Jurnal RAP (Riset Aktual Psikologi Universitas Negeri Padang)
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Published By Universitas Negeri Padang (Unp)

2622-6626, 2087-8699

Yeni Oktafriani ◽  
Zainal Abidin

Couples who experience infertility get stigma from their environment which can effect various aspects of their life: psychological, physical and social performance. Most couples only get treatments that focuses only on medical efforts and ignores the psychological aspects. The purpose of this research is to obtain in-depth information about how subjects give the meaning of his/her infertility experiences. This study used qualitative method with phenomenological approach. There are four subjects (two husbands and two wives). Data retrieval is done by semi-structured interviews, then thematically analyzed. The results revealed several themes about how the subject view his experience. These themes are emotions, coping strategies, the main sources of strength, and lessons that can be learned. The results of this study can be considered by medical personnel or researchers who want to design psychological treatment in married couples who have infertility

Free Dirga Dwatra

This report arises from a larger study that aims to investigate the mental health of adolescent prisoners. The Indonesian juvenile justice system locks up more than half of young offenders (Pratiwi & Faridah, 2019). Questions have been rise about the mental well-being of the adolescent. This study, with a sample of 28 male prisoners age between 14 to 18 years old, explored the effects of physical activity using group-based games on mental heath of adolescent prisoners. These participants showed many behavioral and emotional problems before entering and during their time in prison, such as: family problem, drug abuse,problems with peers and officers. The participants had three sessions of game activities in one week. The pretest-posttest design was used to collect the data. This experimental study measured with positive affect and negative affect scale (PANAS) by Watson, Clark, and Carey (1988). Results show that group games-based physical activity can increase positive affect M= 4.750 (Sig = 0.001) from pretest to posttest, and decrease negative affect M= 2.968 (Sig = 0.003) from pretest to posttest. This study aims to show that that group games-based physical activity can make their lives inside the prison would be meaningful.

Rahayu Hardianti Utami ◽  
Rizal Kurniawan ◽  
Elrisfa Magistarina

Awareness of attention, especially mind-wandering, is more prominent nowadays because of the development of technology that empowers a person to do several jobs and focus on several things simultaneously. This study examines internet-related behavior, namely online fear of missing out and compulsive internet use on mind wandering on active internet users. This study involved 327 internet users aged 17-40 years selected by convenience sampling. This research confirms that fear of missing out and compulsive internet use positively correlate with mind wandering. Furthermore, mind wandering and fear of missing are contrarily related with age.This study explicates that the contribution of internet-related behavior is significant to the incidence of mind wandering, which proves the influence of internet use on inattention, especially in young internet active users. Therefore, the younger generation must be cognizant of and monitor the use and impact of internet use, especially concerning the necessity to maintain focus when handling task demands. This study proposes addressing the adverse consequence of FOMO, compulsive internet use, and mind-wandering on productivity and wellbeing further, notably for the young age.

Devi Rusli

Abstrak: Kemampuan anak memahami mental state orang lain (theory of mind) sangat penting bagi perkembangan sosialisasinya dengan teman sebaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran budaya, perkembangan ToM anak dan pengaruh budaya terhadap perkembangan ToM anak-anak di Sumatera. Perkembangan ToM diukur menggunakan skala ToM yang dikembangkan oleh Wellman dan Liu dan diadaptasi oleh Kuntoro, dkk. Budaya diukur dengan skala individualis dan kolektivis yang dikembangkan oleh Triandis dan Gelfand. Skala ToM diujikan pada 120 anak (53 laki-laki, 67 perempuan), usia 3-5 tahun/36-71 bulan (M = 58.91, SD = 8.190), sementara kuesioner individualis dan kolektivis diisi oleh orangtua masing-masing anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan budaya di Sumatera adalah kolektivis (M = 31,625), sementara urutan perkembangan TOM anak-anak di Sumatera sama dengan anak-anak di Jakarta, Jawa dan negara barat (Australia & Jerman) yaitu DD>DB>KA>FB>HE. Budaya tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perkembangan ToM anak, dengan R2 = .010, p > 0.05. Namun budaya kolektivis berpengaruh negatif terhadap konsep diverse desire (β = -13.636,  p < 0.05), sedangkan budaya individualis tidak berpengaruh terhadap kelima konsep ToM.Kata kunci : Budaya, Individualis-Kolektivis, Theory-of-Mind

Haslina Haslina ◽  
Widyastuti Widyastuti ◽  
Ahmad Ridfah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas intervensi guided imagery dalam meningkatkan kualitas tidur mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UNM. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan eksperimen pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa (laki-laki) yang memiliki kualitas tidur buruk, sebanyak 25 orang yang dibagi ke dalam dua kelompok, yaitu 13 orang kelompok kontrol dan 12 orang kelompok eksperimen. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Teknik analisis data menggunakan Mann-Whitney dan Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi guided imagery efektif dalam meningkatkan kualitas tidur mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi UNM (ρ=0,002 kelompok kontrol dan ρ=0,002 kelompok eksperimen). Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah intervensi guided imagery dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas tidur.

Syifa Fauzia Chairul ◽  
Mita Aswanti Tjakrawiralaksana

Online stress management training among junior high school male adolescents during school from home. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of an online stress management training program for male adolescents, between 12-15 years old, who are attending School from Home (SFH) due to pandemic COVID -19. Design of this research is a one-group design with three times measurement, which are pre-test, post-test, and a follow up, in a monthly interval between each measurement. The measurements are Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and BRIEF COPE. The online training program is conducted through video conferencing meetings twice a week. One session of the program takes 90 minutes. Research participants consists of 6 male adolescents. The discovered data is then analyzed through Friedman test to identify a significant mean score's differences on the utilized instruments after the program. The result shows significant decrease of stress level followed by the significant improvement of the use of adaptive coping strategy. So, online stress management training can be an effective program to help high school adolescents to lower down their stress level during school from home in Pandemic COVID-19.

Woromita Fathlistya ◽  
Martina Dwi Mustika

Understanding the attitudes of individuals toward safety is important for hospital prevention programs and could reduce safety-related accidents. This study investigates the effects of perceived individual safety attitude in explaining the relationship between sensation seeking and risk-taking propensity for rewards in predicting individual performance. An on-line cross-sectional study was undertaken in which 177 nurses who completed an objective task (BART) and self-report questionnaires. Path analysis results revealed that perceived individual safety attitude influenced the relationship between both sensation seeking and risk-taking propensity in predicting individual performance. Nurses with both sensation seeking and risk-taking propensity for rewards have negative perceptions toward individual safety attitude, which resulted in poor individual work performances. It is indicated that encourage performance by rewards is not always effective.

Aswina Mayang Safitri

Retardasi mental merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kurangnya kemampuan kognitif individu dalam mempelajari dan memahami pembelajaran atau memahami perintah yang diberikan. Seseorang dengan retadasi mental membutuhkan bantuan dalam belajar, pengulangan, serta perhatian yang lebih banyak dibandingkan anak seusianya. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, jenisnya single-subject experiment, dan klien adalah anak perempuan berusia 9.3 tahun dengan IQ 64. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan peneliti dalam penelitian ini adalah metode wawancara (autoanamnesa dan alloanamnesa), mengobservasi perilaku subjek saat di rumah, di panti, bermain, dan belajar. Ekonomi token sebagai jenis intervensi yang diberikan, berupaya membantu memerbaiki pola makan subjek yang sebelumnya kurang teratur. Token yang digunakan berupa kertas warna yang ditempelkan dalam jurnal harian subjek apabila telah melakukan tugas yang diberikan. Intervensi dilakukan dalam waktu 14 hari, dengan dibagi menjadi dua sesi. Perhitungan total token untuk mendapatkan reward dalam seminggu, dan nilai minimalnya adalah delapan belas token, dan hadiah yang disepakati bersama berupa buku gambar besar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perubahan perilaku klien dari sebelum dan setelah diberikan intervensi.

Anindra Guspa

This research is based on the assumption that the campus security officer is a profession that is often overlooked. Even though they have arduous tasks, sometimes they show unsatisfactory commitment toward their profession. The objective of this study is to analyze whether professional commitment can be predicted by emotional intelligence. Subjects of this research are 100 security officers who work at one of the state university in Yogyakarta. Instruments used in this research are professional commitment scale and emotional intelligence. Regression analysis is used for analyzing the data. This research found that emotional intelligence have positive correlation in predicting professional commitment with significance level of 0.003 (p<0.005). 

Nur Ema Zaka Dian

This study aim to determine the effect of Planned Behavior Theory and it’s components on the corruption intention of intracampus organization administrators. The research subject were 111 administrator at Padang State University. The research design used is quantitative associative type with purposive sampling technique. The research used a corruption intention scale and Theory of Planned Behavior scale. The result found that there was a significant positive effect between Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the intention of corruption in intracampus organization administrators with R2= 0,454 or 45,4%  effective contribution. The TPB components that have the most influence on corruption intentions are in order of attitude towards behavior, subjective norm, and perceive behavior control. There were no differences in corruption intention, both in terms of gender and frequency of joining organizations. This research can be used to consider the procurement of anti-corruption education courses in universities and student organizations can add a measure of TPB and corruption intention for recruitment of new members.

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