Indian Ocean Subtropical Underwater and the Interannual Variability in its Annual Subduction Rate Associated with the Southern Annular Mode

Abstract In this study, the Indian Ocean subtropical underwater (IOSTUW) was investigated as a subsurface salinity maximum using Argo floats (2000–2020) for the first time. It has mean salinity, potential temperature and potential density values of 35.54 ± 0.29 psu, 17.91 ± 1.66 °C, and 25.56 ± 0.35 kg m−3, respectively, and mainly extends between 10°S and 30°S along the isopycnal surface in the subtropical south Indian Ocean. The annual subduction rate of the IOSTUW during the period of 2004-2019 was investigated based on a gridded Argo dataset. The results revealed a mean value of 4.39 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3s−1) with an interannual variability that is closely related to the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). The variation in the annual subduction rate of the IOSTUW is dominated by the lateral induction term, which largely depends on the winter mixed layer depth (MLD) in the sea surface salinity (SSS) maximum region. The anomalies of winter MLD is primarily determined by SAM-related air-sea heat flux and zonal wind anomalies through modulation of the buoyancy. As a result, the annual subduction rate of the IOSTUW generally increased when the SAM index showed negative anomalies and decreased when the SAM index showed positive anomalies. Exceptional cases occurred when the wind anomaly within the SSS maximum region was weak or was dominated by its meridional component.

2018 ◽  
Vol 48 (9) ◽  
pp. 2081-2101 ◽  
Motoki Nagura ◽  
Shinya Kouketsu

AbstractThis study investigates an isopycnal temperature/salinity T/S, or spiciness, anomaly in the upper south Indian Ocean for the period from 2004 to 2015 using observations and reanalyses. Spiciness anomalies at about 15°S on 24–26σθ are focused on, whose standard deviation is about 0.1 psu in salinity and 0.25°C in temperature, and they have a contribution to isobaric temperature variability comparable to thermocline heave. A plausible generation region of these anomalies is the southeastern Indian Ocean, where the 25σθ surface outcrops in southern winter, and the anticyclonic subtropical gyre advects subducted water equatorward. Unlike the Pacific and Atlantic, spiciness anomalies in the upper south Indian Ocean are not T/S changes in mode water, and meridional variations in SST and sea surface salinity in their generation region are not density compensating. It is possible that this peculiarity is owing to freshwater originating from the Indonesian Seas. The production of spiciness anomalies is estimated from surface heat and freshwater fluxes and the surface T/S relationship in the outcrop region, based on several assumptions including the dominance of surface fluxes in the surface T/S budget and effective mixed layer depth proposed by Deser et al. The result agrees well with isopycnal salinity anomalies at the outcrop line, which indicates that spiciness anomalies are generated by local surface fluxes. It is suggested that the Ningaloo Niño and El Niño–Southern Oscillation lead to interannual variability in surface heat flux in the southeastern Indian Ocean and contribute to the generation of spiciness anomalies.

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (6) ◽  
pp. 1901-1916 ◽  
Tangdong Qu ◽  
Linlin Zhang ◽  
Niklas Schneider

AbstractSubtropical underwater (STUW) and its year-to-year variability in annual subduction rate are investigated using recently available Argo data in the North Atlantic. For the period of observation (2002–14), the mean annual subduction rate of the STUW is 7.3 ± 1.2 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s−1) within the density range between 25.0 and 26.0 kg m−3. Once subducted, the STUW spreads in the subtropical gyre as a vertical salinity maximum. In the mean, the spatial changes in temperature and salinity of the STUW tend to compensate each other, and the density of the water mass remains rather stable near 25.5 kg m−3 in the southwestern part of the subtropical gyre. The annual subduction rate of the STUW varies from year to year, and most of this variability is due to lateral induction, which in turn is directly linked to the variability of the winter mixed layer depth. Through modulation of surface buoyancy, wind anomalies associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation are primarily responsible for this variability. Sea surface salinity anomalies in the formation region of the STUW are conveyed into the thermocline, but their westward propagation cannot be detected by the present data.

2012 ◽  
Vol 40 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 743-759 ◽  
M. G. Keerthi ◽  
M. Lengaigne ◽  
J. Vialard ◽  
C. de Boyer Montégut ◽  
P. M. Muraleedharan

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 602-627 ◽  
Laurie L. Trenary ◽  
Weiqing Han

Abstract The relative importance of local versus remote forcing on intraseasonal-to-interannual sea level and thermocline variability of the tropical south Indian Ocean (SIO) is systematically examined by performing a suite of controlled experiments using an ocean general circulation model and a linear ocean model. Particular emphasis is placed on the thermocline ridge of the Indian Ocean (TRIO; 5°–12°S, 50°–80°E). On interannual and seasonal time scales, sea level and thermocline variability within the TRIO region is primarily forced by winds over the Indian Ocean. Interannual variability is largely caused by westward propagating Rossby waves forced by Ekman pumping velocities east of the region. Seasonally, thermocline variability over the TRIO region is induced by a combination of local Ekman pumping and Rossby waves generated by winds from the east. Adjustment of the tropical SIO at both time scales generally follows linear theory and is captured by the first two baroclinic modes. Remote forcing from the Pacific via the oceanic bridge has significant influence on seasonal and interannual thermocline variability in the east basin of the SIO and weak impact on the TRIO region. On intraseasonal time scales, strong sea level and thermocline variability is found in the southeast tropical Indian Ocean, and it primarily arises from oceanic instabilities. In the TRIO region, intraseasonal sea level is relatively weak and results from Indian Ocean wind forcing. Forcing over the Pacific is the major cause for interannual variability of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) transport, whereas forcing over the Indian Ocean plays a larger role in determining seasonal and intraseasonal ITF variability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (10) ◽  
pp. 3927-3953
Motoki Nagura

AbstractThis study investigates spreading and generation of spiciness anomalies of the Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) located on 26.6 to 26.8 σθ in the south Indian Ocean, using in situ hydrographic observations, satellite measurements, reanalysis datasets, and numerical model output. The amplitude of spiciness anomalies is about 0.03 psu or 0.13°C and tends to be large along the streamline of the subtropical gyre, whose upstream end is the outcrop region south of Australia. The speed of spreading is comparable to that of the mean current, and it takes about a decade for a spiciness anomaly in the outcrop region to spread into the interior up to Madagascar. In the outcrop region, interannual variability in mixed layer temperature and salinity tends to be density compensating, which indicates that Eulerian temperature or salinity changes account for the generation of isopycnal spiciness anomalies. It is known that wintertime temperature and salinity in the surface mixed layer determine the temperature and salinity relationship of a subducted water mass. Considering this, the mixed layer heat budget in the outcrop region is estimated based on the concept of effective mixed layer depth, the result of which shows the primary contribution from horizontal advection. The contributions from Ekman and geostrophic currents are comparable. Ekman flow advection is caused by zonal wind stress anomalies and the resulting meridional Ekman current anomalies, as is pointed out by a previous study. Geostrophic velocity is decomposed into large-scale and mesoscale variability, both of which significantly contribute to horizontal advection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (5) ◽  
pp. 1595-1609
Motoki Nagura ◽  
Michael J. McPhaden

AbstractThis study examines interannual variability in sea surface height (SSH) at southern midlatitudes of the Indian Ocean (10°–35°S). Our focus is on the relative role of local wind forcing and remote forcing from the equatorial Pacific Ocean. We use satellite altimetry measurements, an atmospheric reanalysis, and a one-dimensional wave model tuned to simulate observed SSH anomalies. The model solution is decomposed into the part driven by local winds and that driven by SSH variability radiated from the western coast of Australia. Results show that variability radiated from the Australian coast is larger in amplitude than variability driven by local winds in the central and eastern parts of the south Indian Ocean at midlatitudes (between 19° and 33°S), whereas the influence from eastern boundary forcing is confined to the eastern basin at lower latitudes (10° and 17°S). The relative importance of eastern boundary forcing at midlatitudes is due to the weakness of wind stress curl anomalies in the interior of the south Indian Ocean. Our analysis further suggests that SSH variability along the west coast of Australia originates from remote wind forcing in the tropical Pacific, as is pointed out by previous studies. The zonal gradient of SSH between the western and eastern parts of the south Indian Ocean is also mostly controlled by variability radiated from the Australian coast, indicating that interannual variability in meridional geostrophic transport is driven principally by Pacific winds.

Atmosphere ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 259 ◽  
Zhongda Lin

Extratropical teleconnections significantly affect the climate in subtropical and mid-latitude regions. Understanding the variability of atmospheric teleconnection in the Southern Hemisphere, however, is still limited in contrast with the well-documented counterpart in the Northern Hemisphere. This study investigates the interannual variability of mid-latitude circulation in the Southern Hemisphere in austral summer based on the ERA-Interim reanalysis dataset during 1980–2016. A stationary mid-latitude teleconnection is revealed along the strong Southern Hemisphere westerly jet over the South Atlantic and South Indian Ocean (SAIO). The zonally oriented SAIO pattern represents the first EOF mode of interannual variability of meridional winds at 200 hPa over the region, with a vertical barotropic structure and a zonal wavenumber of 4. It significantly modulates interannual climate variations in the subtropical Southern Hemisphere in austral summer, especially the opposite change in rainfall and surface air temperature between Northwest and Southeast Australia. The SAIO pattern can be efficiently triggered by divergences over mid-latitude South America and the southwest South Atlantic, near the entrance of the westerly jet, which is probably related to the zonal shift of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. The triggered wave train is then trapped within the Southern Hemisphere westerly jet waveguide and propagates eastward until it diverts northeastward towards Australia at the jet exit, in addition to portion of which curving equatorward at approximately 50° E towards the southwest Indian Ocean.

2010 ◽  
Vol 40 (7) ◽  
pp. 1659-1668 ◽  
A. M. Treguier ◽  
J. Le Sommer ◽  
J. M. Molines ◽  
B. de Cuevas

Abstract The authors evaluate the response of the Southern Ocean to the variability and multidecadal trend of the southern annular mode (SAM) from 1972 to 2001 in a global eddy-permitting model of the DRAKKAR project. The transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is correlated with the SAM at interannual time scales but exhibits a drift because of the thermodynamic adjustment of the model (the ACC transport decreases because of a low renewal rate of dense waters around Antarctica). The interannual variability of the eddy kinetic energy (EKE) and the ACC transport are uncorrelated, but the EKE decreases like the ACC transport over the three decades, even though meridional eddy fluxes of heat and buoyancy remain stable. The contribution of oceanic eddies to meridional transports is an important issue because a growth of the poleward eddy transport could, in theory, oppose the increase of the mean overturning circulation forced by the SAM. In the authors’ model, the total meridional circulation at 50°S is well correlated with the SAM index (and the Ekman transport) at interannual time scales, and both increase over three decades between 1972 and 2001. However, given the long-term drift, no SAM-linked trend in the eddy contribution to the meridional overturning circulation is detectable. The increase of the meridional overturning is due to the time-mean component and is compensated by an increased buoyancy gain at the surface. The authors emphasize that the meridional circulation does not vary in a simple relationship with the zonal circulation. The model solution points out that the zonal circulation and the eddy kinetic energy are governed by different mechanisms according to the time scale considered (interannual or decadal).

2007 ◽  
Vol 20 (13) ◽  
pp. 3269-3283 ◽  
Peter R. Oke ◽  
Andreas Schiller

Abstract A series of observing system simulation experiments (OSSEs) are performed for the tropical Indian Ocean (±15° from the equator) using a simple analysis system. The analysis system projects an array of observations onto the dominant empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) derived from an intermediate-resolution (2° × 0.5°) ocean circulation model. This system produces maps of the depth of the 20°C isotherm (D20), representing interannual variability, and the high-pass-filtered mixed layer depth (MLD), representing intraseasonal variability. The OSSEs are designed to assess the suitability of the proposed Indian Ocean surface mooring array for resolving intraseasonal to interannual variability. While the proposed array does a reasonable job of resolving the interannual time scales, it may not adequately resolve the intraseasonal time scales. A procedure is developed to rank the importance of observation locations by determining the observation array that best projects onto the EOFs used in the analysis system. OSSEs using an optimal array clearly outperform the OSSEs using the proposed array. The configuration of the optimal array is sensitive to the number of EOFs considered. The optimal array is also different for D20 and MLD, and depends on whether fixed observations are included that represent an idealized Argo array. Therefore, a relative frequency map of observation locations identified in 24 different OSSEs is compiled and a single, albeit less optimal, array that is referred to as a consolidated array is objectively determined. The consolidated array reflects the general features of the individual optimal arrays derived from all OSSEs. It is found that, in general, observations south of 8°S and off of the Indonesian coast are most important for resolving the interannual variability, while observations a few degrees south of the equator, and west of 75°E, and a few degrees north of the equator, and east of 75°E, are important for resolving the intraseasonal variability. In a series of OSSEs, the consolidated array is shown to outperform the proposed array for all configurations of the analysis system for both D20 and MLD.

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