scholarly journals A revision of Welfia (Arecaceae)

Phytotaxa ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 119 (1) ◽  
pp. 33 ◽  

A taxonomic revision of the neotropical palm genus Welfia based on morphological data and morphometric methods was carried out. One hundred and five herbarium specimens were scored for one qualitative variable and 19 quantitative variables. Based on the qualitative variable, fruit shape, two species are recognized. One (W. regia) is widely distributed in Central America and northwestern South America from Nicaragua to Colombia and Ecuador; the second, described here (W. alfredii) is restricted to a small area of central Peru. Nomenclature, descriptions, and distribution maps are provided for each species, and images of the type specimen of the new species are also provided. 

Phytotaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 444 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-76

A taxonomic revision of the neotropical palm genus Attalea based on morphological data was carried out. Nine hundred and two herbarium specimens were scored for 21 quantitative and 33 qualitative variables. Using the Phylogenetic Species Concept, qualitative variables were used to recognize 30 species. These are widely distributed in Central and South America from Mexico to Bolivia and Paraguay, with one species in Haiti. Nomenclature, descriptions, and distribution maps are provided for each species. Qualitative variables are illustrated, and illustrations of 22 living plants are also provided.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 342 (1) ◽  
pp. 1

A taxonomic revision of the Brazilian species of Encyclia is presented, based on analysis of roughly 1,400 herbarium specimens, including types. Thirty-nine species and one variety are listed for Brazil; we indicate 101 synonyms, of which eight are newly proposed. Lectotypes are chosen for five names (E. chironii, E. dutrae, E. paraënsis, E. tripartita and Epidendrum capartianum), including accepted names and synonyms. Two names are indicated as invalid (E. randii var. rondoniensis and E. vazzoleri), one name as a nomen nudum (E. guesneliana) and another as superfluous (Epidendrum pabstii). The occurrence of E. auyantepuiensis and E. thienii is confirmed for Brazil, and new occurrences are documented of E. fimbriata in Minas Gerais (in addition to Bahia) and E. linearifolioides in Maranhão and possibly Paraná (in addition to Matto Grosso and Tocatins States and Bolivia and Paraguay). All species are described and illustrated, and distribution maps are included. For both varieties of E. patens, nomenclatural and taxonomic notes are provided.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 487 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-25

In the present study, we presented a taxonomic revision of the genus Sorbaria (Sorbarieae; Amygdaloideae) with a new infrageneric classification. Moreover, we extensively reviewed various data for Sorbaria species, including previous anatomical, micromorphological, and palynological data. The new sectional classification was based on morphological, micromorphological, and palynological evidence, with two sections: sect. Sorbaria aut. and sect. Kirilowiana J.-H. Song & S.-P. Hong (sect. nov.). Overall, four species and five varieties (including two nomenclatural novelties) were recognized: S. sorbifolia (Linnaeus) A. Braun var. sorbifolia, S. sorbifolia var. glandulifolia J.-H. Song & S.-P. Hong, S. sorbifolia var. stellipila Maximowicz, S. pallasii (G. Don) Pojarkova, S. tomentosa (Lindley) Rehder var. tomentosa, S. tomentosa var. angustifolia (Wenzig) Rahn., S. kirilowii (Regel & Tiling) Maximowicz var. kirilowii, S. kirilowii var. arborea (C.K. Schneider) J.-H. Song & S.-P. Hong (comb. & stat. nov.), and S. kirilowii var. dubia (C.K. Schneider) J.-H. Song & S.-P. Hong (comb. nov.). Some illustrations and syntype were designated as the lectotype for several names. The classification was based on a comprehensive morphological examination of herbarium specimens, including field observations and observations of types, micromorphological, and palynological characteristics. In addition, we provided an identification key, diagnostic characteristics, full descriptions, comprehensive nomenclatural treatments and taxonomic notes (including complete synonymy), and distribution maps of Sorbaria species.

Botany ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 88 (9) ◽  
pp. 787-809 ◽  
Hyeok Jae Choi ◽  
J. Hugo Cota-Sánchez

The taxonomy, rarity, and conservation status of Allium  L. is revised for the Canadian prairie provinces, based on analyses of herbarium specimens and fieldwork. Five species are recognized: Allium schoenoprasum  L., A. geyeri S. Watson var. tenerum M.E. Jones, A. textile A. Nelson & J.F. Macbride, A. cernuum Roth, and A. stellatum Ker Gawler. Distribution maps and a key to species are provided, as well as complete descriptions of the species examined, including new illustrations, information on nomenclatural types, synonymies, and chromosomal and ecological data. A lectotype is designated for A. geyeri var. tenerum. In this study, A. geyeri var. geyeri reported from Alberta and Saskatchewan and ranked in these provinces as having rarity levels S2 and S1, respectively, by the Nature Conservancy, is excluded from the Canadian flora and the rare list of these provinces because it was misidentified from a herbarium specimen of A. textile. Allium tricoccum Solander in W. Aiton is regarded as a non-native species to Manitoba. The rarity and conservation status of Allium in the Canadian prairie provinces is as follows: (i) A. schoenoprasum, listed as S2 in Saskatchewan, is rare in Manitoba, although its rarity status has not been formally assessed in the province; (ii) A. geyeri var. tenerum is the rarest Allium taxon, with distribution restricted to the Waterton Lakes National Park areas of Alberta, and is currently listed as S2; and (iii) A. cernuum was re-evaluated and a rarity level of S1S2 was recommended for the species in Saskatchewan, particularly in its southwestern distributional habitat.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 445 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-656

A revision of Calamus was carried out based on morphological data. Eight thousand, six hundred and thirty-three herbarium specimens were examined and scored for 14 quantitative and 157 qualitative variables. Application of the Phylogenetic Species Concept to 516 preliminary species of Calamus resulted in recognition of 411 phylogenetic species. Of these, 38 are recognized as new (C. barisanensis, C. brevissimus, C. brunneus, C. calciphilus, C. densifloropsis, C. disjunctus, C. divergens, C. exiguus, C. furvus, C. gaharuensis, C. goramensis, C. heteracanthopsis, C. hosensis, C. impressus, C. insolitus, C. insularis, C. johanis, C. kinabaluensis, C. kubahensis, C. latus, C. lengguanii, C. lobatus, C. notabilis, C. obiensis, C. oresbiopsis, C. oxleyoides, C. pahangensis, C. powlingii, C. saltuensis, C. seropakensis, C. spinosus, C. sulawesiensis, C. tambingensis, C. tapanensis, C. trigynus, C. vinaceus, C. viridis, C. wedaensis). Analysis of quantitative variables and geographic distributions resulted in the division of 11 species into 36 subspecies. Eight species were considered to be ochlospecies (C. erioacanthus, C. inermis, C. javensis, C. melanochaetes, C. micranthus, C. moseleyanus, C. plicatus, C. siphonospathus). Nomenclature, descriptions, and distribution maps are provided for all species. Images of the type specimens of all new species are provided as well as images of most qualitative variables. One hundred and forty–three species are illustrated with images from living plants.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 185 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Jeffery M. Saarela ◽  

A taxonomic treatment of Bromus in México and Central America is presented. Twenty-two species and one variety are recognized in the region. Twelve of these species are native, and ten are adventive and introduced. Bromus section Mexibromus is newly described, representing a distinct lineage in molecular studies of the genus. It includes two species endemic to México (B. attenuatus, B. densus) and one endemic to México and Guatemala (B. dolichocarpus), distinguished from species in other Bromus sections by their 3(–5)-nerved lemmas. Bromus pinetorum is a poorly understood species of Bromus sect. Bromopsis endemic to Coahuila. Taxa that have been variously treated in the past are discussed in detail. Bromus mucroglumis and B. thysanoglottis are treated as synonyms of B. richardsonii, and B. meyeri is treated as a synonym of B. anomalus. Two varieties are recognized in B. carinatus, B. carinatus var. carinatus and B. carinatus var. marginatus. Lectotypes are designated for the names B. carinatus var. californicus, B. hookeri var. schlechtendalii, B. trinii, B. trinii var. pallidiflorus and B. trinii var. stricta. A second-step neotype is designated for B. rigidus. Keys for determining the species in English and Spanish, descriptions, synonymies, illustrations, distribution maps, comments and lists of all specimens examined are provided for each species.

ZooKeys ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 910 ◽  
pp. 1-42 ◽  
Marcos Santos Silva ◽  
Fernando Carbayo

In 2016, the type-material of ten of the 15 Brazilian land planarians (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Geoplanidae) described by Schirch (1929) was discovered deposited in the Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ). Schirch only described the external morphology of these species, all originally placed in the genus Geoplana. By the 1930s and 1950s Geoplana itatiayana, G. plana, and G. rezendei underwent taxonomic revision based on the study of non-type specimens. The remaining 12 species also underwent a taxonomic revision but only based on the literature. Current names of these species are Geoplana goettei, Pseudogeoplana arpi, Ps. blaseri, Ps. bonita, Ps. bresslaui, Ps. cardosi, Ps. doederleini, Ps. lumbricoides, Ps. obscura, Ps. riedeli, Ps. theresopolitana, and Ps. wetzeli. The species Geoplana maximiliani sensu Schirch (1929) was renamed as Ps. schirchi Ogren & Kawakatsu, 1990. The present study reports a taxonomic revision of seven of Schirch’s species using type material, namely Obama itatiayana, Pasipha plana, Pseudogeoplana arpi, Ps. bresslaui, Ps. doederleini, Ps. schirchi and Ps. wetzeli. Additional specimens of some of these species were also examined. Morphological data from histological preparations and from virtual sections were obtained through a non-destructive technique of X-ray computed microtomography (µCT). This approach resulted in the preservation of the entire body of at least one type-specimen of each species, and the holotype of Ps. bresslaui. Conspecificity of O. itatiayana and P. plana was confirmed, as previously reported in the literature. It is also proposed that Ps. bresslaui belongs to the genus Paraba, while the other species should remain in Pseudogeoplana, since type-specimens are either immature, poorly preserved or simply lost.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 317 (1) ◽  
pp. 29

In this paper, Carex chungii and other five names at species rank, plus one variety and one form, all from of C. sect. Mitratae, were revised. They constitute a group of morphologically very similar taxa, difficult to tell apart. Our study was based on literature survey, fieldwork, herbarium specimens, statistical analysis of morphological characters and SEM observations of achenes and perigynia. Analysis of morphological data of 94 individuals from eleven populations using principal component analysis (PCA) revealed five clusters, which we consequently considered to correspond to five species. The achenes of Carex genkaiensis were strikingly different from all the other species regarding achene apex contracted into a 0.2–0.5 mm long neck-like appendage (vs. into a discoid-annulate style-base), as well as its perigynium indumentum (pubescent vs. sparsely pubescent). Carex anhuiensis, C. xuanchengensis and C. truncatirostris f. erostris are all synonymized to C. truncatirostris. The previously recognized Carex kamagariensis from Japan is synonymized to C. chungii. Carex chungii var. rigida is recognized as specific rank and the new name C. nanpingensis is proposed. Our study is the first effort to address the taxonomy of this complicate group as a whole in its entire range.

Webbia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-67
Abdulwakeel Ayokun-nun Ajao ◽  
Annah Ntsamaeeng Moteetee

Rhynchosia is the largest genus in the subtribe Cajaninae, tribe Phaseoleae. Due to the lack of a recent taxonomic revision in the genus, the species are poorly known and as a result, are difficult to identify. As part of our ongoing taxonomic studies on the genus in southern Africa, this paper presents a comparative study of vegetative and floral morphological variation in the 47 species currently recognised in the type section Rhynchosia in the region. This is with a view to provide useful diagnostic morphological characters that can be used to correctly identify species in the type section and in other sections. The study used morphological data from field observation, herbarium specimens, and literature. Stems, leaves, and floral structures were examined with a dissecting microscope. A stereoscope with a camera lucida attachment was used to draw the reproductive morphology. Although morphological characters seem to overlap between the sections, characters such as leaflets size, type of indumentum on leaflet surfaces, stipules shape, type and length of inflorescences, presence or absence of indumentum on standard petals, presence and absence of sculpturing on wing petals, as well as length of upper lobes of the calyx are useful in identifying species.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-43 ◽  
Dhafer Ahmed Alzahrani ◽  
Enas Jameel Albokhari

The genera Tetraena Maxim. and Zygophyllum L. (Zygophyllaceae) present different morphological characters, viz. growth habit, leaf features, flower traits and fruit shape, and have a high diversity of species in Africa, Australia and Asia. Six species of Tetraena [T. alba (L.f.) Beier & Thulin, T. coccinea (L) Beier & Thulin, T. decumbens (Delile) Beier & Thulin, T. hamiensis (Schwein f.) Beier & Thulin, T. propinqua (Decne.) Ghaz. & Osborne and T. simplex (L.) Beier & Thulin], and one species of Zygophyllum (Z. fabago L.) have been identified in Saudi Arabia, most of which grow in sandy soils and saline habitats as shrubs and herbs. One new endemic variety (T. alba var. arabica Alzahrani & Albokhari) along with four new combinations [T. alba var. amblyocarpa (Baker) Alzahrani & Albokhari, T. hamiensis var. qatarensis (Hadidi ex Beier & Thulin) Alzahrani & Albokhari, T. hamiensis var. mandavillei (Hadidi ex Beier & Thulin) Alzahrnai & Albokhari, and T. propinqua subsp. migahidii (Hadidi ex Beier & Thulin) Alzahrani & Albokhari] are proposed. Descriptions, illustrations, distribution maps and a key for identification of the taxa are presented. Conservation status has been proposed for the new variety and combinations.Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 25(1): 19-43, 2018 (June)

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