Integrating geographic information system (GIS) and automatic vehicle location (AVL) technologies for improving the emergency response capabilities of electric utilities

1991 ◽  
Tariq Javid

This chapter presents fundamental concepts and purpose of the Geographic Information System (GIS) to understand, deploy, monitor, and control the Smart Grid (SG). To enable existing power grid for two-way electricity flow, there is a need to consider deployment of a number of advanced technologies. The SG will have a huge number of devices which are capable of information exchange across the whole electricity network. The GIS is a computer based tool which has the ability to display useful information primarily in the form of labeled digital maps. This capability is useful for transformation of conventional electric grid to a SG by finding suitable locations for timely and economically affordable installation of SG components. Although GIS is in use for electric utilities, new research and advancements in enabling technologies have made it more suitable to play a bigger role in the SG.

2019 ◽  
pp. 617-635
Tariq Javid

This chapter presents fundamental concepts and purpose of the Geographic Information System (GIS) to understand, deploy, monitor, and control the Smart Grid (SG). To enable existing power grid for two-way electricity flow, there is a need to consider deployment of a number of advanced technologies. The SG will have a huge number of devices which are capable of information exchange across the whole electricity network. The GIS is a computer based tool which has the ability to display useful information primarily in the form of labeled digital maps. This capability is useful for transformation of conventional electric grid to a SG by finding suitable locations for timely and economically affordable installation of SG components. Although GIS is in use for electric utilities, new research and advancements in enabling technologies have made it more suitable to play a bigger role in the SG.

Judith Woodhall

This chapter discusses how the need for geospatially enabled data messaging among emergency response agencies can be enabled with the Emergency Provider Access Directory (EPAD). It describes the directory, how it enables message routing and its fit into a boarder E-Safety network. It also discusses the architectural components of the EPAD, specifically the geographic information system (GIS) module, and how Web services and open source products were used in the design to enhance the EPAD service offering, an offering that has the potential to bring emergency agencies one step closer to realizing interagency interoperability for advanced response to emergency events.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 223
Humam Zarodi

<p>Erupsi Gunungapi Merapi tahun 2010 mengakibatkan banyak korban jiwa, kerusakan aset dan kerugian di berbagai bidang. Untuk meminimalkan korban jiwa, kerusakan dan kerugian, diperlukan upaya pengurangan risiko bencana (PRB). Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan adalah program desa bersaudara (<em>sister village</em>) yang digagas oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Magelang melalui Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD). Program desa bersaudara ini bertujuan agar ada kepastian tempat pengungsian, mengurangi kesemrawutan proses pengungsian serta memudahkan pelayanan pengungsi. Program ini dapat memanfaatan Sistem Informasi Geografis/<em>Geographic Information System</em> (GIS) yang berbasis web (<em>WebGIS</em>). <em>WebGIS</em> mampu mendiseminasikan peta yang dihasilkan dalam program desa bersaudara, misalnya peta jalur evakuasi. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan pemanfataan <em>WebGIS</em> dalam mendukung program desa bersaudara, dengan mengambil kasus di Desa Ngargomulyo (desa rawan bencana) dan Desa Tamanagung (desa penyangga/ penerima pengungsi). Metodenya adalah memaparkan proses pemetaan jalur evakuasi. Proses penyusunan peta tersebut terbagi empat tahap:   survei lapangan, penyiapan data spasial, coding dan publikasi. Hasilnya adalah tampilan peta jalur evakuasi yang bisa diakses oleh siapapun tanpa menggunakan aplikasi GIS yang memudahkan masyarakat pengungsi, penerima pengungsi, pemerintah maupun parapihak, mengetahui asal pengungsi, jalur evakuasi dan titik pengungsian. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemetaan <em>WebGIS</em> dapat mendukung upaya PRB dengan keunggulan bisa dijangkau pengguna secara sangat luas.<strong></strong></p><p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: desa bersaudara, <em>sister village</em>, pemetaan jalur evakuasi, <em>gis</em>, <em>webgis</em></p>

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