The Library Long-Range Planning Process at Wayne State

1991 ◽  
Vol 13 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 113-129 ◽  
Eileen M. Mulhare
Janet D'Ignazio ◽  
Julie Hunkins

During the past 5 years, there has been a national movement to integrate context-sensitive solutions (CSS) into transportation project planning and design. Applying CSS principles in the long-range planning process would help ensure that projects were CSS friendly from their earliest conception. This possibility has prompted CSS experts to discuss how CSS can be integrated into long-range planning. Two environmental stewardship initiatives under way at the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) provide a unique opportunity to explore this area. In the first initiative, NCDOT has a substantial CSS training program in place. To date, nearly 800 staff members and consultants have attended 3-day CSS training courses. In a separate stewardship initiative, NCDOT is redesigning the traditional thoroughfare plan process to create a new comprehensive transportation plan (CTP) process. Although these two initiatives have not been explicitly connected, this discussion examines how CSS principles are embedded in the proposed CTP process. However, substantial technical and institutional challenges must be dealt with before the CSS-based CTP process can be implemented fully. The conclusion of this discussion is that a state-of-the-practice, long-range transportation planning process should incorporate the CSS principles and decision-making characteristics that have been adopted in North Carolina.

2002 ◽  
Vol 1817 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-129 ◽  
Pamela Lebeaux ◽  
Joseph Meheski ◽  
Jennifer Stuart ◽  
Robin Christians

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) recently tested the use of a public involvement website devoted to statewide long-range planning. The website,, was launched in April 2000 as a cornerstone of the public involvement program for the current plan update. This initiative allowed NJDOT to explore the use of Internet technology for dialogue concerning long-range investment priorities. In addition, NJDOT gained a better understanding of the technical and administrative requirements of maintaining an interactive site. Along with information on the planning process and statewide transportation issues, the website included mechanisms through which users could voice their concerns. Innovative features included a transportation budget game, an interactive demographic map, and an animated tutorial on the sources of traffic growth. These features received more use than an online survey on transportation priorities or a virtual suggestion box for user comments. Between April 2000 and July 2001, the website recorded 9,209 user sessions, reaching a broader audience than traditional outreach methods for statewide planning. Usage was shown to be strongly associated with publicity for the site. Other findings concern ways to integrate web-based and traditional outreach methods, the importance of user testing of site content, and the need to establish an organizational framework for institutionalization of the website.

1996 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-43 ◽  
Leslie W. Rue ◽  
Nabil A. Ibrahim

Numerous articles in academic publications as well as practitioner oriented journals have recognized the importance of planning for family owned businesses. Yet there is surprisingly little empirical work that has examined the techniques, tools, and approaches to planning that are actually being used in these types of firms. The present study is designed to fill this gap by reporting the results of a survey of 128 smaller family-owned businesses. Specifically, it seeks to determine (1) the types of objectives being used by these firms, (2) the external factors that serve as inputs to the long-range plans, (3) for those firms who plan for growth and expansion, how they intend to achieve such goals, (4) the types of financial planning undertaken by these companies, (5) the extent to which performance is periodically reviewed, (6) whether outside consultants are used to assist in the long-range planning process, and (7) the extent to which mathematical or computer models are utilized.

Melyna Melyna ◽  
Timmy Setiawan

Health is a fundamental aspect to maintain someone’s life. Espescially in this millenial era, millennials would be the generation with a bad health issue in their middle age (Health Foundation research institute). One of the main factor is the fact that 93% millennials did’t do any precaution on their own health. Sports in one thing we could do to achieve a healthy life. According to CSIS National Survey “Social orientation, economic, and politic on millennial generation” on 2017, sports got a number one position with 30.8% as the most engaging activity for millennials. Sports is a sistematical progress which aim to develop one’s physical and spiritual potential which can be done as a group of people / groups. Sports is a great stress-reliever to distract a negative mind as well to stretch body muscles (Jessica Dolland, 2004). Also , is an activity to train our body so that our organs could function well (Suryanto Rukmono S.Si). Health and sports activity then create a potential to answer millennials needs for a sports facility. Youth center is a medium to run a sports activity that’s comply to peoples need especially millennials. The chosen site is in Tanjung Duren, which has known as a housing area with a high density surrounded by various facility espescially on food & beverages and education facility in West Jakarta. This project would have a synergy with it’s surroundings, aim to create an accessibility also to provide a public space. The program based on the needs for indoor and outdoor sports court, multifunction room, discussion room, eSports community room, and interactive pool. This project aim to become a public space that could cater peoples needs espescially on physical health. Starting with a planning process that begins with identifying the components that support the object (complexity), conducts a study to look for the interrelationships of various influential factors, determines to decide the dominant factors that influence other factors, and predicts the various factors that make the future better. In the design, the process will be user-oriented, where the user becomes the main focus in orientation. As well as projecting up to> 10 years ahead, oriented to long-range planning to apply the concept of sustainable architecture. In its journey, between the planning and design process will be interactive, so that it is an ongoing process with a system of feedback from one to another. Abstrak Kesehatan merupakan sebuah aspek fundamental dalam menjalankan kehidupan sehari-hari. Terkhusus pada era milenial kini, generasi milenial akan menjadi generasi yang memiliki tingkat kesehatan yang buruk pada usia pertengahan (lembaga riset Health Foundation). Salah satu factor yang berperan adalah karena, faktanya 93% millennials tidak melakukan tindakan pencegahan dalam aspek kesehatan. Olahraga merupakan salah satu jalan yang harus ditempuh untuk meraih kesehatan. Menurut Survei Nasional CSIS “Orientasi Sosial, Ekonomi, dan Politik Generasi Milenial 2017, olahraga berada di posisi utama dengan persentase sebesar 30.8% sebagai kegiatan yang paling menarik minat generasi milenial. Olahraga merupakan sebuah proses yang bersifat sistematis yang dapat berbentuk kegiatan untuk mengembangkan potensi jasmani maupun rohani yang dilakukan oleh beberapa orang atau kelompok. Olahraga merupakan pereda stress yang baik untuk mengalihkan segala pikiran negatif serta untuk peregangan otot (Jessica Dolland, 2004). Juga, merupakan kegiatan untuk melatih tubuh agar segala organ tubuh kita dapat berfungsi secara baik (Suryanto Rukmono S.Si). Adanya potensi terkait kesehatan dengan kegiatan olahraga, khususnya terhadap generasi milenial kemudian menghadirkan potensi untuk menghadirkan sarana dan pra-sarana terkait kegiatan olahraga. Gelanggang remaja merupakan sarana dalam menjalankan kegiatan olahraga yang dinilai sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat khususnya generasi milenial. Tapak yang dipilih berada di Tanjung Duren, yang dikenal sebagai daerah pemukiman padat yang dikelilingi dengan berbagai fasilitas yang cukup lengkap khususnya di bidang pendidikan dan kuliner di Jakarta Barat. Proyek ini bersinergi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam menciptakan aksesibilitas serta pengadaan ruang bagi public. Program yang dihadirkan berdasarkan pada kebutuhan akan sarana olahraga berupa lapangan olahraga indoor dan outdoor, ruang serbaguna, ruang diskusi, ruang bagi komunitas eSports, serta interactive pool. Proyek diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah ruang public yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat khususnya pada bidang kesehatan jasmani. Dimulai dengan proses perencanaan yang diawali dengan mengidentifikasi komponen yang menunjang objek (kompleksitas), mengadakan studi untuk mencari keterkaitan berbagai factor yang berpengaruh, mendeterminasi untuk menentukan factor dominan yang berpengaruh terhadap factor lain, serta memprediksi berbagai factor yang ada untuk menjadikan di masa depan lebih baik. Di dalam proses perancangan akan berorientasi kepada pengguna, dimana pengguna menjadi focus utama dalam orientasi. Serta memproyeksikan hingga >10 tahun ke depan,  berorientasi kepada long-range planning untuk menerapkan konsep arsitektur berkelanjutan. Dalam perjalanannya, antara proses perencanaan dan perancangan akan bersifat interaktif, sehingga merupakan sebuah proses berkelanjutan dengan sistem umpan balik satu dengan yang lain.

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