scholarly journals Estimasi Umur Simpan Pliek-U Berdasarkan Kadar Air Menggunakan Model Arrhenius dan Metode Q10

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Rita Khathir ◽  
Riska Jannati ◽  
Raida Agustina

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga umur simpan  Pliek-U  menggunakan model Arrhenius dan metode Q10. Sebanyak 6 sampel Pliek-U yang sudah diketahui kadar air awalnya diberikan perlakuan suhu ekstrim 50, 60, dan 70˚C sampai kondisi Pliek-U mengalami penurunan mutu yang ditandai dengan perubahan warna dan bau. Perubahan berat sampel diamati dalam interval 30 menit. Selanjutya dilakukan perhitungan kadar air Pliek-U dan nilainya diplotkan dalam grafik di mana koordinat x nya sebagai waktu dan koordinat y nya sebagai kadar air. Gradien grafik adalah laju reaksi perubahan kadar air Pliek-U (k). Model Arrhenius adalah hasil plot nilai ln k terhadap 1/T dalam skala Kelvin. Selanjutnya dihitung nilai Q10 dan umur simpan Pliek-U dengan asumsi bahwa umur simpan sampel pada suhu ruang (30ºC) adalah 32 bulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai k Pliek-U pada suhu 50ºC 0,0621 dan nilai R2 sebesar 15,52%. Nilai k Pliek-U pada suhu 60ºC adalah 0,0826 dan nilai R2 sebesar 67,9%, dan nilai k Pliek-U pada suhu 70ºC adalah 0,0877 dan nilai R2 sebesar 54,39%. Persamaan Arrhenius Pliek-U berdasarkan perubahan kadar air adalah k = 27,454 . e-1.925(1/T) dengan R2 sebesar 91,47%. Nilai faktor percepatan reaksi (Q10) Pliek-U adalah 1,214. Umur simpan Pliek-U dapat ditentukan dengan persamaan tT1=32 .1,214(∆T/10).Shelf-life estimation of Pliek-U based on moisture changes by using Arrhenius and Q10 approachAbstract. The study aimed to predict the shelf-life of Pliek-U by using Arrhenius and Q10 approach. About 6 samples of Pliek-U, already known its moisture, were exposed to high temperatures of 50, 60, dan 70ºC to reach degradation quality characterized by color and odor changes. The alteration of weight was also observed at interval of 30minutes. Based on these data, the changes of moisture were calculated and the trend was drawn on a XY scatter chart. The gradien of the chart was the reaction rate of quality degradation (k). Then, the Arrhenius model was constructed by plotting ln k and 1/T (K) into a graph. Lastly, the Q10 and shelf-life were calculated by using assumption that the shelf-life at room temperature was about 32 months. Results showed that the k-value and R-square of Pliek-U at 50˚C was 0.0621 and 15.52%, respectively. The k-value and R-square of Pliek-U at 60˚C was 0,0826 and 67,9%, whereas the k-value and R-square of Pliek-U at 70˚C was 0,0877 and 54,39%. The Arrhenius model of Pliek-U based on moisture changes was k = 27,454. e-1.925(1/T) and R-square was 91.47%. The Q10-value of Pliek-U was 1,214 and the shelf-life of Pliek-U can be adjusted by using the model tT1=32 .1,214(∆T/10).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 319-328
Tjut Hedi Agam Akbar ◽  
Yusriana Yusriana ◽  
Syarifah Rohaya

Abstrak : Bumbu Masam Keueng kering instan dibuat dari rempah-rempah seperti cabai merah, bawang merah, bawang putih, asam sunti, kunyit dan jahe. Semua bahan tersebut dicuci kemudianndihaluskan dengannmenggunakan blender dengan penambahan air sebanyak 280 ml selanjutnya bahan dikeringkan dalam oven pengering pada suhu 50oC dalam waktu 9 jam, bahantersebut kemudian dihaluskan kembali menggunakan blender dan dikemas kedalam kemasan alumium foil sebanyak 20 gr. Dalam industri pangan perlu dilakukan penentuan umur simpan sehingga konsumen dapat mengetahui kondisi produk. Umur simpan adalah rentang waktu suatu produk mulai dari proses produksi hingga produk mengalami penurunan mutu atau tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan metode akselerasi penentuan umur simpan semi empiris dengan model Arrhenius. Pendugaan umurnsimpan ditentukan melalui perubahan mutu Bumbu Masam keueng kering instan yang dikemas dengan kemasan aluminium foil berdasarkan faktor suhu (S) yang terdiri atas 3 taraf yaitu : S1 = suhu ruang (27-30oC), S2 = 40oC, dan S3 = 50oC dan lama penyimpanan (P) yangnterdiri atas 5 taraf yaitu : P1 = 0 hari, P2 = 14 hari, P3 = 28 hari, P4 = 42 hari, dan P5 = 56 hari. Setiap kemasan sampel (20g) yang dipakai dianalisis sebanyak 2 kali ulangan. Umur simpan masam keueng berdasarkan parameter kritis kadar air jika disimpannpada suhunruang (27-30oC) akan bertahannselama 558 hari, padansuhu 40oC akan bertahan selama 384 hari, dan pada suhu 50oC akan bertahan selama 271 hari.Abstract : Instant dry Masam Keueng seasoning is made of spices such as red chili pepper, garlic, and red onion, sunti acid, turmeric and ginger. All of the ingredients are cleaned and mashed up with blender by adding 280 ml of water, then dried in an oven at 50oC during nine hours, after that re-mashed up in a blender and packed in an aluminum foil packaging for 20gr. In a food industry the shelf life determination is needed so that the consumer can know the condition of the product. Shelf life is a time span of a product from thenbeginning ofnthe production until encounter a quality degradation of unfeasible for consumption. This study is conducted with semi empirical shelf life estimation acceleration method and Arrhenius equation. Shelf life estimation is determined by the quality degradation of instant dry Masam keueng seasoning that is been packaged with aluminum foil packaging based on the temperature factor (S) which consists of three levels specifically: S1 = room temperature (27-30oC), S2 = 40oC. and S3 = 50oC, along with storage time (P) which consists of 5 levels specifically: P1 = 0 day, P2 = 14 days, P3 = 28 days, P4 = 42 days, and P5 = 56 days. Every sample packing (20g) used in analysis is two repetition as much. Thenshelf lifenof masam keueng seasoning basedoon the water content criticalnparameter at room temperature of 27-30oC will last for 558 days, at 40oC will last for 384 days, and at 50oC will last for 271 days.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 95-104
Delyansah Putra ◽  
Syafriandi Syafriandi ◽  
Diswandi Nurba

Abstrak. Informasi umur simpan kembang kol sangat penting untuk proses penanganan pasca panennya, sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko kerugian yang dihadapi oleh para petani dan pedagang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah model Arrhenius dan Q10 dapat digunakan untuk menduga umur simpan kembang kol berdasarkan total padatan terlarut. Kembang kol pilihan yang diperoleh dari pasar lokal disimpan dengan 5 variasi suhu ekstrim yaitu 50˚C,  55˚C, 60˚C, 65˚C, dan 70˚C. Selama penyimpanan tersebut dilakukan pengamatan nilai TPT sampai keadaan kembang kol sudah tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi lagi. Data perubahan nilai TPT diplotkan ke grafik dan modelnya dibaca dengan pendekatan linier. Nilai k yang menunjukkan laju reaksi perubahan TPT merupakan kemiringan dari model. Hasil plot ln k terhadap 1/T dalam skala Kelvin membentuk persamaan linier yang merupakan model Arrhenius. Penyimpanan kembang kol pada suhu ruang dilakukan untuk menentukan umur simpan aktual. Kemudian dengan nilai Q10 ditentukan umur simpan  kembang kol pada berbagai suhu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi fluktuasi nilai TPT selama penyimpanan kembang kol pada suhu ekstrim. Pada suhu 50˚C terjadi peningkatan TPT sebesar 0,001%brix per jam, pada suhu 55˚C terjadi peningkatan TPT sebesar 0,005%brix per jam, sedangkan pada suhu 65˚C  dan 70˚C terjadi penurunan TPT sebesar 0,001%brix per jam. Nilai R2 yang diperoleh dari model linier ini sangat rendah yaitu 3-43%.  Persamaan Arrhenius penurunan TPT kembang kol adalah  dengan R2 sebesar 12,7%. Nilai faktor percepatan reaksi (Q10) TPT buah kembang kol adalah 0,73, sedangkan umur simpan aktual buah kembang kol pada suhu 29˚C adalah 5 hari. Hasil pendugaan umur simpan kembang kol pada suhu  5, 10, 15, 20, dan 25˚C adalah 2,3 hari, 2,7 hari, 3,2 hari, 3,8 hari, dan 4,4 hari. Hasil pendugaan ini belum sesuai dengan umur simpan actual kembang kol.Shelf-life Estimation of Cauliflower based on Total Soluble Solids by using the Arrhenius and Q10 ApproachAbstract. The shelf-life information of cauliflower is very important for the good post harvest handling thus it can reduce loss facing by farmers or sellers. The study aimed to estimate the shelf-life of cauliflower based on its total soluble solid (TSS) by using Arrhenius and Q10 approach. The selected cauliflowers obtained from the local market were stored at extreme temperatures i.e. 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70˚C. During storage at extreme temperature, the TSS values were determined until the cauliflowers quality broken. The TSS data were plot into a graph as linear model. The k values were the slope of the curve. The linear curve between ln k value and 1/T at unit of K performed the Arrhenius model. The storage at room temperature was also conducted to observe the real shelf-life of cauliflower. Finally, by using the Q10 value, the shelf-life of cauliflower was estimated. Results showed that there were fluctuated changes of TSS during storage. At temperature of 50˚C the incident increase of TSS was about 0.001%brix hourly, at temperature of 55˚C the increase of TSS was about 0.005%brix hourly, whereas at temperature of 65 and 70˚C, the decrease of TSS was about 0.001%brix hourly. The R-square values were very low from3 to 43% only. The Arrhenius model of the TSS changes in cauliflower was(R2 =12.7%). The Q10 value was 0.73, and the real shelf-life of cauliflower at 29˚C was 5 days. The shelf-life estimations of cauliflower at  5, 10, 15, 20, and 25˚C were 2.3 days, 2.7 days, 3.2 days, 3.8 days, and 4.4 days, respectively. These estimated results of shelf-life were not suitable with the actual shelf-life.Therefore, it is necessary to study the shelf-life esrtyimation of cauliflower by using other parameters such as vitamin A and vitamin C.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 118 ◽  
Ervika Rahayu Novita Herawati ◽  
Rifa Nurhayati ◽  
Mukhamad Angwar

Abstract SHELF LIFE ESTIMATION OF COCOA POWDER-COATED BANANA CHIPS “PURBARASA” BASED ON TBA VALUE USING ARRHENIUS MODEL OF ACCELERATED SHELF LIFE TEST (ASLT) METHOD. Cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" is a banana chips made from local banana in Nglanggeran Village and coated with local cocoa powder. The products are sold using polypropylene packaging with 0.08 mm thickness. The change in quality of cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" during storage might occur for its rancidity which is caused by fat contained in cocoa powder and absorbed oil within banana chips during deep frying processed. This deterioration can decrease its shelf life. However, the shelf life of cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" has not been studied yet, hence, it is really necessary to estimate shelf life of this products in order to comply with the requirements of food safety labeling on its package. The method which can be used to estimate the shelf life of cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" is Accelerated Shelf Life Test (ASLT) with Arrhenius model. In this case, the parameter used were based on rancidity using TBA test. Observations of deterioration carried out at three different temperatures, i.e. 35, 45 and 55oC, every 7 days for 42 days. According to the study, the estimated shelf life of cocoa powder-coated banana chips "PURBARASA" at 10, 25, 28, 300C based on TBA test were 6.2, 4.6, 4.3 and 4.2 months respectively. Kata kunci: ASLT Arrhenius; cocoa powder-coated banana chips; shelf life; TBA   Abstract Keripik pisang salut cokelat “PURBARASA” merupakan produk olahan pisang lokal Desa Nglanggeran berupa keripik yang disalut bubuk cokelat lokal, dan dikemas menggunakan kemasan polipropilen dengan ketebalan 0,08 mm. Keripik pisang salut cokelat “PURBARASA” selama penyimpanan dapat mengalami penurunan mutu berupa ketengikan yang diakibatkan oleh kandungan lemak pada bubuk cokelat dan minyak sisa hasil penggorengan deep frying yang terserap pada keripik sehingga mempengaruhi umur simpan produk. Sampai saat ini, KUBE PURBARASA belum mengetahui umur simpan produk keripik pisang salut cokelat “PURBARASA” sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian pendugaan umur simpan produk guna memenuhi persyaratan pelabelan keamanan pangan pada kemasan produk pangan. Metode pendugaan umur simpan yang digunakan yaitu metode Accelerated Shelf Life Test (ASLT) Model Arrhenius. Parameter uji yang digunakan yaitu ketengikan berdasarkan angka TBA. Pengamatan penurunan mutu dilakukan pada tiga suhu yang berbeda yaitu suhu 350C, 450C dan 550C setiap 7 hari sekali selama 42 hari. Didapatkan estimasi umur simpan keripik pisang salut cokelat “PURBARASA” pada suhu 10, 25, 28, dan 300C berdasarkan angka TBA berturut-turut yaitu selama 6,2, 4,6, 4,3 dan 4,2 bulan. Keywords: ASLT Arrhenius; keripik pisang salut cokelat; umur simpan; TBA

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-38
Rita Khathir ◽  
Sarmedi Sarmedi ◽  
Bambang Sukarno Putra ◽  
Raida Agustina

Abstrak. Informasi umur simpan tomat sangat penting untuk proses penanganan pasca panennya sehingga dapat mengurangi resiko kerugian yang dihadapi oleh para petani dan pedagang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah model Arrhenius dan Q10 dapat digunakan untuk menduga umur simpan tomat berdasarkan nilai total padatan terlarut (TPT). Tomat segar terbaik yang diperoleh dari pasar induk disimpan dengan 3 variasi suhu ekstrim yaitu 50˚C, 60˚C dan 70 ˚C. Selama penyimpanan tersebut dilakukan pengamatan nilai TPT setiap 1 jam sekali, sampai keadaan tomat sudah tidak layak untuk dikonsumsikan lagi. Peralatan yang digunakan adalah refraktometer digital. Analisis model Arrhenius dilakukan dengan pendekatan persamaan linier. Pendugaan umur simpan dilakukan dengan metode Q10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model Arrhenius perubahan TPT tomat adalah k = 7,46x1012. e -8666/T . Energi aktivasi perubahan TPT buah tomat adalah 17.158 kal/mol. Nilai Q10 diperoleh sebesar 2,18. Pendugaan umur simpan dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan ini baik menggunakan basis suhu penyimpanan 10 maupun 30 °C. Umur simpan tomat pada suhu 30 °C adalah 4,4 dan 5 hari, sedangkan umur simpan tomat pada suhu 10 °C adalah 21 dan 23,8 hari. Perlu penelitian lanjutan untuk menduga umur simpan tomat menggunakan parameter mutu lain seperti vitamin C dan kekerasan untuk meningkatkan validitas hasil pendugaan umur simpannya.  The prediction of Tomato shelf life Based on Its Total Soluble Solid by Using Arrhenius and Q10 Model Abstract. The information about shelf life of tomato is necessary for its post harvest handling to reduce the loss facing by farmers and sellers. The study aimed to observe that the Arrhenius model and Q10 can be used to estimate the shelf life of tomatoes based on its total soluble solid (TSS). The fresh tomatoes obtained from the market were stored at three extreme temperatures i.e. 50˚C, 60 ˚C, and 70 ˚C. During the storing, the TSS was analyzed every hour, until the tomatoes quality was decreased. The TSS was observed by using refractometer. The Arrhenius model were evaluate through the TSS model in linier model. The shelf life estimation were calculated by Q10 method. Results showed that the Arrhenius model of TSS changes in tomatoes was k = k = 7.46x1012. e -8,666/T. The energy activation of TSS changes was about 17,158 kal/mol. The Q10 value was 2.18. The estimation of tomato shelf life can be run successfully by using the Arrhenius and Q10 approach, both at storage temperature basis of 10 and 30 °C. The shelf life of tomatoes at storage temperature 30 were 4.4 and 5 days, respectively, whereas at storage temperature 10 °C were 21 and 23.8 days, respectively. Therefore it is recommended for the further study to evaluate the other quality parameter changes such as vitamin C and hardness to improve the model.

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