2012 ◽  
pp. 1-7

Objectives:To determine the association between functional assessment instruments and frailty.Design:Concurrent cohort study. Setting:Albacete Health Area (Spain). Participants:993 subjects aged ≥ 70years, participating in the FRADEA Study. Measurements:The following functional instruments were applied:Barthel index, Lawton index and Short Form-Late Life Function and Disability Instrument (SF-LLFDI) asdisability questionnaires; Holden ́s Functional Ambulation Classification (FAC) as ambulation scale, and sevenperformance tests: gait speed (m/s), Timed up and go (TUG) (sec), unipodal balance time (sec), 5-chair-sit-to-stand test (sec), Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), hand grip strength (kg) and elbow flexion strength(kg). Frailty was assessed by Fried ́s criteria. The association between functional instruments and frailty wasassessed, ROC curves were constructed and the area under the curves (AUC) calculated. The best cut-point wasidentified for each instrument and their sensitivity (S) and specificity (SP) are described. Results:16.9%participants were frail. The AUC, best cut-point, S and SP for each instrument were respectively: Barthel (0.916;≤ 85; 0.90, 0.82), Lawton (0.917; ≤ 3; 0.86, 0.93), SF-LLFDI (0.948; ≤ 90; 0.87, 0.91), FAC (0.885; ≤ 4; 0.81,0.83), gait speed (0.938; ≤ 0.62; 0.90, 0.90), TUG (0.984; ≥ 17.8; 0.93, 0.98), unipodal balance time (0.753; ≤ 5;0.73, 0.71), 5-chair-sit-to-stand test (0.880; ≥ 15; 0.78, 0.76), SPPB (0.956; ≤ 6; 0.88, 0.88), hand grip strength(0.807; ≤ 26; 0.75, 0.75) and elbow flexion strength (0.924; ≤ 15; 0.89, 0.87). Conclusion:The best performancetests to identify frail subjects are the Timed Up and Go test, gait speed and the SPPB, and the best questionnaireis the SF-LLFDI.

2013 ◽  
Αναστασία Σαμαρά

Τα προγράμματα αποκατάστασης σε νερό έχουν αποδειχθεί ότι καλύπτουν μία ευρεία κλίμακα παθήσεων, από οξείς τραυματισμούς έως χρόνια νοσήματα. Οι ασθενείς με ΧΝΝ τελικού σταδίου που υποβάλλονται σε περιοδική αιμοκάθαρση, εμφανίζουν μειωμένη φυσική επάρκεια και χαμηλά ποσοστά συμμετοχής σε προγράμματα άσκησης, λόγω των πολλαπλών προβλημάτων υγείας που αντιμετωπίζουν και του φόβου εμφάνισης επιπλοκών. Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν η διερεύνηση και αξιολόγηση της επίδρασης ενός προγράμματος άσκησης στο νερό στην λειτουργική ικανότητα και ποιότητα ζωής αιμοκαθαιρόμενων ασθενών τελικού σταδίου και η σύγκριση αυτού του τύπου άσκησης με τη γύμναση κατά τη διάρκεια της αιμοκάθαρσης. Στη μελέτη συμμετείχαν 42 ασθενείς, που χωρίστηκαν τυχαία σε τρεις ομάδες, σύμφωνα με το πρωτόκολλο άσκησης που ακολούθησαν. Στην ομάδα Α εντάχθηκαν δεκαπέντε ασθενείς που ακολούθησαν πρόγραμμα άσκησης σε πισίνα, με κλασική κολύμβηση και υδρογυμναστική. Το πρόγραμμα περιελάμβανε αερόβια άσκηση για 30-40 λεπτά και ασκήσεις ενδυνάμωσης για 10-15 λεπτά, επί 4 μήνες, 3 φορές την εβδομάδα. Στην ομάδα Β συμμετείχαν επίσης δεκαπέντε ασθενείς που ασκήθηκαν κατά την διάρκεια της αιμοκάθαρσης στην μονάδα Τεχνητού Νεφρού της Νεφρολογικής κλινικής, με πρόγραμμα αερόβιας άσκησης και ασκήσεις ενδυνάμωσης άνω και κάτω άκρων. Το πρόγραμμα περιελάμβανε αερόβια άσκηση σε εργοποδήλατο, διάρκειας 20-40 λεπτά και ασκήσεις ενδυνάμωσης με λάστιχα και βαράκια, επί 4 επίσης μήνες, 3 φορές την εβδομάδα. Η ομάδα Γ (άτομα 12) αποτέλεσε την ομάδα ελέγχου, με αντίστοιχης ηλικίας αιμοκαθαιρόμενους ασθενείς που διήγαν καθιστική ζωή. Σε όλους κατά την έναρξη της μελέτης πραγματοποιήθηκε κλινικός έλεγχος, που περιελάμβανε κλινική εξέταση, λήψη ιστορικού, και δοκιμασίες πεδίου για την εκτίμηση της λειτουργικής τους ικανότητας. Τα τεστ που εξετάσθηκαν οι ασθενείς ήταν 1) η 6λεπτη δοκιμασία βαδίσματος (6 min walk test-6MWT), για εκτίμηση της καρδιαγγειακής αντοχής και της λειτουργικής ικανότητας, 2) η δοκιμασία «Κάθισμα-όρθια θέση –κάθισμα» (sit to stand test) για τον καθορισμό της μυϊκής δύναμης 3) η δοκιμασία «Sit and Reach» για αξιολόγηση της ευλυγισίας των οπίσθιων μηριαίων, 4) το ισομετρικό «Hand Grip test» για την αποτίμηση της δύναμης χειρολαβής, και 5) η δοκιμασία «Έγερση και απομάκρυνση» (“Timed Up and Go”) για την εκτίμηση της κινητικότητας τους. Επίσης όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες κλήθηκαν να συμπληρώσουν το ερωτηματολόγιο Short Form-36 Questionnaire (SF-36), για την εκτίμηση της ποιότητας ζωής τους. Όλοι οι συμμετέχοντες ασθενείς εξετάστηκαν στις ίδιες δοκιμασίες μετά το τέλος των τεσσάρων μηνών και το πέρας των προγραμμάτων άσκησης. Κατά την έναρξη της μελέτης όλες οι τιμές των ασθενών ήταν παρεμφερείς, χωρίς στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές. Με το πέρας της 4-μηνης γύμνασης διαφορές εμφανίστηκαν σχεδόν σε όλες τις μετρούμενες παραμέτρους από την αρχική στη τελική μέτρηση, με τις ασκούμενες ομάδες να βελτιώνουν τις επιδόσεις τους. Συγκεκριμένα μετά το πέρας των 4 μηνών, οι ασθενείς που συμμετείχαν στο πρόγραμμα άσκησης στο νερό, παρουσίασαν σημαντική αύξηση στην απόσταση που διένυσαν στην «6-λεπτη δοκιμασία βαδίσματος» κατά 12%, (p<0,05) και η ομάδα Γ εμφάνισε μείωση της επίδοσής της κατά 9,74% (p<0,05) σε σχέση με την αρχική της μέτρηση. Η ομάδα Β δεν εμφάνισε στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές. Στη δοκιμασία «κάθισμα-όρθια θέση-κάθισμα» η ομάδα Α βελτίωσε κατά 13,63% (p<0,05) την επίδοσή της, η ομάδα Β κατά 7,36% (p<0,05) και η ομάδα Α συγκριτικά με την ομάδα Γ κατά 39,47% (p<0,05). Στη δοκιμασία «δύναμης χειρολαβής» η ομάδα Α αύξησε κατά 7,51% (p<0,05), και η ομάδα Γ εμφάνισε στατιστικά σημαντική μείωση κατά 5,84% (p<0,05), αλλά παρ’όλα αυτά δεν παρουσιάστηκαν στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές μεταξύ των τριών ομάδων. Στη δοκιμασία «Sit and Reach» η ομάδα Α βελτίωσε την αρχική μέτρηση κατά 87,24% (p<0,05) και εμφάνισε μεγάλη διαφορά σε σχέση με την ομάδα Γ. Στη δοκιμασία «Έγερση και απομάκρυνση» η ομάδα Α βελτίωσε την αρχική της μέτρηση κατά 16,36% (p<0,05) και κατά 50% συγκριτικά με την ομάδα Γ (p<0,05). Επίσης η ομάδα Γ εμφάνισε μείωση κατά 13,11% (p<0,05) συγκριτικά με την αρχική της μέτρηση. Τέλος, η ομάδα Α βελτίωσε τη συνεχόμενη διανυόμενη απόσταση κολύμβησης κατά 290,1% (p<0,05). Όσον αφορά την εκτίμηση της ποιότητας ζωής μέσω των ερωτηματολογίων, υπήρξαν στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές μεταξύ των αρχικών και των τελικών μετρήσεων. Για τις μεν ομάδες Α και Β διότι βελτίωσαν την αρχική τους βαθμολογία, τη δε ομάδα Γ διότι μειώθηκε η αρχική βαθμολογία. Συγκεκριμένα, όσον αφορά τη σωματική υγεία, στατιστικά σημαντική βελτίωση παρουσίασαν η ομάδα Α και Β κατά 9,67% (p<0,05) και 5,14% (p<0,05) αντίστοιχα. Αντίθετα, ενώ η ομάδα Γ εμφάνισε μείωση κατά 5,19% δεν θεωρήθηκε στατιστικά σημαντική διαφορά. Όσον αφορά τη πνευματική υγεία η ομάδα Α εμφάνισε βελτίωση κατά 19,77% (p<0,05) και 16,53% (p<0,05) σε σχέση με την ομάδα Β και 26,83% (p<0,05) σε σχέση με την ομάδα Γ. Συμπεραίνεται λοιπόν ότι η θεραπευτική άσκηση στο νερό, με τη μορφή της κλασικής κολύμβησης και της υδρογυμναστικής επιφέρει σημαντικές βελτιώσεις τόσο στην λειτουργική ικανότητα όσο και στην ποιότητα ζωής ασθενών με χρόνια νεφρική νόσο υπό περιοδική αιμοκάθαρση. Ακόμη, η άσκηση στο νερό επιφέρει μεγαλύτερες προσαρμογές στον οργανισμό των ασθενών με χρόνια νεφρική νόσο υπό περιοδική αιμοκάθαρση, συγκριτικά με την άσκηση κατά τη διάρκεια της αιμοκάθαρσης, όπως αυτές οι προσαρμογές αποτιμώνται μέσα από δοκιμασίες πεδίου και συμπλήρωση ερωτηματολογίου ποιότητας ζωής.

2007 ◽  
Vol 16 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 233-243
Bridget M. Meretta ◽  
Susan L. Whitney ◽  
Gregory F. Marchetti ◽  
Patrick J. Sparto ◽  
Robb J. Muirhead

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if patients with balance and vestibular disorders would demonstrate clinically meaningful improvement in the Five Times Sit to Stand Test (FTSST) score as a result of vestibular rehabilitation and to determine the concurrent validity of the FTSST. Design: Retrospective chart review of 351 people who underwent individualized outpatient vestibular rehabilitation programs. Setting: Outpatient tertiary balance and vestibular clinic. Subjects: One hundred and seventeen patients (45 men, 72 women), mean age 62.7 years, with peripheral, central or mixed vestibular dysfunction. Main outcome measures: FTSST, gait speed, Timed Up and Go Test (TUG), Dynamic Gait Index (DGI), Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), and Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC). Results: The mean change in FTSST score was 2.7 seconds. Subjects demonstrated statistically significant improvements in the FTSST, gait speed, ABC, DHI, DGI and TUG after vestibular rehabilitation (p < 0.01). The responsiveness-treatment coefficient (RT) was calculated as 0.58 for the FTSST indicating moderate responsiveness. Logistic regression showed that an improvement in the FTSST of greater than 2.3 seconds resulted in an odds ratio of 4.67 for demonstrating clinical improvement in DHI, compared with a change less than 2.3 seconds. The univariate linear regression model for baseline FTSST predicting FTSST change was significant (p < 0.01) and predicted 49% of the change variance. The FTSST scores demonstrated a moderate correlation with gait speed and the TUG (p< 0.01). FTSST improvement subsequent to vestibular rehabilitation was moderately correlated with improvements in the DGI and the TUG scores (p< 0.01). Conclusions: The FTSST was moderately responsive to change over time and was moderately related to measures of gait and dynamic balance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
D. P. Kurmayev ◽  
S. V. Bulgakova ◽  
N. O. Zakharova

Rationale: The progressive decline in skeletal muscle strength and function during aging can lead to disability and premature death. It is of interest to evaluate the potential of bioimpedance phase angle (PhA) as an instrumental marker of sarcopenia in clinical practice.Aim: To identify an association between the phase angles determined by the bioimpedance analysis of body composition, with functional activity parameters in elderly women with multiple comorbidities.Materials and methods: The study included 146  elderly women (aged 75 to 84  years, mean age 79.44±2.56  years). Assessments consisted of the Charlson comorbidity index, “Vozrast ne pomekha” (Age is not a hindrance) questionnaire, the Barthel index, the sit-to-stand five-repeat test, the standardized 4-meter walking speed test, and bioimpedance analysis of body composition (ABC02, Medass, Russia). Muscle strength parameters were assessed by wrist dynamometry with a mechanical wrist dynamometer. The hand dynamometry index was calculated by dividing the hand grip strength by the patient's squared height. According to the EWGSOP2 guidelines for the critical cur-off for hand dynamometry, the patients were divided into two groups: those with the hand grip strength>16 kg (n=41) and those with<16 kg (n=105).Results: There were significant correlations of PhA with age (r=-0.369; p=0.017), the results of the screening questionnaire “Vozrast ne pomekha” (Age is not a hindrance) (r=-0.359; p=0.023), Barthel index (r=0.375; p=0.018), hand dynamometry (r=0.395; p=0.014), hand dynamometry index (r=0.340; p=0.021), lean body mass (r=0.414; p=0.009), musculoskeletal mass (r=0.819; p<0.001), proportion of musculoskeletal mass (r=0.796; p<0.001), walking speed (r=0.670; p<0.001), and the results of the sit-to-stand test (r=-0.541; p<0.001). Sarcopenia was diagnosed in 61 women (41.8%). There were also significant differences in age, hand dynamometry results, hand dynamometry index, walking speed and results of the sit-to-stand test between the two groups depending on their hand grip strength.Conclusion: The use of hand dynamometry, physical activity tests, and bioimpedance phase angle can be used in clinical practice to diagnose sarcopenia.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026921552110505
Ning Wei ◽  
Mengying Cai

Objective To explore the optimal frequency of whole-body vibration training for improving the balance and physical performance in older people with chronic stroke. Design a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Setting Two rehabilitation units in the Wuhan Brain Hospital in China. Participants A total of 78 seniors with chronic stroke. Interventions Low-frequency group (13 Hz), high-frequency group (26 Hz), and zero-frequency group (Standing on the vibration platform with 0 Hz) for 10 sessions of side-alternating WBV training. Main measures The timed-up-and-go test, five-repetition sit-to-stand test, 10-metre walking test, and Berg balance scale were assessed pre- and post-intervention. Results Significant time × group interaction effects in five-repetition sit-to-stand test (p = 0.014) and timed-up-and-go test at self-preferred speed (p = 0.028) were observed. The high-frequency group outperformed the zero-frequency group in both five-repetition sit-to-stand test (p = 0.039) and timed-up-and-go test at self-preferred speed (p = 0.024) after 10-sessions training. The low-frequency group displayed only a significant improvement in five-repetition sit-to-stand test after training (p = 0.028). No significant within- or between-group changes were observed in the Berg balance scale and walking speed (p > 0.05). No significant group-difference were found between low-frequency and high-frequency groups. No adverse events were reported during study. Conclusions Compared with 13 Hz, 26 Hz had no more benefits on balance and physical performance in older people with chronic stroke.

2015 ◽  
pp. 1-7
A. HEBER ◽  

Background: At present, it is unclear whether older, obese persons with or without sarcopenia respond differently to training. Furthermore, there are no differentiated recommendations for resistance training for this special target group. Objectives: The objectives are to investigate the changes in the physical parameters of older, obese men caused by training and to reappraise the modalities of resistance training for older persons. Design: Pre-test-post-test design. Participants: The participants were 33 physically inactive and obese older men (≥ 65 years, BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2), with-out severe diseases. Subjects were divided into two groups: NSAR (no or presarcopenia, n= 15) or SAR (sarcopenia, n= 18). Intervention: The intervention consisted of progressive resistance training, twice a week for 16 weeks with finally 80-85% of maximum strength and three sets with 8-12 repetitions. The training contained six exercises for the major muscle groups. Measurements: Sarcopenia was assessed using the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), hand-grip strength, skeletal muscle mass index (SMI), and gait speed over a 6-meter walkway. Furthermore, the maximum dynamic strength (1 RM) was assessed. Results: At baseline, the NSAR group had significantly better values in SMI, SPPB score, hand-grip strength, and 1 RM. After training, the results in both groups displayed an increase in 1 RM at the lower limbs (NSAR 18%, SAR 38%) and the upper limbs (NSAR 12%, SAR 14%). Also, the SPPB score (NSAR 11%, SAR 15%) and the 6-m-gait speed (NSAR 5%, SAR 10%) increased. The SAR group was able to increase their right hand-grip strength by 12%, whereas the NSAR group maintained their initial high strength values. SMI did not change in both groups. Conclusions: Both groups show improvements after resistance training with slightly more benefits for men with sarcopenia. Results of this study can be used to define specific training regimens for N(SAR) subjects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Toshiki Kutsuna ◽  
Yusuke Isobe ◽  
Takaaki Watanabe ◽  
Yusuke Matsunaga ◽  
Satomi Kusaka ◽  

Abstract Background Elderly adults undergoing hemodialysis (HD) have multiple comorbidities, physical frailty, and functional dependence with activities of daily living (ADL). ADL difficulty is an early predictor of ADL dependency in community-dwelling elderly adults. However, the characteristics of ADL difficulty in patients undergoing HD have not yet been reported. The present study aimed to examine the current status and characteristics of physical function and ADL difficulty in ambulatory elderly patients undergoing HD. Methods In all, 136 elderly outpatients undergoing HD and 40 community-dwelling controls participated in the present study. The characteristics, physical function (SARC-F score, grip strength, five-times sit-to-stand test time, usual gait speed, maximum gait speed, and short physical performance battery score), and scores from the ADL difficulty questionnaires [difficulty related to upper limb (U/L) and lower limb (L/L) functions] were compared between the HD and control groups. Multiple regression analysis was performed to examine whether the characteristics of physical function were able to discriminate ADL difficulty in the HD group. Results The HD group had a significantly greater SARC-F score, lower grip strength, longer five-times sit-to-stand test time, slower usual gait speed, slower maximum gait speed, lower short physical performance battery score, and lower U/L and L/L ADL difficulty scores compared to the control group (all P < 0.001). The distribution of U/L and L/L ADL difficulty scores showed a wider variation in the HD group than in the control group. The U/L ADL difficulty score was independently associated with the SARC-F score (β = −0.52, P < 0.001) and grip strength (β = 0.21, P = 0.02). The L/L ADL difficulty score was independently associated with the SARC-F score (β = −0.56, P < 0.001) and usual gait speed (β = 0.35, P < 0.001). Conclusions The elderly HD group had a poorer physical function and experienced stronger ADL difficulty than the control group. There was an association between ADL difficulty and sarcopenia or poor physical function among patients undergoing HD. These findings provide useful data for effective clinical management to prevent decline of ADL in ambulatory elderly patients undergoing HD.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 53 ◽  
Michael Harris-Love ◽  
Kimberly Benson ◽  
Erin Leasure ◽  
Bernadette Adams ◽  
Valerie McIntosh

The optimal management of sarcopenia requires appropriate endpoint measures to determine intervention efficacy. While hand grip strength is a predictor of morbidity and mortality, lower extremity strength may be better associated with functional activities in comparison to hand grip strength. The purpose of our study was to examine the comparative association of upper and lower extremity strength with common measures of physical performance in older adults. Thirty community-dwelling men, aged 62.5 ± 9.2 years, completed body composition analysis, quantitative strength testing, and performance-based tests of functional status. Hand grip force values were not significantly associated with knee extensor or flexor torque values (p > 0.05). Hand grip force was only associated with fast gait speed, while knee extensor torque at 60°/s was the only variable significantly associated across all functional outcome measures: customary gait speed, fast gait speed, sit to stand time, and the Physical Performance Test (p < 0.02). Hand grip strength was not a proxy measure of lower extremity strength as assessed in this study. Overall, lower extremity muscle strength values had the strongest associations with participant functional performance. Lower extremity strength testing may provide additional value as an endpoint measure in the assessment and clinical management of sarcopenia.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Robbert J. J. Gobbens ◽  
Marcel A. L. M. van Assen

Frailty is a predictor of disability. A proper understanding of the contribution of individual indicators of frailty in the prediction of disability is a requisite for preventive interventions. The aim of this study was to determine the predictive power of the individual physical frailty indicators: gait speed, physical activity, hand grip strength, Body Mass Index (BMI), fatigue, and balance, for ADL and IADL disability. The sample consisted of 505 community-dwelling persons (≥75 years, response rate 35.1%). Respondents first participated between November 2007 and June 2008, and a subset of all respondents participated again one year later (N=264, 52.3% response rate). ADL and IADL disability were assessed by the Groningen Activity Restriction Scale. BMI was assessed by self-report, and the other physical frailty indicators were assessed with the TUG test (gait speed), the LAPAQ (physical activity), a hand grip strength test, the SFQ (fatigue), and the Four-test balance scale. All six physical frailty indicators were associated with ADL and IADL disability. After controlling for previous disability, sociodemographic characteristics, self-perceived lifestyle, and chronic diseases, only gait speed was predictive of both ADL and IADL disability, whereas there was a small effect of fatigue on IADL disability. Hence, these physical frailty indicators should be included in frailty assessment when predicting future disability.

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