The Color of Monogamy

Queer Faith ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 69-112
Melissa E. Sanchez

This chapter examines how an ideal of monogamy helps sustain intersecting gendered and racial hierarchies. Woman of color feminism has long censured the association of female sexual respectability with whiteness and social privilege, but this work generally dates the advent of that association to the establishment of modern slavery and colonialism. William Shakespeare’s sonnets, however, register the development of a fiction of somatic, heritable whiteness as a correlate of respectable sexuality, one disseminated in classical discourses celebrating male friendship and in imperial allegories of sexual conquest. Yet in their depiction of a three-way affair between the poet, a “fair” young man, and a “black” mistress, the sonnets conspicuously fail to cordon off rational and mutual “fair” male friendship from the humiliating enslavement of “black” female appetite. Instead, drawing on the Pauline theory of sin and grace that influenced thinkers from Martin Luther and John Calvin to Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, the sonnets dissolve the oppositions ostensibly embodied by the poet’s “two loves”—agency and passivity, mastery and submission, fidelity and promiscuity, purity and pollution—to imagine intimacies beyond the couple.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Monica Genelhu Fagundes

Ao abordar a arte, especifcamente a poesia, como meio (espaço e ato) de resistência, este ensaioparte de duas constatações e de uma confssão. As constatações: (1) para além de todo poder deordem histórica, de todo instrumento de coerção, seja político, econômico, ideológico, moralou cultural a que o homem esteja submetido e deva resistir, está a certeza da fnitude -- a sua ea daqueles que ama. Também (sobretudo, talvez) diante da consciência dessa condição mortalque limita, oprime e fere o humano, cabe resistir. O luto, como modo de lidar com a morte, é,portanto, ato de resistência; (2) Se a resistência se organiza no campo da arte, ela deve se valerdas armas próprias dessa linguagem, pelo que aqui importa, tanto quanto a temática abordadana poesia elegíaca de Camões, a forma poética como elaboração de um trabalho de luto. A confssão: este texto é em si mesmo um trabalho de luto, que se vale do exercício de pensamentopróprio do ensaio como forma para elaborar a perda que motiva sua escritura. A partir dessespressupostos e desse lugar de fala, realiza-se nas páginas que seguem uma leitura atenta de trêssonetos camonianos que compõem o assim chamado ciclo a Dinamene, pondo-os em diálogocom as reflexões de Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan e Jean Allouch sobre o luto, bem como coma teoria de Maurice Blanchot sobre a linguagem, que a concebe como trabalho de luto.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 239-247

I am grateful for the observations of these five wonderful and thought-provoking interlocutors: Camille Robcis, Todd Shepard, Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg, Regina Kunzel, and Michal Shapira. They have prompted me to read a whole range of clarifying texts—from Jacques Derrida's reflections on Friedrich Nietzsche to the work of classicist James Davidson on Michel Foucault and George Devereux (as well as more writings by Devereux) to historian Chris Waters's recovery of Edward Glover, and from literary scholar Shoshana Felman's brilliant Jacques Lacan-inspired rescue operation for psychoanalytic textual interpretation (in the special issue of Yale French Studies she edited in 1977) to Charles Shepherdson's turn-of-the-millennium revisionist take on Lacan and Foucault in Vital Signs. They have prompted me, too, to reconsider key texts by Sigmund Freud. And I am glad that the interlocutors challenge me with questions. These include: why the Left abandoned psychoanalysis (Robcis); how I have come to think about practices and desires and the relationships between “the sexual” and other realms of human existence (Shepard and Stewart-Steinberg, each in their own way); how a more integrated and comprehensive master narrative of psychoanalysis might be written, connecting the first and second halves of the twentieth century (Shapira); and how to delve more deeply into the role of analysands in shaping what counts as psychoanalysis (Kunzel).

2001 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-157
Daniel Lucas Lukito

Menurut kronologi sejarah, gereja Protestan mulai bereksistensi pada peristiwa Reformasi abad ke-16. Sekalipun ketika itu Martin Luther—dan juga kemudian John Calvin—menentang ajaran gereja Katolik Roma, mereka tidak bermaksud mendirikan gereja yang baru. Tujuan dari Reformasi itu sendiri adalah untuk menyerukan sebuah amanat agar gereja kembali kepada dasar ajaran dan misi yang sesungguhnya; gereja disadarkan dan dibangunkan agar berpaling pada raison d’etre dan vitalitasnya di bawah terang Injil. … Tulisan ini mencoba melihat teologi Reformasi dari segi hakikat/esensinya serta kaitan/relevansinya dengan iman Kristen pada masa kini. Karena keterbatasan ruang, penulis lebih banyak memfokuskan pembahasan pada pandangan J. Calvin (1509-1564) tentang esensi Reformasi itu sendiri, karena di dalam pemikiran Calvin-lah kita dapat menemukan pemikiran dasar tentang teologi Reformasi dalam struktur yang lebih mendalam dan sistematis.

Hilary Gatti

This chapter addresses the question of liberty in sixteenth-century religious debates. It first takes a look at the discussion between the Augustinian friar Martin Luther and Dutch humanist Erasmus of Rotterdam concerning the freedom of the will. The chapter then turns to the theological thinking of John Calvin and the reintroduction into the Protestant world of the notion of heresy. Hereafter the chapter details the circumstances surrounding the dramatic rupture between the friar Giordano Bruno and the Dominican order, including the philosophical doctrines which eventually landed him in the Inquisition. Finally, this chapter follows up on Bruno's insights through the commentary of theologians Richard Hooker and Jacob Harmensz, who is more widely known as Jacobus Arminius.

Roland Végső

The chapter examines the role of worldlessness in the works of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. The first half of the chapter concentrates on Freud and the way the worldlessness of life becomes the central problem of his metapsychological reflections. This inquiry allows us to define the Freudian unconscious as the location where the worldlessness of life and the worldlessness of thought meet. The second half of the chapter traces the idea of worldlessness in the works of Lacan. It focuses on Lacan’s discussions of the signifier, psychosis and anxiety. It concludes by arguing that Lacan defines psychoanalysis as the science of worldlessness.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-44
Kathleen Wellman

This chapter teases out many strands of Christian thought that inform the “Christian perspective” these curricula bring to bear in narrating history. It contends that they are unequivocally but narrowly Protestant. They reflect fundamental tenets of Martin Luther and John Calvin but incorporate facets of evangelicalism’s history from the eighteenth-century First Great Awakening to the present. Although the publishers do not acknowledge it, their understanding of “Christian” reflects every important evolution of evangelicalism and the battles fought both within that tradition and with external foes. The chapter highlights the broad variety of religious ideas contributing to these curricula’s undifferentiated “Christianity,” including providentialism, millennialism, and fundamentalism as well as narrower, minority religious views, notably dispensationalism, dominionism, and Christian Reconstructionism. These minority views were influential in shaping the contemporary alliance of the religious and political right.

Adriana De Albuquerque GOMES (UFSCar)

Sigmund Freud sempre expressou uma profunda admiração por figuras emblemáticas do Renascimento italiano. Seu interesse por Roma e pela antiguidade romana – referências importantes em sua obra – pode ser constatado, inclusive, pela grande quantidade de viagens que Freud realizou rumo a cidades italianas entre os anos de 1876 e 1923. É nesse período,então, que o fundador da Psicanálise publica Eine Kindheitserinnerung des Leonardo da Vinci (1910) e Der Moses des Michelangelo (1914). Este fato chamou a atenção de autores como Eric Fromm e Jacques Lacan, os quais, na década de 60 do século XX, teceram considerações completamente divergentes acerca da complexa relação de Freud com o humanismo renascentista. Este artigo objetiva, portanto, examinar a oposição radical que se pode estabelecer entre essas duas interpretações.

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