scholarly journals Found by S. Yoon

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Tara Kammerer

Yoon, Salina. Found. New York, NY: Walker Books for Young Readers, 2015. Print.The fictional picture book Found, written and illustrated by Salina Yoon, takes place in the forest and follows Bear, who found a stuffed bunny and tries to find its rightful owner by putting up FOUND flyers and searching for them.This book has a strong visual quality with fun illustrations in bold colours. The limited text on each page is appealing for younger and beginning readers and work collaboratively with the illustrations in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The story could be understood without looking at the text as the illustrations clearly dictate what is happening in the plot. Yoon includes a variety of ‘Lost’ posters throughout the book that are engaging to read, beyond the book’s text.Children can easily make connections to this picture book because of the idea of ‘lost’ and ‘found’ are familiar to them. Some readers may find the book’s ending unrealistic as the bunny’s rightful owner allows Bear to keep it. Young readers may recognize that in real life, this is often not the case, or they may have a false hope in the future when they find something they would like to keep that is not theirs.Recommended: 2 out of 4 StarsReviewer: Tara KammererTara Kammerer is a grade 2 teacher with Elk Island Public Schools and is currently completing her Masters Degree in Elementary Education at the University of Alberta. Tara loves how excited her grade 2 students get every time she brings a new book into the classroom to read aloud to them!

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Debbie Feisst

Huget, Jennifer LaRue. The Best Birthday Party Ever. Illus. LeUyen Pham. New York: Schwartz & Wade Books, 2011. Print. “My birthday is 5 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, and 8 hours away.  Today I started to plan my party.” And so the planning begins for the 5-year-old soon-to-be birthday girl in this charming picture book.  She has to start planning early if she wants the best birthday party ever.  She is going to invite all 57 of her friends including the mailman and the invitations will be sprinkled with fairy dust.  She will have 9 thousand balloons, streamers and napkins: all in pink.  On the menu is a 17-layer cake, each layer a different flavour, with 6 zillion candles on top.  Not only will there be: a magician, camel rides and a Ferris wheel, but each lucky guest will receive a hamster as a party favour. In a kid-friendly countdown style towards the big day, our sweet party planner gets more and more excited as her birthday approaches and the plans get more and more grandiose.  Only after her mother comments that this birthday party is “getting out of hand” does she agree to skip the sparkly necklaces.  The day finally arrives and while it may not be the party she dreamed of, she is appreciative and enjoys her day so much that she immediately begins plans for her next birthday. This beautifully illustrated read-aloud captures the excitement of a child as she looks forward to her special day and will appeal to lower elementary grades as well as preschoolers.  The whimsical mostly-pink drawings may be initially off-putting to boys but they are certain to relate and enjoy the story. Highly recommended: 4 out of 4 stars Reviewer: Debbie FeisstDebbie is a Public Services Librarian at the H.T. Coutts Education Library at the University of Alberta.  When not renovating, she enjoys travel, fitness and young adult fiction. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Kerri Trombley

Stanton, Brandon. Little humans. New York, NY: Farrar Straus Giroux Books for Young Readers, 2014. PrintFrom the creator of Humans of New York, comes the most dynamic, colourful and diverse group of little people of New York City. Brandon Stanton’s ability to capture the unique personalities of his subjects and “tell” a story through pictures is both captivating and brilliantly vivid. The ‘Little Humans’ are shown throughout the book in bright close-ups and even brighter clothing. Each page is filled in entirely with a close-up photograph of a child in different situations. Cultural diversity and differences are prominent in the photographs, but the text tackles the sameness we all share.“Little humans can be tough…but not too tough to need a hug.”Set against New York City streets, Little Humans embodies the ethnic diversity of the people of NYC. The text is limited, but has themes of resiliency, strength, identity and character woven throughout. Stanton writes of how little people are strong, talented and helpful.The story itself could have been written with more depth; however, the lack of narrative allows the reader to engage with the photographs and imagine the story of each unique person that is highlighted.Highly Recommended: 4 out of 4 starsReviewer: Kerri TrombleyKerri Trombley is a Vice Principal with Sturgeon School Division and is currently completing her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education at the University of Alberta. She shares her love of literature with all of her students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Haley Oliver

Higgins, Ryan T. We Don’t Eat Our Classmates. Disney-Hyperion, 2018. Ryan T. Higgins writes highly rated children’s books dealing with common elementary school conflicts. The picture book, We Don’t Eat Our Classmates, will capture all readers, no matter the age. The main character, Penelope, is an adorable T-rex who wears pink coveralls. She was designed by the illustrator and a group of children so it has features that will appeal to all and capture your heart immediately. Penelope is a having a rough first day of school because she keeps eating all her classmates; she struggles with fitting in but learns that it is not fun when you get bit. The story uses humorous hyperboles and the element of surprise that will keep the reader engaged until the end of the story. The humour is exemplified through the beautifully illustrated representations of the story. The illustrations capture the situations through simple images that show the character’s expressions and intentionally incorporate colours to emphasize the characters or the problem at hand. This picture book would make a fantastic addition to any early elementary classroom and would make a great read aloud because it uses humour to address the themes of new students, making friends, and learning to treat others the way you want to be treated. Its huge font will allow younger readers to follow along. The humour and overemphasis in the story is what makes it a truly engaging and fun read while hitting on the feelings of being different and excluded that many students face. Highly Recommended: 4 out of 4 starsReviewer: Haley Oliver Haley Oliver is a fourth year Bachelor of Elementary Education student at the University of Alberta. She is interested in encouraging young child to love reading through entertaining and meaningful literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Valerie Mayzel

Hobbie, Holly. Elmore. Random House Children’s Books, New York, 2018. Holly Hobbie’s Elmore is a heartwarming story about a lonely porcupine determined to make friends. His prickly exterior makes the other animals scared of him at first, but through his creativity and inventiveness, he finds a way to help others embrace what makes him unique, all while staying true to himself. The invaluable lessons that this picture book teaches are remarkable. Readers learn that what makes us different, makes us special; once we accept and appreciate our differences and share what we have to offer, others will get to know, accept, and appreciate us for who we are. This book also teaches its readers to not ‘judge a book by its cover’. Elmore was judged by the other animals because of his prickly quills, but once he celebrated his differences and the other animals learned what made him special, they felt lucky to be his friend. Hobbie’s use of language is powerful and provides young readers with the opportunity to learn and have discussions about new vocabulary, such as solitude, emphatically, and tuckered out. Hobbie’s whimsical illustrations are adorable and charming, and her realistic portrayal of Elmore’s facial expressions are endearing; readers empathize and grow to love Elmore. This book is highly recommended as a real-aloud for elementary school educators and parents alike, because it creates opportunities to discuss the hidden messages within the story. Children will be able to make their own connections with Elmore and feel comforted by the fact that making friends isn’t always easy, but others will learn to accept them for who they are, once they accept themselves. Editor’s note: It is worth reading more about the author and the history of her namesake character. Highly Recommended: 4 out of 4 starsReviewer: Valerie Mayzel Valerie Mayzel is a fourth-year student in the Elementary Education program at the University of Alberta. She is very excited to begin her career as a teacher and is looking forward to incorporating a variety of literature in her lessons to support student learning.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
David Sulz

Isop, Laurie. Illustrated by Gwen Millward. How do you Hug a Porcupine? New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Your Readers, 2011. Print. A charming and hopefully harmless little book.  The variety of animals is illustrated realistically enough to be recognizable on the page and probably even in real-life. The text is nicely lyrical with a rhythm and rhyme that makes you want to sing while reading. The message, however, is not all positive. On the good side, the portrayal of animals as worthy of human attention, respect, and appreciation (although not particularly original in children’s books) is always welcome.  Also nice is the mix of familiar animals (e.g. cow, horse, pig, giraffe) with some that don’t get much attention (e.g. hedgehog, yak, ostrich) so young readers might learn something new. On the negative side, however, is the encouragement to hug any-and-all animals. Knowledge of the difference between tame (domestic) animals and wild animals should be instilled from a young age and, even if not taught explicitly, children’s authors should at least not introduce ideas that must be unlearned in real life. Pandas, yaks, porcupines, kangaroos, and dolphins should NOT, as a general rule, ever be hugged and people should NOT be convinced that everything needs a hug. For one thing, animals are unpredictable and potentially dangerous to the hugger. For another, hugging or touching a wild animal can be dangerous for the hugged - hugging a porcupine would dislodge many quills and reduce its defenses against predators. Sometimes I wonder if the national park tourists who slather honey on their child’s arm to get a picture of the cute bear licking it or approach a fully-grown elk to touch its antler velvet were maybe too exposed to this sort of book. In short, the answer to “how do you hug a porcupine?” should be, “you don’t!” Stick to hugging your own kitty-cat or puppy-dog instead that you know will probably appreciate it and not attack you. Recommended with reservations: 2 out of 4 stars (charming and lyrical but potentially dangerous in later life). Reviewer: David Sulz David is a librarian at the University of Alberta working mostly with scholars in Economics, Religious Studies, and Social Work. His university studies included: Library Studies, History, Elementary Education, Japanese, and Economics. On the education front, he taught various grades and subjects for several years in schools as well as museums. His interest in Japan and things Japanese stands above his other diverse interests.    

2013 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Sandy Campbell

Durango, Julia, and Katie Belle Trupiano.  Dream Away.  New York:  Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2011.  Print. This is a delightful picture book with a gentle rhyme designed to lull children to sleep.  Reminiscent of “Moonbeam on a Cat’s Ear”, the father and child dream of sailing through the cosmos in an “old paper boat”.  They have a magical crew of a knight, a winged horse, two winged cats (pixies) and a dog.  As they wander through the heavens they are chased by the animals of the constellations.  Eventually, even the clouds and the moon fall asleep.  The rhymes are predictable - moon/balloon, seas/breeze, float/boat – the iambic pentameter rhythm is strong and regular, so pre-readers will quickly memorize the story and want to “read” along. While the colours in the illustrations are strong, all of the figures are soft-edged and rounded, giving everything a cuddly appearance.  The images often add content to the story.  For example, when the text reads, “We played with a bear, an archer, a hare.  A dragon gave chase, but the crew won the race”, the images show us a constellation bear throwing a ball of light and the boy on the edge of the boat, ready to swing at it with his baseball bat.  As they “glide down a glimmering slide”, we see the boy holding on to the winged horse’s tail, while the horse tows the boat down the Milky Way.  The moon is a balloon tied to the back of the boat.  In the final pages of the book, we see that most of the things in the story, the planets, cats, dog, winged horse and baseball bat are all objects in the boy’s room and he is wearing a paper hat shaped like the boat. This is a lovely, peaceful lullaby that is highly recommended for public libraries and small children’s rooms everywhere. Highly Recommended:  4 stars out of 4Reviewer:  Sandy CampbellSandy is a Health Sciences Librarian at the University of Alberta, who has written hundreds of book reviews across many disciplines.  Sandy thinks that sharing books with children is one of the greatest gifts anyone can give.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Leslie Aitken

Bar-el, Dan.  Not Your Typical Dragon. Illus. Tim Bowers. New York: Viking-Penguin Young Readers Group, 2013. Without didacticism, this picture book explores the plight of those who are not “typical;” along the way, it highlights the value of peacemaking.  Crispin Blaze, the child of a long, proud line of dragons who breathe fire, breathes everything but.  Band-Aids, bubbles and teddy bears are amongst his pacifying emissions.  Finding acceptance in a world of knights and dragons becomes his challenge.Not intended as “beginning-to-read” material, the text is still admirably written for oral presentation by either a proficient reader or a storyteller.  Phrasing and structure promote the build up of suspense.  Sentences are generally short and crisp, allowing, as appropriate, for the dramatic pause.  The vocabulary is well chosen, varied, and unpretentious.  The storyline should prove both amusing and satisfying to kindergarten and primary school children.Tim Bower’s illustrations add to the humour of the tale.  They are large and clearly delineated—a good accompaniment to the text when seen at normal reading distance. Bower’s colour palette, however, is sometimes delicate.  Viewed from the distance at which a story hour audience might see them, some images seem to meld.  Others are perfectly fine for group viewing: good choices would be Crispin’s exhalations of both birthday streamers and teddy bears.All in all, this book provokes spontaneous laughter and subtle reflection.  Parents, teachers and librarians will find many occasions on which to present it.Highly recommended: 4 stars out of 4Reviewer: Leslie AitkenLeslie Aitken’s long career in librarianship involved selection of children’s literature for school, public, special, and university collections.  She is a former Curriculum Librarian at the University of Alberta.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Shelley Bell

Roberts, Justin. The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Grade. Illus. Christian Robinson. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2014. Print.This delightful narrative about young Sally McCabe will leave readers with a warm feeling in their hearts and the belief that they can make a difference in the world. A truly inspirational read, this book follows the story of Sally, the smallest girl at school, as she walks her silent world. On her journeys she notices the tiny details around her that are often overlooked, such as how others are negatively treating one another. In a desperate attempt to change these behaviours, Sally finds her voice and lets the entire school know what is on her mind.The language used by the author is beautiful and makes the reader reflect on the small important details in life that are often overlooked. The nature of the text is perfectly accompanied by the illustrations, which are simple in nature but fun and innocent as they resemble the brightly coloured crayon drawings of a child. This is a great read aloud, which will get young children thinking about the way they view the world and how they can have a positive impact on it. The rhyming text and predictable vocabulary makes it an accessible read for students at early reading stages.This book is a reflective read and does not have a bold climax or a lot of action in its plot. Therefore it may not appeal to all readers and some may not be as interested in the story. However, this story fills a niche that is often overlooked by writers and many readers will enjoy the style in which it is written. Overall this is a very inspirational story and will have even the smallest of us wanting to make a difference.Recommended: 3 out of 4 starsReviewer: Shelley BellShelley Bell is a grade 2/3 combined teacher with the Edmonton Public School Board and is currently working to complete her master’s degree in Elementary Education at the University of Alberta. Shelley is passionate about drama and literature and can often be found sharing a book or play with her husband Anthony and Rizzo her 4 year old Shih Tzu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
Kerstin Skow

Davidson, Leslie A. In The Red Canoe, illustrated by Laura Bifano. Orca Book Publishers, 2016.“In the Red Canoe” is a fictional picture book written by Leslie A. Davidson and illustrated by Laura Bifano. This beautiful story takes place by a lakeside cottage and follows the magical exploration of nature by a grandfather and his grandchild. As they paddle along the lake in a red canoe, they are surrounded by the many delightful elements of nature including vibrant flowers, elusive frogs and soaring birds. Written in first person through the eyes of a young child, this book engages all readers who may have grown up with a family cottage and stimulates the curiosity of readers who may have not yet had the chance to explore nature.The poetic pattern of this text is presented in a smooth, rhythmic way. The descriptive language is delicate and the beauty of nature is captured through strong imagery. The author’s chosen words of “We don’t say much we mostly look” represent the magic of this book as the elegance of this story could have been depicted solely with the images.The vivid illustrations of this story capture the breathtaking scenery that exists in the outdoors and celebrate the personal connection of grandparent and grandchild through painted images of physical and emotional closeness. The pictures do not clearly specify the gender of the grandchild which make this story easy for most children to connect with.Highly Recommended: 4 out of 4 starsReviewer: Kerstin SkowKerstin Skow is a grade 2 french immersion teacher with Edmonton Public Schools and is currently completing her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education at the University of Alberta. Kerstin was an avid reader growing up and enjoys fostering a love of reading in her students.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Debbie Feisst

Ohmura, Tomoko. The Long, Long Line. Toronto, ON: OwlKids Books, 2013. Print."Thank you for waiting, and welcome aboard! One at a time, please!" mentions the bird, who is the ride guide on this mysterious ride for which 50 different animals have patiently lined up. As they wait, the bird flies amongst them, offering reassuring words as they guess as to what they may be in line for and play word games to pass the time.  The anticipation builds, and finally they start boarding the ride, which turns out to be a very large whale on which the animals ride while the whale performs somersaults, dives and sprays. Children will be delighted by all 50 animals represented on the large gatefold spread in the center of the book, from the smallest frog to the largest elephant.Children will love the small details such as the tail of the next animal in line ‘peeking’ around the corner of the page and the size of the animals increasing as they get closer to the ride giving perspective of size. A list of all 50 animals is included at the back for easy reference when young readers get stumped by a species. While this is indeed a picture book aimed at young children it is no quick read – children will want to hear every word of the animals’ conversations as they wait and will want to count as they go, and likely once all the animals are aboard the whale they will want to confirm there are indeed 50 animals present, perhaps multiple times.The colourful illustrations by the author are cute and engaging and show a wide range of expressions and interplay between the animals.  The language felt slightly unnatural but this may be a result of this edition being a translation of the original Japanese work Nanno Gyoretsu? A fun book for public and elementary schools as well as a nice addition to science or math based storytime in lower elementary grades.The Long, Long Line was selected as one of the best children’s books of 2013 by Kirkus Reviews.Recommended: 3 out of 4 stars Reviewer: Debbie FeisstDebbie is a Public Services Librarian at the H.T. Coutts Education Library at the University of Alberta.  When not renovating, she enjoys travel, fitness and young adult fiction.

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