ratings. One of the methods most widely used method of Naive Bayes. In this study will be used method Naive Bayes and will do the selection of attributes by using particle swarm optimization to determine credit ratings. After testing the results obtained are Naive Bayes produce accuracy value of 72.40% and AUC value of 0.765. Then be optimized by using particle swarm optimization results show values higher accuracy is equal to 75.90% and AUC value of 0.773. So as to achieve the increased accuracy of 3.5%, and increased the AUC of 0.008. By looking at the accuracy and AUC values, the Naive Bayes algorithm based on particle swarm optimization into the classification category enough.

Abi Rafdi ◽  
Herman Mawengkang Herman ◽  
Syahril Efendi

This study analyzes Sentiment to see opinions, points of view, judgments, attitudes, and emotions towards creatures and aspects expressed through texts. One of Social Media is like Twitter is one of the most widely used means of communication as a research topic. The main problem with sentiment analysis is voting and using the best feature options for maximum results. Either, the most widely known classification method is Naive Bayes. However, Naive Bayes is very sensitive to significant features. That way, in this test, a comparison of feature selection is carried out using Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm to improve the accuracy performance of the Naive Bayes algorithm. Analyses are performed by comparing before and after testing using feature selection. Validation uses a cross-validation technique, while the confusion matrix ??is appealed to measure accuracy. The results showed the highest increase for Naïve Bayes algorithm accuracy when using the feature selection of the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm from 60.26% to 77.50%, while the genetic algorithm from 60.26% to 70.71%. Therefore, the choice of the best characteristics is Particle Swarm Optimization which is superior with an increase in accuracy of 17.24%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Dini Rohmayani

One source of funds that plays a very important role in education or teaching and learning activities is the Donation of Education Development or tuition fee. The problem faced by TEDC Polytechnic of Bandung is based on historical data from the financial department there are still many students who are late in making tuition payments, for that the authors make an analysis in predicting late payment of fees by using the Naive Bayes algorithm which is compared with Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with the purpose of determining the classification pattern is right or late and to find out what indicators most influence the prediction of late payment of tuition fee. In testing the author uses 115 datasets from the results of a questionnaire filled out by students and these testing these divided into three models, the first is testing using the entire dataset and all attributes of the questionnaire results, the second test is done by using the entire dataset based on Particle Swarm Optimation (PSO), as well as the third test carried out using a dataset using the attributes that most influence to the prediction of late tuition payment. Off the 13 indicators, there are only 8 indicators that are most influential in predicting late payment of tuition fee, namely father's income, number of dependents of parents, pocket money / month, financial services, academic services, study programs, payment methods for tuition payment, and mother's occupation. The testing result of those three classification models using the highest Naive Bayes accuracy algorithm are testing using the Naive Bayes algorithm based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), with an accuracy of 73.94%, precision 78.50%, 69% recall, and AUC 0.771 , even though the execution time is 3 seconds longer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 377-382
Suwanda Aditya Aaputra ◽  
Didi Rosiyadi ◽  
Windu Gata ◽  
Syepry Maulana Husain

Increasingly sophisticated technology brings various conveniences both in transportation, information, education to the convenience of transactions in shopping, such as the development of E-wallet can now be easily done using a smartphone. From a number of e-wallet products, researchers took a case study, which is OVO product, which is currently being discussed by many groups, especially in the capital of Jakarta today. Customers or clients who are not satisfied with the services or products offered by a company will usually write their complaints on social media or reviews on Google play. However, monitoring and organizing opinions from the public is also not easy. For this reason, we need a special method or technique that is able to categorize these reviews automatically, whether positive or negative. The algorithm used in this study is Naive Bayes Classifier (NB), with the optimization of the use of Particle Swarm Optimization Feature Selection (FS). The results of cross validation NB without FS are 82.30% for accuracy and 0.780 for AUC. Whereas for NB with FS is 83.60% for accuracy and 0.801 for AUC. Very significant improvement with the use of Feature Selection (FS) Particle Swarm Optimization.  

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