Cavichiassus, a new genus of Hyalojassini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from Brazil, and first description of the genitalia of Neotrocnada rutasaca (Blocker) comb. nov.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4926 (2) ◽  
pp. 189-200

The new iassine leafhopper genus Cavichiassus gen. nov. is described based on Cavichiassus punctatus gen. et sp. nov from Southern of Brazil, and can be recognized by the forewing with appendix and first apical cell narrow, more membranous than adjacent cells; the vein separating appendix and first apical cell complete; the protibia with dorsal surface flat and the AD and PD margins carinate, but weakly expanded laterally; the ventral processes of pygofer conspicuous, extending ventrad; the subgenital plate small, simple, without pseudostyles or setae; the connective amorphous; the style with apodeme and apophysis very long; and the aedeagus with dorsal apodeme bearing a pair of processes directed posterad. A new combination is proposed and the male and female genitalia of Neotrocnada rutasaca (Blocker, 1979) comb. nov. are described and illustrated for the first time. Additionally, the host plant is identified for N. rutasaca comb. nov. and a new country record is given for Neotrocnada napoensis Krishnankutty & Dietrich, 2012. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3351 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  

Titanochrysa Sosa & Freitas is a new genus of Neotropical Chrysopini (Chrysopidae: Chrysopinae) recorded from Costa Rica,Venezuela and Brazil. Titanochrysa gen. nov. shares several external and genitalic characters with Ceraeochrysa Adams, 1982;Chrysopodes Navás, 1913; Cryptochrysa Freitas & Penny, 2000; Parachrysopiella Brooks & Barnard, 1990 and Ungla Navás1914. It may be distinguished from those genera by its very long sternite 8+9, sternites 2–8 usually with microtholi, male geni-talia with the dorsal surface of the arcessus striated, gonosaccus well-developed, bearing elongate gonosetae and microsetae,and a spoon-like gonapsis. Herein, Titanochrysa circumfusa (Burmeister, 1939) [= Chrysopodes circumfusa (Burmeister)]comb. nov. and Titanochrysa pseudovaricosa (Penny) [= Ceraeochrysa pseudovaricosa Penny, 1998] comb. nov. were identi-fied; Titanochrysa ferreirai Sosa & Freitas sp. nov. and Titanochrysa trespuntensis Sosa & Freitas sp. nov. were described.The external morphology, and male and female genitalia of all these species are described. Titanochrysa circumfusa (Burmeister, 1939) comb. nov. is recorded for the first time from Venezuela.

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2736 (1) ◽  
pp. 17

Descriptions and keys are provided for males of 7 ecnomid caddisfly species, with 6 species new to science and to Australia. Females of 5 species are also described. These species are placed in the new genus, Neboissomina, new genus. The following new species are described: N. jardinei, N. kuranya, N. mida, N. persona, N. philsuteri, and N. riyala. A new combination is suggested for N. krokale (Neboiss, 1979). The new genus is erected based on unique characters in the male and female genitalia, wings and setal warts of the head. Neboissomina, new genus is endemic to northern and eastern Australia.

Zootaxa ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 1898 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-54 ◽  

The new genus of Eurybrachidae Chewobrachys n. g. (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) is described for two species from Eastern Australia, Platybrachys sanguiflua (Walker, 1858) and Chewobrachys limbourgi n. sp. The new combination Chewobrachys sanguiflua (Walker, 1858) n. comb. is proposed and Platybrachys insignis Distant, 1892 is proposed as a junior synonym of C. sanguiflua. The male and female genitalia are illustrated and photos of habitus, distribution maps and biological data are provided with the description of the species. A key to the species of Chewobrachys is given. Lectotypes are designated for Eurybrachys sanguiflua Walker, 1858 and Platybrachys insignis Distant, 1892. The new genus is provisionally placed in the tribe Platybrachyini Schmidt, 1908.

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4999 (2) ◽  

The new genus Cincinasura gen. n. is described for the type species Asura synestramena Hampson, 1900. A new species, Cincinasura cyclophora sp. n. is described from the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia). A new combination is established: Cincinasura synestramena (Hampson, 1900), comb. n. Adults together with male and female genitalia of the new and similar genera are illustrated.

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4382 (2) ◽  
pp. 242

The New Zealand species of marsh beetles Atopida dorsale Broun, 1893 and Atopida testacea Broun, 1880 share several features that differentiate them from other members of Atopida White. Analysis of morphological characters and the structural anatomy of the genitalia justified the description of a new genus to accommodate these two species. Sensory structures of the apical maxillary palpomere are described for the first time in Scirtidae. The presence of lacinial hooks in Scirtidae is discussed. Morphology of female prehensors is described and observations of male and female genitalia during copulation are discussed. Lectotypes of both species are designated. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4718 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-276

Following the revision of the three Palaearctic species of the genus Hoplomachus, it appeared that the sole Nearctic species Hoplomachus affiguratus is misplaced in this genus. In addition to a redescription of its external morphology, the male and female genitalia are illustrated for the first time. A generic level analysis of presumedly related Phylinae lead us to erect Delphiphylus n. gen. with its only included species Delphiphylus affiguratus (Uhler, 1895) n. comb. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 160 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-60 ◽  
Rienk de Jong ◽  
John G. Coutsis

Examination of male and female genitalia as well as external characters of all species of the current genus Gegenes Hübner, 1819 (Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera) led to the observation that two well-marked groups can be distinguished, differing in external characters as well as in male and female genitalia. For one of the two groups a new genus is erected, Afrogegenes. Conventionally, the group for which the new genus is erected contains two species, Gegenes letterstedti (Wallengren, 1857) and G. hottentota (Latreille, 1823), but G. hottentota ocra Evans, 1937, has been given full species rank here, raising the number of species in Afrogegenes to three. G. letterstedti has long been known in the literature as G. niso (Linnaeus, 1764), but this is based on an incorrect lectotype designation. Male and female genitalia are described and figured for all taxa, in some cases for the first time.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4312 (2) ◽  
pp. 246

Ptychotrichos Schaus, 1894 is revised and redescribed based on external and genitalia characters. The genus is now characterized by the following autapomorphic characters: forewing more than twice as long as hindwing, hairbrush on dorsal surface of inner margin of hindwing, vinculum sigmoid, uncus bilobed, and valva with a proximal finger-like projection. Ptychotrichos is comprised of two species, P. zeus Schaus, 1894 (type-species) and P. elongata Schaus, 1905, which differ from each other in fore- and hindwing patterns, coloration of abdominal tergites and male and female genitalia. Both species of Ptychotrichos are redescribed and illustrated, and maps of their geographical distribution are provided, with a discussion on the unusual distribution of P. zeus. A new combination for Ptychotrichos [sic] fenestrifer Zerny, 1931 is also proposed: Heliura fenestrifer comb. nov. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 28 (5) ◽  
pp. 522 ◽  
Gerasimos Cassis ◽  
Celia Symonds

Acaciacapsus, gen. nov. is described as a new plant bug genus, with eight new included species: A. amadeus, sp. nov.; A. appha, sp. nov.; A. aureolus, sp. nov.; A. bournda, sp. nov.; A. emeraldensis, sp. nov.; A. lolworthensis, sp. nov.; A. millstreamensis, sp. nov.; and A. woodwardi, sp. nov. Differential diagnoses and descriptions are given for all species, including salient characters, and the male and female genitalia. An identification key is provided to species. Male genitalia are illustrated, and a habitus photograph is provided for each species. Female genitalia are illustrated for two species. The genus is putatively an Acacia specialist, and has cryptozoic yellowish colouration. The species are primarily found in arid and semi-arid regions of non-monsoonal regions of Australia. The collection events are digitised and their distributions mapped. A phylogeny of species is given. Modifications are given to male genitalic homologies and are discussed in reference to other Australian orthotylines.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2268 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-22 ◽  
H. L. HAN ◽  

Six species of the genus Stenoloba Staudinger, 1892 (S. yunley sp. nov., S. viridibasis sp. nov., S. oculatoides sp. nov., S. viridinivea sp. nov., S. rufosagittoides sp. nov., and S. acutivalva sp. nov.) are described from South China. The new combination Stenoloba brunneola comb. n. for Bryophila brunneola Draudt, 1950 is introduced. Seven species: S. pulla Ronkay, 2001, S. benedeki Ronkay, 2001, S. viridimicta Hampson, 1910, S. lichenosella Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001, S. glauca Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001, S. viridescens Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001 and S. lanceola Ronaky, 2001, previously known from North Vietnam and North India are reported from China for the first time. The male genitalia of S. basiviridis Draudt, 1950 and the female genitalia of S. lichenosella Kononenko & Ronkay, 2001 are described and illustrated for the first time. The generic name Lepidopyrga Warren, 1914 is synonymized (syn. n.) with Stenoloba. The taxon S. glauca kuytekparki Sohn & Han, 2005 is synonymized (syn. n.) with S. glauca. Most species are illustrated with imagines, male and female genitalia. A checklist of Stenoloba species in China is presented.

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