The Effect of Brief Physical Activity and Relaxation/Meditation Sessions on Positive and Negative Affect

2004 ◽  
Vol 36 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. S286
Paul G. Salmon ◽  
Jessica Chmiel ◽  
Brooke Christmas ◽  
A. Scott LaJoie ◽  
Gayatri Singh ◽  
Free Dirga Dwatra

This report arises from a larger study that aims to investigate the mental health of adolescent prisoners. The Indonesian juvenile justice system locks up more than half of young offenders (Pratiwi & Faridah, 2019). Questions have been rise about the mental well-being of the adolescent. This study, with a sample of 28 male prisoners age between 14 to 18 years old, explored the effects of physical activity using group-based games on mental heath of adolescent prisoners. These participants showed many behavioral and emotional problems before entering and during their time in prison, such as: family problem, drug abuse,problems with peers and officers. The participants had three sessions of game activities in one week. The pretest-posttest design was used to collect the data. This experimental study measured with positive affect and negative affect scale (PANAS) by Watson, Clark, and Carey (1988). Results show that group games-based physical activity can increase positive affect M= 4.750 (Sig = 0.001) from pretest to posttest, and decrease negative affect M= 2.968 (Sig = 0.003) from pretest to posttest. This study aims to show that that group games-based physical activity can make their lives inside the prison would be meaningful.

2004 ◽  
Vol 36 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. S286
Paul G. Salmon ◽  
Jessica Chmiel ◽  
Brooke Christmas ◽  
A. Scott LaJoie ◽  
Gayatri Singh ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 369-380 ◽  
Sarah J. Parker ◽  
Scott J. Strath ◽  
Ann M. Swartz

This study examined the relationship between physical activity (PA) and mental health among older adults as measured by objective and subjective PA-assessment instruments. Pedometers (PED), accelerometers (ACC), and the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) were administered to measure 1 week of PA among 84 adults age 55–87 (mean = 71) years. General mental health was measured using the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWL). Linear regressions revealed that PA estimated by PED significantly predicted 18.1%, 8.3%, and 12.3% of variance in SWL and positive and negative affect, respectively, whereas PA estimated by the PASE did not predict any mental health variables. Results from ACC data were mixed. Hotelling–William tests between correlation coefficients revealed that the relationship between PED and SWL was significantly stronger than the relationship between PASE and SWL. Relationships between PA and mental health might depend on the PA measure used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (Supplement_2) ◽  
K Wierenga ◽  
S.E Moore ◽  
D.M Fresco

Abstract Introduction The World Health Organization recommends moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) for 150 minutes per week to reduce the risk of primary or secondary cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Adherence to these recommendations is only around 30% in the US. Identifying reliable barriers or facilitators of time spent in MVPA is a critical component to primary and secondary CVD prevention. Negative affect, including feelings such as being sad, nervous, and restless, is known to diminish time spent in MVPA, whereas positive affect, which includes feelings such as being calm, happy, or full of life is associated with MVPA increases. Relatedly, variability in positive but not negative affect is associated with poorer physical health. What is unclear is how intra-individual variability of positive and negative affect may influence MVPA. Research question What is the influence of variations (i.e. intra-individual day-to-day) in positive and negative affect on variations in MVPA? Method. Guided by the individual and self-management theory, a secondary analysis was conducted of data from a nationwide US sample of participants. Using data from the Midlife in the United States (MIDUS) Refresh Wave Study Daily Diary Project, we analyzed eight consecutive days of affect and MVPA assessments in a sample of 553 healthy participants (54% women, 86% white, mean age = 48.7 years). Latent trajectory models were computed to determine the influence of daily positive and negative affect on daily MVPA. Results Affect variability, calculated as the standard deviation of daily positive and negative affect, was positively correlated with MVPA variability. An autoregressive cross-lagged latent trajectory model provided the best fit to examine relationships between positive affect, negative affect, and MVPA (χ2=946.54, df=379, p<0.001; CFI=0.95; RMSEA=0.05, SRMR = 0.06). Positive, but not negative affect, intercepts were significantly correlated with MVPA trajectories (r=0.19, p<0.05). Individuals who initially begin the eight day time span with a higher reported positive affect show a modest increase in MVPA over the same time period (r=0.19, p<0.001). By contrast, individuals evidencing increases in positive affect over the time span showed a decreased rate of change in MVPA over that same time (r=−0.32, p<0.001). Conclusion The association of positive affect to MVPA necessitates a complex analysis to more fully understand intra-individual-level interactions. Relatively higher positive affect with fewer fluctuations was associated with greater MVPA. These intriguing preliminary findings must be considered in light of important limitations (e.g., only eight days of data; affect and MVPA do not necessarily follow diurnal patterns). Still, findings support the view that beginning with positive affect may lead to stability in time spent in MVPA. Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding source: None

2020 ◽  
Jasmin M. Alves ◽  
Alexandra G. Yunker ◽  
Alexis DeFendis ◽  
Anny H. Xiang ◽  
Kathleen A. Page

AbstractWe investigated how emotional responses (positive and negative affect), physical activity (PA), and sedentary behaviors related to anxiety among US children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sixty-four typically-developing children (63% girls) age 9-15 years old completed two virtual visits during height of “stay-at-home” measures between April 22 – July 29, 2020. Children completed 24-hour PA recalls, state portion of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), and the shortened 10-item Positive and Negative Affect Schedule for Children (PANAS-C). Children reported state anxiety scores that were more than 5 standard deviations greater than values from healthy pediatric populations prior to the pandemic. Children with higher positive affect and who reported more time in PA reported less state anxiety. Sedentary and leisure screen time were positively correlated with negative affect. Our findings suggest that maintaining positive affect, engaging in PA, and limiting leisure screen time may be important for child mental health during stressful periods.Statement of RelevanceThere is increasing concern regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic may impact the psychological and physical health of children. To date, studies on mental health during the pandemic in children are limited. We investigated links between activity levels and psychological outcomes in children during the height of the “stay-at-home” measures. We found that children had anxiety scores that were more than 5 standard deviations greater than normative values from healthy pediatric populations prior to the pandemic, and 94% of children exceeded the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations on leisure screen time. Positive affect and physical activity were associated with reduced anxiety levels in children during the pandemic. These findings highlight the important mental health benefits of maintaining positive affect, engaging in physical activity, and limiting leisure screen time for children, especially during stressful periods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Andrejus Černovas ◽  
Vidmantas Alekna ◽  
Marija Tamulaitienė ◽  
Greta Katavičiūtė ◽  
Rimantas Stukas

Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti 60 metų ir vyresnio amžiaus moterų fizinio aktyvumo, gyvenimo kokybės ir su­bjektyvios gerovės ypatumus bei tarpusavio sąsajas. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Vienmomentis skers­pjūvio tipo tyrimas atliktas 2017 m. rugsėjo-gruodžio mėn. Tiriamųjų apklausa buvo vykdoma tiesiogiai, naudojant bendrąjį ir specialiuosius klausimynus. Bendrajame klausimyne buvo registruojami socio­demografiniai duomenys, ūgis, kūno masė, apskai­čiuotas kūno masės indeksas. Specialieji klausimynai buvo skirti įvertinti senyvo amžiaus moterų fizinį aktyvumą (angl. Physical Activity Scale for Elderly, PASE), gyvenimo kokybę (angl. Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, Pleasure, CASP-19) ir subjektyvią gerovę (angl. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, PANAS; angl. Satisfaction With Life Scale, SWLS). Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 18.0 for Windows programų paketą. Rezultatai. Tyrime dalyvavo 103 moterys, kurių vidu­tinis amžius – 71,37±7,58 metai. Didžiąją tiriamųjų dalį sudarė miesto gyventojos, turinčios aukštąjį išsi­lavinimą, daugiau nei pusė jų gyveno vienos. PASE, CASP-19 (kontrolės, autonomijos sritys), PANAS-PA ir PANAS-NA klausimynų vidutiniai įverčiai statistiš­kai reikšmingai skyrėsi 60–69 m., 70–79 m. ir 80 m. ir vyresnio amžiaus grupėse. CASP-19 klausimyno kontrolės srities vidutiniai įverčiai buvo mažiausi našlių moterų grupėje, aukščiausi – neištekėjusių arba išsiskyrusių moterų grupėje. PASE, CASP-19 klausi­myno autonomijos srities vidutiniai įverčiai didesni aukštąjį išsilavinimą turinčių moterų grupėje, taip pat jos jaučia daugiau teigiamų (PANAS-PA) ir mažiau neigiamų (PANAS-NA) emocijų, nei moterys su ma­žesniu išsilavinimu. Fizinis aktyvumas vidutiniškai stipriai koreliavo su teigiamo emocingumo vidutiniais įverčiais. Nustatyti vidutinio stiprumo koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp gyvenimo kokybės ir subjektyvią gerovę vertinančių klausimynų vidutinių įverčių. Išvados. 1. Mūsų tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad 80 m. ir vyresnio amžiaus moterų fizinis aktyvumas mažes­nis, gyvenimo kokybė blogesnė, jos patyrė mažiau teigiamų ir daugiau neigiamų emocijų, negu jaunes­nės (60–79 m.) senyvo amžiaus moterys. Mieste gy­venančių, aukštąjį išsilavinimą turinčių moterų fizinis aktyvumas buvo didesnis, jos patyrė daugiau teigiamų ir mažiau neigiamų emocijų negu gyvenančios kaime. Mieste gyvenančių moterų gyvenimo kokybė buvo geresnė nei gyvenančių kaime. 2. Senyvo amžiaus moterų fizinis aktyvumas stipriai susijęs su teigiamu emocingumu, gyvenimo kokybė – su teigiamu emo­cingumu ir pasitenkinimu gyvenimu. Pasitenkinimas gyvenimu buvo susijęs su savęs realizavimo sritimi.

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