Characterization of two developmentally regulated sea urchin U2 small nuclear RNA promoters: a common required TATA sequence and independent proximal and distal elements

1992 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 650-660
B Stefanovic ◽  
W F Marzluff

The promoters of two U2 small nuclear RNA genes isolated from the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus were mapped by microinjection of genes into sea urchin zygotes. One gene, LvU2E, is expressed only in oocytes and embryos and is found in a tandemly repeated gene set, while the other gene, LvU2L, is a single-copy gene and is expressed in embryos and somatic cells. The promoters each contain a TATA sequence at -25 which is required for expression, a proximal sequence element (PSE) centered at -55 required for expression, a sequence at -100 which couples the core promoter (PSE plus TATA box) to the upstream element, and an upstream sequence which stimulates expression fourfold. The PSE together with the TATA sequence is sufficient to determine the transcription start site. There is no sequence similarity between the -100 and PSE sequences of the two genes. The -100 sequences can be interchanged between the two genes. The LvU2E PSE functions in the context of the LvU2L gene, but the LvU2L PSE functions poorly in the context of the LvU2E gene.

1992 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 650-660 ◽  
B Stefanovic ◽  
W F Marzluff

The promoters of two U2 small nuclear RNA genes isolated from the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus were mapped by microinjection of genes into sea urchin zygotes. One gene, LvU2E, is expressed only in oocytes and embryos and is found in a tandemly repeated gene set, while the other gene, LvU2L, is a single-copy gene and is expressed in embryos and somatic cells. The promoters each contain a TATA sequence at -25 which is required for expression, a proximal sequence element (PSE) centered at -55 required for expression, a sequence at -100 which couples the core promoter (PSE plus TATA box) to the upstream element, and an upstream sequence which stimulates expression fourfold. The PSE together with the TATA sequence is sufficient to determine the transcription start site. There is no sequence similarity between the -100 and PSE sequences of the two genes. The -100 sequences can be interchanged between the two genes. The LvU2E PSE functions in the context of the LvU2L gene, but the LvU2L PSE functions poorly in the context of the LvU2E gene.

1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 1275-1281 ◽  
J M Li ◽  
R P Haberman ◽  
W F Marzluff

The proximal sequence element (PSE) for the sea urchin U6 small nuclear RNA gene has been defined. The most critical nucleotides for expression, located 61 to 64 nucleotides (nt) from the transcription start site, are 4 nt, AACT, at the 5' end of the PSE. Two nucleotide mutations in this region abolish transcription of the sea urchin U6 gene in vitro. The same two nucleotide mutations greatly reduce the binding of specific factors detected by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. There is also a conserved AC dinucleotide 57 nt from the start site of the sea urchin U1 and U2 PSEs. The sea urchin U1 and U2 PSEs were substituted for the sea urchin U6 PSE, with the conserved AC sequences aligned with those of the U6 PSE. Both of these genes were expressed at levels higher than those observed with the wild-type U6 gene. Similar complexes are formed on the U1 and U2 PSEs, and formation of the complexes is inhibited efficiently by the U6 PSE. In addition, the E-box sequence present upstream of the PSE enhances U6 transcription from both the U1 and U2 PSEs. Finally, depletion of a nuclear extract with a DNA affinity column containing the U6 PSE sequence reduces expression of the U6 genes driven by the U6, U1, or U2 PSE but does not affect expression of the 5S rRNA gene. These data support the possibility that the same factor(s) interacts with the PSE sequences of the U1, U2, and U6 small nuclear RNA genes expressed in early sea urchin embryogenesis.

1995 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 2019-2027 ◽  
J B Yoon ◽  
S Murphy ◽  
L Bai ◽  
Z Wang ◽  
R G Roeder

The proximal sequence element (PSE), found in both RNA polymerase II (Pol II)- and RNA Pol III-transcribed small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes, is specifically bound by the PSE-binding transcription factor (PTF). We have purified PTF to near homogeneity from HeLa cell extracts by using a combination of conventional and affinity chromatographic methods. Purified PTF is composed of four polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 180, 55, 45, and 44 kDa. A combination of preparative electrophoretic mobility shift and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses has conclusively identified these four polypeptides as subunits of human PTF, while UV cross-linking experiments demonstrate that the largest subunit of PTF is in close contact with the PSE. The purified PTF activates transcription from promoters of both Pol II- and Pol III-transcribed snRNA genes in a PSE-dependent manner. In addition, we have investigated factor requirements in transcription of Pol III-dependent snRNA genes. We show that in extracts that have been depleted of TATA-binding protein (TBP) and associated factors, recombinant TBP restores transcription from U6 and 7SK promoters but not from the VAI promoter, whereas the highly purified TBP-TBP-associated factor complex TFIIIB restores transcription from the VAI but not the U6 or 7SK promoter. Furthermore, by complementation of heat-treated extracts lacking TFIIIC activity, we show that TFIIIC1 is required for transcription of both the 7SK and VAI genes, whereas TFIIIC2 is required only for transcription of the VAI gene. From these observations, we conclude (i) that PTF and TFIIIC2 function as gene-specific as gene-specific factors for PSE-and B-box-containing Pol III genes, respectively, (ii) that the form of TBP used by class III genes with upstream promoter elements differs from the from used by class III genes with internal promoters, and (iii) that TFIIIC1 is required for both internal and external Pol III promoters.

1988 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 1518-1524 ◽  
D Soldati ◽  
D Schümperli

Oligonucleotides derived from the spacer element of the histone RNA 3' processing signal were used to characterize mouse U7 small nuclear RNA (snRNA), i.e., the snRNA component active in 3' processing of histone pre-mRNA. Under RNase H conditions, such oligonucleotides inhibited the processing reaction, indicating the formation of a DNA-RNA hybrid with a functional ribonucleoprotein component. Moreover, these oligonucleotides hybridized to a single nuclear RNA species of approximately 65 nucleotides. The sequence of this RNA was determined by primer extension experiments and was found to bear several structural similarities with sea urchin U7 snRNA. The comparison of mouse and sea urchin U7 snRNA structures yields some further insight into the mechanism of histone RNA 3' processing.

1989 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1682-1690 ◽  
G Tebb ◽  
I W Mattaj

The sequences involved in enhancement of transcription of the Xenopus U2 small nuclear RNA gene by the distal sequence element (DSE) of its promoter were analyzed in detail by microinjection of mutant genes into Xenopus oocytes. The DSE was shown to be roughly 60 base pairs long. Within this region, four motifs were found to contribute to DSE function: an ATGCAAAT octamer sequence, an SpI binding site, and two additional motifs which, since they are related in sequence, may bind the same transcription factor. These motifs were named D2 (for DSE; U2). Both the octamer sequence and the SpI site bound nuclear factors in vitro, but no factor binding to the D2 motifs was detected. All four elements were independently capable of enhancing transcription of the U2 gene to some extent. Furthermore, when assayed under both competitive and noncompetitive conditions, the individual units of the DSE displayed functional redundancy.

1988 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1076-1084
G M Gilmartin ◽  
F Schaufele ◽  
G Schaffner ◽  
M L Birnstiel

U7 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) is an essential component of the RNA-processing machinery which generates the 3' end of mature histone mRNA in the sea urchin. The U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) is classified as a member of the Sm-type U snRNP family by virtue of its recognition by both anti-trimethylguanosine and anti-Sm antibodies. We analyzed the function-structure relationship of the U7 snRNP by mutagenesis experiments. These suggested that the U7 snRNP of the sea urchin is composed of three important domains. The first domain encompasses the 5'-terminal sequences, up to about nucleotides 7, which are accessible to micrococcal nuclease, while the remainder of the RNA is highly protected and hence presumably bound by proteins. This region contains the sequence complementarities between the U7 snRNA and the histone pre-mRNA which have previously been shown to be required for 3' processing (F. Schaufele, G. M. Gilmartin, W. Bannwarth, and M. L. Birnstiel, Nature [London] 323:777-781, 1986). Nucleotides 9 to 20 constitute a second domain which includes sequences for Sm protein binding. The complementarities between the U7 snRNA sequences in this region and the terminal palindrome of the histone mRNA appear to be fortuitous and play only a secondary, if any, role in 3' processing. The third domain is composed of the terminal palindrome of U7 snRNA, the secondary structure of which must be maintained for the U7 snRNP to function, but its sequence can be drastically altered without any observable effect on snRNP assembly or 3' processing.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 2874-2881
G Porter ◽  
P Brennwald ◽  
J A Wise

We have cloned, sequenced, and disrupted the gene encoding U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. This RNA is close in size and exhibits a high degree of secondary structure homology to human U1 RNA. There exist two regions of extended primary sequence identity between S. pombe and human U1 RNAs; the first comprises nucleotides involved in hydrogen bonding to 5' splice junctions, and the second is a single-stranded region which, in the human snRNA, forms part of the A protein binding site. S. pombe U1 lacks two nucleotides just following the 5' cap structure which are present in all other U1 homologs examined to date, and the region which corresponds to the binding site for the human 70K protein (molecular weight of 55,000) is more divergent than in other organisms. A putative upstream transcription signal is conserved in sequence and location among all loci encoding spliceosomal snRNAs in S. pombe with the exception of U6. Disruption of the single-copy U1 gene, designated snu1, reveals that this RNA is indispensable for viability.

1989 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 1682-1690
G Tebb ◽  
I W Mattaj

The sequences involved in enhancement of transcription of the Xenopus U2 small nuclear RNA gene by the distal sequence element (DSE) of its promoter were analyzed in detail by microinjection of mutant genes into Xenopus oocytes. The DSE was shown to be roughly 60 base pairs long. Within this region, four motifs were found to contribute to DSE function: an ATGCAAAT octamer sequence, an SpI binding site, and two additional motifs which, since they are related in sequence, may bind the same transcription factor. These motifs were named D2 (for DSE; U2). Both the octamer sequence and the SpI site bound nuclear factors in vitro, but no factor binding to the D2 motifs was detected. All four elements were independently capable of enhancing transcription of the U2 gene to some extent. Furthermore, when assayed under both competitive and noncompetitive conditions, the individual units of the DSE displayed functional redundancy.

1993 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 5918-5927
Z Zamrod ◽  
C M Tyree ◽  
Y Song ◽  
W E Stumph

Transcription of a Drosophila U1 small nuclear RNA gene was functionally analyzed in cell extracts derived from 0- to 12-h embryos. Two promoter elements essential for efficient initiation of transcription in vitro by RNA polymerase II were identified. The first, termed PSEA, is located between positions -41 and -61 relative to the transcription start site, is crucial for promoter activity, and is the dominant element for specifying the transcription initiation site. PSEA thus appears to be functionally homologous to the proximal sequence element of vertebrate small nuclear RNA genes. The second element, termed PSEB, is located at positions -25 to -32 and is required for an efficient level of transcription initiation because mutation of PSEB, or alteration of the spacing between PSEA and PSEB, severely reduced transcriptional activity relative to that of the wild-type promoter. Although the PSEB sequence does not have any obvious sequence similarity to a TATA box, conversion of PSEB to the canonical TATA sequence dramatically increased the efficiency of the U1 promoter and simultaneously relieved the requirement for the upstream PSEA. Despite these effects, introduction of the TATA sequence into the U1 promoter had no effect on the choice of start site or on the RNA polymerase II specificity of the promoter. Finally, evidence is presented that the TATA box-binding protein is required for transcription from the wild-type U1 promoter as well as from the TATA-containing U1 promoter.

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