new jersey
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2022 ◽  
pp. 251484862110698
David C. Eisenhauer

Recent work in urban geography and political ecology has explored the roots of housing segregation in the United States within governmental polices and racial prejudice within the real estate sector. Additional research has demonstrated how coastal management practices has largely benefited wealthy, white communities. In this paper, I bring together insights from these two strands of research to demonstrate how both coastal management and governmental housing policies combined to shape racial inequalities within and around Asbury Park, New Jersey. By focusing on the period between 1945 and 1970, I show how local, state, and federal actors repeatedly prioritized improving and protecting the beachfront areas of the northern New Jersey shore while promising to eventually address the housing and economic needs of the predominately Black ‘West Side’ neighbourhood of Asbury Park. This paper demonstrates that not only did governmental spending on coastal management largely benefit white suburban homeowners but also came at the expense of promised spending within Black neighbourhoods. The case study has implications for other coastal regions in the United States in which housing segregation persists. As climate change and sea level rise unfold, the history of racial discrimination in coastal development raises important considerations for efforts to address emerging hazards and risks.

2022 ◽  
pp. 251512742110688
Renee D. Watson

The first Heritage’s Dairy Store opened in Westville New Jersey on October 10, 1957. The chain of convenient stores is known for their quality lunchmeats, fresh coffee, and their own brand of milk and ice cream. The company wholesales candy, tobacco, and groceries from its Heritage’s Wholesale Company, which supplies more than 75% of products sold in its 33+ locations. Additionally, Heritage’s now offers customizable food options throughout the day. As the business transitions to the next generation, the leadership has noticed changes within their markets, new trends within the industry, and several marketing related challenges. Following marketing research, Heritage’s found the majority of their consumers were over the age of 50. Research also showed many respondents under 25 were unaware of the company. Additionally, many within the 20–39 age bracket who had heard of the company still did not have a clear understanding of the product offerings or overall brand. Heritage’s is faced with maintaining their current consumer base while simultaneously attracting the younger demographic. Additionally, major changes in technology, store design, marketing, and branding would come at a significant cost. Lastly, the management of Heritage’s seeks to honor their company history while looking toward the future.

Shannon Kilburn ◽  
Gabriel Innes ◽  
Monica Quinn ◽  
Karen Southwick ◽  
Belinda Ostrowsky ◽  

About 55% of U.S. Candida auris clinical cases were reported from New York and New Jersey from 2016 through 2020. Nearly all New York-New Jersey clinical isolates (99.8%) were fluconazole resistant, and 50% were amphotericin B resistant. Echinocandin resistance increased from 0% to 4% and pan-resistance increased from 0 to <1% for New York C. auris clinical isolates but not for New Jersey, highlighting the regional differences.

BMC Nursing ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Yin Li ◽  
Jason M. Hockenberry ◽  
Jiaoan Chen ◽  
Jeannie P. Cimiotti

Abstract Background Death and destructions are often reported during natural disasters; yet little is known about how hospitals operate during disasters and if there are sufficient resources available for hospitals to provide ongoing care during these catastrophic events. The purpose of this study was to determine if the State of New Jersey had a supply of registered nurses (RNs) that was sufficient to meet the needs of hospitalized patients during a natural disaster – Hurricane Sandy. Methods Secondary data were used to forecast the demand and supply of New Jersey RNs during Hurricane Sandy. Data sources from November 2011 and 2012 included the State Inpatient Databases (SID), American Hospital Association (AHA) Annual Survey on hospital characteristics and staffing data from New Jersey Department of Health. Three models were used to estimate the RN shortage for each hospital, which was the difference between the demand and supply of RN full-time equivalents. Results Data were available on 66 New Jersey hospitals, more than half of which experienced a shortage of RNs during Hurricane Sandy. For hospitals with a RN shortage in ICUs, a 20% increase in observed RN supply was needed to meet the demand; and a 10% increase in observed RN supply was necessary to meet the demand for hospitals with a RN shortage in non-ICUs. Conclusion Findings from this study suggest that many hospitals in New Jersey had a shortage of RNs during Hurricane Sandy. Efforts are needed to improve the availability of nurse resources during a natural disaster.

Kepes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (25) ◽  
pp. 79-105
Edward Goyeneche-Gómez

Este artículo estudia, desde una perspectiva histórica, el caso de un programa singular de alfabetización visual desarrollado por la Photographic Section de la compañía petrolera Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), entre 1943 y 1950. El objetivo principal es describir y analizar un conjunto de rasgos y características de ese proceso epistémico, partiendo del abordaje de las propias técnicas, reglas, instrucciones, recomendaciones y procedimientos de alfabetización visual para el uso de las fotografías, en el marco de un sofisticado sistema de distribución que se adecuó a una estrategia de comunicación visual, inédita en la historia de la comunicación corporativa, en las relaciones públicas en la industria. El enfoque metodológico, de tipo documental cualitativo soportado en fuentes primarias, establece un esquema relacional entre dos metadocumentos textuales y visuales de capacitación y entrenamiento visual, The Use of Photographs y Training Program, y un corpus amplio de documentos que permite comprender, como se logra concluir en el artículo, la conceptualización epistémica del esquema de alfabetización visual, los rasgos de su funcionamiento institucional, la descripción y el examen de las transformaciones de las técnicas propias del dispositivo de conocimiento visual que ponía a prueba, y las formas y modos de difusión y distribución de los resultados.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Jordan P. Howell ◽  
Mahbubur Meenar ◽  
Christina Friend ◽  
Jack Kelly ◽  
Owen Feeny

The “Pine Barrens” are a UNESCO-designated biosphere reserve encompassing about 1.1 million acres in southern New Jersey. A state agency, the New Jersey Pinelands Commission, in conjunction with county and local governments, works to implement land management and environmental protection goals via a comprehensive management plan. The pinelands development credit (PDC) program is one tool aimed specifically at land preservation outcomes. The PDC program is a regional “transfer of development rights” market allowing landowners to sell their rights to further develop their property and enter their land into permanent protected status. Since the program’s inception in 1982, over 55,000 acres of sensitive and rare ecosystem have been protected; the more than 1,200 transactions account for US$63 M of economic value. The PDC program is a clear illustration of the role that financial instruments and market mechanisms can play in achieving environmental protection outcomes. This case study offers an overview of the pinelands area, PDC program, and the transfer of development rights concept before examining the PDC program and its outcomes in greater detail. While the program has been hailed as a success, it will face challenges in the coming years, including a relatively inefficient process for converting PDCs into protected lands and the question of how the program can evolve once eligible lands become more scarce.

HortScience ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Matthew T. Elmore ◽  
Aaron J. Patton ◽  
Adam W. Thoms ◽  
Daniel P. Tuck

Annual bluegrass (Poa annua L.) control with postemergence herbicides in cool-season turfgrass is often inconsistent. Amicarbazone and mesotrione have complementary modes of action but have not been evaluated in tank-mixtures for control of mature annual bluegrass in cool-season turfgrass. Field experiments were conducted during 2018 in New Jersey, and in Indiana, Iowa, and New Jersey during 2019 to evaluate springtime applications of amicarbazone and mesotrione for POST annual bluegrass control in cool-season turfgrass. On separate tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) sites in 2018, three sequential applications of amicarbazone (53 g⋅ha−1) + mesotrione at 110 to 175 g⋅ha−1 provided >70% annual bluegrass control, whereas three sequential applications of amicarbazone alone at 53 and 70 as well as two sequential applications at 110 g⋅ha−1 provided <15% control at 14 weeks after initial treatment (WAIT). In 2019, results in New Jersey were similar to 2018 where amicarbazone alone provided less control than mesotrione + amicarbazone tank-mixtures. In Indiana, where the annual bluegrass infestation was severe and most mature, tank-mixtures were more effective than amicarbazone alone at 6 WAIT, but at 12 WAIT all treatments provided poor control. In Iowa, where the annual bluegrass infestation was <1 year old, all treatments provided similar control throughout the experiment and by >80% at the conclusion of the experiment. This research demonstrates that sequential applications of mesotrione + amicarbazone can provide more annual bluegrass control than either herbicide alone, but efficacy is inconsistent across locations, possibly due to annual bluegrass maturity and infestation severity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Sam Wakim ◽  
Rina Ramirez ◽  

Introduction: Patients living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) have more unmet oral health care needs than the general population, outpacing unmet medical needs [1]. Poor oral health can impact a person’s confidence and ability to speak, eat, work, sleep, and socialize [2]. Lack of access to dental care is a national issue for HIV patients; providing access is a challenge faced by many health centers and practices, including Zufall Health in New Jersey, a federally qualified health center (FQHC). In collaboration with Northeast/Caribbean AIDS Education and Training Center (NECA AETC), Zufall embarked on an initiative to improve access to quality dental care for PLWHA. AETC is the training component of the Ryan White Program, a federally funded program that provides medical care, support services, and medications for PLWHA who are low income, uninsured, or underserved [3-5]. Materials and Methods: In 2019, Zufall Health launched a quality improvement project to increase oral health access and services for Ryan White patients by integrating all partners involved in providing health care: medical, dental, psychological, behavioral, and HIV/AIDS providers and case managers. The project goal was to increase the number of patients receiving dental care to improve oral and overall health. Results/Observations: As a result of the project, there were significant quantitative and qualitative improvements in the oral health and quality of life of PLWHA: more dental encounters, a higher percentage of patients with a dental home, and the surpassing of the project goal of a 10% increase in dental referrals.

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