scholarly journals The Issue of Necessity of Determining the Category of Advenal Participants of the Russian Criminal Proceedings: Criminal Procedural Law and Criminalistic Aspects

Lex Russica ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 66-73
I. G. Smirnova ◽  
E. I. Foigel

A multinational character of our state (currently more than 204 nationalities live on the territory of the Russian Federation), a considerable representation of migrants and naturalized foreign citizens among the Russian population, a large number of foreign citizens who are in Russia illegally adversely affect criminality in the country and entail difficulties for the investigation of relevant criminal cases. At the moment, we can argue that a new element has emerged in the structure of the Russian population, namely: naturalized citizens of Russia and foreign citizens who differ in their ethnicity from the titular ethnic group and the peoples of the Russian Federation having national territorial formations on the basis of their national language, culture, traditions, mentality and values. The authors of the article believe that such persons form an independent group of advenals. Difficulties with the implementation of such principles as respect for the honor and dignity of such individuals, language of court proceedings, the right to freedom of religion considered in the paper result in drawing a conclusion about the necessity of development of methods of investigation of advenal crimes. They include a set of scientific premises and practical recommendations developed on the basis of such premises used to organize and implement identification, investigation, disclosure and prevention of crimes committed by advenal persons against advenal persons or crimes perceived by advenal persons whose personal characteristics, as reflected in their activities, determine the course of conduct of investigators collecting, examining and evaluating evidence in a case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 24-28
Irina P. Popova ◽  

Despite the desire of the domestic legislator to get away from the elements of the accusatory bias in criminal proceedings, at the pre-trial stages the rights and possibilities of the prosecution are much wider than the defense. That is why the participation of the defense attorney in the pre-trial stages of the criminal proceedings is becoming more relevant and serves as a procedural guarantee both to ensure the adversarial process of the parties and to ensure the suspect (accused) the right to defense. The grounds for the mandatory participation of a defense counsel may also arise in judicial stages, where the principle of adversarial process of the parties should be ensured by providing equal procedural opportunities to the parties. The normative consolidation of the grounds for the mandatory participation of a defender is not entirely flawless, in connection with which, the author considers some of them through the prism of providing appropriate procedural guarantees to the person against whom criminal prosecution is carried out. As a result of the study of the grounds specified in paragraph 3.1, 5–8 part 1 of Art. 51 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the author came to the conclusion that it is necessary to ensure the mandatory participation of counsel in pre-trial proceedings, as well as in the absence of the accused (defendant) in court proceedings.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-12
Latysheva N. A. ◽  

Judicial record-keeping, which in its content refers to judicial activity of a security, auxiliary nature, received an impetus for its development in connection with the amendments to the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation that entered into force on July 4, 2020. The introduction of innovations, which will take place through the organizational, guiding activities of the bodies of the judicial community – the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation and the bodies of the judicial community in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the improvement of regulatory regulation by authorized entities will allow realizing the needs of society in a new quality of relations between the judiciary and citizens of the Russian Federation. The article substantively defines the problems of the development of normative regulation in the course of ensuring arbitration proceedings, organizing constitutional and legal judicial statistics, exercising the rights of citizens to use the national language in the process of conducting judicial proceedings. In connection with the findings, options are proposed for generating ideas in the field of organizational support of justice.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Екатерина Ганичева ◽  
Ekaterina Ganicheva ◽  
Андрей Габов ◽  
Andrey Gabov ◽  
Мария Глазкова ◽  

This publication is the result of collective discussion at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation of the Concept of a common code of civil procedure adopted in 2014. The article deals with the problem of harmonization of legislation governing the consideration of the various categories of cases within the jurisdiction of the courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts. Particular attention is paid to the problems of access to justice, coordination of legislative activity, taking into account the future prospects of unification of the rules and institutions governing the procedural arrangements of civil, administrative and criminal proceedings. The article describes the objective relationship between the development of an of procedural law and the law on the judicial system, which must be taken into account when solving problems to ensure the effective operation of the courts at all stages of trial and in all judicial instances. Certain problems that arose after the unification of the higher judiciary authorities are reviewed, recommendations aimed at improving the structure and organizational forms of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are given.

Olga Aivazova ◽  
Galina Vardanyan ◽  
Irina Smirnova

The article discusses some aspects of proving in cases of crimes against legal entities. The criminalistic description of the victim represented by a legal entity determines specific details of applying criminalistic and criminal procedure measures aimed at the identification, investigation, detection and prevention of such crimes. Under the current Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, one of the elements of ordering criminal proceedings is the protection of rights and legal interests of organizations that became victims of crimes. Part 1 of Art. 42 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation details this guideline for the first time by giving legal entities, viewed as independent subjects of criminal procedure legal relations, the right to be recognized as victims of criminal actions if the crime inflicted damage on their property or business reputation. Nevertheless, the imperfections in the regulation of legal entities’ participation in criminal proceeding, and the insufficient attention to the specifics of realizing their rights and legal interests in comparison with the physical persons of a similar procedural status give rise to numerous problems. The complex of such problems has a negative impact on the effectiveness of investigating this category of crimes and, as a consequence, on the ability of criminal proceedings to produce the intended result. The literal interpretation of Part 1, Art. 42 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation points out that the consequences of such crimes must include the infliction of two types of damage simultaneously — «to property and to business reputation», which can hardly be considered a good de­finition from the standpoint of juridical technique. Quite naturally, the investigation and court practice shows that law enforcers, while collecting proof on the character and size of damage inflicted on legal entities as a result of a crime, usually limit themselves to proving material damage, and even this damage is not proven in full (the common omission being losses of expected income). As for the damage inflicted on business reputation of a legal entity, its establishment during criminal proceedings is still problematic and, in practice, there is usually a gap in proving it. The authors point out that incomplete character of evidentiary information regarding the infliction of damage on the business reputation of legal entities is inadmissible and present their recommendations for resolving this problem, including the use of specialist knowledge and the improvements in the tactics of specific investigatory actions aimed at obtaining criminalistically relevant information on the case.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-119
I. I. Golovko

This article examines the problem of the exercise of parental rights (guardianship rights) in relation to a minor. At present, there are quite numerous disputes between parents, other persons entitled to rights in relation to minors, about the place of residence of the child and about with whom he will live. Controversial issues are resolved both out of court proceedings and in court. The Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation establishes the powers of the prosecutor to apply to the court in cases of this category and to intervene to give an opinion.The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study of the peculiarities of the participation of a prosecutor in court proceedings in cases of the return of a child (on the exercise of access rights in relation to him). The tasks were to generalize judicial practice, identify violations in the consideration of cases by the courts, establish the specifics of the participation of the prosecutor in the proceedings in cases of this category. The author analyzes the issues of the prosecutors competence at the pre-trial stage of resolving disputes and the measures that he has the right to initiate in defense of the violated rights of the parent (another person who applied to the prosecutors office) in the administrative and judicial order. In connection with the consolidation in the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the right of the prosecutor to initiate proceedings in a court of general jurisdiction in cases of the considered category, attention is paid to the issues of determining jurisdiction and the subject of proof, the time frame for going to court, the time period for the proceedings, the time period for challenging the court decision. The emphasis is also placed on the implementation of the right of the prosecutor to intervene in the case to give an opinion. On the basis of the provisions of the 1980 Hague Convention, the results of practice, the generalization of the reasons for the cancellation of the decisions of the courts, the conclusions on the most significant aspects that need to be paid attention are substantiated. It is concluded that the judicial practice of considering cases of this category is being formed and is currently not free from violations of the requirements of the law. Attention is drawn to the conclusions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation based on the materials of the generalization of practice.

Lex Russica ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 81-91
M. A. Zheludkov

The relevance of the article is that in modern society, ensuring a full fight against crime involves including a solution to various problems in the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of persons against whom the crime has been committed. For example, in the criminal procedure the rights and obligations of “persons involved in the proceedings when checking reports of a crime are explained under the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Alongside it provides the possibility of exercising these rights to the extent that the procedural actions and procedural decisions affect their interests, including the right not to testify against themselves, their spouses and other close relatives, the range of whom is defined in para. 4 of art. 5 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Such persons are provided with the right to use the services of a lawyer, as well as to bring complaints about actions (inaction) and decisions of the investigating officer, the head of division of inquiry, the chief of body of inquiry, the investigator, the head of investigative body in the order established by Chapter 16 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation”. Still this sound rule lacks referencing to certain subjects defined in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. This leads to the fact that legal guarantees for persons who have not received the status of a participant in criminal proceedings remain declarative. The analysis of criminal cases revealed many inaccuracies, legislative gaps and contradictions, which play an important role in the fact that individuals or legal entities in respect of whom the crime has been committed do not have procedural rights to protect their interests within the period up to 30 days. The article aims to develop a mechanism for their protection from the moment of registration of a crime report by law enforcement agencies, taking into account a certain amount of knowledge on the activities of persons who were involved in the criminal process.

Tatiana Topilina

This article analyzes the problems of implementation of the right of access to justice for consideration of the criminal procedure dispute in accordance with the Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The author carefully examines the legislation of the countries of post-Soviet space on filing a complaint against actions (omissions), as well as decisions of the prosecuting agency in pretrial proceedings. The subject of this research is the norms of the Russian and foreign legislation that regulate the right of access to justice in criminal proceedings. The object is the legal relations arising in the context of implementation of the right of access to justice. The article employs the universal systemic method of cognition; comparative-legal, formal-legal, and statistical methods; as well as logical analysis of the normative legal acts. It is indicated that restriction of the access to justice for consideration of the criminal procedure dispute in accordance with the Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation is also established by the practice developed in law enforcement for evaluation of the complaint prior to its consideration involving  the parties with the possibility of making a decision on whether to remit or reject the complaint in the absence of legislatively specified grounds, which directly affects the number of addressed complaints. The conclusion is made on the need to specify the grounds for remitting the complaint of an applicant filed in accordance with the Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, for the purpose of excluding the possibility of decision made by the court that is not based on the law on remitting or rejecting the complaint for consideration (the Article 125 of Code of Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).

2019 ◽  
pp. 93-102
Oleksandr Biryukov

This article focuses on the analysis of certain aspects of the application of security measures in liquidation procedure governed by Bankruptcy Law. Arrest of property (according to Ukrainian legislation terminology — a seizure of property) as a temporary tool of enforcing future court decisions is a fairly popular legal tool to protect the parties’ property interests in money disputes. In modern court practice application of this legal remedy creates some difficulties, particularly, in bankruptcy cases. When administering these cases, the judges sometimes consider petitions regarding imposing arrests of property or freeing restrictions over the property imposed in civil, administrative and criminal cases. In such situations, there is a need to answer a question whether the commercial court in a bankruptcy case has a power to free arrests or other restrictions on using the property imposed by other courts. Current legislation i.e. both procedural law and bankruptcy law does not contain clear rules on how the judges should aсt in such situations. Different approaches to the application of bankruptcy proceedings regarding arrest of property influence the court practice in general. Some economic courts establish that the release of the debtor’s assets from bans and arrests during the bankruptcy proceeding is totally in accordance with the current law, other courts rule that commercial procedural code does not allow to free property from arrest imposed, for example, in civil cases as this arrest is done by civil procedural law. Arrests attached in the criminal proceedings have different nature and purpose. It is known that in most cases in the criminal law property arrest serves as means to ensure possible future confiscation of property that may have been obtained in an illegal way. During such court proceedings a special review is conducted in order to discover whether property in acquired legally. Therefore, in order to cancel arrest of the property the procedure should be exercised in accordance with the rules of the criminal proceedings. However, while imposing new arrests of property in criminal proceedings it should be taken into account that the legal status of a person who was declared bankrupt has changed, i.e. he is deprived of the right to dispose the property which becomes a subject for sale at public tenders. The main conclusion of this article is that existence of certain different approaches to application of security measures in different court proceedings can be explained by the fact that during the development of procedural laws the nature of insolvency relations and the peculiarities of the legal mechanisms used in bankruptcy cases were not fully taken into account.

A.I. Shmarev

The author of the article, based on the analysis of statistical indicators of the Prosecutor's office for 2018-2019 and examples of judicial practice, including the constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, examines the problematic issues of implementing the right to rehabilitation of persons unlawfully and unreasonably subjected to criminal prosecution, and the participation of the Prosecutor in this process. According to the author, the ambiguous judicial practice of considering issues related to the rehabilitation of this category of citizens requires additional generalization and analysis in order to make appropriate changes to the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 11 of 29.11.2011 "On the practice of applying the norms of Chapter 18 of the Criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation regulating rehabilitation in criminal proceedings". The examples given in the article of cancellation of lower-level court decisions were based on complaints of persons who independently sought to restore their rights, and not on the representations of the prosecutors involved in them, who were called upon to ensure the possibility of protecting human and civil rights and freedoms at the court session. The adoption of organizational measures, including those proposed by the author, in the system of the Prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation will increase the role of the Prosecutor in protecting the rights of illegally and unreasonably prosecuted persons.

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