cAMP- but not Ca(2+)-regulated Cl- conductance in the oviduct is defective in mouse model of cystic fibrosis

1995 ◽  
Vol 268 (3) ◽  
pp. C708-C712 ◽  
A. Y. Leung ◽  
P. Y. Wong ◽  
S. E. Gabriel ◽  
J. R. Yankaskas ◽  
R. C. Boucher

Defective adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-mediated Cl- transport in cystic fibrosis (CF) reflects defects in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). A moderate level of CFTR mRNA expression has been found in rodent and human oviductal epithelium, but unlike other CFTR-expressing tissues, the oviduct in CF patients is apparently normal. The present study was carried out to investigate the relative magnitude of the cAMP- and intracellular Ca2+ (Cai2+)-regulated Cl- secretion in primary cultures of the oviduct from normal and CF mice generated by targeted disruption of the murine CF gene. Normal oviductal epithelium exhibited a basal equivalent short-circuit current (Ieq) of 20.3 +/- 1.7 muA/cm2. CF oviduct exhibited a lower basal Ieq of 4.5 +/- 1.9 muA/cm2. In normal mice, forskolin (10(-5) M, apical) elicited a slowly developing sustained rise in Ieq, whereas ionomycin (5 x 10(-6) M, apical) and ATP (10(-4) M, apical) induced larger increases in Ieq consisting of a prompt, transient response followed by a slowly decreasing component. The Ieq response to forskolin was totally abolished in CF mouse oviducts, but the magnitudes of the peak Ieq responses to ionomycin and ATP were not different from normal. The time courses of the ionomycin- and ATP-evoked responses, however, were significantly more transient in CF than in normal oviducts. These results demonstrate that CF mouse oviduct exhibits defective cAMP- but not Cai(2+)-mediated Cl- secretion. The relatively high level of functional expression of the alternative Cai(2+)-activated Cl- secretory pathway in the mouse oviduct may contribute to the absence of major pathology in the CF oviduct.

1996 ◽  
Vol 271 (1) ◽  
pp. C188-C193 ◽  
A. Y. Leung ◽  
P. Y. Wong ◽  
J. R. Yankaskas ◽  
R. C. Boucher

Cystic fibrosis (CF) reflects the loss of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-regulated Cl- secretion consequent to mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. In humans, but not mice, with CF, the disease is associated with male infertility. The present study investigated the relative magnitudes of the cAMP pathways and an alternative Ca(2+)-regulated Cl- secretory pathway in primary cultures of the epididymides and the seminal vesicles of normal and CF mice. The basal equivalent short-circuit currents (Ieq) of cultures derived from the epididymides and the seminal vesicles from the CF mice were lower (6.0 +/- 0.6 and 4.0 +/- 1.0 muA/cm2, respectively) than those from normal mice (11.1 +/- 1.0 and 6.6 +/- 0.6 muA/cm2, respectively). Forskolin induced significant Ieq responses in both the epididymis (8.0 +/- 0.7 muA/cm2) and seminal vesicles (4.0 +/- 0.5 muA/cm2) from normal mice, whereas forskolin-induced changes in Ieq in CF mouse epididymis and seminal vesicles were absent, consistent with defective cAMP-CFTR-mediated Cl- secretion in CF mice. Ieq responses to agonists (ionomycin, ATP) that raise intracellular Ca2+ (Ca2+i) were larger than forskolin responses in normal animals (6.6 +/- 0.9 and 13.4 +/- 1.8 muA/cm2, respectively) and were preserved in CF (6.5 +/- 0.9 and 17.1 +/- 1.0 muA/cm2, respectively). We speculate that the fertility of male CF mice is maintained by persistent expression of the predominant alternative Ca(2+)-mediated Cl- transport system in the epididymides and seminal vesicles.

1994 ◽  
Vol 266 (5) ◽  
pp. C1478-C1483 ◽  
B. R. Grubb ◽  
R. N. Vick ◽  
R. C. Boucher

We investigated the effect of homozygous genetic disruption of the murine cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) gene on regulation of the rates of Na+ absorption and Cl- secretion by nasal epithelia in cystic fibrosis (CF) mice. The basal in vivo nasal potential difference (PD; -28.8 +/- 1.8 mV, n = 10) and amiloride-sensitive PD (delta 13.8 +/- 1.0 mV, n = 10) were raised in CF mice compared with controls [-7.8 +/- 0.8 mV, n = 14 (basal); delta 4.5 +/- 0.7 mV, n = 14 (amiloride)], consistent with raised Na+ transport. In vitro studies of freshly excised nasal epithelia confirmed that CF epithelia exhibited a greater basal equivalent short-circuit current (Ieq; 63.5 +/- 12 microA/cm2, n = 15) vs. control (30.2 +/- 7.2 microA/cm2, n = 16) and amiloride-sensitive Ieq (delta 46.2 +/- 12.5 microA/cm2) vs. control (delta 11.3 +/- 4.5 microA/cm2). Tissue from normal mice failed to secrete Cl- in response to ionomycin (delta Ieq: -1.2 +/- 1.9 microA/cm2, n = 18), whereas CF murine tissue responded with a large rise in Ieq (delta 55.1 +/- 19.1 microA/cm2, n = 13). We conclude that CF murine nasal epithelia exhibit Na+ hyperabsorption, providing strong evidence for a regulatory link between CFTR and Na+ channel activity in airway epithelia. We speculate that upregulation of the Ca(2+)-mediated Cl- secretory pathway buffers the severity of airway disease in the CF mouse.

2000 ◽  
Vol 279 (2) ◽  
pp. C461-C479 ◽  
Daniel C. Devor ◽  
Robert J. Bridges ◽  
Joseph M. Pilewski

Forskolin, UTP, 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone (1-EBIO), NS004, 8-methoxypsoralen (Methoxsalen; 8-MOP), and genistein were evaluated for their effects on ion transport across primary cultures of human bronchial epithelium (HBE) expressing wild-type (wt HBE) and ΔF508 (ΔF-HBE) cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. In wt HBE, the baseline short-circuit current ( I sc) averaged 27.0 ± 0.6 μA/cm2 ( n = 350). Amiloride reduced this I sc by 13.5 ± 0.5 μA/cm2 ( n = 317). In ΔF-HBE, baseline I sc was 33.8 ± 1.2 μA/cm2 ( n = 200), and amiloride reduced this by 29.6 ± 1.5 μA/cm2 ( n = 116), demonstrating the characteristic hyperabsorption of Na+ associated with cystic fibrosis (CF). In wt HBE, subsequent to amiloride, forskolin induced a sustained, bumetanide-sensitive I sc(Δ I sc = 8.4 ± 0.8 μA/cm2; n = 119). Addition of acetazolamide, 5-( N-ethyl- N-isopropyl)-amiloride, and serosal 4,4′-dinitrostilben-2,2′-disulfonic acid further reduced I sc, suggesting forskolin also stimulates HCO3 − secretion. This was confirmed by ion substitution studies. The forskolin-induced I scwas inhibited by 293B, Ba2+, clofilium, and quinine, whereas charybdotoxin was without effect. In ΔF-HBE the forskolin I sc response was reduced to 1.2 ± 0.3 μA/cm2 ( n = 30). In wt HBE, mucosal UTP induced a transient increase in I sc (Δ I sc = 15.5 ± 1.1 μA/cm2; n = 44) followed by a sustained plateau, whereas in ΔF-HBE the increase in I sc was reduced to 5.8 ± 0.7 μA/cm2 ( n = 13). In wt HBE, 1-EBIO, NS004, 8-MOP, and genistein increased I sc by 11.6 ± 0.9 ( n = 20), 10.8 ± 1.7 ( n = 18), 10.0 ± 1.6 ( n = 5), and 7.9 ± 0.8 μA/cm2( n = 17), respectively. In ΔF-HBE, 1-EBIO, NS004, and 8-MOP failed to stimulate Cl− secretion. However, addition of NS004 subsequent to forskolin induced a sustained Cl−secretory response (2.1 ± 0.3 μA/cm2, n = 21). In ΔF-HBE, genistein alone stimulated Cl− secretion (2.5 ± 0.5 μA/cm2, n = 11). After incubation of ΔF-HBE at 26°C for 24 h, the responses to 1-EBIO, NS004, and genistein were all potentiated. 1-EBIO and genistein increased Na+ absorption across ΔF-HBE, whereas NS004 and 8-MOP had no effect. Finally, Ca2+-, but not cAMP-mediated agonists, stimulated K+ secretion across both wt HBE and ΔF-HBE in a glibenclamide-dependent fashion. Our results demonstrate that pharmacological agents directed at both basolateral K+ and apical Cl− conductances directly modulate Cl−secretion across HBE, indicating they may be useful in ameliorating the ion transport defect associated with CF.

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 306-320 ◽  
Yuan Hao ◽  
Cindy S.T. Cheung ◽  
Wallace C.Y. Yip ◽  
Wing-hung Ko

Background/Aims: Nobiletin, a citrus flavonoid isolated from tangerines, alters ion transport functions in intestinal epithelia, and has antagonistic effects on eosinophilic airway inflammation of asthmatic rats. The present study examined the effects of nobiletin on basal short-circuit current (ISC) in a human bronchial epithelial cell line (16HBE14o-), and characterized the signal transduction pathways that allowed nobiletin to regulate electrolyte transport. Methods: The ISC measurement technique was used for transepithelial electrical measurements. Intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) and cAMP were also quantified. Results: Nobiletin stimulated a concentration-dependent increase in ISC, which was due to Cl- secretion. The increase in ISC was inhibited by a cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator inhibitor (CFTRinh-172), but not by 4,4'-diisothiocyano-stilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS), Chromanol 293B, clotrimazole, or TRAM-34. Nobiletin-stimulated ISC was also sensitive to a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, H89, and an adenylate cyclase inhibitor, MDL-12330A. Nobiletin could not stimulate any increase in ISC in a cystic fibrosis (CF) cell line, CFBE41o-, which lacked a functional CFTR. Nobiletin stimulated a real-time increase in cAMP, but not [Ca2+]i. Conclusion: Nobiletin stimulated transepithelial Cl- secretion across human bronchial epithelia. The mechanisms involved activation of adenylate cyclase- and cAMP/PKA-dependent pathways, leading to activation of apical CFTR Cl- channels.

1986 ◽  
Vol 251 (4) ◽  
pp. R818-R822 ◽  
J. H. Widdicombe

Confluent cell sheets were cultured from the tracheal epithelium of normal humans or from tracheal and nasal epithelia of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Changes in short-circuit current (Isc) or cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in response to 10(-5) M isoproterenol were measured. In CF tracheal cells the response to isoproterenol was transient, and the maximal increase in Isc was one-tenth normal. In CF nasal cells, isoproterenol or epinephrine caused only small transient increases in Isc. However, in both CF nasal and tracheal cells, the Ca ionophore, A23187, caused relatively large increases in Isc that were inhibited by the Cl transport blocker, bumetanide, suggesting that Cl secretion can be induced by raising intracellular levels of Ca. In normal tracheal cell sheets, cAMP levels increased within 15 s of isoproterenol addition and continued to increase for up to 20 min. Resting levels of cAMP in CF tracheal cells were not statistically different from those of normal cells and showed linear increases for up to 4 min after addition of isoproterenol. Changes in cAMP in CF nasal cells were similar to the changes in CF tracheal cells. After 2 min, all three cell types showed cAMP levels elevated approximately equal to 10-fold. These results suggest that receptor-activated stimulation of adenylate cyclase is normal in CF. However, though raised cAMP levels stimulate Cl secretion in normal, they are unable to do so in CF airway epithelial cells.

1989 ◽  
Vol 256 (2) ◽  
pp. C226-C233 ◽  
N. J. Willumsen ◽  
R. C. Boucher

Cystic fibrosis (CF) airway epithelia express a defect in adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent regulation of apical membrane Cl- channels. Recent patch-clamp studies have raised the possibility that Ca2+ -dependent mechanisms for the activation of Cl- secretion may be preserved in CF airway epithelia. To determine 1) whether intact normal (N1) and CF airway epithelia exhibit a Ca2+ -dependent mechanism for activation of Cl- secretion and 2) whether Ca2+ -dependent mechanism for activation of Cl- secretion and 2) whether Ca2+ -dependent mechanisms initiate Cl- secretion via activation of an apical membrane Cl- conductance (GCl-), nasal epithelia from N1 and CF subjects were cultured on collagen membranes, and responses to isoproterenol or Ca2- ionophores [A23187 10(-6) M; ionomycin (10(-5)M)] were measured with transepithelial and intracellular techniques. Isoproterenol induced activation of an apical membrane GCl- in N1 cultures but was ineffective in CF. In contrast, in both N1 and CF amiloride-pretreated cultures, A23187 induced an increase in the equivalent short-circuit current that was associated with an activation of an apical membrane Gc1- and was bumetanide inhibitable. A23187 addition during superfusion of the lumen with a low Cl- (3 mM) solution reduced intracellular Cl- activity of CF cells. A Ca2+ ionophore of different selectivity properties, ionomycin, was also an effective Cl- secretagogue in both N1 and CF cultures. We conclude that 1) the A23187 induced Cl- secretion via activation of an apical GCl- in N1 human nasal epithelium, and 2) in contrast to an isoproterenol-dependent path, a Ca2+ -dependent path for GCl- activation is preserved in CF epithelia.

1996 ◽  
Vol 271 (5) ◽  
pp. L775-L784 ◽  
D. C. Devor ◽  
A. K. Singh ◽  
R. A. Frizzell ◽  
R. J. Bridges

We evaluated the effects of the novel benzimidazolone, 1-ethyl-2-benzimidazolinone (1-EBIO), on Cl- secretion across T84 monolayers. 1-EBIO stimulated a sustained Cl- secretory response at a half-maximal effective concentration of 490 microM. Charybdotoxin (CTX) inhibited the 1-EBIO-induced short-circuit current (Isc) with an inhibitory constant (Ki) of 3.6 nM, whereas 293B, an inhibitor of adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate-activated K+ channels, had no effect on the current induced by 1-EBIO. In contrast, CTX failed to inhibit the 293B-sensitive forskolin-induced Isc. The above results suggested that 1-EBIO may be activating the basolateral membrane Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channel (KCa) in these cells. This was further confirmed using nystatin to permeabilize the apical membrane in the presence of a mucosa-to-serosa K+ gradient and determining the effects of 1-EBIO on the basolateral K+ current (IK). Under these conditions, 1-EBIO induced a large increase in IK that was blocked by CTX. In membrane vesicles prepared from T84 cells, 1-EBIO stimulated 86Rb+ uptake in a CTX-sensitive manner; the Ki for inhibition by CTX was 3.5 nM. Similar to our intact monolayer studies, this 86Rb+ uptake was not blocked by 293B. The effects of 1-EBIO on the KCa in T84 cells was determined in excised inside-out patches. 1-EBIO (100 microM) increased the product of the number of channels and the open channel probability from 0.09 +/- 0.03 to 1.17 +/- 0.27 (n = 8); this effect on KCa activity required a minimal level of free Ca2+. Similar to its effect on T84 cells, 1-EBIO stimulated a sustained Cl- secretory current in rat colonic epithelium, which was partially blocked by CTX. Finally, 1-EBIO stimulated a sustained Cl- secretory response in primary cultures of murine tracheal epithelium. We conclude that the benzimidazolone, 1-EBIO, stimulates Cl- secretion in secretory epithelia via the direct activation of a Kca. 1-EBIO is the first pharmacological opener of this important class of epithelial K+ channels to be identified.

1991 ◽  
Vol 261 (4) ◽  
pp. L290-L295 ◽  
P. Fong ◽  
A. C. Chao ◽  
J. H. Widdicombe

In confluent primary cultures of dog tracheal epithelium, we tested whether Cl entry across the basolateral membrane is by cotransport with K. Two approaches were taken. First, we measured the inhibition of short-circuit current (Isc) by the K channel inhibitor, Ba2+. Consistent with Na-K-2Cl cotransport, maximal doses of Ba2+ inhibited five-sixths of Isc in tissues previously stimulated to secrete Cl; only two-thirds of Isc should be sensitive to Ba2+ if NaCl cotransport is the entry mechanism. Second, we measured basolateral 86Rb uptake and demonstrated inhibition by bumetanide, an inhibitor of Na-K-2Cl cotransport in other tissues. The degree of inhibition by bumetanide was consistent with the levels of Cl secretion measured as Isc. Uptake of 86Rb was also reduced by removal of Na or Cl, and under these conditions Rb uptake was not further inhibited by bumetanide. These results suggest that the process responsible for Cl entry across the basolateral membrane of tracheal epithelium during Cl secretion is Na-K-2Cl rather than Na-Cl cotransport.

1996 ◽  
Vol 270 (2) ◽  
pp. G259-G267 ◽  
L. L. Clarke ◽  
M. C. Harline

Acute adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) stimulation of intestinal epithelium induces net transepithelial Cl- secretion and inhibits neutral coupled NaCl absorption. To investigate the role that the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) plays in these events, we measured bioelectric changes and radioisotopic NaCl flux across jejunal tissues from gene-targeted cftr "knockout" mice [cftr(-/-) homozygotes] and their normal littermates [cftr(+/+) homozygotes and cftr(+/-) heterozygotes]. Before stimulation, the short-circuit current (Isc, an index of Cl- secretion) of the cftr(-/-) jejunum was essentially zero and significantly less than in the cftr(+/+) or cftr(+/-) intestine. Acute cAMP stimulation had little effect on the bioelectric parameters of the cftr(-/-) intestine but induced a marked increase of Isc and decrease of total tissue conductance in both the cftr(+/+) and cftr(+/-) intestine. Differences in the magnitude of the cAMP-induced Isc between the cftr(+/+) and cftr(+/-) intestine were only observed when the cell-to-lumen anion concentration gradient was maximized by removal of permeant anions from the luminal bath. Radioisotope flux measurements revealed that Na+ and Cl- were absorbed equally across the cftr(-/-) jejunum under basal conditions. In cftr(+/+) and cftr(+/-) intestine, Na+ was absorbed at a similar rate, but net Cl- absorption was reduced from that in cftr(-/-) intestine by an amount approximating the Isc. Acute cAMP stimulation of the cftr(+/+) and cftr(+/-) intestine abolished net NaCl absorption and induced electrogenic Cl- secretion. In contrast, net NaCl absorption was unchanged from the preceding flux period in the cftr(-/-) jejunum. The data suggest that CFTR not only mediates cAMP-induced transepithelial Cl- secretion but is also required for cAMP inhibition of neutral NaCl absorption in the intestine.

1995 ◽  
Vol 268 (3) ◽  
pp. G505-G513 ◽  
B. R. Grubb

Cystic fibrosis (CF) mice created by targeted disruption of the murine cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene lack adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP)-mediated Cl- secretion and exhibit marked intestinal complications secondary to inadequate fluid secretion. The basal short-circuit current (Isc) in the normal murine jejuna [43.2 +/- 5.9, n = 10 (mean +/- SE)] exhibits marked spontaneous n = 10 (mean +/- SE)] exhibits marked spontaneous oscillations (amplitude = 47.9, n = 18), which were completely absent in the CF jejunum. Treatment of normal jejuna with the neuronal blocker tetrodotoxin completely eliminated the oscillations and decreased the Isc to levels not significantly different from the low basal Isc (5.4 +/- 2.8, n = 16) exhibited by CF tissue. Ion substitution studies revealed basal Isc in normal jejuna to be due primarily to Cl- secretion but these tissues appeared to be capable of HCO3- secretion as well. In contrast, CF jejuna spontaneously secreted neither Cl- nor HCO3-, which may indicate that CF jejuna have a defect in the ability to secrete both of these anions. Apical glucose elicited an electrogenic absorption of Na+ of identical magnitude in normal and CF jejuna. Without apical glucose, CF jejuna exhibited a very small Isc response to forskolin (delta 2.2 +/- 0.67, n = 10). However, in the presence of apical glucose, forskolin elicited an eightfold greater Isc response in the CF tissue (delta 17.2 +/- 4.8, n = 9).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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