2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 569
Maira Guimarães ◽  
Emília Mendes

O estudo tem por objetivo a análise da construção dos imaginários sociodiscursivos da mulher presente na publicidade da marca Nike publicada na revista Tpm. Como arcabouço teórico nos apoiamos nos trabalhos de Charaudeau (2007, 2008), Soulages (2004, 2009) e Mendes (2013).  De maneira geral, é possível notar que a análise da representação feminina retrata valores e ideologias que se depositam na memória coletiva da sociedade contemporânea atual, como por exemplo, as ideias de preocupação e valorização da estética e do corpo.   PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Discurso icônico; imaginários; publicidade; mulher.     ABSTRACT The study to analyze the construction of imaginaries of women present in Nike brand publicity published in Tpm magazine. As a theoretical framework, we support the work of Charaudeau (2007) on Soulages (2004) and Mendes (2013). In general, it is possible to note that the analysis of female representation portrays values and ideologies that are deposited in the collective memory of contemporary society, as for example, the ideas of concern and appreciation of aesthetics and the body.   KEYWORDS: Iconic speech; imaginaries; advertising; woman.     RESUMEN El estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la construcción del imaginario de la mujer en la publicidad de la marca Nike publicado en la revista Tpm. Como marco teórico nos basamos en el trabajo de Charaudeau (2007) sobre, Soulages (2004) y Mendes (2013). En general, es posible observar que el análisis de la representación femenina representa los valores y las ideologías que se depositan en la memoria colectiva de la sociedad contemporánea actual, por ejemplo la preocupación de las ideas y la apreciación de estética y cuerpo.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Discurso icónico; imaginarios; publicidad; mujer.

1970 ◽  
pp. 3
Tomislav Šola

This lecture contains several sets of arguments about why we have to rethink our strategies and theoretical framework. I claim that only by knowing the world around us can we propose an answer that is useful for our users and for society in general. I also advocate rethinking the role of collective memory institutions, museums included, so that they form a powerful alliance of humanistic, cybernetic response to the challenges and threats we encounter. There is also a claim that we have a solid basis on which to reconceptualise our position via a wider theoretical approach that is also fitting for other kindred institutions. The terms “heritology” and “mnemosophy” are proposed as an intentional provocation that should lead to a usable, open redefinition. In the same way, the museum institution – or rather the heritage institution – should be re-defined and used differently so that it becomes part of the solution to the problems of contemporary society. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 68
Vickele Sobreira ◽  
Vilma Lení Nista-Piccolo ◽  
Wagner Wey Moreira

O corpo máquina que ultrapassa seus limites e não respeita seu ritmo face às necessidades vigentes na sociedade contemporânea, é, nesse texto, analisado à luz dos estudos da corporeidade. A Educação é concebida como meio pelo qual nos tornamos cognitivamente aptos para viver socialmente. As premissas que relacionam educação/corporeidade, aqui expostas, têm a intenção de propor mudanças na visão de um corpo estático, por um corpo ativo, dinâmico, mutável que se expressa e se manifesta em sua corporeidade. Educar numa perspectiva da corporeidade significa promover relações homem/mundo/sociedade/cultura. A educação pode ser o caminho para o ser humano dar mais sentido à vida. A ideia é que se possa perceber o corpo que expressa sua inteligibilidade, revelando a busca de sua transcendência.Palavras-chave: Corporeidade. Corpo. Educação. FROM BODY TO CORPOREALITY: an educational possibilityAbstract: The body machine that goes beyond its limits and does not respect its rhythm in the light of current needs in contemporary society is, in this text, analyzed in accordance with corporeality studies. Education is conceived as a means by which we become cognitively able to live socially. The assumptions relating education/corporeality , here exposed , aim at proposing changes in the vision of a static body, for an active, dynamic, changeable body, which is expressed and manifested in its corporeality . Educating in a corporeality perspective means promoting relations between man / world / society / culture. Education might be the way for humans to give more meaning to life. The idea presented is to allow realization of the body that expresses its intelligibility, revealing the search for its transcendence.Keywords: Corporeality. Body. Education. DEL CUERPO A LA CORPOREIDAD: una posibilidad educativaResumen: El cuerpo máquina ultrapasa sus límites y no respecta su ritmo delante a las necesidades vigentes en la sociedad contemporánea es, en este texto, analizado a la luz de los estudios de la corporeidad. La educación es concebida como medio por lo cual nos convertimos cognitivamente aptos a vivir socialmente. Las premisas que relacionan educación/ corporeidad, aquí expuestas, tienen la intención de proponer cambios en la visión de un cuerpo estático, por un cuerpo activo, dinámico, mutable que se expresa y se manifiesta en su corporeidad. Educar en una perspectiva de la corporeidad significa promover relaciones hombre/ mundo/ sociedad/ cultura. La educación puede ser el camino para el ser humano dar más sentido a la vida. La idea presentada es percibir el cuerpo que expresa su inteligibilidad, relevando la busca de su transcendencia. Palabras clave: Corporeidad. Cuerpo. Educación.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
Naomi Smith ◽  
Jenny Davis ◽  
Alexia Maddox ◽  
PJ Patella-Rey

This panel explores digital pleasures that arise through the entanglement of bodies and digital technologies. Focusing on the digital structures and affordances that facilitate seeking, receiving and giving pleasure we analyse the ways in which intimacy is not only interactive, but also profoundly embodied. Haraway’s work in particular highlights the importance of taking seriously the nexus of human bodies and technologies and attending to the ways in which technologies not only deliver and mediate pleasure, but potentially expand upon our capacity to experience it. This panel explores how mediated practices engage the body as a site of pleasure and embodied affective intensity. Within this frame, we suggest that digitally mediated pleasures, while widely consumed, still have a hint of the ‘fringe’ or ‘subversive’. As well as proposing a theoretical framework for understanding embodied digital pleasures, this panel also examines specific examples of digital pleasure from sex to drugs and sound. To date the research corpus has largely focused upon the micro-social interactions of digital intimacies. This emphasis on relational intimacy puts the body into the background of the digitally mediated encounter and limits the ways in which we can talk about embodiment, sex and pleasure online. Embodied pleasure is intrinsic to the human condition, and digital media is deeply embedded in contemporary life. How these intersect is a key piece of the puzzle of what it means to be human in contemporary society.

2006 ◽  
Vol 23 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 183-186 ◽  
Bryan S. Turner

There are broadly five interconnected meanings of the noun ‘discipline’. Disciplinawere instructions to disciples, and hence a branch of instruction or department of knowledge. This religious context provided the modern educational notion of a ‘body of knowledge’, or a discipline such as sociology or economics. We can define discipline as a body of knowledge and knowledge for the body, because the training of the mind has inevitably involved a training of the body. Second, it signified a method of training or instruction in a body of knowledge. Discipline had an important military connection involving drill, practice in the use of weapons. Third, there is an ecclesiastical meaning referring to a system of rules by which order is maintained in a church. It included the use of penal methods to achieve obedience. To discipline is to chastise. Fourth, to discipline is to bring about obedience through various forms of punishment; it is a means of correction. Finally there is a rare use of the term to describe a medical regimen in which ‘doctor's orders’ brings about a discipline of the patient. In contemporary society, there is, following the work of Michel Foucault, the notion of increasing personal regulation resulting in a ‘disciplinary society’ or a society based upon carceral institutions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-13
Josefine Löfblad

Abstract Recently, an interest in archives and archiving has been noticeable amongst artists as well as scholars. This paper analyses Mette Ingvartsen’s 69 Positions (2014), a dance work in which the audience participates in a guided tour through Ingvartsen’s own “archive”. The aim is to look at how archival traces and archival practices “perform” in the work, with a specific focus on bodily archiving. As a theoretical framework, I draw mainly on André Lepecki’s (2016) conceptualization of “the body as archive”, whereby reenacting becomes a mode of inventive archiving that actualizes not-yet utilized potential in a work. In this analysis, I propose that Ingvartsen’s body and the bodies of the audience create a collective body-archive, which collectively actualizes (previously virtual) intimacy. In addition, I argue that blurring the distinctions between body and archive and between reenactment and archiving are ways of insisting that dance does not disappear but remains, counter to “archival logic” (Schneider 2011, 99), by being stored in bodies and transmitted between bodies and by repeatedly reappearing–always more or less altered–in or as performance.

Roberta Sassatelli

This article investigates the historical formation and specific configuration of a threefold relation crucial to contemporary society, that between the body, the self, and material culture, which, in contemporary, late modern (or post-industrial) societies, has become largely defined through consumer culture. Drawing on historiography, sociology, and anthropology, it explores how, from the early modern period, the consolidation of new consumption patterns and values has given way to particular visions of the human being as a consumer, and how, in turn, the consumer has become a cultural battlefield for the management of body and self. The article also discusses tastes, habitus, and individualization.

Elizabeth Nancy Muriithi ◽  
Josephine W. Gitome ◽  
Humphrey M. Waweru

The aim of this article is to evaluate the perception of Pentecostal Christians in regard to the importance of the indigenous guidance and counselling among the Aembu indigenous society. In the latter, they socialized their children from birth to puberty. In a nutshell, emphasis is given to transitional rites of passage. Transitional rites of passage served as important tools of child socialization which was meant to instil moral values among the Aembu youths. In our contemporary society, many adolescents face moral issues which often call for intensive child socialization from home and church circles. In its theoretical framework, the article used the structural functional theory. Qualitative approach was applied as the determinant design. The article reveals that there are moral issues among the youth and that there are useful Aembu teachings and practices which were used in the Aembu indigenous society as socialization tools in order to instil moral values among youths to solve morality issues. The article concludes that there is an urgent need to put in place alternative rites of passage with the sole aim of coming up with effective child socialization programs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 321-345
José Carlos da Silveira Freire

RESUMO Este trabalho discute os fundamentos ontológicos da autonomia docente na perspectiva da emancipação humana. O conceito de autonomia como práxis moral é problematizado a partir do referencial teórico de Marx, para quem a autonomia emerge como uma práxis sócio-histórica e crítica cultural de transformação das condições do trabalho alienado. A questão norteadora desse trabalho foi saber o sentido sócio-historico de autonomia, suas condições e possibilidade na sociedade contemporânea. Postula-se a autonomia como práxis de emancipação presente no horizonte do trabalho como realização humana.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Autonomia; Práxis Moral; Trabalho Docente; Universidade;  Emancipação.   ABSTRACT This paper discusses the ontological foundations of teacher autonomy in the perspective of human emancipation. The concept of autonomy as a moral praxis is problematized from the theoretical reference of Marx, for whom autonomy emerges as a socio-historical praxis and cultural critique of transformation of the conditions of alienated labor. The guiding question of this work was to know the socio-historical sense of autonomy, its conditions and possibility in contemporary society. Autonomy is posited as a praxis of emancipation present on the horizon of work as a human achievement.   KEYWORDS: Autonomy; Moral Praxis; Teaching Work; University; Emancipation.   RESUMEN Este trabajo discute los fundamentos ontológicos de la autonomía docente en la perspectiva de la emancipación humana. El concepto de autonomía como praxis moral es problematizado a partir del referencial teórico de Marx, para quienes la autonomía emerge como una praxis socio histórica y crítica cultural de transformación de las condiciones del trabajo alienado. La cuestión orientadora de ese trabajo fue conocer el sentido sociocultural de autonomía, sus condiciones y posibilidad en la sociedad contemporánea. Se postula la autonomía como praxis de emancipación presente en el horizonte del trabajo como realización humana.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Autonomía; Práxis Moral; Trabajo Docente; Universidad; Emancipación.

Gabriel Giorgi

Resumen: Distintas intervenciones desde prácticas activistas y culturales en torno al VIH escenifican poéticas y políticas del resto corporal en las que se juegan, por un lado, una reorganización de los modos en que se dramatiza en umbral entre lo vivo y lo muerto en lo público –redefiniendo así el tejido mismo de lo que llamamos “comunidad”—; y por otro, indican los modos en que estos activismos impulsan una disputa sobre los “marcos de temporalización” desde los cuales lo viviente se vuelve reconocible políticamente y donde la noción de supervivencia adquiere una centralidad decisiva. Combinando materiales heterogéneos el artículo busca iluminar los modos en que los activismos y las culturas en torno al VIH configuran un terreno decisivo para pensar políticas de la supervivencia del presente. Palabras clave: VIH, ACT-UP, Supervivencia, Temporalidades, Biopolítica. Abstract: Different interventions from activist and cultural practices around HIV staged poetics and politics of the body remmant. They implie, on the one hand, a reorganitzation of the dramatization of the threshold between the living and the dead in the public space; and on the other, they indicate the ways in which these activisms mobilize a dispute over the “frames of temporalization” from which the living becomes politically recognizable and where the notion of survival acquires a decisive centrality. Combining heterogeneous materials, the article seeks to illuminate the ways in which activism and cultures on HIV constitute a decisive ground for thinking about the present policies of survival. Keywords: IHV, ACT-UP, Survival, Biopolitics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-29
Masumeh Sadat Abtahi ◽  
Leila Behboudi ◽  
Hamideh Mokhtari Hasanabad

The purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting adoption of Internet advertising in advertising agencies. The paper provides preliminary insights into why ad agencies are reluctant to recommend Internet advertising to their clients. A theoretical framework was developed by scrutinizing the body of literature. The gathered date was verified by 294 academic and practical experts in the field of marketing and advertising. In pursuing this goal, a questionnaire was designed to validate factors affecting the adoption of Internet advertising. Results indicate that 18 variables in the form of three key factors, namely “technical knowledge of account manager,” “e-commerce readiness of country” and “agencies' ability of Internet adoption” affect adoption of Internet advertising in ad agencies. It was found that e-commerce readiness of a country is the critical factor in adopting internet advertising in ad agencies. This is the first study which addresses the adoption of Internet advertising in ad agencies. This study reports that while government does not provide infrastructure required for the advancement of e-commerce (readiness), the ad agencies still will recommend previous ad channels to their clients.

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