scholarly journals Non-Coding RNAs in Bacteria

Amanda Carvalho Garcia ◽  
Vera Lúcia Pereira dos Santos ◽  
Teresa Cristina Santos Cavalcanti ◽  
Luiz Martins Collaço ◽  
Iara José Taborda de Messias ◽  

Genes encoding regulatory RNAs known as short RNAs (sRNAs) or non-coding sRNAs (ncRNAs), modulate physiological responses through different mechanisms, through RNA-RNA interaction or RNA-protein interaction. These molecules transcribed in trans and in cis relative to the target RNA. They are located between the coding regions of proteins, i.e., in the intergenic regions of the genome and show signals of promoters and termini sequences generally Rho-independent. The size of the ncRNAs genes ranges from ~ 50 to ~ 500 nucleotides and several transcripts are processed by RNase with smaller end products, which modulate physiological responses through different mechanisms, by RNA-RNA interaction or RNA-protein interactions and some interactions may be stabilized by the Hfq chaperone. The Riboswitches constitute another class of ncRNAs, located in the 5'UTR region of an mRNA that promote transcriptional regulation through their interaction with a linker molecule. Recently, in prokaryotes, CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) regions have described, which repeats of sequences of palindromic bases are. Each replicate consists of short segments of "spacer DNA" from exposures prior to a bacteriophage virus or exogenous plasmid. The CRISPR system consists of an immune system of resistance to exogenous molecules.

2020 ◽  
Verity Jackson ◽  
Julia Hermann ◽  
Christopher J. Tynan ◽  
Daniel J. Rolfe ◽  
Antreas C. Kalli ◽  

AbstractFibronectin Leucine-rich Repeat Transmembrane (FLRT 1-3) proteins are a family of broadly expressed single-spanning transmembrane receptors that play key roles in development. Their extracellular domains mediate homotypic cell-cell adhesion and heterotypic protein interactions with other receptors to regulate synapse development and cell guidance. These in trans FLRT interactions determine the formation of signaling complexes of varying complexity and function. Whether FLRTs also interact in cis remains unknown. Here, we reveal two dimerization motifs in the FLRT2 transmembrane helix. Molecular dynamics simulations and single particle tracking experiments show that these ‘Small-X3-Small’ motifs synergize with a third dimerization motif encoded in the extracellular domain to permit the cis association and diffusion patterns of FLRT2 on cells. The results point to a competitive switching mechanism between in cis and in trans interactions which suggests that homotypic FLRT interaction mirrors the functionalities of classic adhesion molecules.

2001 ◽  
Vol 183 (18) ◽  
pp. 5268-5278 ◽  
Karola Schühle ◽  
Martina Jahn ◽  
Sandro Ghisla ◽  
Georg Fuchs

ABSTRACT In the β-proteobacterium Azoarcus evansii, the aerobic metabolism of 2-aminobenzoate (anthranilate), phenylacetate, and benzoate proceeds via three unprecedented pathways. The pathways have in common that all three substrates are initially activated to coenzyme A (CoA) thioesters and further processed in this form. The two initial steps of 2-aminobenzoate metabolism are catalyzed by a 2-aminobenzoate-CoA ligase forming 2-aminobenzoyl-CoA and by a 2-aminobenzoyl-CoA monooxygenase/reductase (ACMR) forming 2-amino-5-oxo-cyclohex-1-ene-1-carbonyl-CoA. Eight genes possibly involved in this pathway, including the genes encoding 2-aminobenzoate-CoA ligase and ACMR, were detected, cloned, and sequenced. The sequence of the ACMR gene showed that this enzyme is an 87-kDa fusion protein of two flavoproteins, a monooxygenase (similar to salicylate monooxygenase) and a reductase (similar to old yellow enzyme). Besides the genes for the initial two enzymes, genes for three enzymes of a β-oxidation pathway were found. A substrate binding protein of an ABC transport system, a MarR-like regulator, and a putative translation inhibitor protein were also encoded by the gene cluster. The data suggest that, after monooxygenation/reduction of 2-aminobenzoyl-CoA, the nonaromatic CoA thioester intermediate is metabolized further by β-oxidation. This implies that all subsequent intermediates are CoA thioesters and that the alicyclic carbon ring is not cleaved oxygenolytically. Surprisingly, the cluster of eight genes, which form an operon, is duplicated. The two copies differ only marginally within the coding regions but differ substantially in the respective intergenic regions. Both copies of the genes are coordinately expressed in cells grown aerobically on 2-aminobenzoate.

Annika De Sousa Linhares ◽  
Florian Kellner ◽  
Sabrina Jutz ◽  
Gerhard J. Zlabinger ◽  
Hans-Joachim Gabius ◽  
In Trans ◽  

Genetics ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 147 (3) ◽  
pp. 1213-1224
Jean-Philippe Charles ◽  
Carol Chihara ◽  
Shamim Nejad ◽  
Lynn M Riddiford

A 36-kb genomic DNA segment of the Drosophila melanogaster genome containing 12 clustered cuticle genes has been mapped and partially sequenced. The cluster maps at 65A 5-6 on the left arm of the third chromosome, in agreement with the previously determined location of a putative cluster encompassing the genes for the third instar larval cuticle proteins LCP5, LCP6 and LCP8. This cluster is the largest cuticle gene cluster discovered to date and shows a number of surprising features that explain in part the genetic complexity of the LCP5, LCP6 and LCP8 loci. The genes encoding LCP5 and LCP8 are multiple copy genes and the presence of extensive similarity in their coding regions gives the first evidence for gene conversion in cuticle genes. In addition, five genes in the cluster are intronless. Four of these five have arisen by retroposition. The other genes in the cluster have a single intron located at an unusual location for insect cuticle genes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Oksana Sorokina ◽  
Colin Mclean ◽  
Mike D. R. Croning ◽  
Katharina F. Heil ◽  
Emilia Wysocka ◽  

AbstractGenes encoding synaptic proteins are highly associated with neuronal disorders many of which show clinical co-morbidity. We integrated 58 published synaptic proteomic datasets that describe over 8000 proteins and combined them with direct protein–protein interactions and functional metadata to build a network resource that reveals the shared and unique protein components that underpin multiple disorders. All the data are provided in a flexible and accessible format to encourage custom use.

Genetics ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 126 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-176
D Gubb ◽  
M Ashburner ◽  
J Roote ◽  
T Davis

Abstract The zeste mutation of Drosophila melanogaster suppresses the expression of white genes in the eye. This suppression is normally dependent on there being two copies of w+ located close to each other in the genome--they may either be in cis (as in a tandem duplication of w+) or in trans, i.e. on homologous chromosomes. Duplicated w+ genes carried by a giant transposing element, TE146(Z), are suppressed by z whether they are in direct (tandem) or inverted order. The tandem form of the TE is very sensitive to a rearrangement on the homologous chromosome--many rearrangements with breakpoints "opposite" the TE's insertion site prevent the interaction between the white genes on a z background. These aberrations act as dominant suppressors of zeste that are specific to the tandemly duplicated form of TE146(Z). The inverted form of the TE146(Z) presumably pairs as a hairpin loop; this is more stable than the tandem form by the criterion that its zeste phenotype is unaffected by any of the aberrations. This effect of rearrangements has been used as the basis for a screen, gamma-ray induced aberrations with at least one breakpoint opposite the TE site were recovered by their suppression of the zeste phenotype.

Genetics ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 160 (3) ◽  
pp. 961-973 ◽  
Shan M Hays ◽  
Johanna Swanson ◽  
Eric U Selker

Abstract We have identified and characterized the complete complement of genes encoding the core histones of Neurospora crassa. In addition to the previously identified pair of genes that encode histones H3 and H4 (hH3 and hH4-1), we identified a second histone H4 gene (hH4-2), a divergently transcribed pair of genes that encode H2A and H2B (hH2A and hH2B), a homolog of the F/Z family of H2A variants (hH2Az), a homolog of the H3 variant CSE4 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (hH3v), and a highly diverged H4 variant (hH4v) not described in other species. The hH4-1 and hH4-2 genes, which are 96% identical in their coding regions and encode identical proteins, were inactivated independently. Strains with inactivating mutations in either gene were phenotypically wild type, in terms of growth rates and fertility, but the double mutants were inviable. As expected, we were unable to isolate null alleles of hH2A, hH2B, or hH3. The genomic arrangement of the histone and histone variant genes was determined. hH2Az and the hH3-hH4-1 gene pair are on LG IIR, with hH2Az centromere-proximal to hH3-hH4-1 and hH3 centromere-proximal to hH4-1. hH3v and hH4-2 are on LG IIIR with hH3v centromere-proximal to hH4-2. hH4v is on LG IVR and the hH2A-hH2B pair is located immediately right of the LG VII centromere, with hH2A centromere-proximal to hH2B. Except for the centromere-distal gene in the pairs, all of the histone genes are transcribed toward the centromere. Phylogenetic analysis of the N. crassa histone genes places them in the Euascomycota lineage. In contrast to the general case in eukaryotes, histone genes in euascomycetes are few in number and contain introns. This may be a reflection of the evolution of the RIP (repeat-induced point mutation) and MIP (methylation induced premeiotically) processes that detect sizable duplications and silence associated genes.

PLoS Genetics ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. e1005889 ◽  
Miki Fujioka ◽  
Hemlata Mistry ◽  
Paul Schedl ◽  
James B. Jaynes

2015 ◽  
Vol 197 (11) ◽  
pp. 1921-1930 ◽  
Jennifer Tsang ◽  
Timothy R. Hoover

ABSTRACTFlagellar biogenesis inHelicobacter pyloriis regulated by a transcriptional hierarchy governed by three sigma factors, RpoD (σ80), RpoN (σ54), and FliA (σ28), that temporally coordinates gene expression with the assembly of the flagellum. Previous studies showed that loss of flagellar protein export apparatus components inhibits transcription of flagellar genes. The FlgS/FlgR two-component system activates transcription of RpoN-dependent genes though an unknown mechanism. To understand better the extent to which flagellar gene regulation is coupled to flagellar assembly, we disrupted flagellar biogenesis at various points and determined how these mutations affected transcription of RpoN-dependent (flaBandflgE) and FliA-dependent (flaA) genes. The MS ring (encoded byfliF) is one of the earliest flagellar structures assembled. Deletion offliFresulted in the elimination of RpoN-dependent transcripts and an ∼4-fold decrease inflaAtranscript levels. FliH is a cytoplasmic protein that functions with the C ring protein FliN to shuttle substrates to the export apparatus. Deletions offliHand genes encoding C ring components (fliMandfliY) decreased transcript levels offlaBandflgEbut had little or no effect on transcript levels offlaA. Transcript levels offlaBandflgEwere elevated in mutants where genes encoding rod proteins (fliEandflgBC) were deleted, while transcript levels offlaAwas reduced ∼2-fold in both mutants. We propose that FlgS responds to an assembly checkpoint associated with the export apparatus and that FliH and one or more C ring component assist FlgS in engaging this flagellar structure.IMPORTANCEThe mechanisms used by bacteria to couple transcription of flagellar genes with assembly of the flagellum are poorly understood. The results from this study identified components of theH. pyloriflagellar basal body that either positively or negatively affect expression of RpoN-dependent flagellar genes. Some of these basal body proteins may interact directly with regulatory proteins that control transcription of theH. pyloriRpoN regulon, a hypothesis that can be tested by examining protein-protein interactionsin vitro.

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