professional activity
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2022 ◽  
Lucia Bîtca ◽  

Increasing competition in the organizational environment and strengthening human capital can greatly contribute to the ability to close existing gaps in the development process and ensure a more competitive level, and the professional development process includes not only setting career goals and training agreements, but also evaluations and the feedback needed to assess progress. By optimizing nonverbal skills and forming impression management strategies promoted by psychological training in enhancing the knowledge and skills of police employees, they serve as a basis for organizational projects designed to facilitate self-realization of internal potential and stimulate their involvement in the organization. Organizational behavior is the study of the behaviors of individuals, which involves understanding, predicting and controlling human behavior, models and structures, in order to improve the environment, performance and efficiency of the organization. The original of this paper is that the research results led to the identification of components and mechanisms for producing change at the macro-, meso- and microsocial level, which uses a perpetual mobilization of social actors in organizations. Another novelty, for a wider geographical area of ​​scientific research, is the application of an intervention methodology in the training impression management strategies through nonverbal communication, with the purpose and purpose in developing relational skills and optimizing professional activity. The information obtained in research on nonverbal communication and impression management tactics on the organizational environment, can be applied for the development of programs for organizational counseling activities, business coaching and large-scale developmental training, promoted through managerial and corporate profile.

Anna Shapieva ◽  
Anna Rusanova ◽  
Viktoriya Lavrikova ◽  
Elena Filippova

Contemporary university education develops professional identity and builds customized academic trajectories. Career guidance technologies provide professional self-awareness and personality professionalization. At university, career guidance work is an integral part of continuous professional development of a future specialist. It covers pre-university education, higher professional education, and employment assistance. The present research featured the career guidance work conducted at the Transbaikal State University. The analysis showed that the current system lacks innovations, cannot solve the employment problem, and does not provide conditions for successful professional identity. The article introduces a set of project conditions of customized career guidance work with 1) applicants, in order to promote a conscious career choice; 2) students, to support their professional competencies and identity; 3) graduates, to facilitate their employment. The proposed comprehensive approach to career guidance will allow the university to improve the academic process and to work with the community from secondary school to the onset of professional activity.

IFLA Journal ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 034003522110611
Gabriel J Gardner

This article presents a bibliometric analysis of the library and information science literature to trace the emphasis that intellectual freedom and neutrality have received relative to an index of alternative and possibly competing topics. Emphasis is captured longitudinally by recording the number of results for various search terms associated with intellectual freedom, neutrality, diversity, equity, and inclusion in Web of Science from 1993 through 2020 and Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts from 1970 through 2020. The results show that the number of works mentioning intellectual freedom and neutrality has increased only slightly over the study period, in sharp contrast to many entries on the diversity, equity, and inclusion index. With research interests being partially indicative of personal beliefs and professional activity, the impact of this relative change in emphasis on professional practice is discussed. Public controversies regarding library neutrality, intellectual freedom, and freedom of expression in libraries are summarized.

Management ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-76
Iryna Goncharenko

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. For student youth the process of entering the profession and harmonization of interactions with professional environment and future professional activity is the key moment of life activity. This process, according to the majority of modern researchers, is a certain complexity and contradiction both for students and for higher education institution, as well as social institutions and organizations acting as social customers.METHODS. The study of the process of adaptation of student youth to research and professional activity was carried out on the basis of the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design. Assessment of students' expectations regarding studies, the level of students' awareness of the future professional and scientific activity was carried out with the help of the University Hackathon Ecosystem toolkit. Processing of the obtained results of the survey was carried out on the basis of the "Methodology of research of students' adaptability to dual education in higher education". The methodology includes two scales: adaptability to professional activity and adaptability to research activity.FINDINGS. The following directions of training are distinguished: professional, social and research, as well as stages of adaptation to professional training: learning identification, learning-professional activation, professional-value reflection. Integration of these directions allows us to organize activities that ensure formation of necessary professionally important qualities (competences) in students (graduates), agreed with potential employers and demanded by the corresponding profession. The conducted experiment on the basis of Hackathon-ecosystem of the university was carried out taking into account the directions of training and their corresponding adaptation criteria: professional direction – activity-result and motivation-value criteria; humanitarian – communication-professional criterion; research – personal-creative criterion.CONCLUSION. Students' adaptation to future professional and research activities can be defined as one of the most urgent social problems at the pre-production stage. This is due to the fact that the student spends one of the main periods of his life in a higher education institution, since it is at this time he is formed as a professional and as a person, masters the necessary competencies in order to achieve a certain professional and research level. At this stage the professional intentions of the individual and the requirements of the profession come into alignment, i.e. there is an adaptation to professional and research activities.

2022 ◽  
Ndidi I. Unaka ◽  
Ariel Winn ◽  
Adiaha Spinks-Franklin ◽  
Patricia Poitevien ◽  
Franklin Trimm ◽  

Racism and discrimination are the root of many pediatric health inequities and are well described in the literature. Despite the pervasiveness of pediatric health inequities, we have failed to adequately educate and prepare general pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists to address them. Deficiencies within education across the entire continuum and in our health care systems as a whole contribute to health inequities in unacceptable ways. To address these deficiencies, the field of pediatrics, along with other specialties, has been on a journey toward a more competency-based approach to education and assessment, and the framework created for the future is built on entrustable professional activities (EPAs). Competency-based medical education is one approach to addressing the deficiencies within graduate medical education and across the continuum by allowing educators to focus on the desired equitable patient outcomes and then develop an approach to teaching and assessing the tasks, knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to achieve the goal of optimal, equitable patient care. To that end, we describe the development and content of a revised EPA entitled: Use of Population Health Strategies and Quality Improvement Methods to Promote Health and Address Racism, Discrimination, and Other Contributors to Inequities Among Pediatric Populations. We also highlight the ways in which this EPA can be used to inform curricula, assessments, professional development, organizational systems, and culture change.

Management ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Svitlana Arabuli

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES. The changes in society associated with the country's transition to an innovative way of development radically change the nature and goals of labor activity. Profession under such conditions is considered by a person as a source of material well-being and gaining the desired social status. Professional self-determination occurs too late or is realized as forced, so the lack of opportunity to realize one's professional preferences has a negative impact on the individual and on society as a whole. As a result, in recent decades there has been a significant increase in the requirements of modern employers to the professional training of graduates of educational institutions. A young specialist must improve in the profession, be ready to change professional activity, i.e. be socially and professionally mobile, scientifically established, which can be realized with the help of Hackathon-ecosystem.METHODS. Collection of information, survey of students and teachers were carried out using a systematic approach on the basis of the Hackathon ecosystem. Processing of the obtained information, definition of scientific statements, generation of conclusions and practical recommendations were carried out with the help of the software product "Methodology of studying students' adaptation to dual education in higher education".FINDINGS. It is proved that the research activity of students is a necessary condition for their professional self-determination, acts as part of a holistic, long-term, dynamic process of entry into the profession and as a result of the choice and design of their future professional activity. Students' involvement in research activity largely determines the effectiveness of their social and professional development.CONCLUSION. Research activity of university students is an effective means of forming knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for personal and professional self-determination. It not only stimulates and motivates personal and intellectual development, contributes to the continuation of education, proves the degree of its readiness and acts as one of the guarantors of the success of the process of professional self-determination in general.

2022 ◽  
Nikolay Baryshnikov

The textbook examines the fundamental problems of professional intercultural communication, outlines the main components of the professional competence of a specialist in intercultural communication, his personal qualities necessary for successful professional activity. The author's concept of attack strategies and self-defense strategies in the communicative battles of professionals is presented. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. For students studying in the areas of training and specialties: 45.03.02 "Linguistics": profiles "Theory and practice of intercultural communication" and "Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures"; 45.05.01 "Translation and translation studies"; 41.03.05 "International relations"; 41.06.01 "Political sciences and regional studies". It is also of interest to specialists in the field of intercultural communication.

Katarína Vanková

The aim of social work in social services in the treatment of a prisoner is the mitigation of social problems or the elimination of their possible causes, and the preparation of a prisoner for release from prison. Social work, social services and social counselling are the specialised forms of care for an individual, the enhancement of his individual potentials, the optimisation of behaviour in the specific moments of his life. A relationship between a prisoner and a social worker is an important milestone which affects the quality of the counselling activity. However, the relationship develops step by step, and the social worker gradually gains trust and authority. However, in the development of such a relationship, the social worker in the helping profession must have certain principles to be followed. Social work in serving custody and serving an imprisonment sentence is a professional activity focused on clarifying the social problems of the prisoners which influenced their criminal activity, or whose existence is a risk factor for the resocialisation prognosis, so-called information assistance, support and counselling focused on limiting the negative effects of the prison environment and eliminating or minimising the causes of social problems. Social work in helping professions with prisoners belongs to a science area of social work. According to the place of work, we can divide social work with the punished persons into two subgroups: social work in the prison – i.e. penitentiary social work; and social work following the imprisonment sentence – post-penitentiary social work.

2022 ◽  
Zinaida Bakum ◽  
Iryna Savchak ◽  
Svitlana Kostiuk ◽  
Marianna Zhumbei ◽  
Roman Poznanskyy

The professional development of future specialists has to meet global and domestic standards. Cultural competence is essential for future professionals as it makes it easier to collaborate with foreign professionals, improve their competitiveness in the world labor market and increase the specialist’s ability to solve professional challenges. The study attempts to answer the questions about the importance of cultural competence development of non-philological students in the process of studying a foreign language and methodological approaches used in this process. The aim of the paper is to present the model of cultural competence formation of future non-philological specialties experts at the foreign languages classes and determine its main components and formation conditions. The study investigates how cultural competence development changes the value-based attitude towards future professional activity and promotes the interest in learning, personal and professional enrichment. Students of three Ukrainian higher educational institutions (from the first to third course) have taken part in the research. The research used conscious-comparative, audiolingual, and role-play methods. The study of the results, based on four criteria (cognitive, moral-axiological, communicative, cultural), showed that learners started to understand the necessity of cultural enrichment of disciplines. The research proved that the implementation of the given technique resulted in the improvement of students’ learning and cognitive activity and enhancement of the general level of training. The paper gives some recommendations for language teachers to organize the process of learning a language on a cultural basis.

Tatyana Maltseva

The article analyzes the scientific literature on the problem of liminality as a condition for the dynamics of subjective vitality in conjunction with professional activity. The phenomenon of subjective vitality is defined as the subject's level of vital forces, which exist in him as an adaptive and personal potential, the realization of which is necessary for a person to realize his uniqueness and integrity in order to establish a correspondence between various states in the person himself, as well as with the systems surrounding him. The article substantiates its actual role in professional activity, preservation of mental and physical health, in increasing the level of psychological well-being. Taking into account the fact that a certain number of professional situations can be better understood if we consider them through the prism of liminality - an intermediate state between otherness and norms, approaches to this concept are considered. Arnold van Gennep's views that life is characterized by transitions from one social group or situation to another. Victor Turner, expanding the understanding of liminality and describing its relevance to both traditional and modern societies. The works of Homi Bhabha, in which liminality is put forward as a state that allows self-construction through the rejection of imposed forms. The three-phase structure of the liminality of L.I. Fusu. Liminality in modern psychology is a state that occurs at the moment of transition from one stage of development to another, that is, associated with life changes or developmental crises, with changes in general, or with a situation of uncertainty. The article concludes that the problem of the development of subjective vitality is interconnected with the presence of the state of liminality and the conditions of the liminal situation. Liminality acts as a psychological condition for a change in the level of subjective vitality, leading to the need to revise the attitude to life, spiritual foundations and the system of values.

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