Special Subjects in Criminal Trial of Russia: Order of Criminal Proceeding

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 0-0 ◽  
Александр Шаталов ◽  
Aleksandr Shatalov

Procedural mechanism of realization of the criminal proceeding in regard to persons falling under the particular order of production on criminal cases, provides for as component part and simultaneously method of providing of their inviolability the order of laying an action and bringing in of these persons complicated as compared to ordinary, as defendants on criminal cases. On this basis, the attempt of complex analysis of the most difficult and litigions questions, touching the criminal proceeding of persons for that he is initially intended, is undertaken in a publication. Authorial vision of possibilities of their decision is expounded in her, on a background a corresponding legal and theoretical ground. Complicating the general order of criminal trial, through introduction of additional duties and prohibitions for persons accountable for motion and end of production in criminal business, positions of the Russian Federation come forward, in opinion of author, as the extended judicial guarantees of inviolability of certain circle of the special subjects executing socially-meaningful functions. Not increasing the volume of their inviolability, they diminish possibility of her limitation, reducing, thus, the danger of realization of the groundless criminal proceeding. In spite of the fact that the list of the special subjects to the law is driven by exhaustive character, in part touching denotation of limits of their judicial immunity, the norms of chapter 52 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation (CPC) carry blanket character, as his actual maintenance is different. An author considers on this basis, that accomplishing judicial actions and accepting statutory decisions a court, public prosecutor, leader of investigative agency, investigator, must take into account not only envisaged by CPC feature of production on criminal cases in regard to the separate categories of persons but also position of normative legal acts exposing their legal status, volume of plenary powers and limits of action of judicial immunity in a that kind, as they are envisaged in a branch legislation. Self legislation on that score, must consistently change in the river-bed of recommendations of International organization of the Council of Europe “Group of States Against Corruption” (GRECO) speaking out in the report for reduction in him categories of persons to that the special procedure of bringing of them spreads to criminal responsibility, and also for simplification of such procedure.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Лев Бертовский ◽  
Lyev Byertovskiy ◽  
Дина Гехова ◽  
Dina Gekhova

Federal Law No. 433-FZ «On Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and the Annulment of Certain Legislative Acts (Provisions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation» entered into force since January 1, 2013 in relation to the powers of prosecutors to lodge cassation representations against court’s decisions is under review in the article. The authors analyse judicial practice of cassation instance in Moscow City Court of 2014 year on criminal cases and demonstrate some omissions of prosecutors in consideration of cases in the court of cassation. The conclusion shows that a cassation representation should be prepared and submitted by subordinate to higher prosecutor, provided that public prosecutor shall obtain the right to apply directly to that prosecutor who has the right to lodge a cassation representation along with the project thereof. Such novel will positively influence to the quality of cassation representations prepared and made by prosecutors.

Aleksey Drozd ◽  
Aleksandr Ravnyushkin

The relevance of the research is determined by a legal gap in the current legislation, which lies in the fact that when bringing a person who has committed a crime under Article 116.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation repeatedly in relation to the same person to responsibility, the state of the criminal record of this criminal is not taken into account. In this case, a person who has unexpunged or outstanding convictions, when committing battery for the third time, according to common sense, should be brought to criminal responsibility, and not to administrative responsibility, as is currently the case. In order to eliminate this conflict, the authors propose to include part 2 of Art. 1161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for the liability of a person who has an unexpunged or outstanding conviction in relation to the same person. At the same time, the authors consider it necessary to include a group of criminal cases considered as cases of public prosecution to part 2 of Art. 1161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The authors also see an urgent problem of the need to improve the effectiveness of the prevention of domestic violence through the inclusion of new legal means in legislation and law enforcement practice. Attempts to implement the norms of international acts providing for legal means of preventing domestic violence in the Russian Federation, as well as the study of foreign experience on this issue, according to the authors, looks ambiguous and is debatable. In particular, the issue of introducing protective orders and orders as administrative and legal means of preventing administrative offenses through the adoption of the federal law «On the Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Russian Federation» is being considered. According to the authors, taking into account the foreign practice, there are sufficient grounds to believe that protective prescriptions and some other means will not be able to confirm their effectiveness in Russia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 154-163
Alexandra V. Boyarskaya

The subject of the article is the grounds for exemption from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine are being considered.The purpose of the article is to reveal the systemic links between Art. 76.2 and 75-76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as well as prospects of judicial fine in criminal law.The methodology of research includes methods of complex analysis, synthesis, as well as formal-logical, comparative legal and formal-legal methods.Results, scope of application. The author analyzes the practice of applying Art. 76.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on criminal cases concerning crimes with a formal composition, when the defendants did not make any compensation for damage or other reparation for damage caused by the criminal act.The author notes that the institution of release from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine is controversial. On the one hand, it has positive aspects, as it directly and unambiguously aims at compensation for damage or other smoothing of the harm caused by the crime. Сriminal legislation of the Russian Federation should more actively provide for the interests of the victim.However, fine also has a number of shortcomings related to the contradictory nature of his normative definition. The institution in question does not have its own substantive legal basis, it is applied to the same range of cases as the grounds for exemption from criminal liability provided for in Art. 75, 76 and partially Art. 76.1 of the Criminal Code. Consequently, its appearance can make a system of measures that stimulate positive postcriminal behavior only more contradictory.The introduction of this institution can contribute to an increase in manifestations of corruption. Judicial fine is appointed only by the court, but the court to exercise its functions in this case does not have the ability to verify the truthfulness of the information on the participation of the accused in the committed crime. So, there is a risk of applying this institution to persons who should be brought to criminal responsibility.This institution is available primarily for wealthy suspects (accused persons) who are capable to reimburse the damage caused by crime immediately and, in addition, within the time limits established by the court to pay a judicial fine.Conclusions. The author comes to the conclusion that the exemption from criminal liability with the appointment of a judicial fine is a truncated form of active repentance.

Salman Dikaev ◽  
Milana Dikaeva

The attitude of the state towards underage criminals has considerably changed in the last decade, which is evident from the adoption of new normative legal acts determining the direction of state criminal policy concerning children. Thus, the Decree of the President of Russia declared 2018-2027 to be the Decade of Childhood, whose scope includes a comprehensive program of preventing underage crimes, the use of restorative techniques and methods of preventive work with children and their parents, etc. Sentencing practices and exemption from punishment have also been revised. The courts have started to apply criminal law measures more widely, to terminate criminal cases, exempt minors from criminal liability and punishment, and to use reconciliation programs. This lead to the reduction of both the number of young offenders institutions and the number of their inmates. At the same time, there is a trend for a harsher response of the state to some crimes of minors, which shows that the trend for the humanization of criminal policy concerning them is unstable. Widening the list of Articles included in Art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for which the age of responsibility is 14, development of draft laws providing for the reduction of the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years for very grave crimes by the State Dumas Committee for the Development of Civil Society, and others, testify to the inconsistency of lawmaking work and the absence of adequate understanding of the essence of juvenile crime. The authors show that it is necessary to widen the application of double prevention norms: it is suggested that in each case of juvenile crime it is reasonable to raise the question of prosecuting parents for non-fulfillment or undue fulfillment of child-rearing obligations when there are grounds for such prosecution (Art. 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). It is also recommended to widen the application of norms of liability for involving minors in crimes and other anti-social actions.

Narkokontrol ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 8-10
Elena G. Bykova ◽  

Purpose: legal analysis of theoretical and practical aspects of determining the age of criminal responsibility for inducing a person under the age of 18 to use narcotic drugs. Methodology: the fundamental method was dialectical. When studying the regulations governing the issues of bringing minors to justice, the formal legal method was used. The hypothesis about the correctness of the wording of paragraph «a» of Part 3 of Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Analyzed judicial practice and scientific publications on the issue under study. Conclusions: the author concluded that the absence of a legislative limitation makes it possible to assess according to paragraph «a» of Part 3 of Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation actions of a person aged sixteen to eighteen years. Scientific and practical significance: the scientific significance of the research is expressed in the development of scientifically grounded proposals containing the answer to the question about the age of the person involved in paragraph «a» of Part 3 of Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The noted problem can be further disclosed in detail in scientific research. Practical significance is determined by the fact that the conclusion reasoned by the author can serve as a guideline in the investigation and consideration of criminal cases under paragraph «a» of Part 3 of Art. 230 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the formation of a unified approach.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-170
D. A. Ivanov

This article is devoted to entity reviewing and main directions of public prosecutor's supervision over activities of preliminary investigation officials for harm compensation caused by a crime during pre-judicial criminal cases. According to the author of this article one of the directions to support rights and legitimate people interests is to give property and physical harm compensation, moral harm compensation and business reputation compensation. This direction of preliminary investigation department activities is at least important than involvement of guilty persons to criminal responsibility for the purpose of recompense assignment. Role of an investigative authority chief, chief of inquiry subdivision, investigator, interrogator and employees of inquiry department in implementation of current legislation provisions regulating harm compensation, caused by a crime during pre-judicial criminal cases is described. The author shows examples of criminal cases which were sent by the prosecutor to additional investigation according to i.2 p.1 of Art. 221 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. These cases were sent to additional investigation because of inadequate work of above-stated participants of criminal legal proceedings on ensuring harm compensation caused by penal act. The author describes some reasons which have negative impact on public prosecutor's supervision over criminal legal proceeding activities of participants for ensuring harm compensation caused by a crime. Conclusion shows that now public prosecutor's supervision over preliminary investigation activities is up to date. It has a great demand for creation of legal guarantees. These guarantees are very important for those who are the victims of criminal actions and they have all the rights for full-fledged harm compensation. Public prosecutor's supervision is an important feature for procedural prosecutors. It is directed to violation prevention in activities of preliminary investigation and inquiry departments for harm compensation caused by penal acts.

Larisa Gotchina ◽  
Marina Dvorzhitskaya

The paper discusses highly latent actions constituting implication in a crime. The goal of this study is to identify the problems of criminally prosecuting persons who committed actions constituting implication in a crime, to qualify them and to develop recommendations for their elimination. Formal legal and comparative legal methods were used to obtain and process results relevant for the research, the statistical method was used to collect and analyze data on the examined crimes, and the sociolo­gical one — to conduct a survey of experts. An analysis of criminal cases made it possible to state that the problem of criminally prosecuting persons who committed actions constituting implication in a crime is connected with the problems of their qualification, and with widening the institute of implication through failure to report a crime; this action is included in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in connection with the topical issues of terrorism threat, a growing number of terrorist crimes and the necessity to protect the society from them. The authors believe that it is reasonable to recognize 16 years old as the minimum age of criminal responsibility for failure to report a crime. It is proven that the criminal character of implication in a crime could be based not only on the guilty verdict for the main case, but also on other procedural acts. It is concluded that implication in a socially dangerous act is possible for a person who does not possess the attribute of a subject of a crime due to his/her mental incompetence, and is also possible for a crime committed in complicity. It is stated that concealment of a crime is constituted by actions to conceal the event of the main crime, its traces, the objects obtained through criminal means, or the person who committed the main crime. It can be committed not only through physical, but also through intellectual actions. The authors suggest differentiating between criminal liability for the concealment of grave and especially grave crimes. The analysis of judicial investigation practice made it possible to identify typical models of qualifying actions constituting implication in a crime, as well as psychological, moral, criminological and criminal law features of a person who conceals a crime or fails to report it. Based on the authors’ position, a formulation of the decree of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation «On some issues of implication in a crime» is suggested.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 66-79
S. L. Morozov ◽  

The advent of the electronic currency and the effecting of electronic payments has caused new forms of thefts and types of acquisitive crimes. The judicial investigative practice of criminal cases of embezzlement committed using bank cards and other types of electronic payments has encountered problems with the qualification of such acts. The author identifies the most common enforcement problemsand their causesby a retrospective study of judicial practice, the changing norms of the criminal law. At the same time, a ten-year period of work of the judicial investigating authorities was studied. On the basis of traditional general scientific methods of cognition, as a result of a system-legal analysis of the considered set of specific situations, the author gives an author's view of the complex of causes that cause a lack of uniformity in judicial investigative practice. Using the hermeneutic approach, the author paid special attention to the application by the courts of the interpretation of the criminal law by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in different years. In conclusion, ways of resolving contentious issues of qualification of thefts and fraud in the field of electronic means of payment are proposed. It has been ascertained that high-quality and uniform law enforcement can provide additional clarification on the delimitation of related and competing theft from the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that in general, the current concept of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation does not contain contradictions with the novels of the criminal law, but can be improved. The rationale and edition of possible additions to the relevant decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are given.

Кирилл Иванович ЛАРИН

В статье рассматриваются проблемные вопросы, связанные с использованием в качестве доказательств результатов оперативного эксперимента. Предлагается отказаться от проведения оперативного эксперимента по инициативе оперативных подразделений и допустить его проведение исключительно в рамках рассмотрения сообщения о преступлении, на основании поручения следователя Следственного комитета в порядке статьи 144 УПК РФ. The article deals with problematic issues associated with the use of the results of an operational experiment as evidence. It is proposed to refuse to conduct an operational experiment on the initiative of operational units and allow it to be conducted exclusively within the framework of considering a report on a crime, on the basis of an order from an investigator of the Investigative Committee in accordance with Article 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

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