Peran Bank Syariah: Menuju Perekonomian Masyarakat Madani

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-144
Dini Maulana Lestari ◽  
M Roif Muntaha ◽  
Immawan Azhar BA

Islamic banks are present in the community as financial institutions whose activities are based on the principles of Islamic law for the benefit of the people. This study aims to determine the strategic role of Islamic Banks as financial service institutions, the importance of the existence of Islamic Banks and Islamic-based markets and financial instruments in them. In its development, Islamic banks have a role as institutions that turn on public funds, channel funds to the public, transfer assets, liquidity, reallocation of income and transactions. In the Indonesian economic system, the existence of Islamic Banks is important as an alternative solution to the problem of conflict between bank interest and usury. Islamic financial markets and instruments provide a free society of interest and follow a different set of principles. Distribution of profit/ loss according to evidence of participation in the management fund. The division of rental income in the form of musharaka.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-217
محمد شريف بشير الشريف ◽  
محمد يوسف خالد

The main objective of this paper is to examine the role of collective Ijtihad institutions in Sudan with special reference to the Islamic Fiqh Academy of Sudan (IFA-Sudan) and the Shari'a supervisory boards in Islamic banks. The paper begins with a background of fatwa history in Sudan, focusing particularly on the experience of the Islamic Fiqh Academy (IFA-Sudan), which is a leading institution in the area of collective Ijtihad, through the powers granted to it as an official fatwa institution and discusses its contribution diverse to both society and the state. This paper presents an overview of selected models of Shari'a supervisory boards in Islamic banks and financial institutions including the High Shari'a Supervisory Council (HSSC) in Central Bank of Sudan. It provides also in-depth and strong understanding of Shari'a consultancy mechanisms in Islamic banks and their role in fatwas harmonization in financial matters. Through discussion emphases have given to the working approaches and procedures for the issuance of fatwa and its reinforcement mechanism from the perspective and practices of Islamic law in Sudan. This paper highlights some significant results on the importance of institutions of collective ijtihad, especially in public issues and emerging subjects. In conclusion, some policy implications have been mentioned on the development of fatwa management and use of modern technology to communicate between Shari'a supervisory boards in Islamic Banks and other financial institutions within and outside the country, and the interaction with the public, through answering their religious questions. ملخص البحث يتناول هذا البحث موضوع الجتهاد الجماعي من خلال دور مؤسسات الفتوى في السودان, ويعرض تجاربها في مجال الإفتاء, وإدارة شؤونه. و يركز البحث على تقويم تجربة مجمع الفقه الإسلامي بالسودان, واللذي يعتبر مؤسسة رائدة في مجال الاجتهاد الجماعي, من خلال الصلاحيات الممنوحة له, وما يعرض أمامه من القضايا الدينية في كافة شؤون الحياة, ومجالاتها. كما يعرض البحث نماذج مختارة من تجارب هيئات الرقابة الشرعية للمصارف والمؤسسات المالية الإسلامية بالسودان, و يبين أساليب عملها, والإجراءات المتبعة لديها في إصدار الفتوى الجماعية. ويحاول البحث أن يخلص إلى نتائج مهمة حول أهمية مؤسسات الإجتهاد الجماعي, وضرورة استمرارها في تقديم الفتوى الشرعية, خاصة في القضايا العامة, والمسائل المستجدة بما يشمل مسائل المعاملات والأسرة, والقضايا الطبية والعلمية, إضافة إلى ما يخص الدولة, و المؤسسات, وأفراد المجتمع من قضايا اجتماعية, وسياسية. وفي الختام يقدم البحث توصيات عامة بشأن تطوير هيئات الإفتاء من ناحية إدارتها, واستخدم وسائل التقنية الحديثة في التواصل مع هيئات الإفتاء داخل البلاد وخرجها, والتفاعل مع الجمهور, والإجابة عن أسئلته, واستفتاءاته الدينية.

Syuaib Syuaib ◽  
M. Taufan B. ◽  
Ermawati Ermawati

This study discusses the duties and functions of court bailiff in the settlement of marriage properties or  gono gini in the religion court.   This study used qualitative method which the data were collected through direct observation and interviews with the religious court staff and judges. The findings show that  the tasks and roles of the bailiff at the religious court in solving the marriage properties. They play  an important role in carrying out the execution of the marriage properties ot gono gini ssets. In the process of confiscation of the marriage properties, the confiscator is an important component in the final stage of the settlement of a case. The steps or stages of the process of carrying out the confiscation of the bailiffs are waiting for the verdict issued by the head of the judges in the settlement of marriage properties. Importance prospects of thought to the question of duty and fun g of the bailiff to the people as possible with their special studies were made of the court to the public.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 401-423
Diah Sari Pangestuti

Looking at the crime statistic, it shows the continuous increase of crime either in number and quality. Even more varied and creative. Therefore, in order to produce internal security and to maintain the wellbeing of the people, a special institution is needed to handle it, namely the Police Agency. By using normative legal research and combining it with an analytical approach in order to analyze the data descriptively and inductively, this study tries to determine the role of the Police agency based on Fiqh Siyasah. It is concluded that: firstly, in Indonesian, there is a Police Agency that is a state instrument that plays a role in maintaining public order and security, enforcing the law, providing protection and services to the public. Secondly, in Islamic Law, there is the Muhtasib Institution, which has a supervisory and controlling body. Thirdly, that the Police in Islamic and Indonesian Law has almost the same duties that are as law enforcement to maintain security and public order. However, because of the law in Islam covers both mu'amalah and 'ubudiyyah aspects, so the scope of police responsibility in Islam is broader.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 95
Melia Frastuti ◽  
Dimas Pratama Putra ◽  
Erfan Effendi

Abstract     Almsgiving is one of the pillars supporting the upholding of Islam as the obligation for the adherents to improve horizontal relations between fellow humans and strengthen vertical relations with Allah SWT. The implementation of Islamic Social Responsibility (ISR) of the Islamic Bank gives a positive assessment in sharia agreement, justice and equality, responsibility for work, welfare, guarantee of nature preservation and benevolent assistance that is not profit-oriented.Proper almsgiving management and ISR implementation make Islamic banks trusted by the public in terms of service quality, satisfaction and loyalty of Muzzaki. It reduces bad images, and provides relevant impacts on social welfare and the progress of the era. The data analysis used to test the hypotheses is Multiple Linear Regression analysis. The data is collected by distributing questionnaires to Commissioners and Directors at 14 (fourteen) Islamic Commercial Banks spread throughout Indonesia. The result of this study shows partially prove the role of Islamic bank commissioners in the amsgiving management only, while the importance of the role of directors in Islamic banks in almsgiving management and the implementation of ISR partially. Keywords: Islamic Bank, Commissioners, Directors, Almsgiving and ISR

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 301
Haneen A. Al-Khawaja ◽  
Barjoyai Bardai

This research discusses in detail the theoretical aspect of the quality standards of banking services of traditional Islamic banks. The criterion of "Shari'ah Compliance" was added by the researcher to the importance and role of dealing with Islamic banks, the definition of this standard and its importance, how to test it for banks as well as how, without the legitimate commitment of these banks to what is classified as Islamic from the foundation, we focus on the importance of the existence of a legal commitment to any Islamic bank to achieve the quality of Islamic banking services of high quality in accordance with Islamic law and laws to achieve a high confidence in the customers who belong to him and deal with his Conspiracy.

Hadriana Marhaeni Munthe ◽  
Lina Sudarwati

The term, 'inang-inang pasar' is referred to Bataknese market female vendors who sell basic commodities in the traditional urban markets. They have the image of hard working and tough vendors who fight against poverty in towns. Their activities as vendors in traditional markets indicate their strategic role of women as the agents of economic resilience and the agents of health security in their families. Here, their toughness in supporting their families by being vendors at Sembada traditional market, Medan. However, their toughness becomes a dilemma caused by Covid-19 pandemic. In this case, the government implement prokes (health protocol) from 3Ms to 5 Ms (wearing masks, washing hands, doing social distancing, avoiding crowd, and staying home), including in the area of the traditional markets where they sell their merchandise. The Prokes of Covid-19 in traditional markets have caused various responses from them. The reality is that they have not been ready to practice the policy on this 5 M Prokes since most of them lack of awareness of adhering to it due to the vulnerable of their health habitus. It seems that they can become the carriers and local transmitters of Covid-19. This situation worsens their condition and the people surrounding them such as their own family members. Keywords: Habitus, Covid-19, Inang-Inang, Traditional Market

2010 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 390
Yohanes Suhardin

AbstrakThe role of the state in combating poverty is very strategic. Combatingpoverty means to free citizens who are poor. The strategic role given thenational ideals (read: state) is the creation of public welfare. Therefore,countries in this regard the government as the organizer of the state musthold fast to the national ideals through legal product that is loaded withsocial justice values in order to realize common prosperity. Therefore, thenature of the law is justice, then in the context of the state, the lawestablished for the creation of social justice. Law believed that social justiceas the path to the public welfare so that the Indonesian people in a relativelyshort time to eradicate poverty.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 408-419
Ikhsan Fatah Yasin

Abstract: This article discusses the analysis of the prohibition of analogy in the Draft Bill. The majority of the experts of jurisprudence against analogy. The author does not agree with the ban on using the analogy in the Draft Bill, but justifies the analogy with the record, the judge must be competent and with integrity. If the judge is unable to make analogy, then he could use self-interpretation to find a legal decition. The argument of usage of analogy is to seek substantial justice for the people without setting aside the individual’s rights, because by using the analogy, the rule of law will remain unfulfilled. It is because the crime, in its various forms, is still contrary to morality even though it is not written, and even if the crime has an impact to the public. In Islamic law, the method of qiyâs compiled by Imam Shafi’i in may be used as a good analogy, because qiyâs method has been tested by producing many laws.Keywords: Analogy, draft bill, the criminal code. Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang analisis terhadap larangan analogi dalam RUU KUHP. Mayoritas para ahli ilmu hukum menentang analogi. Penulis tidak sepakat dengan larangan menggunakan analogi dalam RUU KUHP, tetapi membenarkan analogi dengan catatan, hakimnya harus kompeten dan berintegritas. Jika hakimnya memang tidak mampu untuk beranalogi, maka ia masih bisa menggunakan interpretasi untuk menemukan hukumnya.   Argumen diperbolehkannya analogi adalah untuk mencari keadilan substansial bagi masyarakat tanpa menyampingkan perlindungan individu, sebab dengan menggunakan analogi kepastian hukum akan tetap terpenuhi. Karena kejahatan, dalam berbagai bentuknya, tetap saja bertentangan dengan kesusilaan meskipun ia tidak tertulis, apalagi jika kejahatan tersebut membawa pengaruh kepada masyarakat luas. Dalam hukum Islam, metode qiyâs yang disusun oleh Imam Syafi’i dalam berijtihad mungkin dapat digunakan sebagai proses analogi yang baik, sebab metode qiyâs ini sudah teruji dengan memproduksi banyak hukum. Kata Kunci: Analogi, Rancangan Perundang-undangan, KUHP.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
M. Nur Rianto Al Arif ◽  
Firmansyah Firmansyah

Laku Pandai’s program is one of the policies that implemented by the financial service authority (OJK) to expand the banking service to the people. One of the Islamic banks that had implemented the program is Bank of BRI Sharia. This research is going to examine the effectiveness of Laku Pandai’s program to deposit funds in Bank of BRI Sharia. This study using regression with the dummy variable. The result shows that there is a difference between pre and post-Laku Pandai’s program in Bank of BRI Sharia. This result implies that the Laku Pandai’s implementation had an impact on increasing deposit funds in Bank of BRI Sharia. So, it is recommended to add more Islamic banks that implemented the Laku Pandai’s program

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Winda Roselina Effendi

Walfare State concept born in the era of the 20th century as a correction of the development of the concept of the country as night watchman, the phenomenon of economic capitalism that gradually leads to lameness in the distribution of sources of prosperity. In the Walfare State concept, the state is required to extend its responsibility to the socio-economic problems facing the people. The functions of the state also include activities that were previously beyond the scope of state functions, such as extending the provision of social services to individuals and families in specific matters, such as social security. The role of the state can not be separated with Welfare State because the state that plays a role in managing the economy which includes the responsibility of the state to ensure the availability of basic welfare services in certain levels. Welfare State does not reject the existence of a capitalist market economy system but believes that there are elements in the public order that are more important than market objectives and can only be achieved by controlling and limiting the operation of such market mechanisms.Keywords: walfare state, country, economic systemKonsep Walfare State yang lahir di era abad ke-20 sebagai koreksi berkembangnya konsep negara sebagai penjaga malam, gejala kapitalisme perekonomian yang secara perlahan-lahan menyebabkan terjadinya kepincangan dalam pembagian sumber-sumber kemakmuran bersarma. Dalam konsep Walfare State, negara dituntut untuk memperluas tanggung jawabnya kepada masalah-masalah sosial ekonomi yang dihadapi rakyat. Fungsi negara juga meliputi kegiatan-kegiatan yang sebelumnya berada diluar jangkauan fungsi negara, seperti memperluas ketentuan pelayanan sosial kepada individu dan keluarga dalam hal-hal khusus, seperti social security, kesehatan.  Peran negara tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan Welfare State karena negara yang berperan dalam mengelola perekonomian yang yang di dalamnya mencakup tanggung jawab negara untuk menjamin ketersediaan pelayanan kesejahteraan dasar dalam tingkat tertentu. Welfare State tidak menolak keberadaan sistem ekonomi pasar kapitalis tetapi meyakini bahwa ada elemen-elemen dalam tatanan masyarakat yang lebih penting dari tujuan-tujuan pasar dan hanya dapat dicapai dengan mengendalikan dan membatasi bekerjanya mekanisme pasar tersebut. Kata Kunci: walfare state, negara,sistem ekonomi 

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