Development, characterisation, and across-taxa utility of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) microsatellite markers

Genome ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-425 ◽  
N Billotte ◽  
A M Risterucci ◽  
E Barcelos ◽  
J L Noyer ◽  
P Amblard ◽  

The results of the development of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) microsatellite markers are given step by step, from the screening of libraries enriched in (GA)n, (GT)n, and (CCG)n simple-sequence repeats (SSRs) to the final characterisation of 21 SSR loci. Also published are primer sequences, estimates of allele size range, and expected heterozygosity in E. guineensis and in the closely related species E. oleifera, in which an optimal utility of the SSR markers was observed. Multivariate data analyses showed the ability of SSR markers to efficiently reveal the genetic-diversity structure of the genus Elaeis in accordance with known geographical origins and with measured genetic relationships based on previous molecular studies. High levels of allelic variability indicated that E. guineensis SSRs will be a powerful tool for genetic studies of the genus Elaeis, including variety identification and intra- or inter-specific genetic mapping. PCR amplification tests on a subset of 16 other palm species and allele-sequence data showed that E. guineensis SSRs are putative transferable markers across palm taxa. In addition, phenetic information based on SSR flanking region sequences makes E. guineensis SSR markers a potentially useful molecular resource for any researcher studying the phylogeny of palm taxa.Key words: Palmae, SSR, phenetic analysis, phylogeny.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (1) ◽  
H. P. Bhagya ◽  
B. Kalyana Babu ◽  
P. M. Gangadharappa ◽  
Mahantesha B. N. Naika ◽  
D. Satish ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 917-925 ◽  
Emad Omer Hama-Ali ◽  
Sharifah Shahrul Rabiah Syed Alwee ◽  
Soon Guan Tan ◽  
Jothi Malar Panandam ◽  
Ho Chai Ling ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  

Abstract. Natawijaya A, Ardie SW, Syukur M, Maskromo I, Hartana A, Sudarsono S. 2019. Genetic structure and diversity between and within African and American oil palm species based on microsatellite markers. Biodiversitas 20: 1233-1240. The genus Elaeis consists of only two species, Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (the African oil palm species) and E. oleifera (HBK) Cortes (the American oil palm species). E. guineensis (E.g) is widely cultivated in southeast Asia and Africa, whereas E. oleifera (E.o) is naturally existed and cultivated in Central and South America. The objectives of this research were to analyze genetic diversity of eight groups of E.g and two groups of E.o using co-dominant genetic markers (SSRs) and evaluate their genetic structures. A total of 27 SSR loci was used to genotype a total of 128 accessions of African oil palm species (E.g) belonging to three different types (Dura, Pisifera and Tenera) and eight genetic backgrounds (Dumpy Dura and Deli Dura; Avros, Dumpy Avros, Binga, and Angola Pisifera; and Angola and Dumpy Avros Tenera) and 64 accessions of E.o collected from two different regions (Tefe and Manaus). The genotype data were used to calculate the population genetic diversity and structures for each oil palm species using the appropriate software. Results of the analysis indicated although they belonged to two different species, E.g and E.o shared many of the same SSR alleles in their genome and only contain few species-specific SSR alleles. Most of the evaluated genetic parameters were similar between E.g and E.o oil palm species but E.o has higher average number of effective allele than that of E.g. The calculated genetic variance is mostly belonged to the within-species variance source while the between species is relatively small. The phylogenetic tree and structure analysis reveal the high genetic variability among the evaluated oil palm groups which would be beneficial for future breeding program at Mekarsari Research Station. The tested E.o specific alleles were effective for identifying introgression lines between Eo × E.g // E.g carrying the E.o chromosome fragments. Therefore, these E.o specific alleles could be used in oil palm backcrossing program to monitor the introgression process.

Genome ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 116-122 ◽  
S. Mayes ◽  
P. L. Jack ◽  
R. H. V. Corley ◽  
D. F. Marshall

We have developed a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genetic map in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) for use in breeding programmes. A segregating population of 98 individuals was probed with 84 informative low copy clones (mainly PstI genomics). This yielded 103 scorable loci, of which 97 could be linked into 24 groups of two or more markers (n = 16 for oil palm), encompassing a total of 860 cM. The high level of linkage between markers (95%) suggests good genome coverage and very little segregation distortion of markers was observed. The mapping population, which was generated by the selfing of an important breeding palm (A 137/30), also segregated for the shell thickness character (Sh), enabling mapping of the gene conferring this major commercial trait. The nearest RFLP marker (pOPgSP1282) was located 9.8 cM from Sh in the mapping population and 6.6 cM away in a related (A137/30 × E80/29) smaller population (45 palms). Strategies for conversion of RFLP markers to a PCR format were explored and two important markers were shown to generate allelic variants following PCR amplification and restriction digestion of PCR products. The application of this map to oil palm breeding programmes is discussed.Key words: oil palm, Elaeis guineensis Jacq., RFLP, linkage map, shell thickness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 194 ◽  

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Diversitas genetik aksesi kelapa sawit Indonesia saat ini sangat<br />rendah. Dalam usaha meningkatkan keragaman genetik telah dilakukan<br />eksplorasi plasma nutfah di pusat keragaman genetik kelapa sawit di<br />Kamerun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui diversitas genetik<br />dan tingkat polimorfisme berdasarkan marka SSR aksesi-aksesi kelapa<br />sawit Kamerun. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan 49 aksesi kelapa sawit<br />Kamerun, Afrika yang ditanam di Kebun Sumber Daya Genetik (SDG)<br />Sawit Sijunjung, Sumatera Barat. DNA genomik diisolasi dari tiap<br />individu aksesi menggunakan protokol isolasi DNA untuk tanaman<br />bergetah. DNA dianalisis menggunakan 20 marka SSR. Dendrogram<br />kekerabatan dikonstruksi menggunakan metode Unweighted Pair Group<br />Method Arithmetic (UPGMA) melalui software NTSYS-pc (Numerical<br />Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System) versi 2.1-pc. Hasil penelitian<br />menunjukkan nilai polimorfisme information content (PIC) marka SSR<br />tinggi sebesar 0,80 (berkisar 0,63-0,91). Jumlah alel yang terdeteksi per<br />marka SSR berkisar antara 4-15 alel per lokus SSR (rata-rata 8,75).<br />Analisis filogenetik 49 aksesi menghasilkan diversitas genetik 12,5-<br />54,72% (kemiripan genetik 55,28-87,50%). Pada diversitas genetik<br />54,72%, aksesi Kamerun terbagi menjadi tujuh kelompok masing-masing<br />terdiri dari 9, 28, 4, 2, 1, 2, dan 3 aksesi. Aksesi dengan diversitas genetik<br />tinggi dan berada pada klaster berbeda, potensial digunakan sebagai calon<br />tetua dalam program pemuliaan kelapa sawit.<br />Kata kunci: Elaeis guineensis Jacq., diversitas genetik, plasma nutfah,<br />marka SSR</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Genetic diversity of the Indonesian oil palm collection is very low.<br />To improve their genetic variability, exploration from the oil palm center<br />of origins has been done in Kamerun. The objectives of this study were to<br />determine genetic and polymorphism level of the SSR markers Cameroon-<br />originated oil palm accessions. Genetic materials used were 49 Cameroon-<br />originated oil palm accessions collected at Sijunjung Oil Palm Germplam<br />Collection Station, West Sumatera. Genomic DNA was isolated using a<br />protocol for isolating DNA from leaves rich with latex. DNA was analyzed<br />using 20 SSR markers. A dendogram was constructed using the<br />Unweighted Pair Group Method Arithmetic (UPGMA) method through the<br />Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System software<br />(NTSYS-pc) version 2.1-pc. Results showed that the polimorfisme<br />information content (PIC) values of the SSR markers used was high, 0.80<br />(range from 0.63-0.91). The average number of the SSR alleles detected<br />was also high, 8.75 alleles (range from 4-15 alleles per SSR locus).<br />Phylogenetic analysis of the 49 oil palm accessions resulted genetic<br />diversity of 12.5-54.72% (genetic similarity of 55.28-87.50%). At genetic<br />diversity 54.72%, the 49 accessions were divided into seven clusters, each<br />consisted of 9, 28, 4, 2, 1, 2, and 3 accesions, respectively. Accessions<br />with high genetic diversity and located at different clusters may be useful<br />as parent candidates in the future oil palm breeding programs.<br />Key words: Elaeis guineensis Jacq., genetic diversity, germplasm, SSR<br />markers</p>

Plant Omics ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (05) ◽  
pp. 247-251 ◽  
Yurnaliza ◽  
Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti ◽  
Agus Susanto ◽  
I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha ◽  

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