scholarly journals Diabetes, driving and fasting during Ramadan: the interplay between secular and religious law

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. e000520 ◽  
Nazim Ghouri ◽  
Sufyan Hussain ◽  
Ruzwan Mohammed ◽  
Salem Arifi Beshyah ◽  
Tahseen A Chowdhury ◽  

A large proportion of the Muslim population fasts during Ramadan. The risk of hypoglycemia is increased with fasting during Ramadan in people with diabetes who are on insulin and insulin secretagogues. Therefore, the combination of fasting with diabetes and driving presents a challenging situation, with legal implications for such individuals and their healthcare professionals. This novel, narrative, non-systematic review discusses the importance of addressing hypoglycemia in fasting with reference to secular legal guidance on driving with diabetes. We discuss religious aspects relating to fasting and driving in Islam. While there is no clear guidance or legal position on diabetes and driving for individuals who are fasting, Islamic law provides a logical framework to address this. Healthcare professionals need to raise and facilitate discussions on this often-overlooked topic with people with diabetes who are planning on fasting to minimize the potential for public harm. For some individuals fasting perhaps should be avoided when driving and that this religiously compatible position would best be adopted when one is dependent on driving for livelihood. Ultimately further research on glycemic control and management when fasting and driving, as well as a formal legal guidance on this topic, is required to safeguard healthcare professionals and the public from the potential dangers of driving with diabetes and fasting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-186
M. Ikhwan ◽  
Anton Jamal

This paper explain the discourse of Islamic law in the Indonesian context in order to understand the substantive values of religion in national life. The development of the times raises the complexity of problems in life, including the presence of Islamic law in the nation-state, this of course requires a comprehensive discourse in order to answer each of these problems. This paper uses a qualitative research method with a narrative approach by referring to secondary sources so that it can be concluded. First, the formulation of Islamic law in Indonesia needs to be considered in terms of prioritizing the application of the noble values of religion itself (substantive). Second, the role of religion is very large in public life, hence the exclusion of religion from the private sphere or vice versa (placing religious law into the public sphere) needs to be viewed from various aspects. Third, the formalization of Islamic law in several perspectives of the Indonesian legal system is relatively difficult to materialize because of historical, ideological, sociological, political, juridical, religious and cultural considerations, both at the national and international levels.

Imran Imran ◽  
Muammar Muammar ◽  
Jauharah Jauharah ◽  
T. Azwar Aziz ◽  
Darmawi Darmawi ◽  

The existence of guardians in the implementation of marriage contract has been explained in Islamic law in a clear and detailed manner. Guardian for a woman becomes one of pillar in the implementation of the marriage contract, and has a systematic sequence that starts from the main one and moves sequentially to the one after, if the one above is considered ‘uzur. But the primacy of the existence of the guardian is not utilized maximally in the perception of the Acehnese people. So that most people tend to represent the implementation of the marriage contract to other people such as pious people or marriage registration officers. The parental guardian prefers to care for his guardian rights to others even though basically there is no obstacle that hinder him. The problem is the practice law of tawkil marriage in the tradition of Aceh people according to Islamic law review. The results of the study shows that the public perception of the implementation of wakalah (tawkil) marriage is based on an understanding about the ability to be brave in the implementation of the marriage contract. But their understanding is based on habits that occur in the traditions of society, not based on the results of scientific studies. Indeed, the practice of tawkil or wakalah marriage that occurs in Acehnese society does not conflict with religious law, but the implication is the erosion of the erosion of the existence of guardians and the parental guardian in a very memorable contract in the history of a human life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Nursaidah Nursaidah ◽  
Adi Nur Rohman ◽  
Panti Rahayu

Abstract:Divorce in Indonesia, legally positive, must be carried out before a panel of judges at trial in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and the Compilation of Islamic Law. However, out-of-court divorce is still common in several areas including Babelan district Bekasi where some of the community still practice out-of-court divorce. Out-of-court divorce even though it is considered religiously valid, leaves various legal issues such as neglect of the rights of children and wives who are divorced to the legality of the divorce itself. This study aims to find models of out-of-court divorce that are conducted by the community. Besides that, the study of the consequences and legal efforts to overcome this phenomenon are very important to be analyzed. This research is classified as a normative-empirical juridical study using a statutory approach assisted by a sociological approach. The results showed that research outside the court was carried out by: (1) kinship, and (2) through amil. From a positive legal perspective, divorce outside the court does not have a strong legal position, resulting in neglect of the right to support, distribution of assets and subsequent marriage.Keywords:divorce, Religious Court, legal consequences Abstrak:Perceraian di Indonesia secara hukum positif harus dilakukan dihadapan majelis hakim di persidangan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam. Namun demikian, perceraian di luar pengadilan masih banyak ditemui di beberapa daerah termasuk di kecamatan Babelan Bekasi dimana sebagian masyarakatnya masih mempraktikkan perceraian di luar pengadilan. Perceraian di luar pengadilan meskipun dianggap sah secara agama, tetapi menyisakan berbagai persoalan hukum seperti pengabaian hak anak dan istri yang diceraikan hingga legalitas perceraian itu sendiri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan model-model perceraian di luar pengadilan yang dilakukan masyarakat. Disamping itu, kajian tentang akibat serta upaya hukum menanggulangi fenomena tersebut menjadi sangat penting untuk dianalisis. Penelitian ini tergolong penelitian yuridis normative-empiris dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dibantu dengan pendekatan sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penelitian di luar pengadilan dilakukan dengan cara: (1) secara kekeluargaan, dan (2) melalui amil. Dalam perspektif hukum positif, perceraian di luar pengadilan tidak memiliki kedudukan hukum yang kuat sehingga berakibat kepada pengabaian terhadap hak nafkah, pembagian harta serta pernikahan selanjutnya.Kata Kunci: akibat hukum, luar pengadilan, perceraian, Pengadilan Agama 

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 509
Winda Fitri

Law of inheritance in Indonesia up to now in a plurality, consisting of Islamic inheritance law, western inheritance law in the Civil Code and customary inheritance law. The plurality will have implications for various things. Religious differences are seen to be a factor preventing a child from obtaining inheritance rights from parents. In Islamic law, children from different religions and their parents will prevent from receiving inheritance, not in line with civil law that one barrier to receiving inheritance is religious different. This study analyzing the legal implications of the implementation of interfaith marriage for the heirs and how the legal protection of the rights of heirs born from interfaith marriages. The research methodology that the uses is normative by conducting analysis. The settlement of the issue children born from different religions of each party is subject to different laws based on religious law or customary law. There are similarities and differences in the implications of the provisions of Article 832 of the Civil Code and Article 171 of the Compilation of Islamic Law. However, protection for children born of different religions can obtain asset from their parents through grants, wills and gifts with the principle of justice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-144
Dini Maulana Lestari ◽  
M Roif Muntaha ◽  
Immawan Azhar BA

Islamic banks are present in the community as financial institutions whose activities are based on the principles of Islamic law for the benefit of the people. This study aims to determine the strategic role of Islamic Banks as financial service institutions, the importance of the existence of Islamic Banks and Islamic-based markets and financial instruments in them. In its development, Islamic banks have a role as institutions that turn on public funds, channel funds to the public, transfer assets, liquidity, reallocation of income and transactions. In the Indonesian economic system, the existence of Islamic Banks is important as an alternative solution to the problem of conflict between bank interest and usury. Islamic financial markets and instruments provide a free society of interest and follow a different set of principles. Distribution of profit/ loss according to evidence of participation in the management fund. The division of rental income in the form of musharaka.

Ramizah Wan Muhammad ◽  
Khairunnasriah Abdul Salam ◽  
Afridah Abbas ◽  
Nasimah Hussin

Aceh is a special province in Indonesia and different from other Indonesian provinces especially in the context of Shari'ah related laws. Aceh was granted special autonomy and legal right by the Indonesian central government in 2001 to fully apply Islamic law in the province. Generally, Islamic law which is applicable to Muslims in Indonesia is limited to personal laws just as in Malaysia. However, with the passage of time, Islamic law has expanded to include Islamic banking and finance. Besides that, Islamic law in Aceh is also extended to govern criminal matters which are in line with the motto of Aceh Islamic government to apply Islamic law in total or kaffah. Since 1999, the legal administration of Aceh has begun to gradually put in place the institutional framework to ensure that Islamic law is properly administered and implemented. Equally important, such framework is also aimed to ensure that punishments are fairly executed. This paper attempts to analyse the extent of the applicability of Islamic criminal law in Aceh. It is divided into three major parts. The first part discusses the phases in making Aceh an Islamic province and the roles played by Dinas Syariat Islam Aceh as the policy maker in implementing Islamic law as well as educating and training the public about the religion of Islam. The second part gives an overview on the Islamic criminal law and punishment provided in Qanun Aceh No.6/2014 on Hukum Jinayat (hereinafter Qanun Hukum Jinayat or “QHJ”) as well as the criminal procedural law concerning the methods of proof codified in Qanun Aceh No.7/2013 on Hukum Acara Jinayat (hereinafter “QAJ”). The third part of this paper highlights the challenges in the application and implementation of Islamic criminal law in Aceh, and accordingly provides recommendations for the improvement of the provisions in the QHJ and QAJ. Inputs from the interviews with the drafters of QHJ, namely Prof. Dr. Hamid Sarong and Prof. Dr Al Yasa are utilized in preparing this paper. In addition, inputs gathered from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), namely Indonesian Syarie Lawyers Association (APSI) and Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil Peduli Syariah (JMSPS) are employed. The findings of this research are important in providing an in-depth understanding on the framework of Islamic criminal law in Aceh as well as in recognizing the flaws in its application or practical aspects of the law in Aceh. Keywords: Islamic law, Aceh, Administration, Punishment. Abstrak Aceh merupakan sebuah Wilayah Istimewa di Indonesia dibandingkan dengan wilayah-wilayah lain dari segi pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam. Aceh diberi status Wilayah Istimewa yang berautonomi oleh Pemerintah Pusat Indonesia pada tahun 2001 untuk melaksanakan undang-undang Islam secara menyeluruh. Pemakaian dan pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam di Aceh tidak terhad pada Undang-undang jenayah tetapi telah meliputi bidang perbankan dan kewangan Islam. Sejak tahun 1999, Pentadbiran Undang-undang Aceh telah merangka undang-undang bagi memastikan undang-undang Islam dapat ditadbir dan dilaksanakan dengan baik. Selain itu juga, undang-undang yang dirangka juga turut bertujuan untuk memastikan hukuman yang berasaskan undang-undang Islam dapat dilaksanakan secara adil. Oleh itu, kajian dalam kertas kerja ini dibuat uuntuk menganalisa sejauh mana undang-undang jenayah Islam dilaksanakan di Aceh. Kertas ini terbahagi kepada tiga bahagan utama, yang mana bahagian pertama membincangkan latas belakang awal kewujudan wilayah Islam Aceh dan peranan yang dimainkan oleh Dinas Syariat Islam Aceh sebagai mpembuat dasar dalam pelaksanaan undang-undang Islam, mendidik serta menyediakan latihan kepada masyarakat umum di Aceh mengenai Islam. Bahagian kedua menyediakan gambaran umum tentang undang-undang jenayah dan hukuman dalam Islam sebagaimana termaktub dalam Qanun Aceh No.6/2014 berkenaan Hukum Jinayat (“Qanun Hukum Jinayat” atau “QHJ”) serta undang-undang prosedur jenayah berkenaan cara pembuktiaan jenayah sebagaimana yag termaktub dalam Qanun Aceh No.7/2013 berkenaan Hukum Acara Jinayat (“QAJ”). Bahagian ketiga kertas ini menekankan masalah atau cabaran yang dihadapi daam pelaksanaan undang-undang jenayah Islam di Aceh, serta menyediakan cadangan-cadangan bagi penambahbaikan peruntukan-peruntukan yang ada dalam QHJ dan QAJ. Maklumat hasil dari temuramah dengan Prof. Dr. Hamid Sarong dan Prof. Dr Al Yasa telah digunakan bagi menyiapkan makalah ini. Selain itu, maklumat yang diperolehi daripada organisasi bukan kerajaan iaitu Indonesian Syarie Lawyers Association (APSI) dan Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil Peduli Syariah (JMSPS) turut dimanfaatkan. Dapatan dari kajian ini penting bagi menyediakan kefahaman terhadap kerangka undang-undang jenayah Islam di Aceh serta mengenal pasti masalah dalam aspek peruntukan undang-undang tersebut atau pelaksanaannya di Aceh. Kata Kunci: Undang-undang Islam, Aceh, Pentadbiran, Hukuman.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (S2) ◽  
pp. 353-353
I. Škodáček

Legislation regulates rights also of individuals with mental disorders. Observance of these regulations is monitored by so-called Ombudsperson,or the Public Defender of the Rights. Since 2002, special attention has been paid to young generation in Slovakia. Developmental problems and issues of rights of ordinary and mentally handicapped children have also been dealt with, applying the paradigm that childhood is entitled to special care and assistance. And this is the ground for collaborators of the Public Defender of Rights, i.e. for school. They are helpful to parents of the minor, to teachers, healthcare professionals and to other adults working with minors. Thus the children ombudspersons become assistants of pedopsychiatry. From the viewpoint of a child psychiatrist, it was important to solve cases of Child Abuse and Neglect syndrome of various scope. Since December 2008, a project for creating the network of children collaborators of the Public Defender of Rights is in operation in Slovakia. Children from a school or other institution selected from their ranks a “children ombudsperson” who is willing to defend the rights of each member also with mental problems and disorders. For this reason is the necessity of development of international cooperation of ombudspersons for children which takes place in 22 European countries within the ENOC (The European Network of Ombudspersons for Children) which was commenced in a greater scale in April 2010. The children ombudspersons should be taken into account in the public healthcare system and they should become a part of the standard care for minor patients.

2009 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-130 ◽  
Rohit De

This article investigates the formation of a political consensus between conservative ulama, Muslim reformers, nationalist politicians and women's organisations, which led to the enactment of the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act in 1939. The Act was a radical piece of social legislation that gave South Asian Muslim women greater rights for divorce than those enjoyed by other women in India and Britain. Instead of placing women's rights and Islamic law as opposed to each other, the legislation employed a heuristic that guaranteed women's rights by applying Islamic law, allowing Muslim politicians, ulama and women's groups to find common ground on an Islamic modernity. By interrogating the legislative process and the rhetorical positions employed to achieve this consensus, the paper hopes to map how the women's question was being negotiated anew in the space created in the legislatures. The legislative debate over family law redefined the boundaries of the public and the private, and forced nationalists to reconsider the ‘women's question’. The transformation of Islamic law through secular legislation also gave greater licence to the courts in their interpretation, and widened the schism between traditional practitioners of fiqh and modern lawyers.

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