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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Patricia López Vicent ◽  
José Luis Serrano Sánchez ◽  
Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán

The purpose of the present study is to delve into the process of personal management of digital information among Spanish university students in their final year and to analyze whether there are similarities or differences regarding students’ gender. A non-experimental methodological design has been implemented of an exploratory type and based on a questionnaire as a single data collection instrument. The instrument was validated by means of experts’ judgement, cognitive interview, and construct validity. A total of 2,054 students’ surveys were collected, sourced from all areas of knowledge, in 75 public and private universities. These surveys made it possible to obtain information about the information search, selection, organization, processing, and creation processes. The results revealed that university students have a positive self-concept about their own competence for personal management of information. However, they fail to take advantage of all the possibilities that the digital world offers them. Women search the Internet for more diverse resources than men. They have better judgment when it comes to selecting and processing the information they need. Male students rely more often than female ones on digital mediums when organizing and creating information and choose to publish the information in less complex and more popular formats than their female counterparts. The conclusions of the present study match those of the majority of reviewed studies, namely regarding the organization of information, contextual and social factors which influence the management of information, such as third-party support, and also in relation to the increasing implementation of digital technologies in information management processes.

AI Magazine ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-6
Dietmar Jannach ◽  
Pearl Pu ◽  
Francesco Ricci ◽  
Markus Zanker

The origins of modern recommender systems date back to the early 1990s when they were mainly applied experimentally to personal email and information filtering. Today, 30 years later, personalized recommendations are ubiquitous and research in this highly successful application area of AI is flourishing more than ever. Much of the research in the last decades was fueled by advances in machine learning technology. However, building a successful recommender sys-tem requires more than a clever general-purpose algorithm. It requires an in-depth understanding of the specifics of the application environment and the expected effects of the system on its users. Ultimately, making recommendations is a human-computer interaction problem, where a computerized system supports users in information search or decision-making contexts. This special issue contains a selection of papers reflecting this multi-faceted nature of the problem and puts open research challenges in recommender systems to the fore-front. It features articles on the latest learning technology, reflects on the human-computer interaction aspects, reports on the use of recommender systems in practice, and it finally critically discusses our research methodology.

Management ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-61
Nina Krakhmalova

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. Significant contradiction between the need of modern Ukrainian society in innovation-oriented specialist personality, on the one hand, and the level of readiness of university graduates to innovative professional activities, on the other hand, generates the problem of finding ways and means of formation of innovative potential of personality in scientific and educational environment of university on the basis of holistic dual educational concept. Problematic issues of how to organize the process of professional training of future specialists, how to promote the development of their innovative potential, what are the conditions and mechanisms of this process constitute the problem field of this studyMETHODS. The research used methods – activity approach to the problem of personal development; personality-oriented approach to professional training of students; competence approach to university training of students; acmeological approach to the study of human development; mutual influence of personal and professional development; environmental approach – to the problem of formation and development of students' innovation potential. Processing of the results of the survey to determine the proportions of the main components of students' innovation potential on the basis of Hackathon ecosystem was carried out by expert method.FINDINGS. The mechanisms for implementing the concept include the integration of education, science and practice; analysis of innovation needs and innovation capabilities of subjects of education; creation of infrastructure elements necessary for the functioning of the innovation system at all stages of the educational process; formation of a data bank of innovative projects, ready for implementation, technology platforms, information support for the development of innovative youth potential in the scientific and educational environment of the university.CONCLUSION. Scientific and educational environment of the university is a synthesized integrated phenomenon that systematically combines the structures of research, scientific, pedagogical and other activities in their complex interaction to implement the goals and objectives of training and professional and personal development of specialists, ready for innovative activity in the conditions of lifelong learning. The expected results of the concept are expressed in the transition to the use of modern dual educational programs, methods and technologies of educational process implementation in the university, aimed at continuous development of innovative thinking of young people, improving skills and motivation, identifying and setting tasks of creating new knowledge aimed at their solution, information search and processing, independent and teamwork and other competencies of innovative activity based on knowledge of its essence and on practical experience.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1086-1095
O. V. Felde

Linguaculture is a heterogeneous linguacognitive phenomenon that depends on the local area, values, and community, as well as on national and ethno-specifics cultural codes and subcodes of mythology, theology, anthropomorphism, biomorphism, household, commerce, etc. The article introduces the linguacultural corpus of the Northern Angara Region that unites oral and multimedia (polycode) texts of traditional regional linguaculture. The corpus is being developed at the Siberian Federal University and includes empirical material of complex folklore, dialectological, and ethnographic expeditions to Kezhemskiy, Boguchany and Motygino areas. The article describes the basic principles of the corpus, i.e. representativeness, synchronism, and regionality, as well as the thematic, genre, functional, and semantic diversity of oral and polycode texts. Culturally marked oral texts are included in the corpus based on their linguistic and cultural informativeness. The corpus is divided into dialect, folklore, and multimedia subcorpuses of valuable information, which can solve various issues of Russian studies, as well as practical issues of linguacultural ecology. The information search process depends on several parameters: speech and folklore genre, topic, basic concept, and word. The article also contains a comparative analysis with other specialized corpora of oral speech, which revealed prospects for further development and application. The linguacultural corpus of the Northern Angara Region contributes to regional lexicography and other branches of Russian studies, e.g. Siberian linguaculture, language and culture, language and mentality, etc.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Imen Gmach ◽  
Nadia Abaoub ◽  
Rubina Khan ◽  
Naoufel Mahfoudh ◽  
Amira Kaddour

PurposeIn this article the authors will focus on the state of the art on information filtering and recommender systems based on trust. Then the authors will represent a variety of filtering and recommendation techniques studied in different literature, like basic content filtering, collaborative filtering and hybrid filtering. The authors will also examine different trust-based recommendation algorithms. It will ends with a summary of the different existing approaches and it develops the link between trust, sustainability and recommender systems.Design/methodology/approachMethodology of this study will begin with a general introduction to the different approaches of recommendation systems; then define trust and its relationship with recommender systems. At the end the authors will present their approach to “trust-based recommendation systems”.FindingsThe purpose of this study is to understand how groups of users could improve trust in a recommendation system. The authors will examine how to evaluate the performance of recommender systems to ensure their ability to meet the needs that led to its creation and to make the system sustainable with respect to the information. The authors know very well that selecting a measure must depend on the type of data to be processed and user interests. Since the recommendation domain is derived from information search paradigms, it is obvious to use the evaluation measures of information systems.Originality/valueThe authors presented a list of recommendations systems. They examined and compared several recommendation approaches. The authors then analyzed the dominance of collaborative filtering in the field and the emergence of Recommender Systems in social web. Then the authors presented and analyzed different trust algorithms. Finally, their proposal was to measure the impact of trust in recommendation systems.

2022 ◽  
pp. 185-209
Vicki Lawal ◽  
Connie Bitso

This chapter examines the concept of autoethnography as a qualitative research method. It aimed to investigate the critical question of the importance of autoethnography as a transformative scientific research method for the purpose of generating and sharing knowledge to advance research in information science. The chapter is an exploratory study investigating the current context of autoethnography in information science, its applicability to the field for transformative learning and knowledge sharing, and possible challenges to be experienced. Findings indicate the potential of the autoethnographic method to provide the opportunity for information professionals to study experiences of information use in diverse contexts of information science. Recommendations highlight the viability of the application of sense making theory and the information search process (ISP) model to research practices in autoethnography by information scientists.

Micol Mieli

AbstractThe paper explores tourists’ smartphone-related information behavior on site in light of the concept of “planned serendipity”. The ability to gather information at anytime and anywhere can deeply influence tourists’ behavior, their information needs and the outcomes of their travel plans. In this study, the concept of planned serendipity is used to suggest that the outcome of travel information behavior on site is not entirely planned nor entirely serendipitous. The study employs the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) in combination with qualitative interviews, which allow the researcher to gather data both during the participants’ trip and afterwards. The thematic analysis resulted in four main themes related to information search connected to smartphone use: flexible plans; orientation in time and space; specificity of the query; aiming for optimization. Such conditions result in planned serendipity. The study thus contributes to the conceptualization of planned serendipity as an outcome of smartphone use during travel for information purposes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 05001
Galina Sergeevna Bondareva ◽  
Nikolay Sergeevich Bondarev

The study examines the organization of a new business for the harvesting and processing of wild plants based on the development of traditional industries, trades and crafts of rural residents. As process solutions, a block of design justifications is presented, aimed at developing practical measures on the stated topic. In particular, the emphasis is placed on the economic justification and social significance when organizing a business for processing wild plants. In the substantive part of the study, a model for calculating capital investments is presented; sources of financing for a business project are indicated. Separately, it is worth highlighting the element of practical implementation, including the technical modernization of the production process of processing raw materials, namely, the improvement of the technological process through the use of microwave vacuum drying technology. The calculation of the need for personnel is performed; the possible qualification requirements for employees are indicated. The research of the market of similar products based on information search was carried out. An overview of the average retail prices is made according to the Internet portal “Russian agro-industrial server”, on the basis of which the forecasted amounts of proceeds from sales and the expected profit from organizing a business for processing wild plants are calculated. Significant expected results are: an increase in the standard of living of the population collecting and harvesting wild plants; providing employment in rural areas; saturation of the market with products of wild plants; strengthening of competitive positions; saturation of the market with locally produced products; increasing the profitability of regional and local budgets. It is assumed that at the initial stage, the manufactured products will be sold mainly in the region. The sale will be carried out through trade networks, as well as in markets, stationary retail outlets, fairs, exhibitions, the main consumers of the products will be the population of the Kemerovo region.

Siddhesh Masrurkar ◽  
Aditi K. Panchal ◽  
Hitesh M. Bhanushali

In this study searched for the survey paper on recommendation system. Recommendation system sorts through massive amounts of data to identify interest of users and makes the information search easier. For that purpose many methods have been used. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a method of making automatic predictions about the interests of customers by collecting information from number of other customers, for that purpose many collaborative base algorithms are used. Web Recommendation(WR) help the website visitors for easy navigation of web pages, quickly reaching their destination and to obtain relevant information. Content based filtering method(CBF) filtering is done based on customer’s interested items. In content-based filtering technique, the web pages are recommended for a user very quickly from ancient database. In that database different content of items are added that the user has used in the ancient times and/or user’s personal information and preferences.

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