lexical unit
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Svetlana Shevchenko

The article deals with the interdiction convergence on the example of evolutionary changes in lexical semantics of poetic language. The current study contributes to the development of the methodology for studying the language evolutionary processes. The paper describes certain trends of dynamic changes and their specifics; it gives some prediction about the further lexis convergence of different types of functional styles. The findings contribute to the development of lexicography which is going to reflect not only static but also dynamic characteristics of lexical units including stylistic ones. The subjectivity of labeling poetic vocabulary in dictionaries can be partially removed through the analysis of corpus data by comparing frequency indices in different subsections, however this method is not always accurate, moreover, it doesnt effectively trace evolutionary changes. The data from the psycholinguistic experiments can help reveal the dynamics of changes. On the one hand, the results of scaling show the extent of poetry in connotative meanings; on the other hand, the open-response associative experiment allows us to calculate the archaization index of a lexeme through summing up the numerical values of certain selected parameters. The research gives obvious evidence of active archaization of some specific poetic lexemes. The findings also prove that the dynamic changes in stylistic connotation are not synchronous with the changes in the denotative layer of a lexical unit.

2021 ◽  
Vol LXXVII (77) ◽  
pp. 85-99

Autorka artykułu stawia tezę, że po pierwsze, czynności związane z oceną kogoś lub czegoś są prymarnie lingwistyczne. Po drugie, ocena w ściśle aksjologicznym sensie tego słowa powinna być odróżniona od wartościowań i innych oszacowań. Po trzecie, oceny zawartej w znaczeniu jednostki leksykalnej nie należy zrównywać z rozmaitymi cechami, które ta jednostka konotuje pragmatycznie. Po czwarte, błędem jest identyfikowanie komponentów oceniających z efektami emotywnymi lub ekspresywnymi. Cechy semantyczne związane z ocenami mogą być zlokalizowane w różnych miejscach struktury semantycznej: zarówno w jej tematycznej, jak i rematycznej części. W słownikach wygodnie jest opisywać oceny dane rematycznie przy użyciu stosownych kwalifikatorów, np. pejor ‘pejoratywne’ i amelior ‘amelioratywne’. Evaluations in the semantic description of lexical units: selected problems Summary: The present author puts forward the thesis that (1) activities related to the evaluation of someone or something are primarily linguistic, (2) an evaluation in the strictly axiological sense of the word should be distinguished from other estimates, (3) an evaluation embedded in the meaning of a lexical unit should not be equated with the various features that this unit connotes pragmatically and (4) it is wrong to identify evaluation components with emotive or expressive effects. The semantic features related to evaluations can be located in various places within the semantic structure of an expression, i.e. in both its thematic and rhematic parts. In dictionaries, it is convenient to employ rhematic evaluations which make use of appropriate qualifiers, e.g. pejor ‘pejorative’ and amelior ‘ameliorative’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 213-217
Nataliia Mykhalchuk ◽  
Pavlo Levchuk ◽  
Nataliia Khupavtseva

To understand the linguocultural units of the thematic group “clothing” in the English language, it is important to master the principles of nomination of lexical units, such as the principle of nomination “a form”, the principle of nomination “a purpose of use of a thing (a purpose)” or “clothing as a material having been used”, the principle of nomination “social, national and professional affiliation”. For the understanding of linguocultural units of the thematic group “clothing” in the Ukrainian language the laws of organization of usual and actual communicative meanings, their interaction, movement, etc. are quite important, then for understanding linguocultural units of the thematic group “clothing” in the English language is sufficient superficial perception of lexical units that denote the nominations of clothing, understanding the features of their motivation, in particular, verbs, nouns and adjectives, as well as mastering the form of presentation of this or that lexical unit.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1640-1648
Kholmuradova Leyla Eshkuvvatovna ◽  
Maya Sultanova Tuychievna ◽  
Sharofova Diyora Furkatovna ◽  
Mamarizaeva Farangiz Zohidjon Qizi

At present, in connection with globalization, the language is especially interested in cross-cultural understanding. Today, the interest in the study of original and translations of the text "Silence" in the world literary process is attracting the attention of orientalists and translators around the world. The scientific study of the content and phrase logical aspects of the novel "Silence" by world scholars, such as the creative personality, the writer's creative method, artistic skills, allows to identify and evaluate the features of the development of literature. According to structure of phrases, a phrase is a lexical unit that is equivalent to a sentence, semantically whole, has a generalized meaning, is not created in the speech process, but is ready to be introduced into the speech. According to the linguist Mamatov, phrases are a separate unit of language, which, according to their structure, is a free connection or equivalent to a sentence, fully or partially semantically reconstructed figurative, stable phrases. Phrases are specific figurative expressions of people's conclusions based on observation of life events, assessment of acceptable and unacceptable actions in society, generalization of life experiences. Writers are often not content to select and use phrases appropriate to the purpose of the image.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-166
Galina A. Zavarzina

The relevance of this article is determined by the demand for the stereotype of a civil servant in Russian public communication and the need for its regular research in order to form an objective public opinion and determine the dynamics of social processes. The purpose of the research was to identify and describe the changes in terms of the content of the language sign official in the Russian language in Pre-Soviet, Soviet and modern periods. The methods of synchronous, diachronic, component, lexicographic and contextual analysis are used in the paper. The study was carried out on the material of lexicographic sources and modern mass media discourse on government administration. For the first time, the main vectors for developing semantics of the key lexical unit of the administrative language in the modern period were identified and described. The changes were caused by the destruction of ideologized subject-conceptual semes of the Soviet era; by the expansion of paradigmatic and syntagmatic ties, reflecting the disappearance of geo-conditioned characteristics and consolidating the features of the hierarchy of the modern management, as well as by the actualization and unification of the verbal sign. It is concluded that, in terms of the semantics of the studied verbal signs, there is a traditionally stable pejorative-evaluative emotiveness due to the sociocultural context which is reflected in associative characteristics - stimuli indicating human weaknesses associated primarily with violated moral and ethical norms. The prospects of the research are seen in continuing the synchronous-diachronic study of the most important for the modern Russian language verbal signs official, manager, bureaucrat, functionary in the lexical-semantic field bureaucracy, which is actively developing, and in using the proposed methods of analysis to study other subsystems of the Russian language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 941-949 ◽  
Stuart Webb

AbstractRecently there has been some debate about the appropriacy of different lexical units in pedagogy and research (e.g., Brown et al., 2020; Dang & Webb, 2016a; Kremmel, 2016; Laufer & Cobb, 2020; McLean, 2018; Nation, 2016; Nation & Webb, 2011; Vilkaitė-Lozdienė & Schmitt, 2020). The lexical unit (word types, lemmas, flemmas, word families) needs to be considered when developing wordlists, vocabulary tests, and vocabulary learning programs. It is also central to the lexical profiles of text and corpora, which indicate the vocabulary learning targets associated with understanding different types of discourse. Perhaps most importantly, the lexical unit of words found in vocabulary learning resources such as word lists and tests may affect their pedagogical value. The aim of this article is to highlight aspects of research and pedagogy that are affected by lexical units and describe issues that should be considered when operationalizing words in studies of vocabulary and learning resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-74
Igor Mel’čuk

Abstract A morphemic phraseme is a phraseme (= a constrained combination of linguistic signs) composed of morphemes that are part of the same wordform. Like a lexemic phraseme, a morphemic phraseme has a segmental signifier. All logically possible types of morphemic phrasemes are presented and illustrated: morphemic idioms, collocations, nominemes and clichés. Formally, these can be phraseologized complex stems, phraseologized complex affixes and phraseologized wordforms. A syntactic phraseme is a phraseme that includes at least two minimal syntactic subtrees and whose signifier is non-segmental (it involves prosody or an operation). All syntactic phrasemes are idioms. A syntactic idiom must be distinguished from 1) phrases described by means of semantically loaded surface-syntactic relations; 2) phrases consisting of a lexical unit taken together with its actants; 3) lexemic phrasemes consisting of “light-weight” words, such as Rus. ˹nu i˺ [X]! lit. ‘Well and [X]’ = ‘What an amazing X!’, and 4) lexemic phrasemes with syntactic pecularities. The notion of fictitious lexeme, necessary for designating some syntactic idioms (those that are expressed only by prosody), is introduced. An illustrative list of 29 Russian syntactic idioms is presented, as well as the lexical entries for several Russian syntactic idioms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Nawoja Mikołajczak-Matyja

Verbal Associations in the National Corpus of Polish: A Contribution to the Study of the Verbal Stereotype of inwalida ‘an invalid’ The role of corpus research in linguistics and in related fields of study has increased in recent decades. Searching for and analysis of collocations and concordances of a lexical unit, which makes it possible to determine its semantic preferences and semantic prosody, can be a tool for studying stereotypes, understood as overly generalized and simplified evaluative and affective images of a fragment of reality named by the lexical unit. The aim of this article is to verify the validity of supplementing studies based on the analysis of corpus resources with data obtained in free association tests. The study focuses on the lexical unit inwalida ‘an invalid’ as the name of a concept which may be subject to strong stereotyping. The resources of the balanced sub-corpus of the National Corpus of Polish, consisting of about 250 million words, were searched for associative responses to the word inwalida given by at least 2 people from a group of 40 Polish speakers. In the corpus, the co-occurrence of the word inwalida was checked with each of the 33 obtained associations, using a search tool to identify the contexts (concordances) containing both words – inwalida and the association – with an interval of 0 and ≤5. The results of the study indicate that an association test can be a significant complement to corpus data analyses: it can provide important elements of semantic prosody which are not found in corpus analysis results, it can guide concordance search and it can indicate the elements which are the most important for the meaning of the examined word. Skojarzenia werbalne w Narodowym Korpusie Języka Polskiego: przyczynek do badań nad werbalnym stereotypem inwalidy W ostatnich dziesięcioleciach wzrasta rola badań korpusowych w językoznawstwie i naukach pokrewnych. Wyszukiwanie i analiza kolokacji i konkordancji określonej jednostki leksykalnej, pozwalające na określenie jej preferencji semantycznej i prozodii semantycznej, mogą stanowić narzędzie badania stereotypów, rozumianych jako nadmiernie uogólnione i uproszczone oceniająco-afektywne obrazy fragmentu rzeczywistości nazywanego przez daną jednostkę leksykalną. Celem analizy przedstawionej w artykule jest weryfikacja zasadności uzupełniania badań opartych na analizie zasobów korpusowych danymi uzyskanymi w teście skojarzeń swobodnych. Przeprowadzona analiza dotyczy jednostki leksykalnej inwalida, jako nazwy pojęcia podlegającego silnej stereotypizacji. W zasobach liczącego około 250 milionów słów podkorpusu zrównoważonego Narodowego Korpusu Języka Polskiego poszukiwano reakcji skojarzeniowych na hasło inwalida podanych przez minimum 2 osoby z 40-osobowej grupy użytkowników języka polskiego. Sprawdzono w korpusie współwystępowanie wyrazu inwalida kolejno z każdym z 33 uzyskanych skojarzeń, używając do tego celu narzędzia szukającego kontekstów (konkordancji) zawierających oba wyrazy – inwalida i skojarzenie – w odstępie 0 oraz ≤5. Wykazano, że test skojarzeniowy może w sposób istotny uzupełniać analizy korpusowe poprzez: dostarczanie ważnych elementów prozodii semantycznej, których nie ma w wynikach analiz korpusowych, ukierunkowanie wyszukiwania konkordancji oraz wskazywanie elementów najważniejszych dla znaczenia badanego wyrazu.

Тамара Валентиновна Рожкова

Введение. Терминология является средством, позволяющим представить картину мира, поскольку каждая лексическая единица закрепляет опыт отдельной нации и всего человечества, а результат их взаимодействия проявляется в целостном восприятии и представлении окружающего мира. Глагольная лексика, обозначающая специальные понятия, является вербальной репрезентацией прагматически переработанного научного знания, отражающего менталитет, основы мыслительной деятельности, профессиональный опыт и лингвокультурную компетенцию специалистов. Цель – изучить глагольную лексику, обозначающую специальные понятия медицины, и представить ее как универсальное средство репрезентации картины мира данной отрасли знания, как средство выявления направления развития и функционирования научной мысли. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования служат однословные и многословные глагольные единицы, репрезентирующие различные действия и процессы, имеющие большое значение в различных отраслях медицины. Глагольные единицы исследуются посредством анализа этимологии, словообразования и дефиниции. Результаты и обсуждение. Универсальность, свойственная картине мира медицины, отражается в употреблении греко-латинских терминоэлементов в структуре глагольной единицы. Национальные черты проявляются в использовании соответствующих морфологических элементов и лексико-семантических способах словообразования. Историческое развитие понятий и терминов отражается в явлениях терминологизации и детерминологизации, которым подвергаются и глаголы, функционирующие в языке медицины. История развития специальной медицинской глагольной лексики демонстрирует активное взаимодействие обыденной и научной картин мира, что подтверждается этимологическим анализом глаголов, а также существованием внутриотраслевой и межотраслевой полисемии глаголов. Лексические единицы, обозначающие различные медицинские процессы, являются пропозициональными структурами, способными представлять обозначаемый процесс как когнитивный сценарий, имплицитно репрезентируя упорядоченную последовательность действий, метонимически представляя весь процесс, обозначенный глагольной единицей. Заключение. Таким образом, глагол представляет собой средство, позволяющее интерпретировать картину мира той или иной отрасли знания. В сфере медицины глагол позволяет выявить закономерность развития семантического объема лексической единицы, проследить развитие и становление медицины как научной отрасли знания в синхронии и дахронии. Introduction. Terminology contributes to the representation of the world picture because each lexical unit fixes the experience of both a separate nation and the whole mankind. The result of their interaction can be found in the perceptual unity and uniform representation of the world. Verbs, designating special notions, are the verbal representation of pragmatically revised scholary insight, which reflect the pattern of thoughtway, bases of mental activity, professional background, cultural and linguistic competence of specialists. Aim and objectives. The aim of the article is to study verbs, which designate special medical notions, and to show that they are a universal means to represent the world picture of medicine, and as a means which help to reveal the tramline and functioning of scientific thought. Material and methods. The material of the investigation includes one- and multiword verbs and verb phrases which represent various medical processes. Etymological, word-building and definitional analyses are used. Results and discussion. Universality which is characteristic of the world picture of medicine is reflected in the use of Greek and Latin terminological elements in the structure of a verb. National characteristics appear in the use of morphological elements and lexical and semantic principles of word-building. The world pictures of sciences also reflect historical evolution of notions and terms which can be revealed in the processes of terminologization and determinologization of verbs which are used in the language of medicine. The history of the development of special medical verbs demonstrates the interaction of the everyday and scientific world pictures. It is proved by etymology of verbs and polysemy of verbs within the medical discourse and with the verbs functioning in other branches of science. Lexical units which represent various medical processes are a kind of propositional structures which show a definite area of the world picture in its entirety. Thus, they can demonstrate the process as a cognitive script, which demonstrates implicitly the array of actions. It is a kind of metonymical representation of the process which is put into verbs. Conclusion. A verb can be considered as a means to interpret the world picture of this or that field of science. In regards to language of medicine the verbs allow to reveal the pattern and volume of semantic development of a word, to trace the scientific history of medicine in synchrony and diachrony.

Victoria Dolzhenkova

The subject of this research is the polemical linguistic question on the peculiarities of the semantics of proper name. The object of this research is the diminutive forms of Spanish anthroponyms, which function mainly in the colloquial discourse. Analysis is conducted on the semantic peculiarities of such diminutive forms as Paco, Pepe, Charo, Maruja from frequent Spanish anthroponyms, such as Francisco, José, Rosario, María. The analysis of practical material relies on the theoretical provisions and methods of empirical research of the Russian linguoculturologists and psycholinguists, as well as on the data of the Spanish National Institute of Statistics, materials of explanatory dictionaries of the Spanish language, and publicistic texts. The conclusion is made that the colloquial discourse is the core area of verbalization of the diminutive. It is also revealed that the semantics of diminutive forms of Spanish anthroponyms contains additional connotative elements that covey unique ethno psycholinguistic information characteristic to a single linguistic consciousness. Namely the presence of culturally determined components of meaning substantiates the transition of diminutives to the category of appellatives. This article is first to analyze the semantics of diminutive forms of Spanish anthroponyms  as separate proper names, as well as distinguish additional nuances of the  meanings of these lexical unit, which defines the scientific novelty.

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