scholarly journals Sobre adesões e críticas ao modelo de usuário racional em pragmática: o recurso à psicanálise

Daniel do Nascimento e SILVA ◽  
Paulo Sérgio de SOUZA JR.

RESUMO Este trabalho revisita a noção de usuário em vertentes anglo-americanas e continentais da pragmática linguística. Delineamos alguns dos pressupostos da ideia de usuário racional, defendida por filósofos como Paul Grice e John Searle, bem como algumas assunções da crítica a esse modelo, realizada por pragmaticistas de tradições continentais, discursivas ou brasileiras. Historicamente, identificamos, nas primeiras décadas da pragmática linguística (1980 e 90), um recurso frequente à psicanálise na desconstrução do modelo de usuário racional - diálogo que foi se tornando rarefeito nas décadas seguintes. Aventamos que a possível natureza dessa atual recusa encontra-se numa intepretação equivocada de que a psicanálise seja uma teoria do indivíduo, ao passo que a pragmática seria uma teoria da sociedade. Apontamos, finalmente, para a premência do diálogo entre pragmática e psicanálise, sobretudo porque os campos têm compartilhado uma vigorosa crítica ao indivíduo intencional.

2015 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-113
Irén Láncz

A mindennapi kommunikációban gyakran hangzanak el olyan megnyilatkozások, amelyeket nem szó szerint kell értenie a hallgatónak, mert a beszélő szándékolt jelentése eltér a megnyilatkozás alapjául szolgáló mondat jelentésétől. A közvetett beszédaktusok klasszikus elméletét John Searle dolgozta ki. Searle elmélete szerint a közvetett beszédaktusok kimondásakor a beszélő úgy értheti a mondatot, ahogy mondja, de közben mást is ért rajta. A szándékolt jelentés a következtetés bonyolult folyamatával fejthető meg a háttérismeretek figyelembevételével. Paul Grice az inferenciaelmélet keretében mutatja a közvetett beszédaktusokat. A beszélő szándékának felismerését ő is fontosnak tartja, és a jelenség magyarázatához két fogalmat vezet be, az implikatúra és az együttműködési elv fogalmát. A két elméletalkotó nézetei között lényeges különbségek vannak. A relevanciaelmélet nem húz éles határt a szó szerinti és a nem szó szerinti jelentés között. Grice elméletére építve Sperber és Wilson kétféle szándékot különböztet meg, az informatív és a kommunikatív szándékot. Feltevésük, hogy az értelmezés során a kóddal kapcsolatos elemzés kiegészül a teljes interpretációt lehetővé tevő következtetési folyamatokkal. De ezek a folyamatok nemcsak a nyelvre jellemzőek. A nem szó szerinti jelentés az alapja a metaforának és az iróniának, és a fikció is kapcsolatba hozható a nem szó szerinti jelentéssel.

1990 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-76 ◽  
Anna Wierzbicka

Abstract The author argues that the differences in the ways of speaking prevailing in different societies and different communities are profound and systematic, and reflect the different cultural values. In the past, the extent of the differences between different language communities in their ways of speaking was often underestimated. In particular, the search for universals in language use inspired by language philosophers such as Paul Grice (1975, 1981) and John Searle (1969, 1979) often led to the identification of the mainstream American English with the “normal human ways of speaking”. The last decade has witnessed a growing reaction against this kind of misguided universalism,resulting in the birth of a new discipline: cross-cultural pragmatics. The progress of this new discipline, however, has been hampered by the lack of a suitable metalanguage. Researchers in this field tend to rely heavily on vague and undefined terms such as “directness”, “indirectness”, “harmony”, “solidarity”, which are used differently by different authors, or by the same authors but on different occasions. This leads to confusion, and to a lack of consensus and clarity even on the most basic points. The author argues that to compare cultures in a truly illuminating way we need a culture-independent perspective, and that one can reach such a perspective by relying on a natural semantic metalanguage, based on universal semantic primitives. These claims are illustrated in the paper with numerous examples.

باديس لهويمل (Badis Lihoeml)

ملخص البحث:يهدف هذا المقال إلى عرض مقارنة بين نظرية الاستلزام الحواري لـ"بول غرايس" وبعض مقترحات السكاكي في علم البيان، خاصةً في التشبيه والمجاز والكناية عبر الإجابة عن الإشكالية الآتية: ما نوع العلاقة المعرفية التي تربط بين ما جاء به السكاكي في علم البيان، وما أتى به بول غرايس وجون سيرل في وصفهما للاستلزام الحواري، والأفعال الكلامية غير المباشرة على التوالي؟ وصلت الدراسة إلى بعض النتائج المهمة، ومنها: لعلّ هذه الإطلالة والمقابلة بين "السّكاكي" من جهة و"جون سيرل" و"بول غرايس" من جهة أخرى، فيما يخصّ المعنى غير الحرفي أو المعنى غير الطبيعي، تعكس قدرة المفتاح على القرض والاقتراض مع النّظريات اللّسانية الحديثة مثل التّداولية واللّسانيات الوظيفية، ممّا يبيّن عمق الرّؤية البلاغيّة والتّداولية للسّكاكي في تحليله لمنطق اللّغة العربيّة وبحثه عن المعنى فيها.                                                                      الكلمات المفتاحية: الاستلزام الحواري-السّكاكي-التشبيه-المجاز-الاستعـارة. Abstract:This article aims to highlight the difference between Paul Grice and John Searle’s theory of Conversational Implicature and some of as Sukaky suggestions in ‘ilm al Bayan, specifically in simile, allegory and metonymy in answering the following: what are the common characteristics shared by as Sukaky in ‘ilm al Bayan and Paul Grice and John Searle as far as conversational implicature and indirect speech acts are concerned. The major conclusion of this study is: hopefully the discussion and comparison between as Sukaky on one side and Paul Grice and John Searle on the other, particularly on the issue of direct meaning and unnatural meaning, would be able to show a close link between modern linguistics theory e.g. pragmatics and functional linguistics and rhetoric and pragmatics views as thoroughly presented by as Sukaky in his analysis of the logic of Arabic Language and its meaning.Keywords: Conversational Implicature- as Sukaky- Simile- Allegory- Personification.Abstrak:Artikel ini akan mengemukakan perbandingan antara teori implikasi Paul Grice dan beberapa pandangan as-Sakakiyy dalam ilmu Retorik, khususnya dalam perumpamaan, metafora dan kiasan, dengan menjawab persoalan-persoalan berikut: apakah perkaitan antara pandangan as-Sakakiyy dalam ilmu Retorik serta Paul Grice dan John Searle tentang teori implikasi serta tindakan lisan secara tidak langsung? Perbandingan antara ketiga-tiga padangan dari segi maksud bukan literal atau tidak normal, mencerminkan kelebihan karya Miftahul ‘Ulum yang mampu beradaptasi dengan teori-teori liguistik baru seperti liguistik pragmatik dan fungsi, yang membayangkan ketelitian pandangan retorik serta pragmatik oleh as-Sakakiyy dalam perbahasan logika dan makna dalam Bahasa Arab.  Kata kunci: Teori Implikasi- as-Sakakiyy– Perumpamaan– Metafora– Personifikasi.

1988 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 1-13
N. E. Collinge

If any branch of linguistic analysis has in recent times been expansive and successful, it is pragmatics. This sector of the study of meaning concerns itself with what utterances achieve in interactive communication; that is, with how speaker works on hearer in real exchanges. The objects of this research are signs and their users (not signs-plus-designata, which is semantics, or expressions-plus-relations, which is part of semantics and all of syntax). It emerged as a riposte to both logical positivism and Carnapian formalism, out of the observations of John Austin, as elaborated by John Searle, and the maxims of Paul Grice. Many have since contributed and the discipline has its ownchefs d'oeuvreand its own journal and several series. To put in a nutshell what is conveyed in volumes, this approach has been by five avenues, as follows.

Escribanía ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Andrés Felipe Daza Castañeda

Este trabajo pretende analizar doce fragmentos de la obra La caverna de José Saramago, a través de los principios pragmáticos de John Austin, de John Searle y especialmente de los principios de Paul Grice. Esto, para evidenciar las múltiples violaciones abiertas del principio de cooperación y de las máximas conversacionales, actos insinceros, silencios y reducciones en los actos comunicativos de los personajes, que son provocados por la influencia del Centro Comercial. Lo anterior permitirá concluir, desde los aspec- tos literarios y pragmáticos, que el escritor utiliza el lenguaje a través de la figura del Centro Comercial, para manipular los actos comunicativos de los personajes de la obra. Esto para demostrar que propuestas como la de Mary Louise Pratt, que plantea utilizar la pragmática para analizar una obra literaria, son po- sibles.

Siobhan Chapman

2011 ◽  
Michael Kober ◽  
Jan G. Michel

G. R. F. Ferrari

The communicative scale is introduced. What is fundamental to communication is the intention of the communicator rather than the codes that languages employ. Following the model first proposed by Paul Grice and developed in Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson’s ‘relevance theory’, the structure of communicative intentionality is understood to be recursive: its underlying form is ‘I want you to know that I want you to know’. This leaves room for a simpler kind of transmission, to be called ‘intimation’, whose underlying form would be ‘I want you to know’. If communication is a transmission at the ‘full-on’ position of the scale, and if the switch is off when no communication is intended, then intimation would be at the intermediate, ‘half-on’ position. Intimation is particularly useful in contexts where discretion, suggestiveness, or plausible deniability are needed. It is strongly connected to self-presentation in social life (as studied by Erving Goffman).

Hallie Liberto

This article explores warnings and threats through the lens of popular illocutionary taxonomies. It argues that if we tap into moral philosophy to help carve out some important distinctions between types of warnings and threats, we find that these more specific concepts do constitute illlocutions. It shows that the principles used by John Searle, Kent Bach, and John Harnish to differentiate the categories of illocutions can be employed to analyze warnings and threats. When unconditional, warnings generally have what Searle calls an assertive illocutionary point, and threats a commissive (commitment-making) illocutionary point. However, the best way to explain conditional threats or warnings is through a combination of illocutions. The article concludes by describing a specific type of threat: noncommittal threats. It argues that noncommittal threats, unlike all other threats, involve assertions.

1982 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 509-526 ◽  
Thomas Hurka

John Searle has charged R.M. Hare's prescriptivist analysis of the meaning of ‘good,’ ‘ought’ and the other evaluative words with committing what he calls the ‘speech act fallacy.’ This is a fallacy which Searle thinks is committed not only by Hare's analysis, but by any analysis which attributes to a word the function of indicating that a particular speech act is being performed, or that an utterance has a particular illocutionary force. ‘There is a condition of adequacy which any analysis of the meaning of a word must meet,’ Searle writes, ‘and which the speech act analysis fails to meet. Any analysis of the meaning of a word must be consistent with the fact that the same word (or morpheme) can mean the same thing in all the different kinds of sentences in which it can occur.' Hare maintains that the word ‘good’ is used to indicate the speech act of prescribing. He maintains that one of the principal functions of this word is to indicate that utterances of sentences containing it have prescriptive illocutionary force, and that an analysis of its meaning must make explicit and ineliminable reference to this force-indicating function. But ‘good’ regularly occurs in sentences utterances of which appear to have no prescriptive illocutionary force.

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