Capture Probability: The Role of Zooplankter Escape in the Selective Feeding of Planktivorous Fish

1978 ◽  
Vol 35 (10) ◽  
pp. 1370-1373 ◽  
Ray W. Drenner ◽  
J. Rudi Strickler ◽  
W. John O'Brien

The conditional probabilities (P3) of being captured by a simulated fish-suction intake ranged from P = 0.76 to P = 0.96 for cladocerans and from P = 0.07 to P = 0.28 for copepods. Gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) feeding experiments confirmed that these differential capture probabilities can result in an apparent planktivore feeding selectivity for cladoceran zooplankters. Key words: capture probability, zooplankter escape, planktivore feeding selectivity, gizzard shad

1996 ◽  
Vol 15 (10) ◽  
pp. 1752-1759 ◽  
Alan S. Kolok ◽  
James N. Huckins ◽  
Jimmie D. Petty ◽  
James T. Oris

1992 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 1216-1227 ◽  
Dennis R. DeVries ◽  
Roy A. Stein

An open-water planktivore, the gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), can drive complex interactions among fish and zooplankton in Ohio reservoirs. In Kokosing Lake, crustacean zooplankton density declined to near zero immediately after larval gizzard shad abundance peaked during 1987 and 1988. This decline can be attributed to increased death rates, due to predation, and to reduced number of eggs per cladoceran. In an enclosure/exclosure experiment, young-of-year gizzard shad at lake densities significantly reduced density of crustacean zooplankton and rotifers within 2 wk. In addition, phytoplankton that were edible to zooplankton were reduced in enclosures, likely due to a combination of direct herbivory by gizzard shad and reduced nutrient availability due to uptake by the growing gizzard shad. Gizzard shad not only directly influenced zooplankton via predation, they also indirectly affected zooplankton by reducing phytoplankton abundance. Because larval bluegill (Lepomis macrochira) migrated to the limnetic zone during or shortly after the zooplankton decline, food available to these zooplanktivorous larvae, as well as their ultimate recruitment, was reduced with gizzard shad. Through direct (i.e. predation) and indirect (i.e. influencing algal abundance) pathways, gizzard shad can drive zooplankton to extinction, thereby reducing recruitment of other fishes and controlling community composition.

Water ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 2031
Cui Feng ◽  
Mengqi Han ◽  
Chenchen Dong ◽  
Jingyi Jia ◽  
Jianwu Chen ◽  

Mesozooplankton have been known to be important consumers of phytoplankton, and the community plays an important role in removing the primary production in the marine ecosystem. In the present study, mesozooplankton grazing on phytoplankton were studied in situ at two sampling stations (TM4 and TM8) in Tolo Harbour. HPLC analysis showed that diatoms were the dominant phytoplankton in the two stations throughout the year, and contributed on average to over 40% of total phytoplankton biomass. Dinoflagellates were the second most abundant group of phytoplankton in the two monitoring stations, while the contribution of haptophytes, green algae, cyanobacteria, and cryptophytes was negligible. Feeding experiments, combined with HPLC pigment analysis, were conducted to measure mesozooplankton selective feeding on phytoplankton. The results demonstrated that mesozooplankton displayed a clear feeding selectivity for phytoplankton in Tolo Harbour. Firstly, mesozooplankton showed strong preference for the phytoplankton with the size of 20–200 μm, which suggested that the grazing selectivity and grazing rates of mesozooplankton were affected by the size of the food particles. On the other hand, mesozooplankton assemblages in Tolo Harbour displayed significant feeding selectivity for diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cryptophytes over other types of phytoplankton. The three algae groups are all the major phototrophic components in marine planktonic communities, and they often cause red tides in the marine environment. These results, taken together, suggested that mesozooplankton should play an important role in the regulation of red tides.

2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-139 ◽  
MK Heidman ◽  
LL Holley ◽  
RM Chambers ◽  
SL Sanderson

Svitlana Gruschko

The article investigates the role of communicative-functional approach in the translation of scientific and technical literature, when the translation itself is seen as a tool to accomplish purposeful activity of communicators, representatives of different interlingual groups. In practical terms, the difficulties of translating scientific and technical texts are due to the peculiarities of scientific style, insufficient understanding of the terminology of a particular field of knowledge, which complicates the choice of adequate translation solutions. In this context, an important role is played by the translation strategy, where the communicativefunctional approach dominates. The translation is implicitly included in the communication structure between the author and the recipient. The relevance of the article is determined by the necessity of studying the problems of scientific and technical literature translation, taking into account the current realities of interlanguage information exchange. Key words: communicative-functional approach, interlingual communication, translation, structure

Баяманова М.С.

Summary: The article deals with the analysis of the interpretational field of the basic lexical units which represent the meaning of the concept “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and cultures. Comparative – contrastive analytical data of the most frequently used in both languages variants of the interpretation of the concept “woman” have been given. The semantic fields of nuclear and nearnuclear meanings of the lexical units, transforming the notion of “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and also the place and role of these notions in cultures and philosophy of the nations on the basis of mentality and traditional values have been studied and described. The situations of the use of this or that variant of the meaning of lexical unit. A comparative study of the definitions of the word “woman’ in English and Kyrgyz languages have been given. Key words: concept, woman, interpretational field, notion, definition, semantic field, culture, language, linguoculture, transformation Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются интерпретационные поля основных лексических единиц, репрезентирующих значение концепта «женщина» в английской и кыргызской лингвокультурах. Приводятся сравнительно-сопоставительные аналитические данные наиболее употребительных в речи обоих языков вариантов интерпретации концепта «женщина». Изучены и описаны семантические поля ядерных и околоядерных значений лексических единиц, трансформирующих понятие «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языке, а также роль и место этих понятий в культурах и философии народов на основе менталитета и традиционных ценностей. Приводятся ситуации использования того или ино- го варианта значения лексической единицы, проведено сравнительное изучение определений слова «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языках. Ключевые слова: концепт, женщина, интерпретационное поле, понятие, определение, семантическое поле, культура, язык, лингвокультура, трансформация Аннотация: Макалада англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде жана маданияттарында «аял» концептинин маанисин репрезентациалаган негизги лексикалык бирдиктер каралат. «Аял» концептин эки тилдеги кѳп колдонулуучу интерпретациялоо варианттарынын аналитикалык салыштырма маалыматтары изил- делип берилген. Англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде «аял» түшүнүгүн трансформациялаган лексикалык бирдиктердин түп нуска жана ага жакындашкан маанилери иликтелип каралган. Берилген түшүнүктѳрдүн элдик философиясында жана маданиятында, менталитеттин жана салттын негизинде эл арасына кеӊири тараган, элдик тилде жана маданиятта ойногон ролу менен орду чагылдырылган. Ар түрдү ситацияларда колдонулуучу тиги же бул лексикалык бирдиктердин маанисинин варианттары каралган, «аял» деген сѳздун англис жана кыргыз тилдериндеги түшүндүрмѳлѳрү салыштырылып изилделген. Түйүндүү сѳздѳр: концепт, аял, интерпретациялоо мейкиндиги, түшүнүк, түшүндүрмѳ, семантикалык чѳйрѳ, маданият, тил, лингвомаданият, трансформациялоо

2011 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 287-297 ◽  
Walt Godwin ◽  
Michael Coveney ◽  
Edgar Lowe ◽  
Lawrence Battoe

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