scholarly journals Organização do trabalho e adoecimento dos bancários: uma revisão de literatura

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (128) ◽  
pp. 216-233
Elver Andrade Moronte ◽  
Guilherme Souza Cavalcanti de Albuquerque

RESUMO Este artigo apresenta uma análise de produções científicas das relações entre saúde e trabalho dos trabalhadores bancários, encontradas em teses, dissertações, artigos das literaturas nacional e inter nacional, produzidos nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, no período de 2008 a 2018. A pesquisa foi feita em bases de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e da PubMed, utilizando-se os temas ‘bank workers’ e ‘bank employees’, assim como os descritores ‘environmental health’, ‘antidepressive agents’, ‘occupational diseases’, ‘stress, psychological’, ‘depressive disorder’, ‘burnout, professional’, ‘cumulative trauma disorders’ e os termos livres ‘occupational stress’, ‘stress’, ‘ psychological distress’ e ‘psychosocial work environment’. Foram encontrados 120 estudos, dos quais, 37 tratavam especificamente do tema. A análise permitiu encontrar uma descrição da visão predominante na literatura acerca das características do trabalho nos bancos que se relacionam ao sofrimento, ao desgaste e ao adoecimento dos trabalhadores. A forma de organização do processo de trabalho no setor bancário se relaciona com o sofrimento e o adoecimento, podendo levar ao suicídio. Apesar da relação estabelecida entre trabalho e adoecimento, a descrição da organização do trabalho é superficial nos estudos, sendo seu aprofundamento importante para a compreensão e a transformação desse panorama.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Augusto Henrique Alves de Oliveira ◽  
José Duarte Saraiva Neto ◽  
Maurício Novais Almeida ◽  
Letícia Stefenon

AbstractDentists are more likely to develop occupational diseases due to the routine use of arms and shoulders with the same patterns of movement. Musculoskeletal disorders encompass several pathologies that are the main cause of early worker withdrawal and can lead to symptoms that hinder professional activity, such as pain, fatigue and even the spine functional impairment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms related to the dentists’ professional activity. This is a cross-sectional quantitative study. Data collection was performed at the Dental Specialties Centers in the cities of Crato, Juazeiro do Norte and Mauriti in the state of Ceará. To collect the data an interview script and the Nordic questionnaire - adapted NMQ were used. Of those interviewed, 83.33% reported pain in the last 12 months; 46.66% reported some pain in the last 7 days; 36.66% reported that pain was an obstacle to work; 53.33% sought a health professional for consultation related to pain in the last 12 months; and 90% correlated the pain experienced with work. The anatomical regions that most professionals reported were pain in the lower back, neck, hands, shoulders and upper back. Given the severity of musculoskeletal symptoms and their consequences on the health of dentists, it is fundamental to adopt practices that aim to prevent their onset.Keywords: Ergonomics. Cumulative Trauma Disorders. Musculoskeletal. Signs and Symptoms. Pain.ResumoCirurgiões-dentistas estão mais propensos a desenvolver doenças ocupacionais devido ao uso rotineiro dos membros superiores com os mesmos padrões de movimento. Os “distúrbios osteomusculares” abrangem diversas patologias, que configuram a principal causa do afastamento precoce do trabalhador e podem se traduzir em sintomas que dificultam a atividade profissional, como dores, fadiga e até comprometimento funcional da coluna vertebral. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência dos sintomas osteomusculares relacionados à atividade profissional dos cirurgiões-dentistas. Trata-se de um estudo transversal de abordagem quantitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada nos Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas nas cidades de Crato, Juazeiro do Norte e Mauriti no estado do Ceará. Para a coleta dos dados foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista e o questionário nórdico – NMQ adaptado. Dos entrevistados, 83,33% relataram dor nos últimos 12 meses; 46,66% relataram alguma dor nos últimos 7 dias; 36,66% alegaram que a dor foi motivo de impedimento para exercer seu trabalho; 53,33% procuraram algum profissional de saúde para consulta relacionada às dores nos últimos 12 meses; e 90% correlacionaram as dores sentidas com o trabalho. As regiões anatômicas que os profissionais mais relataram dor foram a lombar, pescoço, mãos, ombros e região dorsal. Diante da gravidade dos sintomas osteomusculares e de suas consequências sobre a saúde dos cirurgiões-dentistas, torna-se fundamental a adoção de práticas que objetivem prevenir o seu aparecimento.Palavras-chave: Ergonomia. Transtornos Traumáticos Cumulativos. Sinais e Sintomas. Dor.

2020 ◽  
Sera Manik

Ergonomi menjadi pilar kesehatan dan menjadi salah satu indikator kesejahteraan. perbaikan ergonomi perlu dilakukan sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan terhadap penyakit CTDs (Cumulative Trauma Disorders) akibat faktor risiko kerja postur janggal, beban, frekuensi dan durasi yang bersumber dari pekerjaan, seperti nyeri tengkuk, nyeri pinggang bawah atau low back pain, rasa baal pada jari telunjuk, jari tengah dan jari manis yang disertai nyeri terbakar pada malam hari, kekakuan, lemah dan nyeri saat tangan digunakan dan dikenal dengan nama Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Dalam ergonomi, postur tubuh adalah faktor yang sangat penting, salah satunya postur duduk yang setiap orang lakukan setiap hari dalam durasi berjam-jam. Tujuan utama membuat desain ergonomi untuk kursi atau tempat duduk dan meja adalah menciptakan sedemikian rupa bentuk kursi dan meja belajar, sehingga dapat mempertahankan postur tulang punggung yang fi siologis, dengan demikian diharapkan kerja otot tidak perlu berkontraksi secara berlebihan. Masalah ketidaksesuaian aspek ergonomi antara sarana kerja dan manusia serta pengaruhnya terhadap kesehatan belum mendapatkan perhatian yang serius di Indonesia. Hal ini terbukti dengan masih banyaknya tempat-tempat kerja yang belum berpedoman dengan kaidah ergonomi dalam hal penyediaan peralatan kerja bagi tenaga kerja. Ketepatan dimensi merupakan salah satu faktor penentu kenyamanan yang menunjang aspek fungsional dari suatu rancangan. Untuk menghasilkan suatu desain yang tepat dimensi perlu pertimbangan yang matang dan observasi yang cermat terkait dengan faktor manusia sebagai pengguna produk.

Jonas Vinstrup ◽  
Annette Meng ◽  
Emil Sundstrup ◽  
Lars L. Andersen

Background: Poor psychosocial work conditions are known to foster negative health consequences. While the existing literature on this topic focus mainly on white-collar workers, the influence of different aspects of the psychosocial work environment in physically demanding jobs remain understudied. Likewise, senior workers represent a population of the workforce at increased risk of adverse health outcomes and premature exit from the labour market. This study investigates the association between psychosocial work factors and perceived stress among the senior work force. Methods: Utilizing cross-sectional findings, this study reports associations between psychosocial factors (organizational justice, cooperation and collegial support, decision latitude, clarity of tasks, and quality of leadership) and the outcome of perceived stress quantified by Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale (CPSS). Currently employed senior workers with physically demanding jobs were included in the analyses (n = 3386). Associations were modeled using general linear models with weights to make the estimates representative. Results: For all individually adjusted psychosocial variables, the category of “good” was consistently associated with lower stress scores compared to the categories of both “moderate” and “poor” (all p < 0.0001). Likewise, in the mutually adjusted analysis, the category of “good” was statistically different from “poor” for all included variables, while the category of “moderate” remained different from “poor” for “clarity of tasks”, “cooperation and collegial support”, and “decision latitude”. Conclusions: Among senior workers with physically demanding jobs, poor ratings of organizational factors related to the psychosocial work environment are consistently associated with high stress scores. Blue-collar occupations focusing primarily on physical risk factors are recommended to increase awareness on psychosocial aspects that may be relevant to the local work environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 116 ◽  
pp. 78-85 ◽  
Clara Llorens ◽  
Albert Navarro ◽  
Sergio Salas ◽  
Mireia Utzet ◽  
Salvador Moncada

2005 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 655-664 ◽  
Melanie Lavoie-Tremblay ◽  
Renee Bourbonnais ◽  
Chantal Viens ◽  
Michel Vezina ◽  
Pierre J. Durand ◽  

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