scholarly journals Surface membrane vesicles from mononuclear cells stimulate erythroid stem cells to proliferate in culture

Blood ◽  
1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 583-594
N Dainiak ◽  
CM Cohen

In order to examine the contribution of cell surface materials to erythroid burst-promoting activity (BPA), we separated media conditioned by a variety of human cell types into pellets and supernatants by centrifugation. When added to serum-restricted cultures of nonadherent human marrow cells, pellets contained about half of the total stimulatory activity. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of the pellets revealed the presence of unilamellar membrane vesicles ranging from 0.10 to 0.40 microM in diameter. The amount of BPA in culture increased with added vesicle concentration in a saturable fashion. Preparation of leukocyte conditioned medium (LCM) from 125I-wheat germ agglutinin labeled cells and studies comparing the glycoprotein composition of vesicles with that of leukocyte plasma membranes suggest that LCM-derived vesicles are of plasma membrane origin. Moreover, partially purified leukocyte plasma membrane preparations also contained BPA. While disruption of vesicles by freezing/thawing and hypotonic lysis did not alter BPA, heat, trypsin, or pronase treatment removed greater than 65% of BPA, implying that vesicle surface rather than intravesicular molecules express BPA. Results of BPA assays performed in two-layer clots indicated that proximity to target cells is required for vesicle BPA expression. We conclude that membrane vesicles spontaneously shed from cell surfaces may be important regulators of erythroid burst proliferation in vitro.

Blood ◽  
1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 583-594 ◽  
N Dainiak ◽  
CM Cohen

Abstract In order to examine the contribution of cell surface materials to erythroid burst-promoting activity (BPA), we separated media conditioned by a variety of human cell types into pellets and supernatants by centrifugation. When added to serum-restricted cultures of nonadherent human marrow cells, pellets contained about half of the total stimulatory activity. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy of the pellets revealed the presence of unilamellar membrane vesicles ranging from 0.10 to 0.40 microM in diameter. The amount of BPA in culture increased with added vesicle concentration in a saturable fashion. Preparation of leukocyte conditioned medium (LCM) from 125I-wheat germ agglutinin labeled cells and studies comparing the glycoprotein composition of vesicles with that of leukocyte plasma membranes suggest that LCM-derived vesicles are of plasma membrane origin. Moreover, partially purified leukocyte plasma membrane preparations also contained BPA. While disruption of vesicles by freezing/thawing and hypotonic lysis did not alter BPA, heat, trypsin, or pronase treatment removed greater than 65% of BPA, implying that vesicle surface rather than intravesicular molecules express BPA. Results of BPA assays performed in two-layer clots indicated that proximity to target cells is required for vesicle BPA expression. We conclude that membrane vesicles spontaneously shed from cell surfaces may be important regulators of erythroid burst proliferation in vitro.

1989 ◽  
Vol 93 (3) ◽  
pp. 467-479
A.P. Aguas ◽  
P.P. da Silva

We used the acrosome reaction of boar sperm cells to study the dynamics of surface transmembrane glycoproteins (TMG) during a secretory process. The acrosome reaction is the Ca2+-dependent fusion of a large cytoplasmic vesicle (the acrosome) with the overlying segment of the plasma membrane (acrosomal cap) that leads to the release of the acrosomal enzymes. After triggering the acrosome reaction in vitro (2 mM-CaCl2 in the presence of 10 microM-A23187), we used freeze-fracture electron microscopy to follow the topographical rearrangement of a population of acrosomal-cap large intramembrane particles that correspond to transmembrane proteins that bind wheat germ agglutinin. We found that these TMG move in the direction of either one of two opposite poles, proximal and distal, of the acrosomal cap. This bimodal movement of the TMG reorganizes the acrosomal cap into three extensive domains. The first two, on the apical rim and on the equator, are membrane domains to which the TMG are directed and where they accumulate. The third, a large in-between area of protein clearing, corresponds to the region from which TMG were preferentially located before displacement induced by the Ca2+ effect. The topography of these new membrane domains of the acrosomal cap becomes coincident with that of the structural domains of the subjacent acrosomal membrane. Mirroring of the acrosomal membrane by the plasma membrane is followed by fusion between the two membranes, formation of an exquisite labyrinth of hybrid-membrane tubules, followed by fission and release of the acrosomal contents through intertubular fenestrae.

2000 ◽  
Vol 113 (19) ◽  
pp. 3365-3374 ◽  
K. Denzer ◽  
M.J. Kleijmeer ◽  
H.F. Heijnen ◽  
W. Stoorvogel ◽  
H.J. Geuze

Exosomes are small membrane vesicles that are secreted by a multitude of cell types as a consequence of fusion of multivesicular late endosomes/lysosomes with the plasma membrane. Depending on their origin, exosomes can play roles in different physiological processes. Maturing reticulocytes externalize obsolete membrane proteins such as the transferrin receptor by means of exosomes, whereas activated platelets release exosomes whose function is not yet known. Exosomes are also secreted by cytotoxic T cells, and these might ensure specific and efficient targeting of cytolytic substances to target cells. Antigen presenting cells, such as B lymphocytes and dendritic cells, secrete MHC class-I- and class-II-carrying exosomes that stimulate T cell proliferation in vitro. In addition, dendritic-cell-derived exosomes, when used as a cell-free vaccine, can eradicate established murine tumors. Although the precise physiological target(s) and functions of exosomes remain largely to be resolved, follicular dendritic cells (accessory cells in the germinal centers of secondary lymphoid organs) have recently been shown to bind B-lymphocyte-derived exosomes at their cell surface, which supports the notion that exosomes play an immunoregulatory role. Finally, since exosomes are derived from multivesicular bodies, their molecular composition might provide clues to the mechanism of protein and lipid sorting in endosomes.

1977 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-160 ◽  
R L Weiss ◽  
D A Goodenough ◽  
U W Goodenough

Fusion of plasma membranes between Chlamydomonas reinhardtii gametes has been studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy of unfixed cells. The putative site of cell fusion developes during gametic differentiation and is recognized in thin sections of unmated gametes as a plaque of dense material subjacent to a sector of the anterior plasma membrane (Goodenough, U.W., and R.L. Weiss. 1975.J. Cell Biol. 67:623-637). The overlying membrane proves to be readily recognized in replicas of unmated gametes as a circular region roughly 500 nm in diameter which is relatively free of "regular" plasma membrane particles on both the P and E fracture faces. The morphology of this region is different for mating-type plus (mt+) and mt- gametes: the few particles present in the center of the mt+ region are distributed asymmetrically and restricted to the P face, while the few particles present in the center of the mt- region are distributed symmetrically in the E face. Each gamete type can be activated for cell fusion by presenting to it isolated flagella of opposite mt. The activated mt+ gamete generates large expanses of particle-cleared membrane as it forms a long fertilization tubule from the mating structure region. In the activated mt- gamete, the E face of the mating structure region is transformed into a central dome of densely clustered particles surrounded by a particle-cleared zone. When mt+ and mt- gametes are mixed together, flagellar agglutination triggeeeds to fuse with an activated mt- region. The fusion lip is seen to develop within the particle-dense central dome. We conclude that these mt- particles play an active role in membrane fusion.

2008 ◽  
Vol 19 (8) ◽  
pp. 3369-3378 ◽  
Jonathan M. Crane ◽  
Alfred N. Van Hoek ◽  
William R. Skach ◽  
A. S. Verkman

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy (FFEM) indicates that aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels can assemble in cell plasma membranes in orthogonal arrays of particles (OAPs). We investigated the determinants and dynamics of AQP4 assembly in OAPs by tracking single AQP4 molecules labeled with quantum dots at an engineered external epitope. In several transfected cell types, including primary astrocyte cultures, the long N-terminal “M1” form of AQP4 diffused freely, with diffusion coefficient ∼5 × 10−10 cm2/s, covering ∼5 μm in 5 min. The short N-terminal “M23” form of AQP4, which by FFEM was found to form OAPs, was relatively immobile, moving only ∼0.4 μm in 5 min. Actin modulation by latrunculin or jasplakinolide did not affect AQP4-M23 diffusion, but deletion of its C-terminal postsynaptic density 95/disc-large/zona occludens (PDZ) binding domain increased its range by approximately twofold over minutes. Biophysical analysis of short-range AQP4-M23 diffusion within OAPs indicated a spring-like potential, with a restoring force of ∼6.5 pN/μm. These and additional experiments indicated that 1) AQP4-M1 and AQP4-M23 isoforms do not coassociate in OAPs; 2) OAPs can be imaged directly by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy; and 3) OAPs are relatively fixed, noninterconvertible assemblies that do not require cytoskeletal or PDZ-mediated interactions for formation. Our measurements are the first to visualize OAPs in live cells.

1974 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 466-479 ◽  
Daniel S. Friend ◽  
Irene Rudolf

"Capacitation" is a physiological event which alters sperm to permit rapid penetration through oocyte investments and fusion between gametes. Acrosomal "reaction," the physiological release of acrosomal contents, occurs after this facilitating process. In this study, acrosomal "disruption" of guinea pig and rat sperm was achieved in vitro by incubating sperm together with the follicular contents of superovulated mice. The samples contained both "reacted" and "disrupted" sperm. Thin sections of affected sperm revealed rupture and vesiculation of the plasma membrane overlying the acrosome, as well as loss of both the outer acrosomal membrane and the acrosomal content. Freeze-fracture revealed disintegration of the characteristic geometric patterns in regions of the acrosomal and plasma membranes thus disrupted and major modifications in particle distribution in the sperm tail. In the guinea pig, strands of 6–8-nm particles, usually confined to the plasma membrane of the midpiece, which overlies mitochondria, also appeared in the principal piece. Likewise, in rat sperm, bands of similarly small particles formed acute angles throughout the membrane of the principal piece. Compared with the membranes of control preparations, these membrane alterations are apparently a direct consequence of incubation with ovarian follicular contents.

T.P. Stewart ◽  
T.M. Kowalak ◽  
S.P. Corwin ◽  
S.W. Hui

The intramembranous particles (IMP's) seen in most freeze fractured membranes are generally regarded as “randomly” distributed in the plane of the membrane. In certain cases, the distributions of IMP's are apparently non-random. These nonrandom distributions have been described qualitatively as patching, aggregation or domain formation. These characteristics have been used to distinguish transformed cell membranes from their normal parental cells.1We attempted to quantitate the density and distribution of IMP's in the plasma membrane of (control) rat hepatocytes and in the plasma membranes of moderately slow-growing Reuber H-35 hepatomas. Because of the difficulty in obtaining a sufficiently large fractured surface area from the highly invaginated plasma membranes of these cells, the purified plasma membrane fraction was used for this study. The purified fraction2 consists mostly of right-side-out membrane vesicles.3 The purity of the membrane fraction was checked by thin section and marker enzyme assay.2

2016 ◽  
Vol 84 (12) ◽  
Emilija Krstova Krajnc ◽  
Mojca Jež ◽  
Primož Rožman

Extracellular membrane vesicles are fragments shed from plasma membranes off all cell types that are undergoing apoptosis or are being subjected to various types of stimulation or stress.  Even in the process of programmed cell death (apoptosis), cell fall apart of varying size vesicles. They expose phosphatidylserine (PS) on the outer leaflet of their membrane, and bear surface membrane antigens reflecting their cellular origin. Extracellular membrane vesicles have been isolated from many types of biological fluids, including serum, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, saliva, tears and conditioned culture medium. Flow cytometry is one of the many different methodological approaches that have been used to analyze EMVs. The method attempts to characterize the EMVs cellular origin, size, population, number, and structure. EMVs are present and accumulate in blood products (erythrocytes, platelets) as well as in fresh frozen plasma during storage. The aim of this review is to highlight the importance of extracellular vesicles as a cell-to-cell communication system and the role in the pathogenesis of different diseases. Special emphasis will be given to the implication of extracellular membrane vesicles in blood products and their clinical relevance. Although our understanding of the role of  EMVs in disease is far from comprehensive, they display promise as biomarkers for different diseases in the future and also as a marker of quality and safety in the quality control of blood products.

1976 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  
pp. 338-347 ◽  
M Henkart ◽  
D M Landis ◽  
T S Reese

The structure of membranes at junctions between the plasma membrane and underlying cisterns of endoplasmic reticulum in amphioxus muscle and mouse cerebellar neurons was studied using the freeze-fracture technique. In amphioxus muscle, subsurface cisterns of sarcoplasmic reticulum form junctions with the surface membrane at the level of the sarcomere I bands. On the protoplasmic leaflet of the sarcolemma overlying these junctions were aggregates of large particles. On the protoplasmic leaflet of the membranes of cerebellar basket, stellate and Purkinie cells there were similar aggregates of large particles. In both tissues, the corresponding external membrane halves had arrays of pits apparently complementary to the aggregates of large particles. Cross fractures through junctions showed that the particle aggregates in neuronal and muscle membranes were consistently located over intracellular cisterns closely applied to the plasma membrane. Thus, a similar plasma membrane specialization is found at subsurface cisterns in mammalian neurons and amphioxus muscle. This similarity supports the hypothesis that subsurface cisterns in neurons, like those in muscle, couple some intracellular activity to the electrical activity of the plasma membrane.

J.M. Robinson ◽  
J.M Oliver

Specialized regions of plasma membranes displaying lateral heterogeneity are the focus of this Symposium. Specialized membrane domains are known for certain cell types such as differentiated epithelial cells where lateral heterogeneity in lipids and proteins exists between the apical and basolateral portions of the plasma membrane. Lateral heterogeneity and the presence of microdomains in membranes that are uniform in appearance have been more difficult to establish. Nonetheless a number of studies have provided evidence for membrane microdomains and indicated a functional importance for these structures.This symposium will focus on the use of various imaging modalities and related approaches to define membrane microdomains in a number of cell types. The importance of existing as well as emerging imaging technologies for use in the elucidation of membrane microdomains will be highlighted. The organization of membrane microdomains in terms of dimensions and spatial distribution is of considerable interest and will be addressed in this Symposium.

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