Effective Learning In The Digital Education Spase (On The Example Of Spbpu)

Elena Razinkina
Elena Bilic ◽  

The article addresses the concept of blended learning, as an innovative opportunity for effective learning in the age of digital education. Definitions, existing models, foreign experience of implementing blended learning in the educational process are presented. To achieve this successfully, the author examines organizational strategies, information and communication technologies that allow the achievement of blended learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Beáta Orosz

A Magyarországot 2020 tavaszán elérő koronavírus járvány az élet minden területére hatással volt, ez alól az oktatási rendszer sem kivétel. Bár a 2020 novemberben másodszor elrendelt digitális munkarend már felkészültebben érte a tanárokat és diákokat, még mindig számtalan kihívással nézünk szembe. A szakképzés különösen érintett terület, a törvényi változások, a kialakult oktatói státusz, új képzési tartalmak miatt, melyek gyakorlatiasabb oktatást igényelnének. Ezeknek a követelményeknek kellett megfelelnie a digitális oktatásnak, melynek legfontosabb eredményeit, tanulói tapasztalatait mutatja be az írás. Az online kérdőíves megkérdezés (N=318) fókuszában az elméleti keretek gyakorlati megvalósulásának vizsgálata állt, az eredmények értelmezése matematikai statisztikai módszerek alkalmazásával történt. A válaszok elemzése után elmondható, hogy a válaszadók újfajta módszertani megközelítéseket, rövidebb és multimédiás elemekkel támogatott oktatási anyagokat, képi tanulást preferálnak, s bár saját IKT-kompetenciáikat jónak ítélik, ezeket a képességeket mégsem tudják teljes mértékben a hatékony tanulás szolgálatába állítani, s képtelenek a digitális eszközökben rejlő tanulási lehetőségeket kihasználni. Mivel a készen kapott tananyagok szeretete jellemző, az önálló keresés, kritikai gondolkodás és hosszabb, lineáris, szöveges anyagok értelmezése problémás a kitöltő tanulónál, s ezen képességek javulása sem várható. A kutatás legfontosabb eredménye, hogy az Internethez való hozzáférés és az információk rendelkezésre állása nem feltétlenül eredményez hatékonyabb tanulást. Online térben a tanulói aktivitás a jelenléti oktatáshoz képest csökken, így a tanár nem látja, ha diákja elakad, s nem is tud neki segíteni. Fontos megtalálnunk egy arany középutat a hagyományos szöveges tartalmak és a ma preferált képi tanítás alkalmazása között, hiszen ha a jelenlegi helyzetben a kötelező anyagot lerövidítjük, s az előzetes tanári magyarázat elmarad, a tanulók nem fogják a hiányokat pótolni, így a tanulás eredményessége sem lesz megfelelő. The Covid-19 epidemic reached Hungary in the spring of 2020 and influenced all areas of life, including education system. During the second wave of the digital education, teachers and students were more prepared, there are still a lot of difficulties and challenges. Vocational training is highly affected because of the new legal change, the instructor status instead of teachers, and themmore practical education. Digital education has to meet these requirements. This article contains the most important results of the research of this situation. The test method was application of a questionnaire (N=318), which focused on the practical realization of theories with mathematical, statistical tests. After inspection of the students answears, it seems that they prefer new teaching methods which means shorter texts, multimedial elements, and visual learning. They judge their ICT competencies good, but cannot use ICT tools for learning enough and cannot take advantage of its potential. Because the preference of ready recieved educational contents, students have problems with information search, critical thinking, and interpretation of linear structured, longer texts. The most important result of this research that internet connection and availability of information does not necessarily lead to effective learning. During online learning, student activity decreases compared to presence education, so if the instructor can’t see that students get stuck, they won’t be able to help them. It is importantg to find the balance between traditional textual contents and application of present beloved visual teaching because if we shorten the required educational contents, students won’t fill the gap and search for more information, so we cannot provide quality knowledge.

1971 ◽  
Florence L. Denmark ◽  
Ethel Jackson Shirk ◽  
Leonard E. Bart ◽  
Bernice Baxter ◽  
Alfredo Casteneda ◽  

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 293-300 ◽  
Ralf Rummer ◽  
Judith Schweppe ◽  
Kathleen Gerst ◽  
Simon Wagner

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 51
Mustain Mustain

Arabic subjects are very important to develop the ability to communicate. By learning Arabic, students can understand the conversation and reading in Arabic well. Formal Arabic Studies in Madrasahs are the main means for students to master Arabic. This study aims to: 1) Know the efforts of STI Pati Raden Wijaya Prodi in shaping Arabic environment on Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya. 2) Knowing the supporting factors in shaping Arabic environment on PAI STIT Raden Wijaya Prodi. 3) Knowing the obstacles faced by Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya in shaping Arabic environment at Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya. This study uses oriented approach (paradigm) Descriptive-Qualitative, While the type of research is using case studies (Santoso, 2005). In this study the researchers themselves or with the help of others are the main data collectors. This research was conducted at Tarbiyah High School of Raden Wijaya Kota Mojokerto, on Islamic Religious Education Study Program. In this study, the primary data obtained by researchers is: the results of interviews with the Chairman of the Study Program of Islamic Education and Students Semester I (One). In this study used in analyzing data that has been obtained is by descriptive (non statistical) descriptive that is explorative. The conclusions of this research are: 1) Effort-uaha done Prodi in making effective learning arab language in Prodi PIT STIT Raden Wijaya are: a. He held yaum al-'araby twice a week on Friday. b. It was called shabah al-lughah a week twice before ta'lim afkar al-islamy began. c. The existence of study club on each mabna. 2) Factors that become supporters in forming bi'ah al-'arabiyah are: a. Attachment of mufradat in strategic places. b. Make plaques that are written / spoken in Arabic to make it easier to remember. c. Songs in foreign languages ​​(Arabic and English) to increase students' insight in developing the language. 3) The constraints faced in creating bi'ah al-'arabiyah namely: a. Ability and basic students are different. b. There is no class classification that suits the ability of each student. c. Lack of facilities / facilities and infrastructure. d. Competence musyrif / ah who are not all able to speak. e. The curriculum and materials that are presented have not been neatly arranged. f. The absence of a strict iqob for students who do not communicate arabic language everyday.

Michele Aurelio ◽  
Stefania Cecchi ◽  
Mirca Montanari ◽  
Andrea Primavera

Taking into consideration the complexity of the new, heterogeneous, and different training needs currently present in the classrooms, the school is called to respond them in an effective and concrete way through inclusive educational approaches centered on the students, none excluded. On this basis, the authors, supporting the importance of technology in innovative teaching, propose the design and construction of an intelligent white stick through an inclusive cooperative methodology. The presented device, presented in this paper, is inspired by an open and collaborative teaching, enhancing a responsible digital education, accepting the training needs of all the students present in the classroom, specifically the blind student, and the recognition of the diversity in view of the reduction of disability.

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