test retest reliability
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 441
Laura Quellhorst ◽  
Grit Barten-Neiner ◽  
Andrés de Roux ◽  
Roland Diel ◽  
Pontus Mertsch ◽  

Patients with bronchiectasis feature considerable symptom burden and reduced health-related quality of life (QOL). We provide the psychometric validation of the German translation of the disease-specific Quality of Life Questionnaire-Bronchiectasis (QOL-B), version 3.1, using baseline data of adults consecutively enrolled into the prospective German bronchiectasis registry PROGNOSIS. Overall, 904 patients with evaluable QOL-B scores were included. We observed no relevant floor or ceiling effects. Internal consistency was good to excellent (Cronbach’s α ≥0.73 for each scale). QOL-B scales discriminated between patients based on prior pulmonary exacerbations and hospitalizations, breathlessness, bronchiectasis severity index, lung function, sputum volume, Pseudomonas aeruginosa status and the need for regular pharmacotherapy, except for Social Functioning, Vitality and Emotional Functioning scales. We observed moderate to strong convergence between several measures of disease severity and QOL-B scales, except for Social and Emotional Functioning. Two-week test-retest reliability was good, with intraclass correlation coefficients ≥0.84 for each scale. Minimal clinical important difference ranged between 8.5 for the Respiratory Symptoms and 14.1 points for the Social Functioning scale. Overall, the German translation of the QOL-B, version 3.1, has good validity and test-retest reliability among a nationally representative adult bronchiectasis cohort. However, responsiveness of QOL-B scales require further investigation during registry follow-up.

Nutrients ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 370
May M. Cheung ◽  
Matthew Kramer ◽  
Gary K. Beauchamp ◽  
Sari Puputti ◽  
Paul M. Wise

Sweetness drives the consumption of added sugars, so understanding how to best measure sweet hedonics is important for developing strategies to lower sugar intake. However, methods to assess hedonic response to sweetness vary, making results across studies difficult to integrate. We compared methods to measure optimal sucrose concentration in 21 healthy adults (1) using paired-comparison preference tracking vs. ratings of liking, (2) with participants in the laboratory vs. at home, and (3) using aqueous solutions vs. vanilla milk. Tests were replicated on separate days to assess test-retest reliability. Test-retest reliability was similar between laboratory and home testing, but tended to be better for vanilla milk and preference tracking. Optimal sucrose concentration was virtually identical between laboratory and home, slightly lower when estimated via preference tracking, and about 50% lower in vanilla milk. However, optimal sucrose concentration correlated strongly between methods, locations, and stimuli. More than 50% of the variability in optimal sucrose concentration could be attributed to consistent differences among individuals, while much less variability was attributable to differences between methods. These results demonstrate convergent validity between methods, support testing at home, and suggest that aqueous solutions can be useful proxies for some commonly consumed beverages for measuring individual differences.

eLife ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Daniel W Belsky ◽  
Avshalom Caspi ◽  
David L Corcoran ◽  
Karen Sugden ◽  
Richie Poulton ◽  

Background: Measures to quantify changes in the pace of biological aging in response to intervention are needed to evaluate geroprotective interventions for humans. Previously we showed that quantification of the pace of biological aging from a DNA-methylation blood test was possible (Belsky et al. 2020). Here we report a next-generation DNA-methylation biomarker of Pace of Aging, DunedinPACE (for Pace of Aging Calculated from the Epigenome).Methods: We used data from the Dunedin Study 1972-3 birth cohort tracking within-individual decline in 19 indicators of organ-system integrity across four time points spanning two decades to model Pace of Aging. We distilled this two-decade Pace of Aging into a single-time-point DNA-methylation blood-test using elastic-net regression and a DNA-methylation dataset restricted to exclude probes with low test-retest reliability. We evaluated the resulting measure, named DunedinPACE, in five additional datasets.Results: DunedinPACE showed high test-retest reliability, was associated with morbidity, disability, and mortality, and indicated faster aging in young adults with childhood adversity. DunedinPACE effect-sizes were similar to GrimAge Clock effect-sizes. In analysis of incident morbidity, disability, and mortality, DunedinPACE and added incremental prediction beyond GrimAge.Conclusions: DunedinPACE is a novel blood biomarker of the pace of aging for gerontology and geroscience.Funding: This research was supported by US-National Institute on Aging grants AG032282, AG061378, AG066887, and UK Medical Research Council grant MR/P005918/1.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Thijs Beckers ◽  
Bauke Koekkoek ◽  
Giel Hutschemaekers ◽  
Bridey Rudd ◽  
Bea Tiemens

Abstract Background Measuring progress in treatment is essential for systematic evaluation by service users and their care providers. In low-intensity community mental healthcare, a questionnaire to measure progress in treatment should be aimed at personal recovery and should require little effort to complete. Methods The Individual Recovery Outcome Counter (I.ROC) was translated from English into Dutch, and psychometric evaluations were performed. Data were collected on personal recovery (Recovery Assessment Scale), quality of life (Manchester Short Assessment of Quality of Life), and symptoms of mental illness and social functioning (Outcome Questionnaire, OQ-45) for assessing the validity of the I.ROC. Test–retest reliability was evaluated by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient and internal consistency was evaluated by calculating Cronbach’s alpha. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to determine construct validity. To assess convergent validity, the I.ROC was compared to relevant questionnaires by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients. To evaluate discriminant validity, I.ROC scores of certain subgroups were compared using either a t-test or analysis of variance. Results There were 764 participants in this study who mostly completed more than one I.ROC (total n = 2,863). The I.ROC aimed to measure the concept of personal recovery as a whole, which was confirmed by a factor analysis. The test–retest reliability was satisfactory (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient is 0.856), as were the internal consistency (Cronbachs Alpha is 0.921) and the convergent validity. Sensitivity to change was small, but comparable to that of the OQ-45. Conclusions The Dutch version of the I.ROC appears to have satisfactory psychometric properties to warrant its use in daily practice. Discriminant validity and sensitivity to change need further research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. e0010038
Naomi D. de Bruijne ◽  
Kedir Urgesa ◽  
Abraham Aseffa ◽  
Kidist Bobosha ◽  
Anne Schoenmakers ◽  

Background Delay in case detection is a risk factor for developing leprosy-related impairments, leading to disability and stigma. The objective of this study was to develop a questionnaire to determine the leprosy case detection delay, defined as the period between the first signs of the disease and the moment of diagnosis, calculated in total number of months. The instrument was developed as part of the PEP4LEP project, a large-scale intervention study which determines the most effective way to implement integrated skin screening and leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis with a single-dose of rifampicin (SDR-PEP) administration in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania. Methodology/Principal findings A literature review was conducted and leprosy experts were consulted. The first draft of the questionnaire was developed in Ethiopia by exploring conceptual understanding, item relevance and operational suitability. Then, the first draft of the tool was piloted in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania. The outcome is a questionnaire comprising nine questions to determine the case detection delay and two annexes for ease of administration: a local calendar to translate the patient’s indication of time to number of months and a set of pictures of the signs of leprosy. In addition, a body map was included to locate the signs. A ‘Question-by-Question Guide’ was added to the package, to provide support in the administration of the questionnaire. The materials will be made available in English, Oromiffa (Afaan Oromo), Portuguese and Swahili via https://www.infolep.org. Conclusions/Significance It was concluded that the developed case detection delay questionnaire can be administered quickly and easily by health workers, while not inconveniencing the patient. The instrument has promising potential for use in future leprosy research. It is recommended that the tool is further validated, also in other regions or countries, to ensure cultural validity and to examine psychometric properties like test-retest reliability and interrater reliability.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0262465
Sam Henry ◽  
Isabel Thielmann ◽  
Tom Booth ◽  
René Mõttus

Despite the widespread use of the HEXACO model as a descriptive taxonomy of personality traits, there remains limited information on the test-retest reliability of its commonly-used inventories. Studies typically report internal consistency estimates, such as alpha or omega, but there are good reasons to believe that these do not accurately assess reliability. We report 13-day test-retest correlations of the 100- and 60-item English HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised (HEXACO-100 and HEXACO-60) domains, facets, and items. In order to test the validity of test-retest reliability, we then compare these estimates to correlations between self- and informant-reports (i.e., cross-rater agreement), a widely-used validity criterion. Median estimates of test-retest reliability were .88, .81, and .65 (N = 416) for domains, facets, and items, respectively. Facets’ and items’ test-retest reliabilities were highly correlated with their cross-rater agreement estimates, whereas internal consistencies were not. Overall, the HEXACO Personality Inventory-Revised demonstrates test-retest reliability similar to other contemporary measures. We recommend that short-term retest reliability should be routinely calculated to assess reliability.

Diagnostics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 186
Maria de Cássia Macedo ◽  
Matheus Almeida Souza ◽  
Kariny Realino Ferreira ◽  
Laura Oliveira Campos ◽  
Igor Sérgio Oliveira Souza ◽  

The objective was to assess the instrumental validity and the test–retest reliability of a low-cost hand-held push dynamometer adapted from a load-cell based hanging scale (tHHD) to collect compressive forces in different ranges of compressive forces. Three independent raters applied 50 pre-established compressions each on the tHHD centered on a force platform in three distinct ranges: ~70 N, ~160 N, ~250 N. Knee isometric strength was also assessed on 19 subjects in two sessions (48 h apart) using the tHHD anchored by an inelastic adjustable strap. Knee extension and flexion were assessed with the participant seated on a chair with the feet resting on the floor, knees, and hips flexed at 90°. The isometric force peaks were recorded and compared. The ICC and the Cronbach’s α showed excellent consistency and agreement for both instrumental validity and test–retest reliability (range: 0.89–0.99), as the correlation and determination coefficients (range: 0.80–0.99). The SEM and the MDC analysis returned adequate low values with a coefficient of variation less than 5%. The Bland–Altman results showed consistency and high levels of agreement. The tHHD is a valid method to assess the knee isometric strength, showing portability, cost-effectiveness, and user-friendly interface to provide an effective form to assess the knee isometric strength.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Honglei Yi ◽  
Hu Chen ◽  
Xinhui Wang ◽  
Hong Xia

Objective: To adapt the questionnaire cross-culturally and to analyze the adaptation and validation of the Chinese version of the Brace Questionnaire (C-BrQ).Methods: The adaptation was based on the International Quality of Life Assessment Project guidelines. A total of 79 patients with AIS were included to examine the psychometric properties of the C-BrQ. The reliability was assessed using internal consistency (the Cronbach's alpha coefficient) and test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient ICC2.1, 95% CI). Floor and ceiling effects were calculated. Lin's concordance correlation coefficient (CCC, 95% CI) was used to compare the agreement between the Scoliosis Research Society-22 patient questionnaire (SRS-22) and C-BrQ.Results: There were strong correlations between each item and its corresponding domain significantly. The correlations between the C-BrQ domains and their related questions vary from moderate to strong (r = 0.311–0.933, P < 0.05). The Cronbach's was 0.891, showing good internal consistency of each domain of the BrQ, and the ICC in test–retest was 0.860 (0.8776, 0.912), which means an excellent test–retest reliability. The Lin's CCC between SRS-22 and C-BrQ was 0.773 (0.669, 0.848), showing great agreement. However, no significant floor and ceiling effects in C-BrQ was observed except the ceiling effect in school activity and bodily pain.Conclusion: BrQ was translated and cross-culturally adapted for use in China with good internal consistency and excellent test–retest reliability.

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