A Complementary Pair: Stylistic Experimentation in Mozart's Final Piano Concertos, K. 537 in D and K. 595 in B-flat

2001 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 658-684
Simon P. Keefe

Given the chronological separation of Mozart's final piano concertos, K. 537 and K. 595, from his extraordinary sequence of 15 piano concertos of 1782-86 (K. 413-503), it is no surprise that critics have continually stressed stylistic and affective departures from the composer's norm. But the stylistic significance of these final concertos remains fundamentally misunderstood. In spite of sharply contrasting characteristics——ostentatious virtuosity in K. 537 and carefully measured writing in K. 595——these works are, in fact, kindred spirits. In both concertos Mozart experiments with the introduction of abrupt juxtapositions of harmonically contrasting material while avoiding the outright opposition of piano and orchestral forces evident in his earlier Viennese first movements; with piano figuration, omitting it when expected or reconstituting it at important formal junctures; and with unexpected thematic and harmonic disjunctions. While Mozart's harmonic experimentation in K. 537 and 595 can be partially explained in general stylistic terms, given similarities to passages in the last three symphonies, and considered representative of the "bizarre tonal sequences" and "striking modulations" often remarked upon by Mozart's contemporaries, it cannot be attributed to a fundamental shift in the composer's "world view." Rather, the complementary nature of radicalism and innovation in the two first movements in particular——K. 537 in the orchestral and solo expositions and recapitulation and K. 595 in the development——reveals these final concertos as thoroughly pragmatic and systematic essays in stylistic reinvention.

2009 ◽  
Vol 21 ◽  
pp. 149-161 ◽  
Dominika Motak

In recent years, the thesis about a fundamental shift in Western religiosity has become increasingly prominent in the scientific study of religion. Many new phenomena of today’s religious scene are seen as the manifestation of a resacralization/re-enchantment of the world, or even of spirituality/a spiritual revolution. The new religious world view that is taking shape presupposes an essential oneness of microcosm and macrocosm and a presence of the divine in man and in the world. The radical distinction between the temporal and supernatural worlds disappears, which seems to herald the advent of a new type of spirituality based on the idea of immanence. This new ‘all-inclusive spirituality’ has many forms of expression and is concerned with ‘the sacredness of life, nature and the universe’ and ‘all pathways that lead to meaning and purpose’. This ‘subjective turn’ means ‘a turn away from life lived in terms of external or “objective” roles, duties and obligations, and a turn towards life lived by reference to one’s own subjective experiences (relational as much as individualistic)’. All the above-mentioned explanatory frameworks to a certain extent employ the concept of individualization.This presentation examines the the concept of individualization as an approach for the understanding of today’s religious scene.

1982 ◽  
Vol 27 (12) ◽  
pp. 1004-1004
Martha T. Shuch Mednick

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-76
Monique Lyle

This essay seeks to dispel entrenched critical opinion regarding dance across Nietzsche's writings as representative of Dionysian intoxication alone. Taking as its prompt the riposte of Alain Badiou, ‘Nietzsche is miles away from any doctrine of dance as a primitive ecstasy’ and ‘dance is in no way the liberated bodily impulse, the wild energy of the body’, the essay uncovers the ties between dance and Apollo in the Nietzschean theory of art while qualifying dance's relation to Dionysus. Primarily through an analysis of The Dionysiac World View and The Birth of Tragedy, the essay seeks to illuminate enigmatic statements about dance in Nietzsche (‘in dance the greatest strength is only potential, although it is betrayed by the suppleness of movement’ and ‘dance is the preservation of orderly measure’). It does this through an elucidation of the specific function of dance in Nietzsche's interpretation of classical Greece; via an assessment of the difficulties associated with the Nietzschean understanding of the bacchanal; and lastly through an analysis of Nietzsche's characterization of dance as a symbol. The essay culminates in a discussion of dance's ties to Nietzschean life affirmation; here the themes of physico-phenomenal existence, joy and illusion in Nietzsche are surveyed.

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 198-207
Євген Карпенко

У статті проаналізовано місце феномену емоційної компетентності в становленні дискурсу життєтворення особистості. Відзначено, що її засадничими ознаками є відкритість і діалогічність, що фасилітують процеси життєтворчості в інтра- та інтерпсихічному просторі та сприяють здобуттю певних експірієнтальних «знань» і формуванню відповідних комунікативних «умінь». Отже, емоційна компетентність виконує функцію орієнтації в знаково-символічній реальності внутрішнього та зовнішнього середовища і, відповідно, бере участь у прийнятті рішень стосовно них. Це сприяє реалізації функції особистісного вибору у значущих обставинах життя. Вважається, що цей вибір повинен ґрунтуватися на домінуючій екзистенційній ідентичності та релевантно реалізовуватися на всіх її рівнях: базовому, характерологічному, ситуативному. В цьому контексті емоційна компетентність виступає в якості з’єднувальної ланки між ідентичністю та її зовнішньою поведінковою маніфестацією, в якій вона, власне, й проявляється. Інтегруючи первинні емоції, емоційна компетентність сприяє формуванню системи цінностей, мотивів і світоглядних орієнтацій особистості, а також сприяє їх коректному втіленню в практиці міжособистісного спілкування і, відповідно, конструювання дискурсу власного життя. У цьому полягає ключова роль емоційної компетентності в процесі життєтворення особистості. The article analyzes the role of emotional competence in establishing the discourse of personal life creation. It has been stated that its basic features are openness and readiness to dialog that facilitate life creation processes in the intra- and interpsychic space and promote acquirement of certain experiential "knowledge" as well as formation of relevant communicative "skills". So, emotional competence has a function of orienting in sign and symbol reality of the internal and external environment and, therefore, takes part in decision-making in respect thereof. This enables realization of the function of personal choice in significant life circumstances.  This choice is considered to be based on dominant existential identity and realized in the relevant manner at all its levels: basic, characterological, situational. In this sense emotional competence forms a link between identity and its outer behavioral manifestation.  While integrating primary emotions emotional competence facilitates formation of a system of values, motives and world view of personality as well as their correct implementation in the course of interpersonal communication and personal life discourse construction. This embodies the key role of emotional competence in the process of life creation of personality.

2006 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 657-658
Csaba Pléh

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