Mysis relicta: Assessment of Metalimnetic Feeding and Implications for Competition with Fish in Lakes Ontario and Michigan

1994 ◽  
Vol 51 (11) ◽  
pp. 2591-2602 ◽  
Ora E. Johannsson ◽  
Lars G. Rudstam ◽  
David C. Lasenby

Mysis relicta and planktivorous fish in Lakes Ontario and Michigan both feed on crustacean zooplankton in the metalimnion. Are these zooplankton sufficient to meet the energy requirements of mysids? Could mysids remove a significant proportion of zooplankton production? Are the energy requirements in the two lakes similar? Comparisons in Lake Ontario of zooplankton consumption based on clearance rates, with energy requirements based on bioenergetic modelling, revealed that individual mysids, particularly larger ones, required additional energy sources. The denser mysid populations beyond 100 m depth in Lake Ontario could exert high mortality rates on metalimnetic zooplankton, remove a significant proportion of daily zooplankton production, and consequently, potentially compete with planktivorous fish. At depths < 100 m, the mysid population was smaller and could remove only 6–19% of zooplankton production per day in summer when competition with planktivorous fish would be maximal. Generation time is shorter in Lake Michigan because winter growth rates remain high. Consequently, less energy is required to complete a generation in Lake Michigan than in Lake Ontario.

1995 ◽  
Vol 52 (7) ◽  
pp. 1546-1563 ◽  
Peter S. Rand ◽  
Donald J. Stewart ◽  
Brian F. Lantry ◽  
Lars G. Rudstam ◽  
Ora E. Johannsson ◽  

We compared predatory demand by pelagic planktivorous prey fish with invertebrate production in Lake Michigan during 1987 and in Lake Ontario during 1990. Predation by the planktivores in Lake Ontario was nearly fourfold higher than in Lake Michigan (approx. 87 g wet weight∙m−2∙year−1). Predation rates on Mysis were comparable in Lakes Michigan and Ontario (approx. 21 g∙m−2∙year−1), while predation on Diporeia was markedly higher in Lake Michigan than in Lake Ontario (21.3 vs. 8.5 g wet weight∙m−2∙year−1). In Lake Ontario, predatory demand on zooplankton exceeded our best estimate of production by a factor of 1.7. Similarly, predation estimates on Mysis in Lake Ontario were 1.2–2.0 times the estimated rate of production, depending on the production model used. Lake Michigan planktivores consumed approximately 55% of available zooplankton production in 1987, indicating that competition for prey resources, if operating, was not as intense as that in Lake Ontario in 1990. It is unclear how to resolve the paradox that predation could markedly exceed available prey production in some cases. There could be sources of error in the estimates of both the supply and demand sides of these trophic relationships.

1980 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 403-414 ◽  
J. S. Marshall ◽  
D. L. Mellinger

Structural and functional responses of plankton communities to cadmium stress were studied during 1977 in Lake Michigan using small-volume (8 L) completely sealed enclosures, and in Canada's Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) Lake 223 using large-volume (1.5 × 105 L) open-surface enclosures. In Lake Michigan, reductions of the average abundance of micro-crustaceans by cadmium were significantly greater in "light" or shallow epilimnetic incubations than they were in "dark" or deep epilimnetic incubations. Measurements of dissolved oxygen indicated that this interaction with light (depth) was an indirect effect due to a reduction of photosynthesis and primary production. Zooplankton density and species diversity were not significantly affected within 21 d by cadmium concentrations [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] Cd/L, respectively, whereas final dissolved oxygen concentration and percentage similarity (PS) of the crustacean zooplankton community were significantly reduced by [Formula: see text] Cd/L. In the ELA Lake 223 experiment, the reducing effect of cadmium on zooplankton density increased up to 31 d after Cd enrichment and then decreased, probably due to decreasing Cd concentrations in the water. Values of PS on day 24 for the ELA enclosures enriched with 1 and 3 μg Cd/L were within the 95% confidence limits for individual values predicted from a regression of PS on cadmium for the 21-d Lake Michigan experiments.Key words: plankton communities, zooplankton, phytoplankton, cadmium stress, Lake Michigan, Canadian Shield lakes

1999 ◽  
Vol 45 (150) ◽  
pp. 201-213 ◽  
E.M. Shoemaker

AbstractThe effect of subglacial lakes upon ice-sheet topography and the velocity patterns of subglacial water-sheet floods is investigated. A subglacial lake in the combined Michigan–Green Bay basin, Great Lakes, North America, leads to: (1) an ice-sheet lobe in the lee of Lake Michigan; (2) a change in orientations of flood velocities across the site of a supraglacial trough aligned closely with Green Bay, in agreement with drumlin orientations; (3) low water velocities in the lee of Lake Michigan where drumlins are absent; and (4) drumlinization occurring in regions of predicted high water velocities. The extraordinary divergence of drumlin orientations near Lake Ontario is explained by the presence of subglacial lakes in the Ontario and Erie basins, along with ice-sheet displacements of up to 30 km in eastern Lake Ontario. The megagrooves on the islands in western Lake Erie are likely to be the product of the late stage of a water-sheet flood when outflow from eastern Lake Ontario was dammed by displaced ice and instead flowed westward along the Erie basin. The Finger Lakes of northern New York state, northeastern U.S.A., occur in a region of likely ice-sheet grounding where water sheets became channelized. Green Bay and Grand Traverse Bay are probably the products of erosion along paths of strongly convergent water-sheet flow.

2009 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 449-459 ◽  
Joelle D. Young ◽  
Ellis R. Loew ◽  
Norman D. Yan

Since its introduction to Harp Lake, Ontario, Canada, summer abundance of the cladoceran zooplanktivore Bythotrephes longimanus has fluctuated substantially both among and within years. The principal planktivorous fish in Harp Lake is the cold-water Coregonus artedi (cisco). Previous studies hypothesized that Bythotrephes abundance was affected by the thickness of an ephemeral, dark, daytime refuge from cisco that potentially established at the bottom of the metalimnion. During summer of 2003, we estimated peak daytime refuge thickness by simulating light energy visible to cisco and found it was always negative and did not correlate with Bythotrephes death rates. Direct observations using gill-netting and acoustical methods suggested that cisco had frequent metalimnetic forays. Additionally, including years 2000–2004, the previous correlation between mean Bythotrephes abundance and refuge thickness no longer held. The refuge hypothesis appears to fail, as the amount of metalimnetic illumination was always above the level at which cisco reaction distance to prey is maximal. Selection of Bythotrephes by cisco instead appeared to increase once Bythotrephes became abundant, remaining consistent and nontrivial even after Bythotrephes population declined.

1990 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 977-983 ◽  
John T. Lehman ◽  
James A. Bowers ◽  
Robert W. Gensemer ◽  
Glenn J. Warren ◽  
Donn K. Branstrator

Mysis relicta were sampled at a 100-m reference staton in southeastern Lake Michigan (43°N 86°40′W) from 1985 to 1989, to quantify nighttime water column abundances and to compare vertical distributions with those of Daphnia. Diel vertical migration produced maximum concentrations in the thermocline at night of 1 to 10 mysids∙m−3. Variation among replicates averaged 28% with a 3-net Tucker trawl and 19% with Puget Sound vertical closing nets. Mean areal abundances over 5 yr averaged 110 mysids∙m−2 (SE = 20; n = 30; range = 25 to 645) based on nighttime vertical and oblique net tows at 1–3-wk intervals during summers at the reference station. Synoptic cruises from 43°N to 45°N during August indicated that densities were considerably greater offshore than inshore, and greater in the north than in the south. Hypothesized long-term changes in mysid abundances were not detected. Although Mysis is potentially an important predator on Daphnia, differences in nighttime vertical distributions reduce encounters between Mysis and Daphnia during summer in Lake Michigan, such that Mysis exert mortality rates on Daphnia of < 1.5% per day; the latter are in general less than 10% of the birth rates of Daphnia populations, estimated from fecundities.

1983 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 542-547 ◽  
James S. Maki ◽  
Michael E. Sierszen ◽  
Charles C. Remsen

Comparisons of two methods of separating dissolved adenosine triphosphate (dATP) were made, both in the laboratory and in vertical profiles in Lake Michigan. Laboratory work indicated that filtration through a 0.2-μm pore filter or centrifugation of samples gave similar concentrations of dATP. In Lake Michigan, however, the filtration method gave significantly higher dATP concentrations suggesting some adverse filtration effect. Therefore, centrifugation was chosen as the method to determine dATP. Resulting particulate ATP (pATP) concentrations indicated the highest levels of microbial biomass were located below the epilimnion. Feeding by Mysis relicta appeared to decrease pATP but not release much dATP.

2003 ◽  
pp. 257-288
O.E. Johannsson ◽  
L.G. Rudstam ◽  
G. Gal ◽  
E.L. Mills

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