Decommissioning and Decontamination and Radioactive Waste Management Within the Framework of Remediation of Environmental Liabilities in the Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc

Josef Podlaha

After more than 45 years of activities in the nuclear field, there are many environmental liabilities that shall be remedied in the Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc, Czech Republic. The Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc (NRI) is a leading institution in all areas of nuclear R&D in the Czech Republic. NRI operates two research nuclear reactors and many facilities such as a hot cell facility, research laboratories, technology for radioactive waste (RAW) management, radionuclide irradiators, electron accelerators, etc. Except of facilities that will be decommissioned in the future, there are many retired facilities that will be decommissioned soon. There are three main areas of remediation: [1] decommissioning of old obsolete facilities (e.g. decay tanks, liquid RAW storage tanks, old RAW treatment technology, special sewage system), [2] processing of RAW resulting from operation and dismantling of nuclear facilities (e.g. RAW from reconstruction of the VVR-S research reactor), and [3] elimination of spent fuel from research reactors. The goal is to remedy the environmental liabilities and eliminate the potential negative impact on the environment. Based on this postulate, optimal remedial actions have been selected and recommended for the environmental remediation. Remediation of the environmental liabilities with the large potential impact on the environment has already been started. The most significant items of environmental liabilities are discussed. The main goal is to describe the current state, the progress and the future activities in remediation of environmental liabilities.

Karel Svoboda ◽  
Josef Podlaha

The Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc (NRI) after 55 years of activities in the nuclear field produced some environmental liabilities that shall be remedied. There are three areas of remediation: (1) decommissioning of old obsolete facilities (e.g. decay tanks, RAW treatment technology, special sewage system), (2) processing of RAW from operation and dismantling of nuclear facilities, and (3) elimination of spent fuel from research nuclear reactors operated by the NRI. The goal is to remedy the environmental liabilities and eliminate the potential negative impact on the environment. Remediation of the environmental liabilities started in 2003 and will be finished in 2014. The character of the environmental liabilities is very specific and requires special remediation procedures. Special technologies are being developed with assistance of external subcontractors. The NRI has gained many experiences in the field of RAW management and decommissioning of nuclear facilities and will use its facilities, experienced staff and all relevant data needed for the successful realization of the remediation. The most significant items of environmental liabilities are described in the paper together with information about the history, the current state, the progress, and the future activities in the field of remediation of environmental liabilities in the NRI.

Josef Podlaha ◽  
Karel Svoboda ◽  
Eduard Hansli´k

After more than 55 years of activities of the Nuclear Research Institute Rez (NRI) in the nuclear field, there are some obsolete nuclear facilities that shall be decommissioned. NRI is a leading institution in all areas of nuclear R&D in the Czech Republic. NRI has had a dominant position in the nuclear programme since it was established in 1955 as a state-owned research organization and it has developed to its current status. In December 1992, NRI has been transformed into a joint-stock company. The Institute’s activity encompasses nuclear physics, chemistry, nuclear power, experiments at the research reactor and many other topics. Main issues addressed in NRI in the past decades were concentrated on research, development and services provided to the nuclear power plants operating VVER reactors, development of chemical technologies for fuel cycle and irradiation services to research and development in the industrial sector, agriculture, food processing and medicine. The NRI operates two research nuclear reactors, many facilities as a hot cell facility, research laboratories, technology for radioactive waste (RAW) management, radionuclide irradiators, an electron accelerator, etc. The obsolete facilities to be decommissioned comprise various research facilities and facilities for RAW management. Decommissioning of nuclear facilities NRI is the only ongoing decommissioning project in the Czech Republic. Decommissioning started in 2003 and will be finished in 2014. Some facilities have already been successfully decommissioned.

Karel Svoboda ◽  
Josef Podlaha ◽  
David Sˇi´r ◽  
Josef Mudra

In recent years, the amount of radioactive materials seizures (captured radioactive materials) has been rising. It was above all due to newly installed detection facilities that were able to check metallic scrap during its collection in scrap yards or on the entrance to iron-mills, checking municipal waste upon entrance to municipal disposal sites, even incineration plants, or through checking vehicles going through the borders of the Czech Republic. Most cases bore a relationship to secondary raw materials or they were connected to the application of machines and installations made from contaminated metallic materials. However, in accordance to our experience, the number of cases of seizures of materials and devices containing radioactive sources used in the public domain was lower, but not negligible, in the municipal storage yards or incineration plants. Atomic Act No. 18/1997 Coll. will apply to everybody who provides activities leading to exposure, mandatory assurance as high radiation safety as risk of the endangering of life, personal health and environment is as low as reasonably achievable in according to social and economic aspects. Hence, attention on the examination of all cases of the radioactive material seizure based on detection facilities alarm or reasonably grounds suspicion arising from the other information is important. Therefore, a service carried out by group of workers who ensure assessment of captured radioactive materials and eventual retrieval of radioactive sources from the municipal waste has come into existence in the Nuclear Research Institute Rez plc. This service has covered also transport, storage, processing and disposal of found radioactive sources. This service has arisen especially for municipal disposal sites, but later on even other companies took advantage of this service like incineration plants, the State Office for Nuclear Safety, etc. Our experience in the field of ensuring assessment of captured radioactive materials and eventual retrieval of radioactive sources will be presented in the paper.

Milan Tous ◽  
Josef Podlaha

More than 55 years of activities in the company UJV Rez, a. s. (Nuclear Research Institute Rez a.s. in the past) which is a leading institution in all areas of nuclear R&D in the Czech Republic and had a dominant position in the nuclear program since it was established (1955), there are several obsolete nuclear facilities that shall be decommissioned. The total amount of radioactive waste (RAW) resulting from decommissioning for the next processing will be ∼ 1500 m3 and the expected amount RAW for releasing into the environment is 240 tons after the decontamination. For the RAW processing several decontamination methods such as high press water jetting, chemical treating in ultrasonic bath, dry ice blasting and abrasive blasting were performed. Decommissioning started in 2003 and will be finished in 2016. This decommissioning of nuclear facilities in UJV is the only ongoing decommissioning project in the Czech Republic.

Petr Kadecˇka

Nuclear Research Institute (NRI) Rez, Czech Republic have worked together with Czech NPPs (Dukovany and Temelin) on preparation of a new Plant Life Management (PLIM) Program that is currently for these NPPs in implementation phase. This presentation describes the new PLIM program structure and whole implementation process that covers: - preparation of specific guidelines and strategies based on analysis of Czech Regulator’s and IAEA requirements, and different good practices, - ageing management (AM) review carried out for selected structures and components, existing AM programs and other already used practices related to AM, - performance of technical-economical study that adds economical planning to PLIM, - design and usage of supporting database application called INFOZ.

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