Temperature-dependent variation in Anopheles merus larval head capsule width and adult wing length: implications for anopheline taxonomy

1991 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-62 ◽  
1977 ◽  
Vol 109 (12) ◽  
pp. 1563-1570 ◽  
Gordon Pritchard ◽  
Brian Pelchat

AbstractSamples of a population of Argia vivida Hagen larvae were taken at about monthly intervals from a series of warm sulphur pools at Banff, Alberta, from June 1973 to December 1974. Changes in head capsule width and wing pad length in field-collected and laboratory-reared specimens show that the life-cycle is univoltine. Only the final (Z) instar can be recognized with certainty, but methods are described whereby the population can be divided into size classes which are thought to correspond well with the last nine larval instars. Periods of rapid growth occur in the autumn and again in the spring. Larvae overwinter in the instars U, V, W, X, and Y and the major shift to the final instar occurs in March and April. Adults emerge from April to August. In the laboratory, growth is temperature dependent until the penultimate (Y) instar and this could be a factor in the field since, although larvae can exist year-round at a constant 26 °C, some larvae live in the cooler areas at the edges of the streams and pools. Entry to the final instar appears to require the long photoperiods that follow the vernal equinox.

1985 ◽  
Vol 117 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-239 ◽  
D.B. Donald

AbstractFunctional wing length (wing length/head-capsule width) of female Sweltsa revelstoka (Jewett) from streams was measured for 19 sites that have been free of Wisconsin glacial ice for about 15 000 years and possibly longer, and from 23 sites that have been ice free for about 10 000 years. At the former sites brachypterous populations were common and there was a significant negative relationship between functional wing length and elevation, and a positive relationship between functional wing length and stream size. In the area that deglaciated more recently, populations were not or only slightly brachypterous and there was no significant relationship between wing length and elevation or between wing length and stream size. Functional wing length was not related to body size. These analyses indicate that the brachypterous condition is probably genotypic in origin. I suggest that streams were colonized by macropterous forms shortly after deglaciation, and that brachyptery takes several millennia to develop at small, high-elevation streams.

1990 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 347 ◽  
GR Allen

A field study was undertaken to determine the phenologies of the solitary larval endoparasitoids Cotesia urabae and Dolichogenidea eucalypti in relation to that of their bivoltine host Uraba lugens. C. urabae had two generations within both the summer and the winter generation of U. lugens, and D. eucalypti had two generations in the summer but only one generation in the winter. D. eucalypti parasitised a narrower range of host sizes in the field. Both parasitoids attacked recently hatched (typically 1st instar) or 'small hosts' at the beginning at each host generation. In summer D. eucalypti was the first to emerge from hosts, but both D. eucalypti and C. urabae, emerged from hosts which had modes of 0.85-1.05 mm in head capsule width and 0.9-1.5 mg in dry weight (mid hosts). In winter, C. urabae emerged from hosts which had modes of 1.15 mm in head capsule width and 2.7 mg in dry weight (large hosts). Both species in summer, and C. urabae in winter, then proceeded to parasitise hosts of around these sizes to commence second parasitoid generations. In its second generation in summer and its first generation in winter, D. eucalypti typically emerged after most unparasitised hosts had pupated. Both species of parasitoid overwintered within the larval stage of their host. Levels of parasitisation appeared to be low, and dropped between first and second generations within each host generation. It was concluded that C. urabae and D. eucalypti displayed continuity of generations and a high level of synchronisation with U. lugens in the Adelaide region.

1975 ◽  
Vol 107 (9) ◽  
pp. 927-934 ◽  
Gerard F. Iwantsch ◽  
Zane Smilowitz

AbstractThe effects of parasitism by Hyposoter exiguae (Viereck) on certain developmental parameters of Trichoplusia ni (Hübner) were influenced by host age at parasitism.Head-capsule growth increments for parasitized Trichoplusia ni became smaller with each successive molt during parasitism so that determination of instar on the basis of head-capsule width became impossible.Parisitized T. ni showed a proportionately smaller gain in weight from time of stinging until parasitoid emergence the older they were when stung (6 times for 3rd instars; 2 times for 4th instars; and no gain for 5th instars). This retardation was evident 24 h after parasitism. Essentially the same results were obtained for dry weight.Percentage dry weight of parasitized larvae tended to increase over control values until the 5th stadium when controls abruptly increased. Values for parasitized 5ths remained below the controls. Values found on the last days reflected those of the parasitoid which composed most of the mass inside the host cuticle.Hemolymph specific gravity in controls and parasitized 3rd instars oscillated with a frequency of one stadium in the 3rd, 4th, and early 5th stadia. Specific gravity of controls then rose to a maximum of 1.0501 in the prespinning phase and dropped by the pharate–pupal phase. Values for parasitized larvae in the 5th stadium rose slightly before leveling off, and parasitized 5th instars rose to a maximum on the next-to-last day. Maximum values attained for hosts parasitized as 3rd and 5th instars never reached that for controls on day 11. This may be related to the complete unacceptability or unsuitability of T. ni larvae for parasitism from day 11 on.

1977 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 254-261 ◽  
David M. Rosenberg ◽  
Allen P. Wiens ◽  
Ole A. Sæther

Cricotopus (Cricotopus) bicinctus (Meigen) and C. (C.) mackenziensis Oliver, two common species of Chironomidae in the Fort Simpson area, N.W.T., were examined for changes resulting from experimental field exposure to Norman Wells crude oil. Larvae of both species were always present in higher numbers on oiled than unoiled artificial substrates but numbers of C. bicinctus increased more quickly than C. mackenziensis in response to the oil. Cricotopus mackenziensis larvae occurred in higher numbers than C. bicinctus larvae on unoiled artificial substrates. Cricotopus bicinctus tended to dominate C. mackenziensis on oiled artificial substrates. Size of larvae, as measured by head capsule width, was unaffected by increased food supply during periods of maximum algal biomass on oiled artificial substrates. Larvae on oiled artificial substrates apparently produced part of another generation when compared to larvae on unoiled artificial substrates.

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