scholarly journals Palynological evidence for a diachronous low-salinity event in the C–T boundary clay at Stevns Klint, Denmark

1987 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-40 ◽  
Stefan U. Hultberg

Abstract. The frequency distribution of dinoflagellate cysts, miospores, and freshwater algae has been studied in 70 samples from the Fish Clay at Stevns Klint, eastern Denmark. The palynological assemblages change both vertically and laterally. The vertical change is from a strictly marine assemblage in the Cretaceous chalk to a freshwater or brackish assemblage in the Fish Clay. The lateral change indicates that the Fish Clay was deposited diachronously, even within the limited geographical area covered by the Stevns Klint section.

Fossil Record ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-183 ◽  
E. Schrank

The Tendaguru Beds, southeastern Tanzania, have yielded two palynological assemblages of Kimmeridgian to Tithonian age: (1) the <i>Anapiculatisporites-Densoisporites-Trisaccites</i> assemblage from the Middle Saurian Beds and (2) the <i>Barbatacysta-Pareodinia</i> assemblage from the overlying <i>Smeei</i> Beds. A third assemblage with <i>Rhizophagites</i> and rare angiosperm pollen from the Upper Saurian Beds is contaminated by recent and subrecent material. <br><br> The <i>Anapiculatisporites-Densoisporites-Trisaccites</i> assemblage is characterized by the presence of freshwater algae (<i>Ovoidites</i>), pteridopyhtic-bryophytic spores and gymnosperm (conifer) pollen, with <i>Classopollis</i> as the most abundant element. Among the rare elements of this assemblage is the questionable dinoflagellate <i>Mendicodinium</i>? <i>quadratum</i>, possibly a Kimmeridgian-Tithonian marker. The miospores show palaeobiogeographic links to Southern Gondwana, especially Madagascar, Australia, Argentina and India. Deposition of this assemblage took place in an aquatic environment with strong palynological influx from a terrestrial source and questionable marine influence. <br><br> The <i>Barbatacysta-Pareodinia</i> assemblage contains a considerable number of dinoflagellates suggesting deposition in a marine environment. The terrestrially-derived miospores are impoverished and dominated by conifer pollen, while pteridophytic-bryophytic spores form a very subordinate element or are absent. <br><br> Die Tendaguru-Schichten, Südost-Tansania, haben zwei palynologische Assoziationen, deren Alter als Kimmeridge bis Tithon interpretiert wird, geliefert. Die <i>Anapiculatisporites-Densoisporites-Trisaccites</i>-Assoziation stammt aus den Mittleren Saurierschichten, und die <i>Barbatacysta-Pareodinia</i>-Assoziation charakterisiert die darüberlagernden <i>Smeei</i>-Schichten. Eine dritte Vergesellschaftung mit <i>Rhizophagites</i> und seltenen Angiospermen-Pollen aus den Oberen Saurierschichten ist durch rezentes bis subrezentes Material kontaminiert. <br><br> Die <i>Anapiculatisporites-Densoisporites-Trisaccites</i>-Assoziation ist durch die Anwesenheit von Süßwasser-Algen (<i>Ovoidites</i>), Pteridophyten-Bryophyten-Sporen und Gymnospermen-Pollen (Koniferen) gekennzeichnet mit <i>Classopollis</i> als dem häufigsten Element. Zu den seltenen Elementen dieser Assoziation gehört der fragliche Dinoflagellat <i>Mendicodinium</i>? <i>quadratum</i>, der möglicherweise als leitend für das Kimmeridge-Tithon angesehen werden kann. Die Miosporen zeigen paläobiogeographische Verbindungen nach Südgondwana, besonders nach Madagaskar, Australien, Argentinien und Indien. Das Ablagerungsmilieu dieser Assoziation war aquatisch mit starker Zufuhr von terrigenem Material, während mariner Einfluß fraglich ist. <br><br> Die Dinoflagellaten-führende <i>Barbatacysta-Pareodinia</i>-Assoziation wurde in einem marinen Milieu gebildet, in dem die Zufuhr terrigener Palynomorphe reduziert und im wesentlichen auf Koniferen-Pollen beschränkt war, während Pteridophyten-Bryophyten-Sporen nur sehr untergeordnet vorkommen oder ganz fehlen. <br><br> doi:<a href="" target="_blank">10.1002/mmng.1999.4860020113</a>

1986 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-47 ◽  
Stefan U. Hultberg

Abstract. Two Swedish borehole cores covering the Danian, and three Danish outcrop sections covering the Lower Danian, were analysed for dinoflagellates.This study suggests that the Swedish sections, in contrast to previous investigations, are the most complete sections across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Danish Embayment. As a consequence, the previously established biozonation can be modified to include one more basal Danian zonule.A detailed study of the dinoflagellates of the Fish Clay in Denmark suggests that this layer was formed in a low salinity environment in eastern Denmark and in a stable marine environment in western Denmark. In addition, the Fish Clay is shown to be biostratigraphically older in eastern Denmark than in western Denmark.

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-53 ◽  
Alina I. Iakovleva

Abstract Analysis of the stratigraphic and quantitative distribution of dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs from a shallow marine Eocene section drilled from borehole No. 230 (NE Ukraine) resulted in an updated age-assessment of regional formations and a reconstruction of the major transgressive-regressive trends in the North Ukrainian palaeosedimentological province. Based on dinocyst age-diagnostic events, the Buchak Formation is attributed to the mid-upper Lutetian; the Kiev Formation is assigned to the Bartonian-?lowermost Priabonian; finally, the Obukhov Formation is dated Priabonian. The Buchak Formation accumulation reflects the first major transgressive episode in the North Ukrainian Province; the accumulation of the lower Kiev Formation corresponds to the maximum of regional marine transgression, while the palynological assemblages from the upper Kiev Formation indicate a protracted regression. The beginning of the Obukhov Formation accumulation corresponds to the last marine transgressive cycle.

2014 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-157 ◽  
Elżbieta Worobiec

ABSTRACTAlgal microremains were encountered during palynological investigation of deposits filling two Miocene palaeosinkholes excavated in the Tarnów Opolski and Górażdże quarries. Algal microfossils of 40 species were identified, most of which are frequent non-pollen palynomorphs occurring in Neogene deposits. The microfossils most frequently found in all studied samples belong to the genera Sigmopollis and Botryococcus. Both algal assemblages contain a significant proportion of resting cells (zygospores = hypnozygotes) such as Cycloovoidites, Diagonalites, Megatetrapidites, Ovoidites, Stigmozygodites, and Tetrapidites, probably fossil zygospores of members of the Zygnemataceae family (Mougeotia, Spirogyra, Zygnema). Some specimens probably related to desmid zygospores (Closteritetrapidites, Monopunctites, Planctonites), freshwater dinoflagellate cysts, and Prasinophyceae (Leiosphaeridia) were found. Most of the identified fossilised remains of algae are often seen in sediments indicating meso- to eutrophic conditions and are characteristic for stagnant or slowly flowing shallow waters. Fossil algae of Pediastrum and Tetraedron genera were recorded in samples from the Górażdże palaeosinkhole, suggesting small differences in the aquatic habitat (e.g. water depth) between ponds in the sinkholes. Three new fossil species related to zygospores of the Zygnemataceae are described: Ovoidites vangeelii sp. nov., Tetrapidites grandis sp. nov., and Tetrapidites opolensis sp. nov

1988 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-232 ◽  
A. W. Van Erve ◽  
R. E. Besems ◽  
C. F. Love

Abstract. The present paper provides the first palynological data from two ammonite controlled sections from the Lower Kimmeridgian (Sutneria platynota Ammonite Zone) in Spain. The Segura de la Sierra sequence is located in the Betic Cordilleras and the Hontanar sequence is located in the Iberian Chain. The palynological assemblages, dominated by dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs, include taxa which are well known from other areas to be long-ranging throughout the major part of the Mesozoic. Most noteworthy is the presence of Cicatricosisporites spp. in the material investigated. The impact of this on the assumption that a strong diachronous south-north migration of this taxon existed during Middle and Late Jurassic times is discussed.

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