Illegality in Employment Contracts, Enforced Labour and Public Policy Considerations

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-81
Zia Akhtar

Abstract The English law of the illegality of contracts is founded on public policy and expressed in the maxim ex turpi causa non oritur actio meaning an action cannot arise from an illegal cause. Furthermore, the position of the law is that where a contract is tainted with illegality and both parties are equally to blame then neither party can claim any right or remedy under the contract. This doctrine has to be viewed within the context of the employment contracts which are against public policy, particularly those where illegality of contract concerns irregular migrants who have been offered terms which infringe the legislation such as the Immigration Acts and the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The question in this paper is the scope of the public policy requirements that courts take into account when the contracts are unenforceable for illegality based on infringements of the human rights framework and ECHR legal precedence.

Legal Studies ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 372-392 ◽  
Paula Giliker

This article examines and questions the nature of police immunity from claims for negligence in the investigation and suppression of crime, as stated by the House of Lords in Hill v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire. This issue has been discussed before the European Court of Human Rights in Osman v United Kingdom, where the court held that a blanket application of the immunity was contrary to art 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This article will argue that this decision does not overturn the basic public policy principles for the immunity stated in Hill and that further examination of this area of law is required. It is submitted that if the law is considered in terms of proximity rather than in terms of public policy immunity, a clearer understanding of the principles underlying this area of law can be reached together with the desirable goal of removing the term ‘immunity’ from this area of law.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (85) ◽  
pp. 84
Aleksandrs Matvejevs

The author of the article study problems of enforcement and implementation of principles in activities of police and mechanisms of implementation of principles in activities conducted by police. Its mean that the operations of the police shall be organised observing lawfulness, humanism, human rights, social justice, transparency and an undivided authority, and relying on the assistance of the public. The police shall protect the rights and lawful interests of persons irrespective of their citizenship, social, economic and other status, race and nationality, gender and age, education and language, attitude towards religion, political and other convictions. The police, by its operations, shall ensure the conformity with the rights and freedoms of persons. Restriction of such rights and freedoms shall be permitted only on the basis of law and in accordance with procedures specified in law. Author discloses the meaning and content of the principles of the organization and activities of the police, enshrined in the law. The authors also stress out particular disadvantages of law ”On Police” and make suggestions how to improve it.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Maureen Spencer ◽  
John Spencer

This chapter introduces the principles and key concepts underlying the law of evidence, with an emphasis on criminal evidence. It reviews Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), now part of English law as a result of the Human Rights Act 1998. It concludes by highlighting the importance of analysis of the relevance of the facts in a trial.

2016 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-266 ◽  
Michal Tamir

The phenomenon of social exclusion in Israel is a vivid demonstration of the Basic Laws' failure to fulfil their integrative role. Despite the ‘constitutional revolution’ and the Supreme Court's ongoing endeavour over the last two decades to instil a bill of rights through its jurisprudence, Israeli society has failed to fully internalise values of equality. In terms of legal jargon, individuals continue to claim and exercise ‘sole and despotic dominion’ over their private property in order to avoid contact with individuals belonging to certain minority groups. In many cases, such behaviour in the private sphere results in exclusion from the public sphere.This phenomenon is especially astonishing considering the fact that many laws in Israel apply the right of equality to the private sphere. Furthermore, the Israeli Supreme Court has developed comprehensive human rights jurisprudence applicable to the private sphere. The gap between the law in the books and the law in action illustrates that effective implementation of human rights in the private sphere cannot be achieved solely by specific legislation or by jurisprudence that is sensitive to human rights. This argument is backed by several recent bills which preserve and enforce the exclusion of minorities, particularly of Arabs, from the public sphere. These bills illustrate that exclusion is indeed a growing phenomenon in Israeli society that cannot be overlooked. Moreover, they underscore the urgent need to entrench a direct obligation to apply human rights to the private sphere at the constitutional level. This will be achieved only when Israel adopts a full constitution.

2003 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 237-270
Alexander Orakhelashvili

It is commonly assumed that the European Convention on Human Rights, being a treaty of specific nature, embodies elements of European public order. However, there seems to be no authoritative or generally accepted definition of the public order of Europe, of its essential components, and of its relationship with the notion of international public order. This article will examine these questions. In pursuing this goal, the law-enforcement resources accumulated within the European system of human rights protection will be examined in the context of interaction between the public order of Europe as part of the law of the European Convention, and international public order as part of general international law.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (77) ◽  
pp. 26
Edgars Golts

There is a link between a presumption of innocence and the right to a fair trial. The rights of a legal person, to be regarded as innocent, protection is ensured by the guarantees in law. The Court of Justice has recognized that the right to the presumption of innocence, the legal persons does not apply in the same way as natural persons. The Constitution reinforces the presumption of innocence is to be subject to the right to a fair trial arising from the principle of justice. The Constitution stipulates that the rights of the person may be limited to the benefit of the public, but not the right to the presumption of innocence. In the article the author expresses the conviction, nowadays, the development of such rights, – the environment, animal, unborn children, deceased persons and other types of law; it is obvious that, on the basis of an equity principle, human rights are extended translated and applied. Justice fully embraces the principles of equality law, which allows concluding on the physical and legal persons to equality before the law and the courts.

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-158
Tom Cornford

In this paper I endorse the basic assumption that informed the Law Commission’s consultation paper on Administrative Redress of 2008, namely that the problem of administrative liability in English law can only be understood by examining both its tortious and its public law dimensions and that a satisfactory solution would involve a form of liability that straddled the public/private divide. In support of this view, I advance a rationale for a form of liability that involves reparation for harms resulting from acts unlawful as a matter of public law and argue that the form of liability that the rationale supports would inevitably impinge upon the territory currently occupied by the law of tort. I then proceed to criticise the views of scholars who have recently argued that a satisfactory law of public authority liability can be arrived at by the use of the concepts of orthodox tort law alone.

2012 ◽  
pp. 186-186

2003 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 237-270
Alexander Orakhelashvili

It is commonly assumed that the European Convention on Human Rights, being a treaty of specific nature, embodies elements of European public order. However, there seems to be no authoritative or generally accepted definition of the public order of Europe, of its essential components, and of its relationship with the notion of international public order. This article will examine these questions. In pursuing this goal, the law-enforcement resources accumulated within the European system of human rights protection will be examined in the context of interaction between the public order of Europe as part of the law of the European Convention, and international public order as part of general international law.

Michael J. Allen ◽  
Ian Edwards

Course-focused and comprehensive, the Textbook on series provides an accessible overview of the key areas on the law curriculum. This introductory chapter answers the following questions: What is a crime? What purpose or function does the criminal law serve? Why is particular conduct classified as criminal? What are the purposes of punishment? It also examines briefly discusses the impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on English law.

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