scholarly journals Disclosing mental illness: a doctor's dilemma

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 227-230
Rebecca Lawrence

SummaryThere is increasing evidence that doctors have high levels of mental illness, and there are concerns that, for some, this may be exacerbated by their working environment. It can be difficult for doctors to disclose mental illness, either to senior or junior colleagues, and perhaps even harder to know what, if anything, to say to patients. Many doctors may be unsure of their position as regards disclosing to governing bodies; others may disclose widely on social media. I am a psychiatrist who also has a significant mental illness, and refer both to my personal experience and the literature to explore some of these issues.

Darcy Holtgrave

YouTube, the free Internet video-sharing platform, is home to an active community of people who performatively share personal experience narratives about mental illness. Many individuals in this group heed YouTube’s early call to “Broadcast Yourself” in order to publicly “put a face” to mental illness, particularly in the form of vlogs that document and share their experience. In chapter 8, “Broadcasting the Stigmatized Self: Positioning Functions of YouTube Vlogs on Bipolar Disorder,” Darcy Holtgrave engages this phenomenon through a selection of vloggers who discuss bipolar disorder and the folk groups surrounding them. The parameters of YouTube inherently define and influence users’ exchanges, which are mediated by digital devices and take the form of videos, video responses, text responses, the prefabricated categories of likes and views, and/or interaction with other forms of social media. Using narrative theory, Holtgrave analyzes the strategies that speakers use to negotiate their place in relation to their audience as well as their mental illness.

Suresh Lukose ◽  
Abdul Azeez E.P.

Nurses are identified as one of the professional groups with high level of job related stress and related issues. The magnitude of the problem this segment faces is very intensive as a large number of them are women. They are victimized for multiple roles in the home and hospital. Stressors for nurses are always been identified with workload, dual role and pressures which are associated with demands of the existing working environment. The nature of illness/diseases a nurse dealing with has significant effects on the stress and mental health level. Healthcare professionals dealing with psychiatric illness and other chronic/traumatic conditions faces more stress while comparing to the other domains of healthcare. The present study is a cross sectional hospital based study carried out at four centres and 100 samples were collected by judgmental sampling method which consisted of 50 female nursing staff from general hospital and same number from psychiatric hospitals. A socio-demographic data sheet along with General Health Questionnaire was administered and those who have satisfactory health have been considered as further samples. Mental health, stress level, and attitude towards mental illness were analyzed. The results shows that psychiatric nursing staff scored higher in overall occupational stress index and in the subs-domains of role overload, role ambiguity, role conflict, role unreasonable group and political pressure compared to general nursing staff. Also the mental health inventory total score is negatively correlated with role overload sub-domain of occupational stress index scale. Present study implicates the need of comprehensive psycho-social management plans for the professionals working in psychiatric hospitals.

Organization ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 135050842110417
Emmanouela Mandalaki ◽  
Mar Pérezts

In this essay, we draw on a personal experience of sexist cyberbullying unleashed, on social media, against one of our academic papers, to act up against increasing instances of cybersexism, in the academy. Reading our experience in the context of feminist insights on impurity and abjection, we assert the need to dismantle cybersexism targeting non-conforming academic knowledge, namely feminist. We also discuss the potentials of the cyberspace to provide opportunities for communal solidarity, as a source of empowerment for targets of academic cybersexism. Writing this text is an activist expression of voice and resistance, whereby we call our community to collective action and increased institutional support against sexism in academia, particularly in online spaces.

Caren Neile

The folklore of family and friends is a primary social frame of traditional knowledge, promoting distinctive values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Their associated narratives share certain characteristics. They have long been mined by folklorists as popular forms of personal experience narrative, and their transmission is somewhat gender dependent. Unlike friendship narrative, however, family narrative is widely studied in its own right. This chapter argues for a deeper study of friendship narrative, given (1) its role as a performative utterance, reflecting agency that helps form and maintain the group; (2) its horizontal, egalitarian mode of transmission; (3) the effect of the relative ephemerality of friendships; and (4) the role of gossip. The tension between tradition and innovation in American society and the growing importance of friendship groups in the culture, particularly through social media, make friendship narrative an increasingly compelling area of folklore scholarship and a potential means for countering intergroup hostilities.

Giulio Focardi ◽  
Lorenza Victoria Salati

Shared workplaces are becoming very common within Europe. Multifactories are shared working environment that combine traits of a Coworking Space, a Fab Lab and a Makerspace. One of the traits that characterize a Multifactory is how knowledge exchange brings to innovation. This chapter has its focus on a case study that shows how a traditional SME and a multifactory can work together in order to develop an innovative idea and how Social Media can be parts of an overall strategy set to product innovation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 329-340
Jafrizal Jafrizal

Minimarket  menjadi  pilihan  masyarakat  untuk  memenuhi  kebutuhan sehari-hari.   Hal   ini   disebabkan   karena   minimarket   lebih   dekat   dengan masyarakat luas. Minimarket memiliki karateristik dan strategi yang hampir sama satu dengan yang lainnya terutama Indomaret. Indomaret merupakan jaringan minimarket yang memiliki gerai yang sangat luas. Dalam hitungan tahun, minimarket telah menyebar ke berbagai daerah. Memilih minimarket adalah proses interaksi antara strategi pemasaran pengecer dan karakteristik individual dari pembeli. Konsumen memilih atau membandingkan minimarket yang ingin mereka kunjungi sesuai dengan persepsi mereka. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah (1) Apakah persepsi dan sikap konsumen berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Minimarket? (2) Diantara  variabel  kualitas  pelayanan  (service  quality),  harga  (price), kualitas  produk  (product  quality),  promosi  (promotion),  pengalaman pribadi (personal experience), peran keluarga (family role), dan media sosial (social media), variabel manakah yang dominan memengaruhi keputusan pembelian pada Minimarket?. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Minimarket yang ada di Kota Palembang khususnya Indomaret dimulai dari bulan Januari hingga Maret 2020. Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi populasi adalah konsumen yang berbelanja di Minimarket  Indomaret. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi dan sikap konsumen yang meliputi variabel kualitas pelayanan, harga, kualitas produk, promosi, pengalaman pribadi, peran keluarga dan media sosial secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian pada minimarket di Kota Palembang. Variabel   independen   (kualitas   pelayanan,   harga,   kualitas   produk, promosi, pengalaman pribadi, peran keluarga dan media sosial) yang secara parsial memiliki pengaruh yang paling dominan terhadap variabel dependen (keputusan pembelian) adalah variabel promosi.

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